‘To Stop the Multiplication of the Unfit’

Do you think it's wrong to discourage poor women from having babies? Especially, many babies?

I think it's wrong for poor women to have babies for the sole purpose of upping their welfare and food stamp benefits.

No woman/family should have more babies than they can afford to raise without the taxpayer picking up the tab.
And there it is, only the wealthy can have a family.

Wanna have a family? Have a family. Can't afford to feed 'em? Sucks for y'all. I don't owe you a family.
And yet,

in just about every discussion around here about the poor, about social spending, welfare etc.,

the first admonition to those poor you hear from the Right is...

...stop having so many babies!!!!!!!!!

Big difference! Admonishing would-be mothers to delay establishing a family vs. encouraging them to murder their unborn children.



And yet,

in just about every discussion around here about the poor, about social spending, welfare etc.,

the first admonition to those poor you hear from the Right is...

...stop having so many babies!!!!!!!!!

wow, that is just so inhumane.

What is sick is what we hear from you on the left. If you happen to have sex and by golly you get that unwanted pregnancy out of it...just abort abort abort...it's simple and painless, forget the mental guilt afterwards of realizing you just killed YOUR OWN CHILD.

Now, any comment on the article?

Let me repeat my question to you:

Do you think it's wrong to discourage poor women from having babies? Especially, many babies?

I think the term "discourage" is antiquated, where is applies to the female, don't you?

Ample access to and education about reproductive health services (including, at an appropriate age, why its important) would give women the tools to limit the number of children they have, as well as at what age they start having them, on their OWN. They don't need to be "discouraged," they need to be encouraged: to be told they have bright futures, and that their children will too, as long as they're not starting out from behind.
Anyway, broad topic take. Michelle Malkin ain't so bad. I don't like her personally, she always seems like a smug nerd in her interviews and it irritates the shit out of me. . . like a right wing Rachel Maddow. Slightly less snarky, slightly more nerdy. Politically, I give her a point or two for not being pure establishment Republican, but at times she does seem more partisan than thoughtful.

And this article. . . I guess from the POV of a pro-lifer this stuff seems pretty vile. Personally, other than some probable stretches of the imagination that only white people are truly fit to carry on the human genome, the fact that she only wished to encourage abortions and wasn't actually trying to use the -force- of government to decide who can and can't have a child, I see, potentially, no problem with it. Depends on whether you classify a fetus as a full fledged human being or a parasite with human DNA. I know the pro lifers and various religious types will probably think that sounds monstrous, but if you consider the very real possibility that your various religions might have it wrong (and any philosophically open-minded individual absolutely must), then the morality of the issue can only be defined as debatable. For those folks who believe that a human being only qualifies as such when it's not literally surviving by draining physical resources from its host's (mother's) body through an involuntary process, the morality of abortion is far less rigid.

So, for me, fuck it. Encouraging people to delay putting more mouths on the govt titty and delay ramping up our high-speed march toward global overpopulation as opposed to forcing a 2 child limit like they do (did? Is that still in effect?) in China is fine by me. Whatever sans-force tactic eases the widespread desire to enslave the capable to pay for the irresponsible sounds to me to be, at worst, morally neutral.
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Malkin? The only people who care what that shrieking beast has to spew, are far-right half-wits. The only thing she's worth is to be grudge-fucked and thrown out the door.

Another open-minded, tolerant liberal with great respect for women is heard from....
Conversely, if the poor are denied access to reproductive health services, they'll continue to BE poor, generation after generation.

Remaining poor, "generation after generation," is exactly what the democrats demand of the poor.
Big talk coming from a woman who posts home addresses of children she disagrees with on the internet.

Malkin would better serve this country acting as a whore for our servicemen than as one for the failed policies of the Republican party.

That was a stupid post. Shut the hell up dude. You're no better than Rush Limbaugh when you post shit like this.
Conversely, if the poor are denied access to reproductive health services, they'll continue to BE poor, generation after generation.

Remaining poor, "generation after generation," is exactly what the democrats demand of the poor.

I find it demeaning how they speak of "the poor"...as if they are incapable of getting out of being poor..but they speak of black people about the same way.
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Conversely, if the poor are denied access to reproductive health services, they'll continue to BE poor, generation after generation.

Remaining poor, "generation after generation," is exactly what the democrats demand of the poor.

I find it demeaning how they speak of "the poor"...as if they are incapable of getting out of being poor..but they speak of black people about the same way.

How ya gonna keep 'em, down on the farm?
Somethings never go away, there will always be a certain group of people who think they know who is worthy of producing life and who is unworthy of producing life. The means through which they attempt to achieve this have changed throughout time, but one thing is for certain there will always be Malthusians who hate the poor and ignorant, and wish only for their removal from the gene pool.
.....And, the RNC....that's STILL trying to sell the idea that a Teabagger Nation is a more-manageable nation

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=icmRCixQrx8]Idiocracy - YouTube[/ame]

.....while the 1%ers' China-inve$tment$ grow; exponentially.
And yet,

in just about every discussion around here about the poor, about social spending, welfare etc.,

the first admonition to those poor you hear from the Right is...

...stop having so many babies!!!!!!!!!

Big difference! Admonishing would-be mothers to delay establishing a family vs. encouraging them to murder their unborn children.

If a poor woman gets pregnant and conservative policies have removed all the assistance that a poor pregnant woman would get for herself and her child, if she had the child,

THAT would encourage her to have an abortion.
And yet,

in just about every discussion around here about the poor, about social spending, welfare etc.,

the first admonition to those poor you hear from the Right is...

...stop having so many babies!!!!!!!!!

Big difference! Admonishing would-be mothers to delay establishing a family vs. encouraging them to murder their unborn children.

If a poor woman gets pregnant and conservative policies have removed all the assistance that a poor pregnant woman would get for herself and her child, if she had the child,

THAT would encourage her to have an abortion.

good grief, talk about fear mongering...and a disgusting LIE
Big difference! Admonishing would-be mothers to delay establishing a family vs. encouraging them to murder their unborn children.

If a poor woman gets pregnant and conservative policies have removed all the assistance that a poor pregnant woman would get for herself and her child, if she had the child,

THAT would encourage her to have an abortion.

good grief, talk about fear mongering...and a disgusting LIE

Just one lie after another from the Libtards. It is all they have.
wow, that is just so inhumane.

What is sick is what we hear from you on the left. If you happen to have sex and by golly you get that unwanted pregnancy out of it...just abort abort abort...it's simple and painless, forget the mental guilt afterwards of realizing you just killed YOUR OWN CHILD.

Now, any comment on the article?

Let me repeat my question to you:

Do you think it's wrong to discourage poor women from having babies? Especially, many babies?

I think the term "discourage" is antiquated, where is applies to the female, don't you?

Ample access to and education about reproductive health services (including, at an appropriate age, why its important) would give women the tools to limit the number of children they have, as well as at what age they start having them, on their OWN. They don't need to be "discouraged," they need to be encouraged: to be told they have bright futures, and that their children will too, as long as they're not starting out from behind.

Women, or couples for that matter, who are not in a position to afford to have children, need to be discouraged from having children. Period. The semantics of it are not important, to me anyway.
Big difference! Admonishing would-be mothers to delay establishing a family vs. encouraging them to murder their unborn children.

If a poor woman gets pregnant and conservative policies have removed all the assistance that a poor pregnant woman would get for herself and her child, if she had the child,

THAT would encourage her to have an abortion.

good grief, talk about fear mongering...and a disgusting LIE

So conservatives now support welfare, Medicaid, food stamps, subsidized housing, heat and energy assistance, free school lunches, etc., etc., etc.?

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