To those who want to boycott Arizona: GOOD!!


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
I see that the latest political news is a desired boycott of Arizona due to it's crackdown on the invasion of illegals and the assaults on their police from foreign criminals. My opinion? GOOD!!!! All of the people who support this illegal invasion and all those who took part in it should absolutely boycott Arizona. Don't live there, don't dine there, don't shop there, don't go there for any reason at all.

After all, isn't that the whole point Arizona is trying to get? LEAVE ARIZONA AND DON'T COME BACK!!!! I hope my home-state, South Carolina, does a similar legislative act against illegal immigration, and those who participated or supported illegal immigration will boycott and leave our state. If all 50 states follow in Arizona's lead, will they boycott all 50 states and go back home? Bravo Arizona. And bravo to those calling for a boycott. Somehow, I think if all 50 states follow Arizona, you won't follow your own boycott though. You'll find at least one state "suitable" and stay in America.
All those politicians calling for this boycott in Arizona should be recalled immediately if possible. Destroying Arizona's economy further to promote Mexico and La Raza's agenda? These people should be ashamed of themselves. Arizona is struggling so much economically. Putting Illegals' best interests ahead of Arizona Citizens' best interests is both shocking and unforgivable. These politicians gotta go. Wake up Arizona.
What can we do to get the lib bedwetters to boycott Colorado and go the hell back to the left coast, too!

I remember when we gays boycotted Coors and Colorado. They caved.
Couldn't care less about the gays vs. Coors thing.

I'm talking about the refugees who flocked there after fire, earthquakes, flood, landslides and riots in the 90s and screwed up the whole place.

Dingleberries who move in because the place is different, then spend their time trying to make it like the place they left, burn my biscuits.
I don't know how man, I suppose get your governor to enact similar legislation to Arizona. My hope is all 50 states get an official boycott from La Razza (The Race) and those that support this illegal invasion. If they boycott all 50 states, where can they go? Mexico! Puerto Rico! Canada!!
I wish someone would boycott New Jersey, I need more space. But if the Gov ever started on the illegals here, we'd probably lose half the population anyway.
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I don't know how man, I suppose get your governor to enact similar legislation to Arizona. My hope is all 50 states get an official boycott from La Razza (The Race) and those that support this illegal invasion. If they boycott all 50 states, where can they go? Mexico! Puerto Rico! Canada!!

I'll sacrifice my state, California... they can all go there. I don't want to live there again. They can have it. I'll find a nice conservative state, preferably with decent weather.
What's there to boycott?

A giant hole in the ground and a desert.

Big deal.
What's there to boycott?

A giant hole in the ground and a desert.

Big deal.

Yup, that's it, well there is the alpine mountain meadows, with the elk and bighorn sheep grazing in them, oh and the old west tourist places like Tombstone and Prescott. Nothing else I guess, well, except the strong presence of several native American Cultures, and the Biggest natural stand of Ponderosa Pines in the world. Yep, nothing else here aside form the hiking and backpacking and dark skies. Well, there is the clean air outside the valley of the sun. Oh, that stand of Joshua Trees on the river. but there is nothing but a hole and deserts here besides that. Well there is the old west ghost towns and the mining country. I should mention all that land the federal government owns in the way of National parks, Monuments and grazing land. I guess all that makes for some pretty scenery and those sunsets are sometimes unbelievable. But there isn't anything but a hole and deserts in Arizona, everyone knows that. All desert, except for the mountains where i live, and am still waiting for the snow to melt so I can get to my summer pastures, but nothing but holes and deserts.
This is a great move for Arizona! Illegals are going to pack up and move to another state leaving more work for actual citizens... Brilliant move by Arizona. The only people pissed about this are illegals and the libs who live outside of Arizona
Awesome! Let 'em go back to San Francisco, another wonderful city ruined by the degenerate left.
The bad thing about them going to SF is that California will go bankrupt and Obama will take more money from us in taxes to bail California out.

Sometimes I think liberals are hell bent on sinking this country... Ever notice that every blue state is heavy in debt.....
What can we do to get the lib bedwetters to boycott Colorado and go the hell back to the left coast, too!

I remember when we gays boycotted Coors and Colorado. They caved.

I'm sure Arizona has a vast amount of homosexuals, I'm more sure that Arizonians would like to see them leave.

Who cares about the fact that gays live in Arizona, they don't hurt anything. You know, sometimes most of them even act like real citizens.
:eusa_whistle: (thats sarcasm)

My experience in all the years I have lived in Az is more of a 'live and let live' kind of attitude.
All those politicians calling for this boycott in Arizona should be recalled immediately if possible. Destroying Arizona's economy further to promote Mexico and La Raza's agenda? These people should be ashamed of themselves. Arizona is struggling so much economically. Putting Illegals' best interests ahead of Arizona Citizens' best interests is both shocking and unforgivable. These politicians gotta go. Wake up Arizona.

I fear that this is something that is lost on the leftist communist. They believe government exist for the oppression of the people so any agenda they want is primary to what the people want. Its why Obama thought it was legitimate to say 'screw them' on health care.
What can we do to get the lib bedwetters to boycott Colorado and go the hell back to the left coast, too!

I remember when we gays boycotted Coors and Colorado. They caved.

I'm sure Arizona has a vast amount of homosexuals, I'm more sure that Arizonians would like to see them leave.

Gays have a right to be here in Arizona which is not the case for illegal persons residing in this state.
I don't know how man, I suppose get your governor to enact similar legislation to Arizona. My hope is all 50 states get an official boycott from La Razza (The Race) and those that support this illegal invasion. If they boycott all 50 states, where can they go? Mexico! Puerto Rico! Canada!!

I'll sacrifice my state, California... they can all go there. I don't want to live there again. They can have it. I'll find a nice conservative state, preferably with decent weather.

That's wonderful!!! We would rather have the illegals!!! Good luck to you.
I see that the latest political news is a desired boycott of Arizona due to it's crackdown on the invasion of illegals and the assaults on their police from foreign criminals. My opinion? GOOD!!!! All of the people who support this illegal invasion and all those who took part in it should absolutely boycott Arizona. Don't live there, don't dine there, don't shop there, don't go there for any reason at all.

After all, isn't that the whole point Arizona is trying to get? LEAVE ARIZONA AND DON'T COME BACK!!!! I hope my home-state, South Carolina, does a similar legislative act against illegal immigration, and those who participated or supported illegal immigration will boycott and leave our state. If all 50 states follow in Arizona's lead, will they boycott all 50 states and go back home? Bravo Arizona. And bravo to those calling for a boycott. Somehow, I think if all 50 states follow Arizona, you won't follow your own boycott though. You'll find at least one state "suitable" and stay in America.

no chance for you,, unless you vote that dumbass lindsay grahman the hell outta office

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