Torture the Hell Out of ISIS Prisoners

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There are many things, including torture. America is in the end an idea. If this is lost the dirt that makes up the land mass matters not a fucking damn.
You just don't understand WAR. You have no connection to it, and you're lost on national security. Of course. You're a liberal.. All your media info has been shoving you in the other direction. Ho hum. Yawn ****
You learned war from a movie, obviously...
You are an embarrassment to the US MILITARY and you shame the uniform every time you put it on. Fuckers like you with no sense of humanity are what give the military a bad name. Bet you thought that Lindy England should have been decorated you sociopathic scumbag.
Why don't you try answering what I said in Post # 99 ? That's a rhetorical question. I'LL answer it. It's becasue YOU HAVE NO ANSWER for it. And YOU KNOW IT.
The rule of law and human decency are what separates us from terrorists. We claim we have the moral authority to fight evil but you would throw that away just for the thrill of being a cruel monster, I stand by my statement that you are a sorry excuse for a US soldier, you have learned nothing about how America is supposed to conduct a war.
You are apparently unaware that any information obtained under torture is usually garbage. Do you just want to be cruel for the sake of cruelty?
Then you too are no better than the enemy.
We shouldn't be trying to be better. We should be trying to decimate them.

And that is why we don't have decisive victories anymore
A decisive victory is not possible in the wars we have been fighting because we no longer hold the moral high ground thanks to shitheads like OP.
“Should any American soldier be so base and infamous as to injure any [prisoner]. . . I do most earnestly enjoin you to bring him to such severe and exemplary punishment as the enormity of the crime may require. Should it extend to death itself, it will not be disproportional to its guilt at such a time and in such a cause… for by such conduct they bring shame, disgrace and ruin to themselves and their country.”– George Washington, charge to the Northern Expeditionary Force, Sept. 14,

I think the father of our country would have Protectionist out behind the woodshed right now!
What I said in Post # 99 goes for you too >> You would allow the enemy to conquer the USA, just to observe some stupid rules. Here's a rule for you > exercise COMMON SENSE.

Hmmm Protectionist or George Washington? Not to tough a decision.

Come back after you "father" a country. By the way terrorism didn't start with Al Queda or ISIS. It's been around as long as people, just like torture.
You are an embarrassment to the US MILITARY and you shame the uniform every time you put it on. Fuckers like you with no sense of humanity are what give the military a bad name. Bet you thought that Lindy England should have been decorated you sociopathic scumbag.
Why don't you try answering what I said in Post # 99 ? That's a rhetorical question. I'LL answer it. It's becasue YOU HAVE NO ANSWER for it. And YOU KNOW IT.
The rule of law and human decency are what separates us from terrorists. We claim we have the moral authority to fight evil but you would throw that away just for the thrill of being a cruel monster, I stand by my statement that you are a sorry excuse for a US soldier, you have learned nothing about how America is supposed to conduct a war.

The purpose of war is to annihilate your enemy. It's not a game of rules and this is why we fail. Take the gloves off, get rid of ROE, keep the lawyers out of it and let the mightiest military in the world do the job they are trained for. If you have to convince someone to cough up info so be it
After reading the las
You are apparently unaware that any information obtained under torture is usually garbage. Do you just want to be cruel for the sake of cruelty?
Then you too are no better than the enemy.
We shouldn't be trying to be better. We should be trying to decimate them.

And that is why we don't have decisive victories anymore
To win that way is to lose everything that actually matters...
It's almost like you were never in the military with a statement like that. When I was in there they drummed the rule of law and rules of engagement into us until we were sick of it and then did it some more. If our military abandons decency and honor and instead embraces cruelty and brutality they will never win another war. Shameful opinion for a soldier to have. It is not necessary to become just like the enemy to defeat them.
You don't know the first thing about the military or combat, or national security. You would allow the enemy to conquer the USA, just to observe some stupid rules.

What "It's almost like" is you have no common sense.

There were those who said the very same things in 1776, luckily we had enlightened men who won our independence and they didn't listen to the likes of you.
Every effort to extract information from the 5 ISIS prisoners captured in the raid on the Hawija prison in northern Iraq, should be undertaken. Maybe these loon goons aren't afraid to die, but that may not be the case when their fingers are being cut off, one by one.

In the raid, Pentagon press sect, Peter Cook said that valuable information was obtained in the raid, but more could be gotten from these 5 dirtbags. The military should not worry about the possibility of torture being used on US troops by ISIS as a retaliation. ISIS already spent that capital and cashed in those bargaining chips, by all the torture and killing they've done, burning a Jordanian pilot alive, and killing even children.

Bring on Jack Bauer. Squeeze every word out of these creeps that can be, hold them for a short time, and then kill them, and make videos of it, so every ISIS fighter and every loon thinking about becoming one, will clearly understand the gamble they are undertaking, and the brutal stakes of it. In short > ZERO MERCY.

Nazi-minded retards suffer from the Fallacy of the Excluded Middle in thinking the only way to get intel from a prisoner is through torture.
You are an embarrassment to the US MILITARY and you shame the uniform every time you put it on. Fuckers like you with no sense of humanity are what give the military a bad name. Bet you thought that Lindy England should have been decorated you sociopathic scumbag.
Why don't you try answering what I said in Post # 99 ? That's a rhetorical question. I'LL answer it. It's becasue YOU HAVE NO ANSWER for it. And YOU KNOW IT.
The rule of law and human decency are what separates us from terrorists. We claim we have the moral authority to fight evil but you would throw that away just for the thrill of being a cruel monster, I stand by my statement that you are a sorry excuse for a US soldier, you have learned nothing about how America is supposed to conduct a war.

The purpose of war is to annihilate your enemy. It's not a game of rules and this is why we fail. Take the gloves off, get rid of ROE, keep the lawyers out of it and let the mightiest military in the world do the job they are trained for. If you have to convince someone to cough up info so be it
You know jack-shit about war, your kind of thinking has long been proven to make it impossible to ever win the peace and leads to perpetual warfare.
The purpose of war is to annihilate your enemy. It's not a game of rules and this is why we fail. Take the gloves off, get rid of ROE, keep the lawyers out of it and let the mightiest military in the world do the job they are trained for. If you have to convince someone to cough up info so be it
You are an embarrassment to the US MILITARY and you shame the uniform every time you put it on. Fuckers like you with no sense of humanity are what give the military a bad name. Bet you thought that Lindy England should have been decorated you sociopathic scumbag.
Why don't you try answering what I said in Post # 99 ? That's a rhetorical question. I'LL answer it. It's becasue YOU HAVE NO ANSWER for it. And YOU KNOW IT.
The rule of law and human decency are what separates us from terrorists. We claim we have the moral authority to fight evil but you would throw that away just for the thrill of being a cruel monster, I stand by my statement that you are a sorry excuse for a US soldier, you have learned nothing about how America is supposed to conduct a war.

The purpose of war is to annihilate your enemy. It's not a game of rules and this is why we fail. Take the gloves off, get rid of ROE, keep the lawyers out of it and let the mightiest military in the world do the job they are trained for. If you have to convince someone to cough up info so be it
You know jack-shit about war, your kind of thinking has long been proven to make it impossible to ever win the peace and leads to perpetual warfare.

Oh and you know about war? From where? Playing battleship? LMAO
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