Today Is MLKS Birthday

I think he was talking about the Vietnam war, right? That clip was from decades ago, so of course it was before all the current stuff. But I think it's safe to say that if he was alive today, he wouldn't be cheering for war and interventionism. lol. Come on now.

He wasn't only talking about Vietnam.
No I wouldn't. Why would you say that? Hell IM2, I don't even hate you, it just disagree with you on a bunch of stuff.
You'd have problems with King. He'd be considered a black racist.
MLK is being disowned by the political left. That’s the real reason people like IM2 wants to reinvent him as some anti-white commie stormtrooper.

The left no longer believes in judging people by the content of their character. Because they believe if you are white, then you have white privileged, white rage, white fragility and your “whiteness” prevents you from connecting to humanity.

They have to either retire MLK or rewrite his legacy because it is no longer compatible with their current doctrine. MLK isn’t racist, the political left is.
Request denied as being boringly stupid.

Total waste of 0 and 1s.
I don't know, seemed like he was for everyone being equal, I see nothing wrong with that. Unless you think otherwise?
He was for blacks to be treated equally. Seems that you have chosen to believe the white supremacist version of King that completely ignores exactly what he stood for.
He was for blacks to be treated equally. Seems that you have chosen to believe the white supremacist version of King that completely ignores exactly what he stood for.
Judging people by the content of their character? Not the color of their skin? Simple yes or no.
A lot of blacks were communists then. Because the communist party treated blacks as equals. It's funny how dumb whites like you try to diss. For most of this nation's history people who have not been white have lived under a form of fascism.

And your communist “friends” pushed the experimental and dangerous mRNA COVID vaccines onto black people.

How’s that work out for them?
Martin Luther King was born on this day in 1929 during Jim Crow. So once again I will post words from him that many of you here don't know he said.

January 20 is MLK day
January 20 is Inauguration day

I know which one is most important.
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You would call MLK an Uncle Tom.
No I wouldn't. The MLK you racists made up isn't the real King.

Martin Luther King Jr.'s true, radical legacy is being whitewashed by people looking for easy absolution​

For white people, Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. exists mainly as a mainstream portrayal of a saint of redemption. In this historical interpretation, Dr. King saved both black and white Americans from the evils of segregation, while overcoming the resistance of a few, powerful bigoted individuals with little more than dignified protest and the strength of his convictions.

This Dr. King tells us that hate cannot drive out hate, that we should judge each other on the content of our characters, and that poverty and racism are their own evils. This Dr. King does not think us wrong as long as we do not have hate in our heart, doesn’t want us to dwell on each other’s differences and knows that what hurts white people also hurts black people. This Dr. King does not judge. This Dr. King does not see color. He does not ask for reparations. His solitary request is to act with love.

This incomplete and inconsiderate legacy fuels the agendas of white people across the political spectrum, from open white supremacists to apathetic “allies.” Built from scraps of reality selected from his words and work, this imagined Dr. King does not endorse or exalt — it absolves.

His sentiments of love, peace and unity transform into excuses for indulging hatred, injustice and oppression; loving our enemies becomes a commandment to forgive all trespasses.

It is true that Dr. King did seek, coordinate and give partnership to white communities, speak about equality for all as the solution for the suffering of all and give voice to the redeeming power of love and the tactical strength of non-violence. It is not a false legacy or one that should be ignored or diminished.

But too often the power of that legacy is used by white voices to minimize the systemic violence of racism, sow complacency and resentment at majoritarian sacrifice and to characterize the work of his life as complete rather than abandoned.

Nearly a year after his refusal to leave his bed, in August 1967, King stated plainly “that the vast majority of white Americans are racists, either consciously or unconsciously.”

He was for blacks to be treated equally. Seems that you have chosen to believe the white supremacist version of King that completely ignores exactly what he stood for.
Wait, you're saying he believes only blacks should be treated equally? Yeah, you're right, I wouldn't like that. That would be called racist in today's terms.

Personally, I think you're wrong about him.
That vaccine has saved millions of lives.
No it didn’t. African countries that didn’t even use the vaccines had no more deaths than all the other countries that did. In fact they had less deaths.
No it didn’t. African countries that didn’t even use the vaccines had no more deaths than all the other countries that did. In fact they had less deaths.
It certainly did.

But hey, you have the horse paste.
It certainly did.

But hey, you have the horse paste.
I’ll take Nobel Prize winning Ivermectin over experimental clot shots any day.

Have fun with your booster, Pharm Animal.


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