Trickle down economy versus trickle up economy

Plug-in Electric vehicle sales up 18% for October in the US set a 13th consecutive monthly gain!

Green Jobs outnumber all fossil fuel jobs 4 to 1 in the USA!

Plug-in Electric vehicle sales up 18% for October

So, how many, 1200? 2000?

11,000 Plug-in Electric vehicle sales for October 2016 in the US alone. Supply has been the limiting factor. Demand has always been sky high!
Bush cost US over 16 million Jobs!!!
Job creation was best under Clinton & Democratic Congress! It Slowed when Republicans took Congress in 1995. Then Bush Brothers had 58,000 Florida Democrat Voters purged from rolls in 2000 to steal the election. They caused damaging economic confusion, massive protest, riots & the recession 6 months after they stole the election. Then Bush caused a Depression that was 3 times larger in 2008 & left it ablaze for Obama.
Obama created over 8 million Jobs!


Bush Brothers had 58,000 Florida Democrat Voters purged from rolls in 2000

Purging dead voters, duplicate registrations and people who moved.....just awful!!!

What is just awful is how con trolls like yourself lie about the event. Here is an investigation into the truth, showing that thousands of non duplicates and dead people and those who moved were not the only purged individuals. Really, a little truth from you sometime would be refreshing. Just believing what you want to believe, from con talking points,
Hillary Clinton revisits Florida's 2000 and 2004 voter purge when Jeb Bush was governor
Electric vehicle sales up 18% for October in the US set a 13th consecutive monthly gain!
Green Jobs outnumber all fossil fuel jobs 4 to 1 in the USA

Plug-in Electric vehicle sales up 18% for October

So, how many, 1200? 2000?

You are really bad at guessing. Through the first 10 months, over 128,000 in the US. As far as worldwide, over 500.000. Back to your bat shit crazy con web site.
October 2016 Plug-In Electric Vehicle Sales Report Card
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You & your ilk are absolute retards! Y'all actually believe rich people create jobs. LOL!!!

The Big Business, Wallstreet, CEO's, & Rich masters you worship eliminate, export & destroy jobs.

Poor, middle class workers & small business are the Mother of Invention that create the jobs!

Steve Jobs said, “I didn’t have a dorm room, so I slept on the floor in friends’ rooms, I returned coke bottles for the 5¢ deposits to buy food with, and I would walk the 7 miles across town every Sunday night to get one good meal a week at the Hare Krishna temple.” He sold his only car for cash to start Apple Computer!!!

Steve Wozniak had proposed his idea for the Apple I computer to Hewlett Packard, but they "turned him down 5 times." Regarding the missed opportunity, HP co-founder Bill Hewlett reportedly said, "You win some, you lose some."

In most cases the Rich, CEO & Corporate Execs are the retards who passed on job creation proposed by the poor & middle class workers.
They spend most of their time & energy screwing others to max their profits & very little creating better products or jobs. This is why Steve Wozniak screams that Rich, CEO & Corporate Execs should be taxed over 50%. The workers should be subsidized instead of paying inflation tax, sales tax, payroll taxes on top of income taxes that all makes it cost to much to employ workers here in the USA.

Most of the Job Killing Regulations are REPUBLICAN!!!
Republican Reagan signed into law EMTALA forcing people to buy insurance or pay 400% more to cover those who did not pay their bill. They force you to buy auto insurance, impose strict building codes, extremely heavily regulate medication causing skyrocketing healthcare cost, & many countless more regulations.

Just to get a pill you have to buy insurance, go to doctor, get a prescription, go through a PBM, then a pharmacy all Thanks to Republicans!!! This makes a $1 shot or pill cost over $600

Republicans tried to ban stem-cell research & set the US back more than a decade behind other countries. They should be denied all access to life saving stem-cell treatment. All they do is drag this country backwards allowing other countries to power past US.

Republicans always cause massive job loss & economic harm! In the entire history of our country, there's never been a Republican president who hasn't had a job killing recession while he served. In the last 55 years there have been 7 recessions. The 6 worst recessions were caused by Republicans. One minor one caused by Carter. Democrats have beaten Republicans hands down on job creation!

Then why did I leave a blue state for a red one fuck head?

Because jobs a plenty and low cost of living...

Fuck you fool

Plug-in Electric vehicle sales up 18% for October in the US set a 13th consecutive monthly gain!

Green Jobs outnumber all fossil fuel jobs 4 to 1 in the USA!

Plug-in Electric vehicle sales up 18% for October

So, how many, 1200? 2000?

11,000 Plug-in Electric vehicle sales for October 2016 in the US alone. Supply has been the limiting factor. Demand has always been sky high!

Wow! 11,000!
If tax payer subsidies go away, will that drop by 50%?

Demand has always been sky high!

1,500,000 total auto sales, plug ins, less than 1%.
That is sky high!!!
Bush cost US over 16 million Jobs!!!
Job creation was best under Clinton & Democratic Congress! It Slowed when Republicans took Congress in 1995. Then Bush Brothers had 58,000 Florida Democrat Voters purged from rolls in 2000 to steal the election. They caused damaging economic confusion, massive protest, riots & the recession 6 months after they stole the election. Then Bush caused a Depression that was 3 times larger in 2008 & left it ablaze for Obama.
Obama created over 8 million Jobs!


Bush Brothers had 58,000 Florida Democrat Voters purged from rolls in 2000

Purging dead voters, duplicate registrations and people who moved.....just awful!!!

What is just awful is how con trolls like yourself lie about the event. Here is an investigation into the truth, showing that thousands of non duplicates and dead people and those who moved were not the only purged individuals. Really, a little truth from you sometime would be refreshing. Just believing what you want to believe, from con talking points,
Hillary Clinton revisits Florida's 2000 and 2004 voter purge when Jeb Bush was governor
Electric vehicle sales up 18% for October in the US set a 13th consecutive monthly gain!
Green Jobs outnumber all fossil fuel jobs 4 to 1 in the USA

Plug-in Electric vehicle sales up 18% for October

So, how many, 1200? 2000?

You are really bad at guessing. Through the first 10 months, over 128,000 in the US. As far as worldwide, over 500.000. Back to your bat shit crazy con web site.
October 2016 Plug-In Electric Vehicle Sales Report Card[/QUOTE]

Thanks for the link.

Clinton omits that this effort started before Bush was in office, though it did continue under his watch.

Clinton omits......LOL!
End oil war subsidies, confiscation of private land for pipelines, businesses, roads & walls.

Keep CAFE standards & renewable goals. Force Congress to balance budget!!!
Wealth ascending upwards (capitalism) and wealth circling downwards (socialism) are both unsustainable.
End oil war subsidies, confiscation of private land for pipelines, businesses, roads & wall.
Force Congress to balance budget!!!

Why do you want to force Congress to balance the budget?
very simple: that way they spend less and waste less of our standard of living!![/QUOTE]
Ah, so you hate Reagan. He tripled the national debt, and never came close to balancing the budget.
And, you love Clinton. He is the only president in the past 60 years who balanced the budget, having done so twice.
Damn, you must have become a dem. Problem is, when RR spent like crazy and crushed the budget, the economy did well. When he cut taxes, the economy went into the second worst downturn in the past 60 years.
a billionaer who earns another billion isn t going to buy a million smartphones he just needs 1.
a million people who earn 1000 $ more are going to buy a million smartphones
so paying a million people 1000$ more is going to be better then paying 1 bilionaer a billion more for the economy

any questions ?

and steven jobs will love it

if you pay people more it will trickle up,it never trickles down

remember henry ford., he payed enough that all his employes could buy a Ford

The biggest Trickle Down player is the Federal Government (which spends on the order of $4T per year).

If you tax people less, there is no need for the Federal Government to trickle down to anyone.
a billionaer who earns another billion isn t going to buy a million smartphones he just needs 1.
a million people who earn 1000 $ more are going to buy a million smartphones
so paying a million people 1000$ more is going to be better then paying 1 bilionaer a billion more for the economy

any questions ?

and steven jobs will love it

if you pay people more it will trickle up,it never trickles down

remember henry ford., he payed enough that all his employes could buy a Ford

The biggest Trickle Down player is the Federal Government (which spends on the order of $4T per year).

If you tax people less, there is no need for the Federal Government to trickle down to anyone.
Stupid, me girl. In Ronald Reagans term, he tripled the national debt, and had a great economy. Now, in tripling the national debt, he spent more than all presidents before him. And created a good economy. But, earlier, when he cut taxes, the economy went in the toilet. Causing him to raise taxes 11 times and to start spending like a drunken sailor.
So, you must think Reagan was an idiot.
Then, obama inherited the worst economy since the great republican depression of 1929, forced a stimulus into being, and saved the economy. So, me girl, says the CBO. They mentioned that without him having done so, we would have likely had a depression.
You need to get a clue.
a billionaer who earns another billion isn t going to buy a million smartphones he just needs 1.
a million people who earn 1000 $ more are going to buy a million smartphones
so paying a million people 1000$ more is going to be better then paying 1 bilionaer a billion more for the economy

any questions ?

and steven jobs will love it

if you pay people more it will trickle up,it never trickles down

remember henry ford., he payed enough that all his employes could buy a Ford

The biggest Trickle Down player is the Federal Government (which spends on the order of $4T per year).

If you tax people less, there is no need for the Federal Government to trickle down to anyone.
Stupid, me girl. In Ronald Reagans term, he tripled the national debt, and had a great economy. Now, in tripling the national debt, he spent more than all presidents before him. And created a good economy. But, earlier, when he cut taxes, the economy went in the toilet. Causing him to raise taxes 11 times and to start spending like a drunken sailor.
So, you must think Reagan was an idiot.
Then, obama inherited the worst economy since the great republican depression of 1929, forced a stimulus into being, and saved the economy. So, me girl, says the CBO. They mentioned that without him having done so, we would have likely had a depression.
You need to get a clue.

Stupid panty-smear, Obabble has added more to the debt than all prior Presidents combined.
a billionaer who earns another billion isn t going to buy a million smartphones he just needs 1.
a million people who earn 1000 $ more are going to buy a million smartphones
so paying a million people 1000$ more is going to be better then paying 1 bilionaer a billion more for the economy

any questions ?

and steven jobs will love it

if you pay people more it will trickle up,it never trickles down

remember henry ford., he payed enough that all his employes could buy a Ford

The biggest Trickle Down player is the Federal Government (which spends on the order of $4T per year).

If you tax people less, there is no need for the Federal Government to trickle down to anyone.
Stupid, me girl. In Ronald Reagans term, he tripled the national debt, and had a great economy. Now, in tripling the national debt, he spent more than all presidents before him. And created a good economy. But, earlier, when he cut taxes, the economy went in the toilet. Causing him to raise taxes 11 times and to start spending like a drunken sailor.
So, you must think Reagan was an idiot.
Then, obama inherited the worst economy since the great republican depression of 1929, forced a stimulus into being, and saved the economy. So, me girl, says the CBO. They mentioned that without him having done so, we would have likely had a depression.
You need to get a clue.

Stupid panty-smear, Obabble has added more to the debt than all prior Presidents combined.

No, stupid you. If you are only talking about debt, that would be what was added to the national debt by the great republican depression of 2008, dipshit. If you are considering spending, the only major spending was the stimulus to eliminate the great republican recession of 2008.

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