Today I am embarrassed to be American


Gold Member
May 22, 2018
Realityville, USA
The hate has gotten out of control. If I could have found that shithead who mailed those bombs before he did it I’d like to have kicked the crap out of him so he had to be in the hospital and never could have sent them. I’d still like to kick the crap out of him now. He, this ONE man, has fueled the hate to an enormous degree. He’s also fueled insanity. People on both sides are completely ditching common sense and any modicum of decency to do what they perceive as the easy thing: HATE. The evidence is all over here, Twitter, Facebook. Americans are getting dumber by the second and the farther to the right or left they are directly correlates with their level of stupidity.

I’d rather have four more years of Obama over this fucking circus.
The hate has gotten out of control. If I could have found that shithead who mailed those bombs before he did it I’d like to have kicked the crap out of him so he had to be in the hospital and never could have sent them. I’d still like to kick the crap out of him now. He, this ONE man, has fueled the hate to an enormous degree. He’s also fueled insanity. People on both sides are completely ditching common sense and any modicum of decency to do what they perceive as the easy thing: HATE. The evidence is all over here, Twitter, Facebook. Americans are getting dumber by the second and the farther to the right or left they are directly correlates with their level of stupidity.

I’d rather have four more years of Obama over this fucking circus.
Obama is the the main dish in all this.
The hate has gotten out of control. If I could have found that shithead who mailed those bombs before he did it I’d like to have kicked the crap out of him so he had to be in the hospital and never could have sent them. I’d still like to kick the crap out of him now. He, this ONE man, has fueled the hate to an enormous degree. He’s also fueled insanity. People on both sides are completely ditching common sense and any modicum of decency to do what they perceive as the easy thing: HATE. The evidence is all over here, Twitter, Facebook. Americans are getting dumber by the second and the farther to the right or left they are directly correlates with their level of stupidity.

I’d rather have four more years of Obama over this fucking circus.
I don't see that happening at all. In fact, no one wants to take responsibility for this guy, indicating they all feel repugnance at what he's done.
That is a good thing, as Martha Stewart would say.

They called for a return to civility when Gabby Giffords was shot, and everyone completely ignored it. Perhaps because it is bombs and not guns, people will tone it down a bit. I can't stomach listening to the Pres anymore, but I hear he has been a bit more careful, too. How is he doing?
The hate has gotten out of control. If I could have found that shithead who mailed those bombs before he did it I’d like to have kicked the crap out of him so he had to be in the hospital and never could have sent them. I’d still like to kick the crap out of him now. He, this ONE man, has fueled the hate to an enormous degree. He’s also fueled insanity. People on both sides are completely ditching common sense and any modicum of decency to do what they perceive as the easy thing: HATE. The evidence is all over here, Twitter, Facebook. Americans are getting dumber by the second and the farther to the right or left they are directly correlates with their level of stupidity.

I’d rather have four more years of Obama over this fucking circus.

Not me. That would increase the hate a thousandfold.
The hate has gotten out of control. If I could have found that shithead who mailed those bombs before he did it I’d like to have kicked the crap out of him so he had to be in the hospital and never could have sent them. I’d still like to kick the crap out of him now. He, this ONE man, has fueled the hate to an enormous degree. He’s also fueled insanity. People on both sides are completely ditching common sense and any modicum of decency to do what they perceive as the easy thing: HATE. The evidence is all over here, Twitter, Facebook. Americans are getting dumber by the second and the farther to the right or left they are directly correlates with their level of stupidity.

I’d rather have four more years of Obama over this fucking circus.
I don't see that happening at all. In fact, no one wants to take responsibility for this guy, indicating they all feel repugnance at what he's done.
That is a good thing, as Martha Stewart would say.

They called for a return to civility when Gabby Giffords was shot, and everyone completely ignored it. Perhaps because it is bombs and not guns, people will tone it down a bit. I can't stomach listening to the Pres anymore, but I hear he has been a bit more careful, too. How is he doing?

He's doing great. All the world revolves around Trump.
The hate has gotten out of control. If I could have found that shithead who mailed those bombs before he did it I’d like to have kicked the crap out of him so he had to be in the hospital and never could have sent them. I’d still like to kick the crap out of him now. He, this ONE man, has fueled the hate to an enormous degree. He’s also fueled insanity. People on both sides are completely ditching common sense and any modicum of decency to do what they perceive as the easy thing: HATE. The evidence is all over here, Twitter, Facebook. Americans are getting dumber by the second and the farther to the right or left they are directly correlates with their level of stupidity.

I’d rather have four more years of Obama over this fucking circus.
I don't see that happening at all. In fact, no one wants to take responsibility for this guy, indicating they all feel repugnance at what he's done.
That is a good thing, as Martha Stewart would say.

They called for a return to civility when Gabby Giffords was shot, and everyone completely ignored it. Perhaps because it is bombs and not guns, people will tone it down a bit. I can't stomach listening to the Pres anymore, but I hear he has been a bit more careful, too. How is he doing?

I’m sure he’s fine.
Not like it hasn't happened before....

Not during my lifetime. I’ve never seen so much stupidity from otherwise intelligent people. They’re getting dumber and joining the actual retards. It defies logic.

There are two diametrically opposed governing philosophies scratching for domination. One constitutional on the right, one totalitarian on the Left.

Further compromise is impossible.
Sane people don't try to paint this individuals act or any individuals acts as representing one side or the other.

Haven't seen much sanity from either side on this site regarding this nutjob, but I don't measure real life based on postings on the internet.

As far as I am concerned this guy should face a firing squad.
Not like it hasn't happened before....

Not during my lifetime. I’ve never seen so much stupidity from otherwise intelligent people. They’re getting dumber and joining the actual retards. It defies logic.

There are two diametrically opposed governing philosophies scratching for domination. One constitutional on the right, one totalitarian on the Left.

Further compromise is impossible.

Neither side is following the Founding Fathers very well, if at all.
The hate has gotten out of control. If I could have found that shithead who mailed those bombs before he did it I’d like to have kicked the crap out of him so he had to be in the hospital and never could have sent them. I’d still like to kick the crap out of him now. He, this ONE man, has fueled the hate to an enormous degree. He’s also fueled insanity. People on both sides are completely ditching common sense and any modicum of decency to do what they perceive as the easy thing: HATE. The evidence is all over here, Twitter, Facebook. Americans are getting dumber by the second and the farther to the right or left they are directly correlates with their level of stupidity.

I’d rather have four more years of Obama over this fucking circus.

Not me. That would increase the hate a thousandfold.

Why do you say that? I’m to the point I’d rather appease the crybaby Resistance who’ve proven they can’t accept a defeat over the mindless, unjustified hate infecting the country. The media and Trump are to blame for the hysteria. If Obama or Hillary were pres the media would pretend everything was all hunky dory no matter what, hence nothing could upset the masses as it does now. Yes, there would still be anger from those who seek the truth but there are far more people who don’t care about truth but about being right—one aspect of the dumbing down.
Sane people don't try to paint this individuals act or any individuals acts as representing one side or the other.

Haven't seen much sanity from either side on this site regarding this nutjob, but I don't measure real life based on postings on the internet.

As far as I am concerned this guy should face a firing squad.
Why? He hasn't been convicted of any crime? Oh wait, you guys don't allow due process anymore.
Not like it hasn't happened before....

Not during my lifetime. I’ve never seen so much stupidity from otherwise intelligent people. They’re getting dumber and joining the actual retards. It defies logic.

There are two diametrically opposed governing philosophies scratching for domination. One constitutional on the right, one totalitarian on the Left.

Further compromise is impossible.
Boy did you miss the bus. Trump is more totalitarian than any Democrat..Unless it's a woman then it just comes naturally to them....
Not like it hasn't happened before....

Not during my lifetime. I’ve never seen so much stupidity from otherwise intelligent people. They’re getting dumber and joining the actual retards. It defies logic.

There are two diametrically opposed governing philosophies scratching for domination. One constitutional on the right, one totalitarian on the Left.

Further compromise is impossible.

Neither side is following the Founding Fathers very well, if at all.

One side is not following them at all, save for propaganda purposes.
Obama was more stable...
No liar, Trump is stable, he only reacts to left wing savages out to destroy. Like you.

Trump's a disgrace, and I'm not a Left-Winger, either.

Just intelligent enough to know a FLAKE, Big mouth, when I see it.

I like QUALIFIED candidates, even though I'm a Fascist.

It just happens to be Trump says ridiculous things, like about "Grabbing Pu$$y" or "Tiananman Square Massacre as a riot" or "Tiananman Square was a good use of government force"
"He could shoot a man in Times Square, and not lose supporters"
"He likes his heroes not captured" in reference to McCain.

This guy's a piece of work as a Human being.

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