Top US spy agency refuses to endorse CIA's Russian hacking assessment due to lack of evidence


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Top US Spy Agency Refuses To Endorse CIA’s Russian Hacking Assessment Due To “Lack Of Evidence”
"ODNI is not arguing that the agency (CIA) is wrong, only that they can't prove intent."
When the WaPo posted last Friday’s story about a “secret” CIA assessment that Russian cyber attacks were aimed at helping Republican President-elect Donald Trump win the 2016 election, the readers of the Bezos-owned publication took it as gospel, despite, as we promptly noted, there being no evidence provided by the CIA, and as we learned today, the FBI openly resisting the CIA’s assessment. It now appears that once again the WaPo may have been engaging in “partial fake news”, as it did with its Nov. 24 story about “Russian propaganda fake media.”

Those of us awake to the Globalist game playing aren't shocked by this whatsoever. The deniers brainwashed by MSM bs are the ones who will not get it. But oh well we've been trying to wake them up for a decade but they still don't get it, understand it belive it whatever you call it.

Sooner or later they will see it, then again some never will those were the same ones who took themselves to the gas chamber not knowing a damn thing until they were about to knock on heavens door. Ought oh too late.
This is how Jaba's curare resin works in the Matrix. It not only can mystify by removing Bernie Sanders as the middle tine of the Impossible Trident, it can also reintroduce it, because the mechanism is based on Oedipus.

13 Dec 2016
Natsrazvedka SShA otkazalas' podderzat' obvineniia TsRU v adres Rossii
Intelligence Community of the U.S. Refused to Support Allegations of the CIA Toward Russia
Kak oni mogut eto dokazat' -- u nikh ved net agentov sredi tekh, kto prinimaet resheniia v Moskve
How can they prove it? It has no agents amongst decision-makers in Moscow.

kak otmetchaet Reuters, analogichnu'iu pozitsiiu zanimaet i FBI
as Reuters has taken a similar position as the FBI.'

Curare Resin: Mechanism of Action

'For what really takes place is that the law prohibits something that is perfectly fictitious in the order of desire or the "instincts" so as to persuade its subjects that they had the intention corresponding to this fiction. This is indeed the only way the law has of getting a grip on intention, of making the unconscious guilty. IN short, we are not witness here to a system of two terms where we could conclude from the formal prohibition what is really prohibited. Instead we have before us a system of three terms, where this conclusion becomes completely illegitimate.

Distinctions must be made: the repressing representation which performs the repression; the repressed representative, on which the repression actually comes to bear; the displaced represented, which gives a falsified apparent image that is meant to trap desire. '
(Anti-Oedipus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia, Psychoanalysis and the Holy Family)

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