Treasonous Democrats Begin 1st Step in Trump Impeachment...Despite Having NO Evidence Against Trump

Mueller will confirm Russia attacked our election system. The traitorous pseudocons will slam their fists into their eyes and completely deny this fact until their last retarded breaths.

Mueller may find that Roger Stone was an unwitting dupe of the Russians. And he will have to dig into exactly what kind of quid pro quo Flynn promised to the Russians over Obama's sanctions against them.

He will also have to find out why Jared Kushner met with the president of a bank which is under US sanctions.

It's too bad Mueller won't have the same latitude Ken Starr had. Starr went back decades while digging into the Clintons. Imagine if Mueller did the same to Trump, starting with Trump U.
Mueller will ask for an investigation of why Obama let the Russians hack while telling America they weren't anymore.
Both parties have been screaming for ten years or more that people from the other party were going down.

Both parties are great at talking themselves into silly shit.

Both parties are far more interested in "getting" the other than anything else.

Both parties are firmly in party-over-country mode.
Almost. Both are united in maintaining their elite ruling status over the little people.
Mueller will confirm Russia attacked our election system. The traitorous pseudocons will slam their fists into their eyes and completely deny this fact until their last retarded breaths.

Mueller may find that Roger Stone was an unwitting dupe of the Russians.

Mueller will have to dig into exactly what kind of quid pro quo Flynn promised to the Russians over Obama's sanctions against them. And he will have to determine if Flynn was ordered to do so by Trump.

Mueller will have to find out why Jared Kushner met during the transition with the president of a bank which is under US sanctions.

It's too bad Mueller won't have the same latitude Ken Starr had. Starr went back decades while digging into the Clintons. Imagine if Mueller did the same to Trump, starting with Trump U.

Imagine him going back to dig into W and O.
Both parties have been screaming for ten years or more that people from the other party were going down.

Both parties are great at talking themselves into silly shit.

Both parties are far more interested in "getting" the other than anything else.

Both parties are firmly in party-over-country mode.
Almost. Both are united in maintaining their elite ruling status over the little people.
Another similarity.
Many important questions haven't even been asked yet in these investigations. Might not be tomorrow, next week, next month or 2 years from now. But Mueller will get to the truth which is why Trump is walking around the WH all night, furious.
HE knows how dirty he is which is why he's tried so hard to thwart these investigations. An innocent man doesn't act like this.

Act like WHAT? Deny he did anything? Not invoke Executive Privilege? Appoint a Special Prosecutor? What has Donald Trump done that an innocent man WOULDN'T have done?
Thanks for asking.
Try to thwart a criminal investigation he and his staff are the subjects.
Why do you Trumpbots play so dumb or isn't it acting?

In what way did Donald Trump try to "thwart" a criminal investigation? Show me one credible person who's shown proof that Trump EVER did that!

I can list a number of credible people who have made statements declaring that Trump DIDN'T ask them to stop any investigation! All you can show me in return are people making allegations without a shred of proof...most of them doing so "anonymously"! So tell me who's the dumb one in this conversation!
How perfect is it that the first Obama\Clinton Sycophant to get busted is named Reality Winner?
Phucking Libtards create their own Reality.
She should run for President.
You guys have become desperate loons.

  • 18 Months of illegal surveillance not just on Trump and his campaign team but on other GOP candidates like Graham and Paul.
  • 8 months of investigations by 4 different investigative bodies
  • Obama Sycophants committing Treason and Espionage over trivial and meaningless Intel in an attempt to disrupt democracy and take this country and president down.
  • Illegal Unmasking by Susan Rice who is eventually going to get bounced to The Federal Pen and hard.
  • 17 intelligence agencies and OBAMA's HEAD OF NATIONAL INTELLIGENCE stating there is no evidence of Russian Collusion.
  • Comey himself stating that he DID INDEED tell President Trump 3 times that he was not under investigation.


Exactly what kind of phucked up Hail Mary do you think you are going to need to take down a President that has committed No Crimes?

Just move to CUBA.

You People are becoming disgusting and abhorrent.

Exactly what is the "Independent Counsel" going to find that all of the above could not?

The World Is Laughing At You.

You are going to get destroyed at the polls in 2018.

Well posted.......
Mueller will confirm Russia attacked our election system. The traitorous pseudocons will slam their fists into their eyes and completely deny this fact until their last retarded breaths.

Mueller may find that Roger Stone was an unwitting dupe of the Russians.

Mueller will have to dig into exactly what kind of quid pro quo Flynn promised to the Russians over Obama's sanctions against them. And he will have to determine if Flynn was ordered to do so by Trump.

Mueller will have to find out why Jared Kushner met during the transition with the president of a bank which is under US sanctions.

It's too bad Mueller won't have the same latitude Ken Starr had. Starr went back decades while digging into the Clintons. Imagine if Mueller did the same to Trump, starting with Trump U.

Imagine him going back to dig into W and O.
I know right?
How perfect is it that the first Obama\Clinton Sycophant to get busted is named Reality Winner?
Phucking Libtards create their own Reality.
She should run for President.

And......:rofl: She is a bernie sanders supporter..........:rofl:
Still nothing after 8 months of trying. You can bet if there was even an iota of smoke, it would have been blown out of proportion and shoved down our throats as the truth before the election. This is just desperate aftershock.

Nevertheless, since you Dems asked for it, we the people should expect and demand the same scrutiny to be visited on the prior administration. I want to know just how many Democrats knew and approved of the insane Putin/flexibility/uranium deal. And the planeloads of money to Iran deal and the Rubles for Clintons deal, and....

Then I want to see the "diary" Comey kept on all the past administration meetings. What he thought of the tarmac tryst, and his thoughts on the gun running, and missing funds from the State Dept. and stuff...
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Still nothing after 8 months of trying. You can bet if there was even an iota of smoke, it would have been blown out of proportion and shoved down our throats as the truth before the election. This is just desperate afterschock.

Nevertheless, I expect the same scrutiny to be visited on the prior administration. I want to know just how many Democrats knew and approved of the insane uranium deal. And the planeloads of money to Iran deal and the Rubles for Clintons deal, and....

Then I want to see the "diary" Comey kept on all the past administration meetings. What he thought of the tarmac tryst, and his thoughts on the gun running and stuff...
can't be aftershock if nothing is there it would have to be 'after petered out.'
Many important questions haven't even been asked yet in these investigations. Might not be tomorrow, next week, next month or 2 years from now. But Mueller will get to the truth which is why Trump is walking around the WH all night, furious.
HE knows how dirty he is which is why he's tried so hard to thwart these investigations. An innocent man doesn't act like this.

Act like WHAT? Deny he did anything? Not invoke Executive Privilege? Appoint a Special Prosecutor? What has Donald Trump done that an innocent man WOULDN'T have done?
Thanks for asking.
Try to thwart a criminal investigation he and his staff are the subjects.
Why do you Trumpbots play so dumb or isn't it acting?

In what way did Donald Trump try to "thwart" a criminal investigation? Show me one credible person who's shown proof that Trump EVER did that!

I can list a number of credible people who have made statements declaring that Trump DIDN'T ask them to stop any investigation! All you can show me in return are people making allegations without a shred of proof...most of them doing so "anonymously"! So tell me who's the dumb one in this conversation!

Wait.....wait.....I think the democrats may have found someone......there is said to be a janitor in the West Wing....who will testify, that Trump asked him to "Clean up" a mess in the Oval Office......they believe that this is the smoking gun they knew, just knew was out there......

You better start looking at the pols, more Americans have become wise to your lefties bull****. You people have created a sewer, and jumped into it. You have FAILED as loyal opposition, and turned into a bunch of anarchists. Congratulations, you have screwed yourselves, and for us, that is the most satisfying thing-)
Of course the opposite is true.
Trump's support in military communities beginning to erode

Trump's Base Support Begins To Erode

LOL, pretend all you want, you people are in deep doo. You can post anything you wish and convince nobody but a newbie. The writing is on the wall, and we know it; and you probably do too!
Many important questions haven't even been asked yet in these investigations. Might not be tomorrow, next week, next month or 2 years from now. But Mueller will get to the truth which is why Trump is walking around the WH all night, furious.
HE knows how dirty he is which is why he's tried so hard to thwart these investigations. An innocent man doesn't act like this.

Act like WHAT? Deny he did anything? Not invoke Executive Privilege? Appoint a Special Prosecutor? What has Donald Trump done that an innocent man WOULDN'T have done?
Thanks for asking.
Try to thwart a criminal investigation he and his staff are the subjects.
Why do you Trumpbots play so dumb or isn't it acting?

In what way did Donald Trump try to "thwart" a criminal investigation? Show me one credible person who's shown proof that Trump EVER did that!

I can list a number of credible people who have made statements declaring that Trump DIDN'T ask them to stop any investigation! All you can show me in return are people making allegations without a shred of proof...most of them doing so "anonymously"! So tell me who's the dumb one in this conversation!

Wait.....wait.....I think the democrats may have found someone......there is said to be a janitor in the West Wing....who will testify, that Trump asked him to "Clean up" a mess in the Oval Office......they believe that this is the smoking gun they knew, just knew was out there......
Still nothing after 8 months of trying. You can bet if there was even an iota of smoke, it would have been blown out of proportion and shoved down our throats as the truth before the election. This is just desperate afterschock.

Nevertheless, I expect the same scrutiny to be visited on the prior administration. I want to know just how many Democrats knew and approved of the insane uranium deal. And the planeloads of money to Iran deal and the Rubles for Clintons deal, and....

Then I want to see the "diary" Comey kept on all the past administration meetings. What he thought of the tarmac tryst, and his thoughts on the gun running and stuff...

I want to see the Clinton Foundation cracked all the insects can scurry away....
And the Trump haters seem to be convincing themselves Mueller is onto the greatest political scandal in American history.

One of, if not THE greatest scandal of history, but it won't be the Trump administration that gets exposed. The veil is going to be pulled back on the prior administration. The spying, the gathering, the targeting is all going to come(y) out.
No matter which way Comey steps, it is going to be in shit.
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