Tolerance and Segregation.

People segregate themselves because it is comfortable. They want to live around people who generally look like them, like the same kind of food, speak the same language, understand the same jokes.

This thread is not about Government enforced segregation, because that's the closet thing to genocide without killing the oppressed population

I am sure that many of you notice that different cultural groups tend to segregate themselves.

At a white wedding, most people are white.

At a black wedding, most people are black.

At an Indian wedding, most people are Indian.

It seems that even in the most diverse areas, people naturally segregate themselves.

There are mountains of evidence that show that violence and tensions arise between cultures that are living within each other. In other words, multiculturalism naturally breeds violence, because one group always attempts to dominate the other, and often succeeds.

There are also mountains of evidence to show that communities sharing the same race and religion and language, are are for the most part culturally homogenous, have a lot less violence and tensions.


As noted in the disclaimer above, there are a lot of fascists that embrace this view, but attempt to enforce it through the machine of government, usually to the point of genocide.

But, does that mean the foundation of their view is flawed?

Why do people naturally segregate themselves?

Why do homogenous cultures experience more peace and prosperity?

One of my daughter's friends married a Mexican. I kept the grandbaby while she went to the wedding. She said it was about half and half white and Hispanic. The music alternated every other song between American and Mexican music. She said that when the Mexicans danced the Americans sat, and vice versa. It sounded kind of comical, actually.
This thread is not about Government enforced segregation, because that's the closet thing to genocide without killing the oppressed population

I am sure that many of you notice that different cultural groups tend to segregate themselves.

At a white wedding, most people are white.

At a black wedding, most people are black.

At an Indian wedding, most people are Indian.

It seems that even in the most diverse areas, people naturally segregate themselves.

There are mountains of evidence that show that violence and tensions arise between cultures that are living within each other. In other words, multiculturalism naturally breeds violence, because one group always attempts to dominate the other, and often succeeds.

There are also mountains of evidence to show that communities sharing the same race and religion and language, are are for the most part culturally homogenous, have a lot less violence and tensions.


As noted in the disclaimer above, there are a lot of fascists that embrace this view, but attempt to enforce it through the machine of government, usually to the point of genocide.

But, does that mean the foundation of their view is flawed?

Why do people naturally segregate themselves?

Why do homogenous cultures experience more peace and prosperity?

One of my daughter's friends married a Mexican. I kept the grandbaby while she went to the wedding. She said it was about half and half white and Hispanic. The music alternated every other song between American and Mexican music. She said that when the Mexicans danced the Americans sat, and vice versa. It sounded kind of comical, actually.

My Aunt and Uncle are mixed too. My uncle is Cuban and my Aunt was born and raised in Tennessee. They met in high school and have been married for almost 30 years.

They throw the best thanksgiving's you could ever imagine. My grandmother and mother cook up a ton of awesome Cuban food and my Aunt's side of the family brings amazing country food that I really only get to eat that one day a year. It's like 2 thanksgivings at the same time. Definitely my favorite holiday.
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So is cannibalism, but we don't practice that anymore either.

Um, cannibalism has never been natural

You weirdo

Go read the relevant biology literature. Humans have gene expressions that are specifically relevant for eating human flesh. Those wouldn't be necessary unless... they were eating human flesh.
It says that gene is only found in black Africans
Um, cannibalism has never been natural

You weirdo

Go read the relevant biology literature. Humans have gene expressions that are specifically relevant for eating human flesh. Those wouldn't be necessary unless... they were eating human flesh.


The abstract for The Cannibal Within explains it pretty well.

The Cannibal Within offers an evolutionary account of the propensity of human beings, in extreme circumstances to eat other human beings, despite the strong Western taboo against such practices. What sets this volume apart from the large body of literature on cannibalism, both popular and anthropological, is the underlying premise: cannibalism as an alternative to starvation is tacitly condoned by the same biological morality that would condemn cannibalism of other sorts in non-threatening situations. Deep as the taboos may be, the survival instinct runs even deeper.

There is also a study of squirrel monkeys in Japan that shows feeding pregnant females a low-protein diet will result in a miscarriage, which is then consumed by the would-be mother.
Thanks for the explanation, but the proposition seems a bit tenuous. Do people also have a "gene expression" for jumping out of burning buildings?

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