Top 10 Examples of Pork in the Federal Budget

Adam's Apple

Senior Member
Apr 25, 2004
Where is the accountability/oversight? Isn't this part of Congress' job? Here are the topics covered by this article:

1. The Missing $25 Billion
2. Unused Flight Tickets Totaling $100 Million
3. Embezzled Funds at the Department of Agriculture
4. Credit Card Abuse at the Department of Defense
5. Medicare Overspending
6. Funding Fictitious Colleges and Students
7. Manipulating Data to Encourage Spending
8. State Abuse of Medicaid Funding Formulas
9. Earned Income Tax Credit Overpayments
10. Redundancy Piled on Redundancy
For #9, i can say that this is due to a loophole in the law. When i worked at the IRS during tax season, the EIC line had a passable xemption of $399. If it had $400 or more without proof it got returned to the taxpayer. $399 and under, it got pushed on to the next department. I dont know if another dept caught most of these but there was $399 written on that line on almost every form done by a tax accountant. So they obviously knew about it.
Re #9 on the list, badly written law with no means to verify family income or certify child(ren)'s eligibility to be covered under the law; result, $10 million lost through downright fraud, underreporting of income, etc. Why do Americans put up with this kind of stuff from Washington year after year after year.......?

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