To undo Obama’s catastrophic damage


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
Trump going to have a lot of work to do especially after obongo's slash & burn tantrum...
President Trump’s Immigration Challenge
To undo Obama’s catastrophic damage.
January 4, 2017
Michael Cutler

On January 20, 2017 President Trump can and likely will end all of Obama’s illegal immigration executive orders, but he needs to do more.

For decades the effective enforcement of our nation’s immigration laws was hobbled by lack of resources in general and a particularly devastating failure to enforce the immigration laws from within the interior of the United States.

For decades the Border Patrol was perceived as the primary enforcement arm of America’s immigration laws and for the Border Patrol this worked out fine. They got the lion’s share of publicity and, far more importantly, the funding while INS special agents and the interior enforcement mission were all but ignored

When the DHS (Department of Homeland Security) was created in the wake of the terror attacks of 9/11, the former INS was dismantled and broken into several components of the DHS and mixed in with other agencies, principally the U.S. Customs Service.

Bad as it was for INS agents to operate in the shadow of the Border Patrol, the creation of the DHS was disastrous and caused many of the INS agents nostalgic for “the good old days.”

On May 5, 2005 the House Subcommittee on Immigration, Border Security and Claims conducted a hearing on the topic, “New 'Dual Mission' Of The Immigration Enforcement Agencies.”

I was one of four witnesses who testified at that hearing. In point of fact, I testified at several hearings that sought to understand the challenges that the creation of the DHS created for the effective enforcement of our nation’s immigration laws.

In my testimony I clearly articulated my concerns about the myriad issues created when the DHS was established and the former INS was dismantled.

Consider this excerpt from the testimony of then-Subcommittee Chairman John Hostettler in which he articulated the importance of immigration law enforcement and that was, however, hobbled by the creation of the DHS:


The incoming Trump administration must make effective interior enforcement of our immigration laws a key priority if his immigration policies are to be successful.

Additionally, because of the policies of the Obama administration, there is an abject lack of managers and agents who have any actual experience or understanding of effective immigration law enforcement.

Institutional memory about effective immigration law enforcement has been all but expunged from the DHS.

Furthermore, most federal prosecutors lack experience in bringing criminal charges for violations of immigration laws.

I would recommend that the Trump administration make training a key priority for all prosecutors and immigration enforcement programs as well as for the employees of USCIS.

They all need to work cooperatively and collaboratively.

The culture of the adjudications program that is the realm of USCIS (United States Citizenship and Immigration Services) is to not cooperate with the ICE agents. This culture was created and nurtured by the Obama administration.

The Trump administration must swiftly remove or reassign any USCIS managers who refuse to cooperate fully and collaboratively with ICE enforcement personnel.

Consider a particularly egregious case involving the manager of the San Bernardino office of USCIS obstructed ICE/HSI agents assigned to the Joint Terrorism Task Force from entering her facility. They were seeking to locate and arrest a suspected coconspirator of the San Bernardino terror attack less than 24 hours after that attack.

She was subsequently nominated for the prestigious Secretary’s Award.

My article about this insanity included this excerpt:

On March 16, 2016, Senator Ron Johnson, the Chairman of the Homeland Security and Government Affairs Committee, requested an investigation by the Office of the Inspector General (OIG) of the Department of Homeland Security into the circumstances surrounding this monumental screw-up. On June 1, 2016 the OIG report of the investigation was made public.

This is how the OIG report described the outrageous confrontation between the USCIS manager and the ICE agents:

The Field Office Director told the agents they were not allowed to arrest, detain, or interview anyone in the building based on USCIS policy, and that she would need to obtain guidance from her superior before allowing them access. During this exchange, the agents also spoke by phone with the Acting Chief, Fraud Detection and National Security (FDNS), USCIS, Los Angeles. According to the HSI agents, he told the agents that it was USCIS policy not to arrest, detain, or interview on USCIS property.

The Office of Inspector General (OIG) also accused her of lying to their investigators.

President-elect Trump’s has focused on immigration. He will have the unique opportunity to address the multiple failures of the immigration system, many of which are decades old while some were created by the Obama administration.

Trump’s leadership can undo the madness foisted on America and Americans by the Obama administration and even correct the errors inherent in the way that the DHS was created in response to the terror attacks of 9/11.

What a way to start the new year and a new administration.

President Trump’s Immigration Challenge
Hey, Einstein, Obama deported more illegals than any other President.

Do try to keep up.

Let me quote an old progressive beatch "What difference does it make" with a wide open border, they just come back in...

Again old biddy every time you post you remind me of

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Obama Leaves U.S. Navy Without Carrier at Sea for 1st Time Since WWII

For the first time since World War II, there is no U.S. aircraft carrier at sea to respond to threats, according to Fox News.

In a nearly unprecedented move, there will likely be a nearly one-month gap between the docking of the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower, which docked last Friday, and the deployment of the USS George H.W. Bush, the ship meant to replace it. According to Defense News, the Bush is not scheduled to leave the port of Norfolk until at least the Jan. 20 inauguration of Donald Trump, and it could possibly leave later.

The Bush, Fox News reported, has been delayed in the shipyards for over six months. A carrier at port could be “surged” in order to meet any threat that emerges, the Navy said. However, at a time of geopolitical instability, it is notable that our president has taken arguably taken our most important tool of military prestige and removed it from the waters of the world.


Meanwhile, off the shores of Yemen, two American destroyers were recently attacked by Houthi rebels, a group sponsored by Iran. There are also, as you may have heard, significant geopolitical difficulties involving both Russia and China.

President Obama has overseen one of the largest downgrades in military prestige that we’ve seen from the executive branch. However, not having a carrier at sea — much less in the Middle East — for the first time since World War II is one of its most disgraceful moves yet. To make things worse, it comes at a perilous time.


BREAKING: Obama Makes DRASTIC Worldwide Move With U.S. Military for 1st Time Since WWII
Hey, Einstein, Obama deported more illegals than any other President.

Do try to keep up.

Does that include the illegal Obama deported 19 times who came back and raped and murdered a woman?
Hey man! That counts as 19 deportations you ungrateful asshole! Why aren't you more appreciative of what obie has done for you!? Of course it didn't help this woman but fuck you man! 19 deportations bitch! And you want a wall, what a waste. Obie has this shit under control you racist.
Hey, Einstein, Obama deported more illegals than any other President.

Do try to keep up.

Does that include the illegal Obama deported 19 times who came back and raped and murdered a woman?
Hey man! That counts as 19 deportations you ungrateful asshole! Why aren't you more appreciative of what obie has done for you!? Of course it didn't help this woman but fuck you man! 19 deportations bitch! And you want a wall, what a waste. Obie has this shit under control you racist.

Okay but...what about the illegal who was deported 6 times and living in the San Francisco sanctuary city who shot a young women to death in her fathers arms?

Yo Grandma Obama ass kisser what do you have to say? How many American women need to be raped and murdered before you agree to secure the border and deport all these fuckers. Pic a number, how many of your own family are you willing to sacrifice?
Obama Leaves U.S. Navy Without Carrier at Sea for 1st Time Since WWII

For the first time since World War II, there is no U.S. aircraft carrier at sea to respond to threats, according to Fox News.

In a nearly unprecedented move, there will likely be a nearly one-month gap between the docking of the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower, which docked last Friday, and the deployment of the USS George H.W. Bush, the ship meant to replace it. According to Defense News, the Bush is not scheduled to leave the port of Norfolk until at least the Jan. 20 inauguration of Donald Trump, and it could possibly leave later.

The Bush, Fox News reported, has been delayed in the shipyards for over six months. A carrier at port could be “surged” in order to meet any threat that emerges, the Navy said. However, at a time of geopolitical instability, it is notable that our president has taken arguably taken our most important tool of military prestige and removed it from the waters of the world.


Meanwhile, off the shores of Yemen, two American destroyers were recently attacked by Houthi rebels, a group sponsored by Iran. There are also, as you may have heard, significant geopolitical difficulties involving both Russia and China.

President Obama has overseen one of the largest downgrades in military prestige that we’ve seen from the executive branch. However, not having a carrier at sea — much less in the Middle East — for the first time since World War II is one of its most disgraceful moves yet. To make things worse, it comes at a perilous time.


BREAKING: Obama Makes DRASTIC Worldwide Move With U.S. Military for 1st Time Since WWII

Carriers are like floating cities but the Destroyer is all ship in the old sense. John Steinbeck

Destroyers have many jobs that they can do; be part of a task force, plane guard a carrier, Naval Gun Fire Support and anti-air, anti-surface and anti-submarine.
Hey, Einstein, Obama deported more illegals than any other President.

Do try to keep up.

/---- We do keep up. If someone is turned away from the border without gaining entry to the US, Obozo counts that as a deportation. You're the one who needs to keep up.
Until the wall is built these illegals will keep coming back after being deported.

Build the damned wall then take care of the millions who are here.
Hey, Einstein, Obama deported more illegals than any other President.

Do try to keep up.

A total lie meant to fool Liberal that redundant??

Obama did no such thing.

From the LA Times.....

"...the portrait of a steadily increasing number of deportations rests on statistics that conceal almost as much as they disclose. A closer examination shows that immigrants living illegally in most of the continental U.S. are less likely to be deported today than before Obama came to office, according to immigration data.

Expulsions of people who are settled and working in the United States have fallen steadily since his first year in office, and are down more than 40% since 2009.

On the other side of the ledger, the number of people deported at or near the border has gone up — primarily as a result of changing who gets counted in the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency's deportation statistics."
High deportation figures are misleading

"Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson acknowledged Tuesday that his department’s deportation numbers are now mostly made up of illegal immigrants caught at the border, not just those from the interior, which means they can’t be compared one-to-one with deportations under President Bush or other prior administrations."
Deportations come mostly from border, DHS chief says

"DHS admits Obama is deporting fewer illegal aliens than George W. Bush

So much for the "Deporter in Chief". Pro-illegal immigration activists and incurious members of the establishment media have tried to claim that Barack Obama has deported more illegal aliens than George W Bush.

That's despite the fact that back on September 28, 2011 Obama admitted this [1]:
"...the statistics are actually a little deceptive because what we’ve been doing is with the stronger border enforcement we’ve been apprehending folks at the borders and sending them back. That is counted as a deportation even though they may have only been held for a day, or 48 hours sent back. That’s counted as a deportation."

Yesterday, Department of Homeland Security secretary Jeh Johnson confirmed how deceptive the statistics are [2]:
Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson acknowledged Tuesday that his department’s deportation numbers are now mostly made up of illegal immigrants caught at the border, not just those from the interior, which means they can’t be compared one-to-one with deportations under President Bush or other prior administrations.

The administration has argued it is tougher on illegal immigration than previous presidents, and immigrant-rights groups have excoriated President Obama, calling him the “deporter-in-chief” for having kicked out nearly 2 million immigrants during his five-year tenure.

But Republican critics have argued those deportation numbers are artificially inflated because more than half of those being deported were new arrivals, caught at the border by the U.S. Border Patrol. Previous administrations primarily counted only those caught in the interior of the U.S. by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

“Under the Obama administration, more than half of those removals that were attributed to ICE are actually a result of Border Patrol arrests that wouldn’t have been counted in prior administrations,” said Rep. John Culberson, Texas Republican.
“Correct,” Mr. Johnson confirmed.
That would mean that in a one-to-one comparison with the final years of the Bush administration, deportations of those same people under Mr. Obama had actually fallen, according to immigration analysts who have studied the data.

That's one less deceptive talking point illegal immigration supporters can use, and it also helps highlight yet again just how incurious many supposed reporters are.
Want to do something about this? Do a search for reporters who've claimed that Obama has deported more illegal aliens than Bush or similar, and then tweet them asking when they'll post a correction.
DHS admits Obama is deporting fewer illegal aliens than George W. Bush | 24Ahead

Do try to keep up.
Enough Iraqi Refugee Terrorists and Rapists
An immigration policy that puts America first.
February 9, 2017
Daniel Greenfield


There are more Iraqis living in the United States than there are in some major cities in Iraq. 156,000 Iraqi refugees have entered this country in just the last decade. 30,000 of those have ended up in California.

In Obama’s first year in office, the United States resettled three-quarters of Iraqi refugees.

71% of Iraqi refugees are receiving cash assistance. 82% are on Medicaid and 87% are on food stamps. Compare those atrocious numbers to only 17% of Cubans on cash assistance and 16% on Medicaid.

It should be obvious why Obama shut the door on Cuban refugees while holding it wide open for Syrian Muslims (but closing it tightly on Syrian Christians), Iraqis and Somalis (77.4% food stamp use).

President Trump’s migration pause was met with lectures about how much immigrants contribute to the economy. But the immigrants that the left likes are a drain. If the left finds immigrants who actually contribute to the economy, it fights tooth and nail to keep them out of the country.

Notable Iraqi refugees include Waad Ramadan Alwan and Mohanad Shareef Hammadi.

Alwan and Hammadi were thoroughly vetted before they were resettled in Nevada and Kentucky. The only omission in their thorough vetting was an unfortunate failure to note that the refugees were terrorists who had spent years trying to kill American soldiers in Iraq.

Alwan had boasted that of how he had “f___d up” Hummers using IEDs and admitted to having taken part in an attack that killed Americans.

He had even left his fingerprints on an IED in Iraq. But the thorough vetting had failed to turn that up.

Alwan and Hammadi tried to send grenade launchers, plastic explosives, missiles and machine guns to the branch of Al Qaeda that would become ISIS. Meanwhile the Al Qaeda in Iraq plotter had quit his job and was living in public housing and collecting public assistance. Like so many other “refugees”.

And law enforcement was soon on the trail of dozens of terrorists who had arrived here as refugees.

The media has had a field day mocking Kellyanne Conway for referencing the fact that this Iraqi refugee terror plot resulted in a six month Iraqi immigration pause under Obama. No “Bowling Green Massacre” took place because the FBI was on to the two terrorists. Hammadi had been caught on tape discussing a domestic terror attack where “many things should take place and it should be huge.”

Mocking Conway for misspeaking helpfully distracts attention from the massacre that nearly was.

And Alwan and Hammadi were far from the last Iraqi refugee terrorists.

Omar Faraj Saeed Al Hardan came here as a refugee. When the FBI searched his Houston apartment, agents found an ISIS flag. Hardan had been planning to leave bombs in the trash cans of two Houston malls. He had also been contemplating an attack on the Grand Prairie military base in Texas.

Hardan had been chatting with Aws Mohammed Younis Al-Jayab, another Iraqi refugee, over in California. Al-Jayab had come as a refugee through Syria, then began plotting to join a terrorist group on his first month here. He headed back to spend some time fighting with Islamic terrorists who later were linked to ISIS. Two of his brothers and a cousin were also arrested for smuggling stolen cell phones.

Al-Hamzah Mohammad Jawad, an Iraqi refugee from Michigan, was arrested while trying to join ISIS. Abdullatif Ali Aldosary set off a bomb outside a Social Security office in Arizona. The authorities found plenty of bombmaking materials in his home. He was also accused of a murder that had taken place a few days before the bombing and had previously been sent to jail for harassment. His case had been put on hold for “terrorism-related grounds of inadmissibility”, but he still couldn’t be deported.

And then there are the Special Immigrant Visas for Iraqi nationals who provided services to American forces. During the recent controversy, they have been depicted as heroes who helped us fight terrorism.


Enough Iraqi Refugee Terrorists and Rapists
May 5, 2017

Daniel Greenfield

So much for "You didn't build that".

But in the heart of every Socialist, no matter how dedicated, creeps in that proprietary sense of ownership. For men and women who actually work for a living, it comes from building something themselves. For Socialists, it comes from ruining and stealing things that others had built. And so Barack Hussein Obama is frustrated that his ruination is being... ruined.

Here it is from another Politico puff piece.


That's ironic considering how many businesses that were built up... Obama tore down.


"Shaken". Because lefties believe they're entitled to destroy others. But no one is allowed to call them out for it. Then they have to go into their government safe space.


Anyone who believes that might want to start pricing the Brooklyn Bridge. Obama didn't put in all that effort to plant one of his cronies on the throne to then make his ghostwriter a bigger priority than trying to run the organization he took over.

Obama Frustrated Watching Trump Tear Down What He Built for 8 Years

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