Traffic Accidents Searching For Black Folks!

It's racism!!!! White Supremacy!!!!!!!! System Racism!!!!!!!!!

You might recall the satirical NYTimes headline....

World To End Tomorrow: Women, Minorities Hardest Hit!!!

The point made is how stupid Democrat voters are.
But we have yet another iteration of that claim in the actual headlines today:

Black people are more likely to die in traffic accidents. Covid ... › news › nbcblk › black-peo...

4 days ago — Black people are more likely to die in traffic accidents. Covid made it worse. ... More Black people died in traffic deaths in 2020 than any other ...

Traffic deaths jump for Black Americans who couldn't afford to ... › 2021/06/20 › economy › 2020-tra...

5 days ago — Traffic deaths soared in 2020 despite Americans driving less due to the ... highlighting research that found it's far more dangerous for Blacks, ...

Number of Black people killed in traffic crashes spiked during ... › 2021/06/22 › black-...

4 days ago — Traffic deaths increased during the pandemic. The toll fell more heavily on Black residents, report shows. · A new analysis found that even before ...

Traffic deaths increased among Black people more than any ... › Politics › story

3 days ago — Traffic deaths increased among Black people more than any other race during pandemic: Study. The fatalities increased the most during ...
Missing: minorities ‎| Must include: minorities
Did any of these articles suggest that racism is the reason for these results or are you just race baiting?

There is no racism, systemic or otherwise, other than laws that benefit minorities, such as affirmative action.

How did making America a two-classed nation, based on skin color, benefit America?
There was a reason we came up with affirmative action just like there was a reason we came up with things like social security and Medicare. They were legislation to solve an existing problem.

You arent smarter than all the CEOs who’ve signed the diversity pledge. Oh, and women benefit the most from affirmative action. Is that sexism?

How did making America a two class nation benefit white people? Many ways.

"There was a reason we came up with affirmative action" was a Quid Pro Quo for voting Democrat.......same as inviting illegal aliens do what Obama told them to do, vote.
How come women didn’t overwhelmingly vote for Hillary and biden then? What about quid pro quo fo the affirmative action?
There is no racism, systemic or otherwise, other than laws that benefit minorities, such as affirmative action.

How did making America a two-classed nation, based on skin color, benefit America?
It benefits the leftists that want to identify and separate people by race so as to more easily isolate and conquer the citizenry.
Some dark demonic stuff has been released on America. Fortunately many blacks have rejected
CRT bullshit as divisive and malicious..
Are you kidding? The rich divide us with social wedge issues. If not for god, gays guns p, racism and religion you’d have no business voting gop. You don’t make enough. And once brainwashed you’ll even deny science and claim elections are rigged despite the evidence.

Here, in America, there is no perennial class of 'the rich.'

"...economic mobility. About 60 percent of the households that were in the lowest income quintile in 1999 were in a higher quintile ten years later. During the same decade, almost 40 percent of the richest households fell to a lower quintile. This is a nation where you can rise or fall. It is a nation where you can climb the economic ladder based not on who you are born to, or what class you are born into, but based on your talents, your passion, your perseverance, and the content of your character."

You Democrats lie about everything.
A warm summer day in any big city black neighborhood...the brothers with the flashy cars are cruising through the hood, stop in the middle of the street to jive talk and make sure they're seen, blocking the way, and you better not be white and want to get somewhere.
It's racism!!!! White Supremacy!!!!!!!! System Racism!!!!!!!!!

You might recall the satirical NYTimes headline....

World To End Tomorrow: Women, Minorities Hardest Hit!!!

The point made is how stupid Democrat voters are.
But we have yet another iteration of that claim in the actual headlines today:

Black people are more likely to die in traffic accidents. Covid ... › news › nbcblk › black-peo...

4 days ago — Black people are more likely to die in traffic accidents. Covid made it worse. ... More Black people died in traffic deaths in 2020 than any other ...

Traffic deaths jump for Black Americans who couldn't afford to ... › 2021/06/20 › economy › 2020-tra...

5 days ago — Traffic deaths soared in 2020 despite Americans driving less due to the ... highlighting research that found it's far more dangerous for Blacks, ...

Number of Black people killed in traffic crashes spiked during ... › 2021/06/22 › black-...

4 days ago — Traffic deaths increased during the pandemic. The toll fell more heavily on Black residents, report shows. · A new analysis found that even before ...

Traffic deaths increased among Black people more than any ... › Politics › story

3 days ago — Traffic deaths increased among Black people more than any other race during pandemic: Study. The fatalities increased the most during ...
Missing: minorities ‎| Must include: minorities
Did any of these articles suggest that racism is the reason for these results or are you just race baiting?

There is no racism, systemic or otherwise, other than laws that benefit minorities, such as affirmative action.

How did making America a two-classed nation, based on skin color, benefit America?
There was a reason we came up with affirmative action just like there was a reason we came up with things like social security and Medicare. They were legislation to solve an existing problem.

You arent smarter than all the CEOs who’ve signed the diversity pledge. Oh, and women benefit the most from affirmative action. Is that sexism?

How did making America a two class nation benefit white people? Many ways.

"There was a reason we came up with affirmative action" was a Quid Pro Quo for voting Democrat.......same as inviting illegal aliens do what Obama told them to do, vote.
But illegals don vote. If fake votes could be cast you republicans would do it. Maybe you did in Florida.

And remember Women benefit the most from affirmative action. Youer think it’s unfair To men?

"But illegals don vote."

So why did Obama tell them to?

You Democrats lie about everything.
There is no racism, systemic or otherwise, other than laws that benefit minorities, such as affirmative action.

How did making America a two-classed nation, based on skin color, benefit America?
It benefits the leftists that want to identify and separate people by race so as to more easily isolate and conquer the citizenry.
Some dark demonic stuff has been released on America. Fortunately many blacks have rejected
CRT bullshit as divisive and malicious..
It was women who fought for affirmative action. Politichck is a traitor to her sex. She’s the Ben Carson of women.
It's racism!!!! White Supremacy!!!!!!!! System Racism!!!!!!!!!

You might recall the satirical NYTimes headline....

World To End Tomorrow: Women, Minorities Hardest Hit!!!

The point made is how stupid Democrat voters are.
But we have yet another iteration of that claim in the actual headlines today:

Black people are more likely to die in traffic accidents. Covid ... › news › nbcblk › black-peo...

4 days ago — Black people are more likely to die in traffic accidents. Covid made it worse. ... More Black people died in traffic deaths in 2020 than any other ...

Traffic deaths jump for Black Americans who couldn't afford to ... › 2021/06/20 › economy › 2020-tra...

5 days ago — Traffic deaths soared in 2020 despite Americans driving less due to the ... highlighting research that found it's far more dangerous for Blacks, ...

Number of Black people killed in traffic crashes spiked during ... › 2021/06/22 › black-...

4 days ago — Traffic deaths increased during the pandemic. The toll fell more heavily on Black residents, report shows. · A new analysis found that even before ...

Traffic deaths increased among Black people more than any ... › Politics › story

3 days ago — Traffic deaths increased among Black people more than any other race during pandemic: Study. The fatalities increased the most during ...
Missing: minorities ‎| Must include: minorities
Did any of these articles suggest that racism is the reason for these results or are you just race baiting?

There is no racism, systemic or otherwise, other than laws that benefit minorities, such as affirmative action.

How did making America a two-classed nation, based on skin color, benefit America?
There was a reason we came up with affirmative action just like there was a reason we came up with things like social security and Medicare. They were legislation to solve an existing problem.

You arent smarter than all the CEOs who’ve signed the diversity pledge. Oh, and women benefit the most from affirmative action. Is that sexism?

How did making America a two class nation benefit white people? Many ways.

"There was a reason we came up with affirmative action" was a Quid Pro Quo for voting Democrat.......same as inviting illegal aliens do what Obama told them to do, vote.
But illegals don vote. If fake votes could be cast you republicans would do it. Maybe you did in Florida.

And remember Women benefit the most from affirmative action. Youer think it’s unfair To men?

"But illegals don vote."

So why did Obama tell them to?

You Democrats lie about everything.

False bitch
There is no racism, systemic or otherwise, other than laws that benefit minorities, such as affirmative action.

How did making America a two-classed nation, based on skin color, benefit America?
It benefits the leftists that want to identify and separate people by race so as to more easily isolate and conquer the citizenry.
Some dark demonic stuff has been released on America. Fortunately many blacks have rejected
CRT bullshit as divisive and malicious..
It was women who fought for affirmative action. Politichck is a traitor to her sex. She’s the Ben Carson of women.

Where did you get that information...your butt?

It was born during the JFK/Johnson years and was always more about race than sex. Still is.
My brother does hr. His boss wanted a diversity candidate. There was Maria. But was she ready? Could she handle it? Would she get pregnant and quit? It took them soooo long to finally give Maria a chance.

Do the white men worry about these things when they look at white men? It’s not like my brother knew what he was doing when they first made him the vp.
I doubt they worry about white men getting pregnant.
Yes, right now women need affirmative action. In a country as diverse as ours there’s too many white men in the executive board room.

And not enough women, Jews, Mexicans, Asians, Arabs and blacks. Come on man! You white men think way too much of yourselves. And I’m a white man and still see it. You’re ridiculous
Nothing wrong with putting smart capable people in boardrooms.
When people other than white show up with those qualities "diversity candidates" will
be snatched up to satisfy people like your brother's boss.

And then we will have our wonderful world where all types of people will fill out boardrooms
imparting their female, Jew, Arab, Asian, black and Mexican wisdom and faces to please HR
bean counters.
Where would the left be without assigned victim roles? We can start with not a one would sniff office.
"Do minorities commit more of the kinds of traffic violations that police target?

This is a taboo question among the racial profiling crowd; to ask it is to reveal one's racism. No one has studied it. But some evidence suggests that it may be the case.

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration found that blacks were 10 percent of drivers nationally, 13 percent of drivers in fatal accidents, and 16 percent of drivers in injury accidents. (Lower rates of seat-belt use may contribute to these numbers.) Random national surveys of drivers on weekend nights in 1973, 1986, and 1996 found that blacks were more likely to fail breathalyzer tests than whites. In Illinois, blacks have a higher motorist fatality rate than whites. Blacks in one New Jersey study were 23 percent of all drivers arrested at the scene of an accident for driving drunk, though only 13.5 percent of highway users. In San Diego, blacks have more accidents than their population figures would predict. Hispanics get in a disproportionate number of accidents nationally."
Cops do racial profile blacks in metro Detroit. It’s why black criminals in Detroit stay out of the suburbs. Cops will pull them over.

Its also why we have a law that the front windows in our cars can’t be tinted. You have to have a doctors note to have tinted front window. But the cop is going to pull you over and you’ll have to show it to the officer. What other reason would we not be allowed to have tinted windows? Duh
You might pull a gun on an officer behind tinted windows?
It was women who fought for affirmative action.
But not blacks or other racial minorities, eh? :rolleyes:

Politichck is a traitor to her sex. She’s the Ben Carson of women.
Only if you think all women are brainwashed automatons like yourself.
You constantly amaze me with your ignorance and leftist lizard brained thinking (if you
want to call it that..I call it programmed duplicity).
Seeing all things always through the eyes of nineteen year old Berkeley political science undergrad.
There is no racism, systemic or otherwise, other than laws that benefit minorities, such as affirmative action.

How did making America a two-classed nation, based on skin color, benefit America?
It benefits the leftists that want to identify and separate people by race so as to more easily isolate and conquer the citizenry.
Some dark demonic stuff has been released on America. Fortunately many blacks have rejected
CRT bullshit as divisive and malicious..
Are you kidding? The rich divide us with social wedge issues. If not for god, gays guns p, racism and religion you’d have no business voting gop. You don’t make enough. And once brainwashed you’ll even deny science and claim elections are rigged despite the evidence.
You forgot about jobs, low taxes and low cost of living that's why I vote republican
It's racism!!!! White Supremacy!!!!!!!! System Racism!!!!!!!!!

You might recall the satirical NYTimes headline....

World To End Tomorrow: Women, Minorities Hardest Hit!!!

The point made is how stupid Democrat voters are.
But we have yet another iteration of that claim in the actual headlines today:

Black people are more likely to die in traffic accidents. Covid ... › news › nbcblk › black-peo...

4 days ago — Black people are more likely to die in traffic accidents. Covid made it worse. ... More Black people died in traffic deaths in 2020 than any other ...

Traffic deaths jump for Black Americans who couldn't afford to ... › 2021/06/20 › economy › 2020-tra...

5 days ago — Traffic deaths soared in 2020 despite Americans driving less due to the ... highlighting research that found it's far more dangerous for Blacks, ...

Number of Black people killed in traffic crashes spiked during ... › 2021/06/22 › black-...

4 days ago — Traffic deaths increased during the pandemic. The toll fell more heavily on Black residents, report shows. · A new analysis found that even before ...

Traffic deaths increased among Black people more than any ... › Politics › story

3 days ago — Traffic deaths increased among Black people more than any other race during pandemic: Study. The fatalities increased the most during ...
Missing: minorities ‎| Must include: minorities
Did any of these articles suggest that racism is the reason for these results or are you just race baiting?
No, but the article proceeds from the assumption that these statistics are unjustified because blacks experienced the largest increase.
It's racism!!!! White Supremacy!!!!!!!! System Racism!!!!!!!!!

You might recall the satirical NYTimes headline....

World To End Tomorrow: Women, Minorities Hardest Hit!!!

The point made is how stupid Democrat voters are.
But we have yet another iteration of that claim in the actual headlines today:

Black people are more likely to die in traffic accidents. Covid ... › news › nbcblk › black-peo...

4 days ago — Black people are more likely to die in traffic accidents. Covid made it worse. ... More Black people died in traffic deaths in 2020 than any other ...

Traffic deaths jump for Black Americans who couldn't afford to ... › 2021/06/20 › economy › 2020-tra...

5 days ago — Traffic deaths soared in 2020 despite Americans driving less due to the ... highlighting research that found it's far more dangerous for Blacks, ...

Number of Black people killed in traffic crashes spiked during ... › 2021/06/22 › black-...

4 days ago — Traffic deaths increased during the pandemic. The toll fell more heavily on Black residents, report shows. · A new analysis found that even before ...

Traffic deaths increased among Black people more than any ... › Politics › story

3 days ago — Traffic deaths increased among Black people more than any other race during pandemic: Study. The fatalities increased the most during ...
Missing: minorities ‎| Must include: minorities
Did any of these articles suggest that racism is the reason for these results or are you just race baiting?

There is no racism, systemic or otherwise, other than laws that benefit minorities, such as affirmative action.

How did making America a two-classed nation, based on skin color, benefit America?
Women benefit most from affirmative action. You’re the Ben Carson of women.
Women are so pathetic we have to rig things for them is that your point?
My brother does hr. His boss wanted a diversity candidate. There was Maria. But was she ready? Could she handle it? Would she get pregnant and quit? It took them soooo long to finally give Maria a chance.

Do the white men worry about these things when they look at white men? It’s not like my brother knew what he was doing when they first made him the vp.

Yes, right now women need affirmative action. In a country as diverse as ours there’s too many white men in the executive board room.

And not enough women, Jews, Mexicans, Asians, Arabs and blacks. Come on man! You white men think way too much of yourselves. And I’m a white man and still see it. You’re ridiculous
You time warped back to 1970 fool. :auiqs.jpg:
But they don't say why...

"In an interview with NPR, Martin surmised that less traffic led drivers to engage in risky behaviors such driving without a seatbelt on, speeding, or driving while impaired or distracted. Full analysis of the causes behind the major increase in road-related deaths by various organizations are ongoing."

I had to look for an article that left race out------that just talked about why there were higher incidents of crashes---(black and other colors experience higher incidents of accidents) drivers engaged in risky behaviors such driving without a seatbelt on (while follow any laws if you are rioting and burning down cities while attacking cops), speeding (laws don't matter any more) or driving while impaired or distracted (cops aren't allowed to arrest you anymore).....basically we aren't enforcing traffic laws either thanks to the BROWN SHIRTS and people are dying because of it.


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