Transgenderism is a mental disorder that should be treated and not encouraged

If homosexuality is a choice then heterosexuality is a choice,

and then the two of y'all are even steven.

No, that's mutually exclusive thought

Let's do this. Let's flip the numbers.

If 95% of every human was homosexual, leaving only 5% hetrosexual. It would take a matter of only a few hundred years for the species to go extinct.

That should give you a clue

Yes, in an imaginary world in your head that would happen.

In the real world that will never happen.

BTW, if heterosexuality is NOT a choice, why do we hear all constant rantings about how gays are our to convert your children, blah blah.

How can that happen if people don't choose to be heterosexual?

Nice deflection buddy. Bravo

The deflection was you inventing an imaginary world.

Practicality is beyond the thought process of the impractical.

Why would the nature of the species that, by default, it destroys itself?

When did I decide to be straight. Birth

If 10% of the human species chooses, for whatever reason, not to reproduce, does it harm the species?

If there's a naturally occurring non-reproductive minority in any species, can the species not still survive?
Nice deflection buddy. Bravo

The deflection was you inventing an imaginary world.

Practicality is beyond the thought process of the impractical.

Why would the nature of the species that, by default, it destroys itself?

When did I decide to be straight. Birth
You knew at birth you wanted to have sex with girls?


And at no point did you ever feel like you were making a decision. It was just the way you are, right?


Just so with gays.

I'd tell you to go fuck yourself, but you prolly already do

More to the point, yes, from birth.

No newborn even knows anything about sex or sexual attraction. You could not possibly know at birth you were going to be a heterosexual.

So we know you are desperate and lying.

Prove I didnt
If homosexuality is a choice then heterosexuality is a choice,

and then the two of y'all are even steven.

No, that's mutually exclusive thought

Let's do this. Let's flip the numbers.

If 95% of every human was homosexual, leaving only 5% hetrosexual. It would take a matter of only a few hundred years for the species to go extinct.

That should give you a clue

Yes, in an imaginary world in your head that would happen.

In the real world that will never happen.

BTW, if heterosexuality is NOT a choice, why do we hear all constant rantings about how gays are our to convert your children, blah blah.

How can that happen if people don't choose to be heterosexual?

Nice deflection buddy. Bravo

The deflection was you inventing an imaginary world.

Practicality is beyond the thought process of the impractical.

Why would the nature of the species that, by default, it destroys itself?

When did I decide to be straight. Birth

So there is no danger of people born straight turning gay?
A homosexual no more chooses to be gay than a heterosexual chooses to be straight. We have absolutely no control over it.

I feel a natural revulsion to gay sex. I don't even like to see them kissing on TV. This is not a reaction I chose. It is just the way I am.

I do get turned on by lesbian porn, though. Funny how homophobes will jerk off to lesbian porn but condemn homosexuality.

A gay male doesn't have any more choice in his sexual preference than a straight male like me does.
The deflection was you inventing an imaginary world.

Practicality is beyond the thought process of the impractical.

Why would the nature of the species that, by default, it destroys itself?

When did I decide to be straight. Birth
You knew at birth you wanted to have sex with girls?


And at no point did you ever feel like you were making a decision. It was just the way you are, right?


Just so with gays.

I'd tell you to go fuck yourself, but you prolly already do

More to the point, yes, from birth.

No newborn even knows anything about sex or sexual attraction. You could not possibly know at birth you were going to be a heterosexual.

So we know you are desperate and lying.

Prove I didnt
I don't have to. Everyone knows you are lying. Even you do. And in the process, you are completely destroying your integrity. You tards invariably do when you are failing. So good job! Keep it up.
No, that's mutually exclusive thought

Let's do this. Let's flip the numbers.

If 95% of every human was homosexual, leaving only 5% hetrosexual. It would take a matter of only a few hundred years for the species to go extinct.

That should give you a clue

Yes, in an imaginary world in your head that would happen.

In the real world that will never happen.

BTW, if heterosexuality is NOT a choice, why do we hear all constant rantings about how gays are our to convert your children, blah blah.

How can that happen if people don't choose to be heterosexual?

Nice deflection buddy. Bravo

The deflection was you inventing an imaginary world.

Practicality is beyond the thought process of the impractical.

Why would the nature of the species that, by default, it destroys itself?

When did I decide to be straight. Birth

If 10% of the human species chooses, for whatever reason, not to reproduce, does it harm the species?

If there's a naturally occurring non-reproductive minority in any species, can the species not still survive?

Another deflection.

The question was, flip the number. 95% homosexual, 5% hetro.

The species is sel destruction

Our species depends on reproducing participants. It makes sense that nature , like breathing, does not see benefit to not reproducing.
Practicality is beyond the thought process of the impractical.

Why would the nature of the species that, by default, it destroys itself?

When did I decide to be straight. Birth
You knew at birth you wanted to have sex with girls?


And at no point did you ever feel like you were making a decision. It was just the way you are, right?


Just so with gays.

I'd tell you to go fuck yourself, but you prolly already do

More to the point, yes, from birth.

No newborn even knows anything about sex or sexual attraction. You could not possibly know at birth you were going to be a heterosexual.

So we know you are desperate and lying.

Prove I didnt
I don't have to. Everyone knows you are lying. Even you do. And in the process, you are completely destroying your integrity. So good job! Keep it up.

So you can't prove that, but you can prove that a man can change into a woman, even though;

A tran individual attempts to, through cosmetic surgery, fool the public that they are of the opposite sex, but in reality they remain incredibly more simalar to the sex listed on their birth certificate.

A trans male may dress like a female, apply makeup like a female, but it is simply a cosmetic disquise meant to deceive the public as well as themselves. They remain vastly more Male then female.

Taken to the extreme they will even have cosmetic surgery on their genitals and their chests, but even then, a male trans breasts will not function as a females, unable to fulfill the basic reason breasts exist to begin with. Simply cosmetic and vastly more closely related to a male then a female.

The male tran can have his penis surgically altered to resemble a vagina, but it will not function like one. A Woman has a vagina, but it is simply a small part of the entire female reproductive system that the male tran will never have. Again, the male tran is still vastly more closely related to the Male, and it remains debateable how exactly they are related to the female at all.

The government had no duty to recognize a cosmetically altered individual, when that individual does so voluntarily.

We have recognized that some will take advantage of the trans and passed law (Hate Crime), to address this. By doing this, the government has fulfilled its obligation to these people.
No, that's mutually exclusive thought

Let's do this. Let's flip the numbers.

If 95% of every human was homosexual, leaving only 5% hetrosexual. It would take a matter of only a few hundred years for the species to go extinct.

That should give you a clue

Yes, in an imaginary world in your head that would happen.

In the real world that will never happen.

BTW, if heterosexuality is NOT a choice, why do we hear all constant rantings about how gays are our to convert your children, blah blah.

How can that happen if people don't choose to be heterosexual?

Nice deflection buddy. Bravo

The deflection was you inventing an imaginary world.

Practicality is beyond the thought process of the impractical.

Why would the nature of the species that, by default, it destroys itself?

When did I decide to be straight. Birth

So there is no danger of people born straight turning gay?

There is. The brain can become delusional.

Even though no one is born suicidal, some will commit suicide.

Desperate much?
There are certain requirements that are default within our species.

If we don't breath, the species dies out, this Is embedded in us at birth

If we don't eat, the species dies out, this is embedded in us at birth

If we don't drink, the species dies out, this is embedded in us at birth.

And not the least important, if we don't breed with the opposite sex, the species dies out, again, embedded in us at birth.

Sorry to inform ya'll, that's how our species has survived since it first appeared

Argue all you want, above is fact.

Glad I could be of service
There is no doubt that transgender is a form of mental illness. The fact that one cannot come to terms with what one is certainly is a problem and the idea that it is not is just trying to ignore the obvious without purpose. The question then becomes how to treat such an illness.

There is no real treatment that can deal with gender dysphoria that we have at this time. Those that have undergone sex reassignment have reported, overwhelmingly, that quality of life has improved. In essence, the sex reassignment IS the treatment. If there is a better treatment, bring some evidence that it works better than sex reassignment otherwise you have to accept that currently this is the best option for some people. There certainly is evidence that it is not really a good solution:
Long-Term Follow-Up of Transsexual Persons Undergoing Sex Reassignment Surgery: Cohort Study in Sweden
shows that suicides are still high for such people and that there are other problems associated with the surgery. I have not found a good peer reviewed article that covers gender dysphoria suicide rates for those that did not or were denied the treatment though but I am fairly certain that the numbers would be worse. Clearly, there is vast room for improvement here though.
Why would someone CHOOSE to be gay? What are the advantages to making such a choice?

"I get to be treated as a second class citizen and beat up by homophobes. Sounds like the life for me!"

More like damn guys are generally much easier. It would be a lot easier to get a good BJ if I were gay.

Unfortunately I am not so no easy BJ's here :D
Johns Hopkins Psychiatrist: ‘Transgendered Men Don’t Become Women,’ They Become ‘Feminized Men,’ ‘Impersonators’

Dr. Paul R. McHugh, the Distinguished Service Professor of Psychiatry at Johns Hopkins University and former psychiatrist–in-chief for Johns Hopkins Hospital, who has studied transgendered people for 40 years, said it is a scientific fact that “transgendered men do not become women, nor do transgendered women become men.”

All such people, he explained in an article for The Witherspoon Institute, “become feminized men or masculinized women, counterfeits or impersonators of the sex with which they ‘identify.’”

Dr. McHugh, who was psychiatrist-in-chief at Johns Hopkins Hospital for 26 years, the medical institute that had initially pioneered sex-change surgery – and later ceased the practice – stressed that the cultural meme, or idea that “one’s sex is fluid and a matter of choice” is extremely damaging, especially to young people.

“In fact, gender dysphoria—the official psychiatric term for feeling oneself to be of the opposite sex—belongs in the family of similarly disordered assumptions about the body, such as anorexia nervosa and body dysmorphic disorder,” said McHugh.

“Its treatment should not be directed at the body as with surgery and hormones any more than one treats obesity-fearing anorexic patients with liposuction,” he said

It is amazing that liberals can't see that transgender people are sick people. You would encourage an anorexic person to continue down their same path. No you would try to help them. Yet these liberals are telling us to help these sick people.

I fully support gay rights. They should be free from discrimination harassment and have the right to marry. However, transgender a are mentally disturbed people and we need to treat it as a mental disorder and not encourage it!


Why was he fired?

I doubt he ever really worked there.

Hopkins wrote the book on sex reassignment surgeries. Educated people know that and would see right through this homophobic shit.
Ok small fry!
they think it's normal because the have been taught at the knee of Kinsey..who died because of his own genital mutilation experimentation.

These people are psychotic. Confine their asses. Stop listening to them as if they have anything of value to say.

If they are not harming anyone then they shouldn't be confined. But we as a society should not encourage or placate these people.
If they are not harming anyone then they shouldn't be confined. But we as a society should not encourage or placate these people.
But should rape victims be forced to share a women's bathroom with men? There are 17 million women and girls who have been raped by men invading their intimate space where they expected privacy. Suppose men in their showers and restrooms might trigger some PTSD?

As usual, like with gay marriage excluding the rights of children to a mother and father in marriage for over a thousand years, we are focusing exclusively on the freak parade element instead of both parties involved in the NC/Fed lawsuits. Women are the other side of the argument. Did we forget they exist.....again...?
they think it's normal because the have been taught at the knee of Kinsey..who died because of his own genital mutilation experimentation.

These people are psychotic. Confine their asses. Stop listening to them as if they have anything of value to say.

If they are not harming anyone then they shouldn't be confined. But we as a society should not encourage or placate these people.
They harm themselves and they are incapable of supporting themselves. And and unhealthy to pretend that crazy people are sane, it lends their craziness crdibility. Then you end up where we aee, with the.lunatics running the.asylum.
I don't see transgender people all that differently than queers. They're all freaks of nature with mental disorders.

I do. I have met enough gays to know many are good and moral people as well as many are immoral and disgusting people.
There is NOTHING moral about homosexual behavior. They may be nice, but you know I heard Ted Bundy seemed quite moral & charming to the ladies....
whatever feeds the bigotry. :thup:

Do you think it is "bigoted" for one of the some 17 million US women who have been raped by a man to experience extreme distress or PTSD to find a man in a chamber marked "women" on the door outside where she is baring her intimate parts to relieve herself? Tell me how proactively protecting her potential extreme distress is "bigoted"?. Maybe the court should simply do an actual, real, survey of rape victims and their feelings about having men be able to access their restrooms, showers, dorms and other areas of intimate sex segregation. If they agree to men in the restrooms, then we're all on board. Fair enough?

all of which has zero to do with the topic at hand.

seek help for your unhealthy obsession.
So are all women who dress like men mentally ill?

I see women every day in jeans and a tee shirt, or the like. Those are traditionally men's clothes. Should every woman who wears jeans and a tee shirt be in therapy?

Are they claiming to be men and demanding to use the men's locker room?

Are they mentally ill because they want to dress like a man?
They are mentally ill because they are liberal. Geez man how many examples of liberal insanity do we have to show you before you get the friggen message?

I believe gay is a choice
Tell us about the day you chose not to be gay.

There are things that one does not choose.

Breathing, hunger, thirst.

Giving ample supply of air, one would not choose to breath, but could choose not too and die. If enough decided not to breath, the species dies b

Given an ample supply of the opposite sex, one would not choose to be with them, but could choose not to be with them. If enough decided not to be intimate with the opposite sex, the species dies.

Glad I could clear up that non sense.
Wow. What a pile of gobbledegook nonsense! :lol:

Since gays don't procreate, they have to originate from heterosexual pairings. And the species keeps making them.


And tell us about the day you chose not to be gay.

The fact that I didn't choose NOT to be gay doesn't mean others haven't chosen to be gay. That's like saying "you didn't choose not to be a vegetarian, so therefor that proves vegetarians were born that way."


Gay is a choice, a choice I support gays having a right to make. None of mine, nor the government's business.
Gay is a choice about as much as liking or not liking carrots is.
At age 4, when a child experiments with their sexuality, it is the responsibility of NORMAL adults to address the child for its upbringing. But since liberals aren't happy with their own lives, they allow their children(Negligence) to be what ever they want to be. So if little johnny wants to be a dog, then the liberal will feed that child dog food. If the child wants to be the opposite sex, instead of telling the child they cant, the liberal says it is okay. liberals hate confrontations because they are chicken shits, and wont even confront their child, allowing the child to rule over them.(instead of spanking the child, they give them treats to shut them up). That is why America is in the toilet today.

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