To those who condemn Israel for any innocent deaths in Gaza, a question…

Mr. Friscus

Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2020
Was it evil for the allies to bomb Germany into oblivion during WW2? Tons of German civilians died.

Should the allies have backed off Hitlers operations and Germany itself to save innocent Germans? (and give space to Hitler, of which we knew would continue to kill innocent Jews/Russians/allies, and everyone else)
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Was it evil for the allies to bomb Germany into oblivion during WW2? Tons of German civilians died.

Should the allies have backed off Hitlers operations and Germany itself to save innocent Germans, and give space to Hitler to kill innocent Jews/Russians/everybody else??
Make your case for America's crimes against humanity and the slaughter of civilians. You're going to have a cooperative audience here.

You could also mention the slaughter of Vietnamese children and invent your own justifications!
Make your case for America's crimes against humanity and the slaughter of civilians. You're going to have a cooperative audience here.

You could also mention the slaughter of Vietnamese children and invent your own justifications!
What were Communists doing in South Vietnam, shitforbrains?
They and they alone are responsible.
Was it evil for the allies to bomb Germany into oblivion during WW2? Tons of German civilians died.

Should the allies have backed off Hitlers operations and Germany itself to save innocent Germans, and give space to Hitler to kill innocent Jews/Russians/everybody else??
We are a different people now.Years of soft living has made us incapable of fighting by the rules of the aggressor
Was it evil for Israel to order a full Stand Down before the Hamas incursion ?
Indicative of a planned Psy -Op .
Answer my question.

As for yours, isn’t standing down a good thing?
Make your case for America's crimes against humanity and the slaughter of civilians. You're going to have a cooperative audience here.

You could also mention the slaughter of Vietnamese children and invent your own justifications!
Huh? What is the point you’re trying to make here
"If you kill enough of them they quit fighting" -Curtis LeMay

"If you kill enough of them they quit fighting" -Curtis LeMay

They're civilians and the Zionist gameplan is to kill the women and children before they even 'start' fighting.

We know what friscus is but I'm trying to establsih a reference point for the rest of Americans. Your side has it cleanly so far.

It's sort of like Vietnam where every baby could have a grenade hidden in its blanket.
Was it evil for Israel to order a full Stand Down before the Hamas incursion ?
Indicative of a planned Psy -Op .
There' little doubt now that Netanyahu's plan was to capture all Palestinian lands.

But that's now miles off in the distance and he didn't allow for the rest of the world's sentiments coming to play on behalf of the Palestinians.

His non-Zionist detractors are proving out that he was going for a bridge too far by rushing to the final solution.
If you lack the balls to own your position then slither out of it.
I haven’t declared my position, I asked a question that you don’t have the balls to answer. I’m happy to clarify my position but I think you need to buck up first..

I mean, the thread was started on a question after all. Answer it, go ahead. Nothing is stopping you.
Make your case for America's crimes against humanity and the slaughter of civilians. You're going to have a cooperative audience here.

You could also mention the slaughter of Vietnamese children and invent your own justifications!
"Non-Combatants in a Combat Zone" Is a Contradiction in Terms

The air-conditioned ethics of the Geneva Convention is like allowing the home team's fans to run out onto the field and penalizing any of the visiting team's players who run into them.
What are your sources?

I already know the answer. There are none, only conspiracy theories

Anti-Semites Are Apologists for the Toxic Ruling Class

That's as ludicrous and nasty as saying that the German Zionists controlled Hitler and made him carry out the Holocaust in order to gain sympathy for establishing a Jewish Homeland.
Was it evil for the allies to bomb Germany into oblivion during WW2?
Yes as it applies to civilians.
Tons of German civilians died.
War crimes.
Should the allies have backed off Hitlers operations
and Germany itself to save innocent Germans?
(and give space to Hitler, of which we knew would continue to kill innocent Jews/Russians/allies, and everyone else)
Makes no sense.
Yes as it applies to civilians.

War crimes.



Makes no sense.
Explain to me this:

How exactly were the allies supposed to not kill civilians. You seem to have an impossible standard, it’s entirely ideological with no possible way for it to happen.. like the idea of a utopian society

But I’m all ears. How would you have taken down Hitler without killing German civilians

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