So....more news today. None of it good. MrG and I have to decide which is best for him. In a nutshell....if he is ventilated, he dies while in a drug induced coma, asleep, feels no pain and eventually I pull the plug when he begins to curl up in a fetal position.
Or, not ventilate, he goes to rehab to heal his chest holes from the tubes (3) he currently has once he is released, then he comes home to live on oxygen and hospice to help with his dying that I get to witness.
That about sums up what the past two days have been. MrG says to ventilate, regardless of his high risk. Bad heart, ya know. Collapsed lung that is scarred beyond repair they are trying to deal with in the ICU, etc. Then again, he would have to be alone because they will not let me in since I am unvaxxed and refuse to be...even for MrG. I wanna die when God calls me..not when some schmuck wants me dead via a jab.
Nothing is going to fix his lung. He can live MAYBE a year or so just on oxygen tanks and laying in bed. OR, he can go faster being on a ventilator in a ICU unit and be unaware. He fears suffering and hooked to a machine, hence a ventilator. On the other hand....maybe he can live a semi tolerable life at home with hospice and dies quietly via morphine when the time comes. Decisions decisions.
I told him I do not want to make a decision..or rather, WE should not make a decision until we get a final answer from the pulmonologist in just HOW severe this deadly disease is and so far, we are getting no response. Just mumbo jumbo. So I left a message with the ICU that we need to do a advance directive but cannot until HE tells us the severity of this disease. So response. WTF, already? Can he not SPEAK to us about this? Guess not. MrG is just a body, not a soul, fix it best he can, move on to next patient. NOT! I want some fucking answers and I want them NOW. So in a few hours, I plan to harass the hospital AGAIN, asking the Dr to CALL ME and TALK TO ME, so I can discuss with MrG what the plan of action is going to be. Slow death or fast death. Thats not too much to ask, is it? And this "so busy with covid" bullshit is OVER as far as I am concerned. Just answer my simple fucking question of "what is the severity of his pulmonary fibrosis and what are his chances on vent or no vent"?
Seems a reasonable question, right?
Or, not ventilate, he goes to rehab to heal his chest holes from the tubes (3) he currently has once he is released, then he comes home to live on oxygen and hospice to help with his dying that I get to witness.
That about sums up what the past two days have been. MrG says to ventilate, regardless of his high risk. Bad heart, ya know. Collapsed lung that is scarred beyond repair they are trying to deal with in the ICU, etc. Then again, he would have to be alone because they will not let me in since I am unvaxxed and refuse to be...even for MrG. I wanna die when God calls me..not when some schmuck wants me dead via a jab.
Nothing is going to fix his lung. He can live MAYBE a year or so just on oxygen tanks and laying in bed. OR, he can go faster being on a ventilator in a ICU unit and be unaware. He fears suffering and hooked to a machine, hence a ventilator. On the other hand....maybe he can live a semi tolerable life at home with hospice and dies quietly via morphine when the time comes. Decisions decisions.
I told him I do not want to make a decision..or rather, WE should not make a decision until we get a final answer from the pulmonologist in just HOW severe this deadly disease is and so far, we are getting no response. Just mumbo jumbo. So I left a message with the ICU that we need to do a advance directive but cannot until HE tells us the severity of this disease. So response. WTF, already? Can he not SPEAK to us about this? Guess not. MrG is just a body, not a soul, fix it best he can, move on to next patient. NOT! I want some fucking answers and I want them NOW. So in a few hours, I plan to harass the hospital AGAIN, asking the Dr to CALL ME and TALK TO ME, so I can discuss with MrG what the plan of action is going to be. Slow death or fast death. Thats not too much to ask, is it? And this "so busy with covid" bullshit is OVER as far as I am concerned. Just answer my simple fucking question of "what is the severity of his pulmonary fibrosis and what are his chances on vent or no vent"?
Seems a reasonable question, right?