Trap (2024)


Diamond Member
Aug 19, 2010
On a hill
Stunned by this movie.
Stunned that Warner Bros put their name on it.
Stunned that it made it through screening.
The plot has been done before, nothing new here. Well, except the fact the script is one of the worst I have seen. There are moments in this movie, you will honestly believe the writers got tired and let their grade school kids take over. No. Seriously - that bad.
The main character is the only actor in this movie, everyone else is as if a bus drove around town and just picked up random people.
But we finished it. But not for the right reason - just to see how bad was this going to be. Several times we were both laughing out loud at how absurdly bad this movie is.

Hayley MIlls?

can't remember seeing her in anything since Good Morning Miss Bliss. (prequel of Saved By the Bell)
M. Night movies are either really good or suck ass....He does have a decent looking daughter.
She looks weird to me, her head is shaped like an acorn.
H U G E eyes and tiny pointed chin. Has an odd look. Doesn't do it for me
I thank you for this review. Saved me the trouble of getting and watching this. I thought it looked decent from the trailers, but I was a little unsure.

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