To those of you that are defending herd immunity before vaccination as HHS emails stated

Sweden Sounds a lot like what Trump did. Do nothing . It failed in Sweden and it failed here.

Sweden and Trump did do pretty much nothing, but both were constrained by law to do pretty much nothing.
But herd immunity does not mean you do nothing.
With herd immunity you should isolate the vulnerable, and use variolation on the least vulnerable, to increase the number who are immune.
The AMA has approved HCQ for use with covid-19, at the doctor's discretion.
"In March, AMA urged caution about prescribing hydroxychloroquine off-label to treat #COVID19," the AMA wrote, with a link to Poynter’s Covering COVID-19 newsletter by Al Tompkins. "Our position remains unchanged. Evidence-based #science & practice must guide these determinations."

There has been no change and very few are still using this useless treatment

Very few should use this treatment, but then again, very few are dying either.
Since the deaths are all from over reactions by the immune system, then immuno suppressants should be researched.
HCQ is just one of thousands.
And it is not useless since it at least prevents harmful fevers.
They should let the people under 50 get it and aggressively treat it like they did with Trump. I'd rather have the natural antibodies than a vaccine. The elderly and the people with pre existing conditions are the only ones that need to be shielded from getting the disease. All these shutdowns and hiding will do is assure us that this virus will be around for years.
No...its the trump virus. You know, the one that he denied for months, while tens of thousands died. That will be his legacy. TRUMP DENIED AND PEOPLE DIED!

You dipshits make me laugh.

What exactly should Trump have done to keep Covid from our shores? Please be specific.

Are you so profoundly stupid that you believe one person could've kept this all from happening?

Watch the movie "Outbreak". For all of its Hollywood sensationalism, it actually demonstrates pretty well how fast a virus can spread un controllably...
you can read the timeline of Trump's botched response.

You guys keep calling it the WuFlu, after Trump praised Xi so many times.

perhaps the biggest fail is gutting the pandemic response unit.

So, you're nothing but a complete fucking failure at answering my question.

No big surprise,,,
Thats because you didnt read what i gave you.
Tough guys trump and Giuliani get sick, go in the hospital and get experimental drugs and procedures that we can't get. Then they come out and tell us it isn't all that bad. SOBs....these people are scum. They ignore CDC standards on social distancing and masks and when they get sick they get special treatments. Then they come out and do the same things that got them sick in the first place.

I would add at least with trump, our tax dollars or what is known to the far right as socialism, paid for all that experimental treatment the rest of us can't have.

But we get to pay for it for trump.

Socialism cured trump from the virus.
Tough guys trump and Giuliani get sick, go in the hospital and get experimental drugs and procedures that we can't get. Then they come out and tell us it isn't all that bad
wasn't Trump on HQC.....?

Months ago for a week supposedly
do you know it's now approved

very quietly, Oct 30th

Link then. Because I don't believe that is accurate, The AMA considered it...and rejected it
Looks like it is still rejected.
An Update: Is hydroxychloroquine effective for COVID-19?
Medically reviewed by Leigh Ann Anderson, PharmD. Last updated on Dec 14, 2020.
interesting the AMA and FDA do not agree W6

Sparky, you are never one of the nut balls, so you forced me to look to find out if they agree, disagree or did they actually rescind instructions against Hydroxichloriquin for use in Covid-19 treatment.
Turns out the Rush was quoting a south Florida news outlet, that was quoting some doctors. Nobody was quoting the AMA, itself. In prep for meeting and discussion it was argued in that body for and against. In the the end the change reversing the policy was never adopted. The AMA has not come out in favor of Hydroxichloriquin at this time. There does not appear to be a quote from the AMA itself, as they have made no change.
PolitiFact's rating: False
Limbaugh read from an article in the Published Reporter, a website based in South Florida. The website wrote that the AMA "rescinded" a statement related to hydroxychloroquine.
Limbaugh accused the AMA of "knowingly lying about hydroxychloroquine." But as the Poynter Institute reported, the AMA never retracted its statement on the drug. The Published Reporter and other websites that spread similar claims have walked back their reports, and the AMA addressed the matter on Twitter.

VERIFY: The AMA did not change its stance on hydroxychloroquine and COVID-19
While a change in its position toward hydroxychloroquine was considered, the American Medical Association rejected the proposal.
Did the American Medical Association quietly rescind its opposition to prescribing hydroxychloroquine to COVID-19 patients?
No, says the American Medical Association. The AMA reiterated in a tweet Wednesday that its “position remains unchanged.”

Hope this helped.
Tough guys trump and Giuliani get sick, go in the hospital and get experimental drugs and procedures that we can't get. Then they come out and tell us it isn't all that bad
wasn't Trump on HQC.....?

Months ago for a week supposedly
do you know it's now approved

very quietly, Oct 30th

Link then. Because I don't believe that is accurate, The AMA considered it...and rejected it
Looks like it is still rejected.
An Update: Is hydroxychloroquine effective for COVID-19?
Medically reviewed by Leigh Ann Anderson, PharmD. Last updated on Dec 14, 2020.

The AMA has approved HCQ for use with covid-19, at the doctor's discretion.
There are MANY studies.
They all have different results, so none are definitive.
What is most likely is that it only helps in some cases, not all cases.
If nothing else, it helps to reduce fever, and since fevers do not work to get rid of covid-19, then HCQ is useful for that.
Show us the link stating that. I showed the AMA twitter rebuttal of the story. Now your turn to hunt.

Dr Atlas and some in the trump administration pushed herd immunity before the vaccination was available. That could have caused 2 million death in this country. incompetent as trump's response to COVID has been, he wanted to kill more people with his insane herd immunity scam.
Atlas said what Trump wanted to hear, so Trump pushed it, so the sheep believed it. Meanwhile, we're losing more than a 9/11 every fucking day.

You could not have made this shit up.

We've been losing that many per day to abortions since 1973. No big deal on that though huh.
I'm glad you felt the need to (try to) change the subject.

A clear indication that you know Trump's incompetence has been deadly. You just don't have enough honor to admit it.

Awww yes, but Im not changing the subject. Im making a comparison of the two. No, it has nothing to do with trump. We've been locked down and masked since march per liberal mayors and governors and it doesn't work.
then again, very few are dying either.
Three hundred thousand have died.


Well go get you some. Oh yeah, 60,000,000 million babies have been killed since 1973. You'll let us know when you're concerned.


Dr Atlas and some in the trump administration pushed herd immunity before the vaccination was available. That could have caused 2 million death in this country. incompetent as trump's response to COVID has been, he wanted to kill more people with his insane herd immunity scam.

Wrong. 60,000,000 babies have been killed since 1973. No outrage there huh.
No...its the trump virus. You know, the one that he denied for months, while tens of thousands died. That will be his legacy. TRUMP DENIED AND PEOPLE DIED!

You dipshits make me laugh.

What exactly should Trump have done to keep Covid from our shores? Please be specific.

Are you so profoundly stupid that you believe one person could've kept this all from happening?

Watch the movie "Outbreak". For all of its Hollywood sensationalism, it actually demonstrates pretty well how fast a virus can spread un controllably...
you can read the timeline of Trump's botched response.

You guys keep calling it the WuFlu, after Trump praised Xi so many times.

perhaps the biggest fail is gutting the pandemic response unit.

So, you're nothing but a complete fucking failure at answering my question.

No big surprise,,,
Thats because you didnt read what i gave you.

Oh, I read it.

It's nonsense...
Tough guys trump and Giuliani get sick, go in the hospital and get experimental drugs and procedures that we can't get. Then they come out and tell us it isn't all that bad
wasn't Trump on HQC.....?

Months ago for a week supposedly
do you know it's now approved

very quietly, Oct 30th

Link then. Because I don't believe that is accurate, The AMA considered it...and rejected it
Looks like it is still rejected.
An Update: Is hydroxychloroquine effective for COVID-19?
Medically reviewed by Leigh Ann Anderson, PharmD. Last updated on Dec 14, 2020.
interesting the AMA and FDA do not agree W6

Sparky, you are never one of the nut balls, so you forced me to look to find out if they agree, disagree or did they actually rescind instructions against Hydroxichloriquin for use in Covid-19 treatment.
Turns out the Rush was quoting a south Florida news outlet, that was quoting some doctors. Nobody was quoting the AMA, itself. In prep for meeting and discussion it was argued in that body for and against. In the the end the change reversing the policy was never adopted. The AMA has not come out in favor of Hydroxichloriquin at this time. There does not appear to be a quote from the AMA itself, as they have made no change.
PolitiFact's rating: False
Limbaugh read from an article in the Published Reporter, a website based in South Florida. The website wrote that the AMA "rescinded" a statement related to hydroxychloroquine.
Limbaugh accused the AMA of "knowingly lying about hydroxychloroquine." But as the Poynter Institute reported, the AMA never retracted its statement on the drug. The Published Reporter and other websites that spread similar claims have walked back their reports, and the AMA addressed the matter on Twitter.

VERIFY: The AMA did not change its stance on hydroxychloroquine and COVID-19
While a change in its position toward hydroxychloroquine was considered, the American Medical Association rejected the proposal.
Did the American Medical Association quietly rescind its opposition to prescribing hydroxychloroquine to COVID-19 patients?
No, says the American Medical Association. The AMA reiterated in a tweet Wednesday that its “position remains unchanged.”
View attachment 431107

Hope this helped.

Correct that the AMA did not change its mind on HCL.
But the AMA also was NEVER against the use of HCL under the discretion of a doctor.
Clearly it sometimes helps.
pushed herd immunity before the vaccination was available
WE need an atomic weapon to stop that cattle car talk.
It's time to nuke the shit out of those damned doctors when they treat people as cattle.
Not even their veterinarians are qualified to treat our bulls, cows, and calves.

Nominated ^ for Most Deranged and Stupid Post of the Week! :D

Tough guys trump and Giuliani get sick, go in the hospital and get experimental drugs and procedures that we can't get. Then they come out and tell us it isn't all that bad
wasn't Trump on HQC.....?

Months ago for a week supposedly
do you know it's now approved

very quietly, Oct 30th

Link then. Because I don't believe that is accurate, The AMA considered it...and rejected it
Looks like it is still rejected.
An Update: Is hydroxychloroquine effective for COVID-19?
Medically reviewed by Leigh Ann Anderson, PharmD. Last updated on Dec 14, 2020.

The AMA has approved HCQ for use with covid-19, at the doctor's discretion.
There are MANY studies.
They all have different results, so none are definitive.
What is most likely is that it only helps in some cases, not all cases.
If nothing else, it helps to reduce fever, and since fevers do not work to get rid of covid-19, then HCQ is useful for that.
Show us the link stating that. I showed the AMA twitter rebuttal of the story. Now your turn to hunt.

Fair enough.
Here is the FDA saying it should only be used by doctors and hospitals.
What’s the news: The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has cautioned against the use of some medicines FDA-approved to treat or prevent malaria and being used for the treatment or prevention of COVID-19. The FDA has warned that hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine should only be used in hospitals or clinical trials because they have been linked to a risk of heart rhythm problems, especially when paired with the antibiotic azithromycin.
Here is the AMA releasing stockpiles of HCL for covid treatment.
There is no evidence to show that hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine—prescribed for years to treat lupus and arthritis—are safe and effective for treating or preventing COVID-19. These medicines are currently being studied in clinical trials for COVID-19 treatment and prophylaxis. However, in late March the FDA issued an emergency use authorization (EUA) to supply chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine from the Strategic National Stockpile to treat certain patients who are hospitalized with COVID-19 and for whom clinical trials are not available, or participation is not feasible.

So the point is that the AMA and FDA are against people taking HCL on their own, but are helping doctors and hospitals who think it may be appropriate in some cases.
Tough guys trump and Giuliani get sick, go in the hospital and get experimental drugs and procedures that we can't get. Then they come out and tell us it isn't all that bad. SOBs....these people are scum. They ignore CDC standards on social distancing and masks and when they get sick they get special treatments. Then they come out and do the same things that got them sick in the first place.

Colorado has a lottery system for who receives the antibody cocktail. Do ya feel lucky? - Sad
then again, very few are dying either.
Three hundred thousand have died.


Well go get you some. Oh yeah, 60,000,000 million babies have been killed since 1973. You'll let us know when you're concerned.

How many posts did it require to say the same damn off-topic thing? You are an excellent example of a single issue voter.
Tough guys trump and Giuliani get sick, go in the hospital and get experimental drugs and procedures that we can't get. Then they come out and tell us it isn't all that bad
wasn't Trump on HQC.....?

Months ago for a week supposedly
do you know it's now approved

very quietly, Oct 30th


Not for Covid it wasn't.

No. Hydroxychloroquine sulfate and some versions of chloroquine phosphate are FDA-approved to treat malaria. Hydroxychloroquine sulfate is also FDA-approved to treat lupus and rheumatoid arthritis.

If only more people had injected Clorox, trump would have gotten his wish of more people dead. He certainly tried to convince his masses.
If on.y you had been one of the eldely thousands in new York put on vintilators to have been murdered by your hero guomo we could all be doing a party dance right now.:iyfyus.jpg::lmao::laughing0301:

Glad you can still laugh! Your Messiah is about to be kicked out of the White House. You will cry when you finally sober up....I AM LOOKING FORWARD TO 2021! BIDEN AND HARRIS! YOU LOSE
No, you are one that clearly is wrong.
Three hundred thousand is TINY, especially since we deliberately stretched this out to 11 months when it could have been ended in 1 month.
Wow. Just fucking amazing. And you live among actual humans?

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