Transgenderism: Psychology, Society, or Science?

Force? No. Make it readily available. Make it okay for a transgender person to think "there's something wrong with me and I want to get it fixed."

Why is the only solution simply allowing them to proceed with the delusion? When they can be given the option to live with it OR treat it?

Why propagate the stigma that if you doubt transgenderism or want it to be treated that you are betraying yourself or being bigoted toward transgenders?
You obviously are bigoted towards trans people

Odd for a gay person but then being a Republican and gay is mind boggling
You obviously are bigoted towards trans people

Odd for a gay person but then being a Republican and gay is mind boggling
Openly gay people tend to be more financially successful than the average.* So, I can understand their not wanting their hard-earned money taken from them and given to people who believe that "the government" should support them cradle to grave.

Unfortunately, for working people of any gender and any sexuality, the GOP shows little interested in doing anything about taxes except complaining.

My mind is boggled that any gay person is not libertarian.

*This stat is more likely due to the fact that it is easier to come out as gay when you are financially successful, than if you are struggling. I'd be interested in any study comparing gays to straights in IQ. I'm guessing gays would come out ahead for the same reason.
Democrats insist on telling us that you are the gender you think you are.

This is a lie.

Unlike those on the hateful, bigoted right, Democrats don’t make an ‘issue’ out of this non-issue.

Democrats respect and defend the right to individual choice, the right to self-determination, and the right of Americans to decide matters concerning their private lives.

Conservatives seek to compel conformity and punish dissent; indeed, conservatives fear dissent – hence their unwarranted hostility toward transgender Americans.
Unlike those on the hateful, bigoted right, Democrats don’t make an ‘issue’ out of this non-issue.
That's also a lie.

Tell that to each and every person who was canceled because they adhered to their beliefs or spoke their mind on the issue. Cake bakers, flower ladies, comedians, actors, etc...

You can politely shove that back where it came from.
Conservatives seek to compel conformity and punish dissent; indeed, conservatives fear dissent – hence their unwarranted hostility toward transgender Americans.
Project much? Seen the drag shows for kids in Texas? Who's pushing the conformity? Not me. Who preaches about inclusivity but insists on forcing it on the rest of America? Again, not me.

Who rejects science for the sake of pushing a delusion constructed by society? Either you believe the science or you believe the delusion. Not both.
It should be classified as a mental disorder.


Sure, sure you do. Just like Lesh respected my choice to be gay and conservative.

Please move along.
I do "respect" your choice to be a conservative ( I don't believe being gay is a choice...your political beliefs are)

I just think that choice is bizarre

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