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Top Ten Reasons Obama Won the Nobel Peace Prize
With David Letterman somewhat distracted, I thought I’d solicit nominations for a top 10 list. Here’s a few to start off:
Consolation prize for losing the Olympics
Who gives a rat’s you-know-what about Afghanistan, anyway
The Nobel Prizes in Physics, Chemistry, and Biology were already taken
“We couldn’t give an ‘un-prize’ to George W. Bush, and this was the next best thing”
For extraordinary diplomacy at the Gates-Crowley “Beer Summit”
UPDATE: “Obama? I thought we were giving it to Osama“
The Norwegians wanted to honor one of their own, and the committee discovered that Obama was born in Oslo, Norway, the son of a Volvo factory worker.
ONE MORE: Norway needed to stimulate its prize industry, and Obama was willing to trade in an older, less efficient prize.
AND FROM THE COMMENTS: He was the 10th caller