Tolerant & Open-minded leftists @ Soros group try 2 get FCC to revoke FOX's licenses


Democrat Party - the REAL Fascist Party
Dec 31, 2011
Bay State
Well, since the tolerant, open-minded leftists couldn't ban the right to free speech of anyone who has differing opinions than them by failing to pass the "UNfairness Doctrine", the anti-1st Amendment left-wing is now trying a different approach to silence the opposition. They are trying to have the FCC revoke the broadcasting licenses of FOX. You know, as for me, I detest MSNBC, NBC, ABC and CBS. Do I want their broadcasting licenses revoked or for them to be off the air? No, not at all, you see, I have a choice, I just don't have to watch them. Unfortunately for the left-wing in America, they do not believe in this concept, they believe in banning all voices of opposition so they can continue forth with their tryannical, oppressive marxist dictatorship agenda.

Ethics watchdog asks FCC to revoke Fox's broadcast licenses - The Hill's Hillicon Valley
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The British Parliament doesn't think that Murdoch has the integrity to run a major news outlet.

OE: This post neg repped by California Girl
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The airwaves are public property, and the public has a right to demand that the tenancy of those airwaves not be used for partisan propaganda. You're welcome to subscribe to Fox cable or satellite channels, but not to use media we subsidize to undermine American democracy.
The British Parliament doesn't think that Murdoch has the integrity to run a major news outlet.

The FCC is the American government, you witless git. Why would any American care what the British government thinks about an American? Only some servile drone who hates America would even mention it.
The airwaves are public property, and the public has a right to demand that the tenancy of those airwaves not be used for partisan propaganda. You're welcome to subscribe to Fox cable or satellite channels, but not to use media we subsidize to undermine American democracy.

So you want to revoke the license of ABC, NBC and CBS?
The airwaves are public property, and the public has a right to demand that the tenancy of those airwaves not be used for partisan propaganda. You're welcome to subscribe to Fox cable or satellite channels, but not to use media we subsidize to undermine American democracy.

So you want to revoke the license of ABC, NBC and CBS?

First of all, the stations are irrelevant - it's the parent corporations that interfere in news coverage. So would I throw Viacom, GE, et al out of broadcasting? I would have to review their programming to form an opinion. See how this works with liberals? We learn facts first, then form opinions. That's another reason News Corp shouldn't be anywhere near a publicly-subsidized medium of information, especially after the Murdoch scandals revealed exactly what was going on behind the lies. But I do know enough about News Corp and Clear Channel to say they're at best fringe partisan campaign advertising given only to Republicans for free at taxpayer expense, and they need to be kicked the hell out of broadcasting yesterday.
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The airwaves are public property, and the public has a right to demand that the tenancy of those airwaves not be used for partisan propaganda. You're welcome to subscribe to Fox cable or satellite channels, but not to use media we subsidize to undermine American democracy.

So you want to revoke the license of ABC, NBC and CBS?

First of all, the stations are irrelevant - it's the parent corporations that interfere in news coverage. So would I throw Viacom, GE, et al out of broadcasting? I would have to review their programming to form an opinion. See how this works with liberals? We learn facts first, then form opinions. That's another reason News Corp shouldn't be anywhere near a publicly-subsidized medium of information, especially after the Murdoch scandals revealed exactly what was going on behind the lies. But I do know enough about News Corp and Clear Channel to say they're at best fringe partisan campaign advertising given only to Republicans for free at taxpayer expense, and they need to be kicked the hell out of broadcasting yesterday.

Clearly you are in favour of an authoritarian form of government.
The airwaves are public property, and the public has a right to demand that the tenancy of those airwaves not be used for partisan propaganda. You're welcome to subscribe to Fox cable or satellite channels, but not to use media we subsidize to undermine American democracy.

Is anybody preventing somebody from setting up a rival station to use the airwaves?

You aren't defending American democracy but trying to suppress it.
The airwaves are public property, and the public has a right to demand that the tenancy of those airwaves not be used for partisan propaganda. You're welcome to subscribe to Fox cable or satellite channels, but not to use media we subsidize to undermine American democracy.

Is anybody preventing somebody from setting up a rival station to use the airwaves?

You aren't defending American democracy but trying to suppress it.

In a word...yes. The fascists that have gamed the system in favor of foreigners like Murdoch to constantly put pressure on the shills in the republican party to defund public and local community broadcasting. You are obviously a supporter of those that want to discourage true free speach. Go fuck yourself traitor.

Me..I like the first ammendment.. and WHY it is the first ammendment. Fox is an insult and an abomination to the founders intent of the first ammendment.

Me... I would like to see Murdock sent back to Australia in several small packages.
The airwaves are public property, and the public has a right to demand that the tenancy of those airwaves not be used for partisan propaganda. You're welcome to subscribe to Fox cable or satellite channels, but not to use media we subsidize to undermine American democracy.

Is anybody preventing somebody from setting up a rival station to use the airwaves?

You aren't defending American democracy but trying to suppress it.

In a word...yes. The fascists that have gamed the system in favor of foreigners like Murdoch to constantly put pressure on the shills in the republican party to defund public and local community broadcasting. You are obviously a supporter of those that want to discourage true free speach. Go fuck yourself traitor.

Me..I like the first ammendment.. and WHY it is the first ammendment. Fox is an insult and an abomination to the founders intent of the first ammendment.

Me... I would like to see Murdock sent back to Australia in several small packages.

That storm trooper unform fitting snuggly?
Is anybody preventing somebody from setting up a rival station to use the airwaves?

You aren't defending American democracy but trying to suppress it.

In a word...yes. The fascists that have gamed the system in favor of foreigners like Murdoch to constantly put pressure on the shills in the republican party to defund public and local community broadcasting. You are obviously a supporter of those that want to discourage true free speach. Go fuck yourself traitor.

Me..I like the first ammendment.. and WHY it is the first ammendment. Fox is an insult and an abomination to the founders intent of the first ammendment.

Me... I would like to see Murdock sent back to Australia in several small packages.

That storm trooper unform fitting snuggly?

You have me confused with someone else. I'm more of a street fighting man. It is you that wear the jack boots. ... I am the one you won't see coming. I support Black Bloc. I just wish they would stop breaking bank windows and start breaking bankers and fascist's skulls. Nothing would please me more than having these protests go where the true vermin nest...K Street. There they should slit every throat and make K Street run red down the pavement and into the gutters where thier life blood belongs.

[ame=]V for Vendetta: Street Fighting Man - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]My Vision of Vendetta - YouTube[/ame]
In a word...yes. The fascists that have gamed the system in favor of foreigners like Murdoch to constantly put pressure on the shills in the republican party to defund public and local community broadcasting. You are obviously a supporter of those that want to discourage true free speach. Go fuck yourself traitor.

Me..I like the first ammendment.. and WHY it is the first ammendment. Fox is an insult and an abomination to the founders intent of the first ammendment.

Me... I would like to see Murdock sent back to Australia in several small packages.

That storm trooper unform fitting snuggly?

You have me confused with someone else. I'm more of a street fighting man. It is you that wear the jack boots. ... I am the one you won't see coming. I support Black Bloc. I just wish they would stop breaking bank windows and start breaking bankers and fascist's skulls. Nothing would please me more than having these protests go where the true vermin nest...K Street. There they should slit every throat and make K Street run red down the pavement and into the gutters where thier life blood belongs.

[ame=]V for Vendetta: Street Fighting Man - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]My Vision of Vendetta - YouTube[/ame]

Yes, clearly an adept of the SA storm trooper tradition.
That storm trooper unform fitting snuggly?

You have me confused with someone else. I'm more of a street fighting man. It is you that wear the jack boots. ... I am the one you won't see coming. I support Black Bloc. I just wish they would stop breaking bank windows and start breaking bankers and fascist's skulls. Nothing would please me more than having these protests go where the true vermin nest...K Street. There they should slit every throat and make K Street run red down the pavement and into the gutters where thier life blood belongs.

[ame=]V for Vendetta: Street Fighting Man - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]My Vision of Vendetta - YouTube[/ame]

Yes, clearly an adept of the SA storm trooper tradition.

And you are clearly a fool that thinks that those that want to distroy our freedoms only live in Pakistan and Afgahnistan...and Iraq.
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Ho-hum. More lefty hot air which will cool shortly and that'll be that.

A few weeks ago it was Rush who should be banished from the airwaves. Lefties had a huge wet dream over him but they eventually dried off, and Rush is still doing his thing.
The American Left is no different from the Left of Stalin, Mao, Hitler or Pol Pot, they will not tolerate dissent.

There are mass graves at the end of every Progressive rainbow
The British Parliament doesn't think that Murdoch has the integrity to run a major news outlet.

Actually, that is a lie. SOME of those on the committee said that, other's disagree. Shockingly, they were unable to form a consensus. I am not surprised that you lie about it though... honesty is not a quality you possess in any quantity.
The airwaves are public property, and the public has a right to demand that the tenancy of those airwaves not be used for partisan propaganda. You're welcome to subscribe to Fox cable or satellite channels, but not to use media we subsidize to undermine American democracy.

Is anybody preventing somebody from setting up a rival station to use the airwaves?

You aren't defending American democracy but trying to suppress it.

In a word...yes. The fascists that have gamed the system in favor of foreigners like Murdoch to constantly put pressure on the shills in the republican party to defund public and local community broadcasting. You are obviously a supporter of those that want to discourage true free speach. Go fuck yourself traitor.

Me..I like the first ammendment.. and WHY it is the first ammendment. Fox is an insult and an abomination to the founders intent of the first ammendment.

Me... I would like to see Murdock sent back to Australia in several small packages.

When did the Founders elect you to speak for them?

Calling people 'traitor' for disagreeing with stupid is really pathetic, btw.

Free speech is just that... free... you don't get to decide who is free to speak and what they are free to say. Not rocket science Diaper Dude.
The British Parliament doesn't think that Murdoch has the integrity to run a major news outlet.

Actually, that is a lie. SOME of those on the committee said that, other's disagree. Shockingly, they were unable to form a consensus. I am not surprised that you lie about it though... honesty is not a quality you possess in any quantity.

Actually you're the liar. The majority of the committee, not "SOME", signed off on the report.

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