To those who say Trump hasn't done anything


Platinum Member
May 22, 2017
Here is a brief partial list, which I believe is quite an impressive list of accomplishments. Try and tell me he hasn't done anything.

1. Great economy.
2. Longest government shutdown in history.
3. Declaring a national emergency and building the wall.
4. Increased military spending.
5. Has made the US a net exporter of oil for first time in 75 years. Fracking is the future of energy in the USA.
6. Eliminating Obama's coal regulations, offshore drilling regulations, and Clean Power Act.
7. Nominated Gorsuch and Kavanaugh.
8. Common Core died under Trump.
9. Obamacare died under Trump.
10. Cut taxes.
11. Officially removed Climate Change from list of threats facing nation.
12. Reduced number of federal employees by 16,000.
13. Travel ban.
14. Declared Jerusalem the capitol of Israel and took away financial aid from Palestinians.
15. Has helped start the move away from NATO and improved relations with Russia.
16. Killed the TPP.
17. Has made things harder for H1B system.
18. Defunding sanctuary cities and sending in ICE, authorized to lock up and deport ALL illegals.
19. Massive reduction in number of foreign refugees accepted and stopped some foreign humanitarian aid.
20. Rescinded DACA.

Another accomplishment is his undermining confidence in the MSM.

Next he will sign the Free Speech Executive Order and he will be replacing Ginsburg soon. He's also talking about eliminating Jimmy Carter's U.S. Department of Education and kicking everything back to the states.

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