To:‭ ‬Republican Party Leaders,‭ ‬This Current Path Is Untenable


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016
To:‭ ‬Republican Party Leaders,‭ ‬This Current Path Is Untenable

Conservative commentator‭ ‬Tara Setmayer,‭ ‬quit the Republican party in November,‭ ‬she describes the forty-five senators‭’ ‬support for dismissing the twice impeached,‭ ‬former president trump's trial as‭ “‘‬the most craven example‭’” ‬of Republican lawmakers‭’ ‬unwillingness to stand up to him.

‭“‘‬It really is mind-boggling when you look at how many opportunities the party has had to take the exit ramp and get away from Trumpism,‭’ ‬Setmayer said.‭ ‘‬The result has become that the Republican party now is an anti-democratic,‭ ‬illiberal,‭ ‬pro-seditionist party.‭’”

The leaders of the GOP know they have some real problems,‭ ‬but,‭ ‬do they understand these problems‭ ‬have been a long time in coming and are‭ ‬of are their own making‭?

Since the late1960s,‭ ‬the Republican Party has had a system for courting the white,‭ ‬lower and middle class,‭ ‬blue collar,‭ ‬male voters.‭ ‬The creator of this...‭ ‬system,‭ ‬a young,‭ ‬self‐taught ethnologist named Kevin Phillips was,‭ ‬at the time,‭ ‬administrative assistant to Congressman Paul Fino,‭ ‬the Bronx Republican leader.‭ ‬Phillips had grown up in the Bronx,‭ ‬and from an early age had observed‭ ‬and‭ ‬begun studying the hostility of Irishmen,‭ ‬Italians and Poles,‭ ‬whose ethnic traits were conservative,‭ ‬toward Jews,‭ ‬Negroes‭ ‬(as per the language of the era‭)‬ and affluent Yankees,‭ ‬whose history had made liberal.

Phillips spent twelve years developing his theory,‭ ‬and using charts and graphs,‭ ‬convinced Fino to break with his routinely liberal past to oppose President Johnson’s Great Society programs for ghetto minorities.‭ ‬Fino’s rhetoric targeted rent subsidies,‭ ‬school busing,‭ ‬welfare liberalization,‭ ‬model demonstration projects,‭ ‬and the Office of Economic Opportunity community action programs.‭ ‬Additionally,‭ ‬Fino began assaults on the‭ “‬liberal establishment‭”‬,‭ ‬whose ideology was the basis of both major political parties in New York during that period.‭

Fino made clear the distinction between himself and Republicans like John Lindsay,‭ ‬Ogden Reid and Jacob Javits,‭ ‬or Democrats like Benjamin Rosenthal,‭ ‬Richard Ottinger and Theodore Sorensen.

Election night,‭ ‬1966,‭ ‬came to the Bronx,‭ ‬and under Phillips's guidance,‭ ‬Fino had turned his,‭ ‬traditionally Democratic‭ ‬24th Congressional District,‭ ‬which had the largest‭ ‬combined‭ ‬block‭ ‬of‭ ‬Italian and‭ ‬Irish votes in the nation,‭ ‬into a GOP stronghold.‭

Party leaders,‭ ‬seeing the local success of Phillips's‭ ‬theory‭ ‬were quick to adopt the technique nationwide,‭ ‬the mining of‭ “‬ethnic resentments‭” ‬of white,‭ ‬poorly educated,‭ ‬semi-skilled,‭ ‬easily manipulated,‭ ‬lower and middle class,‭ ‬blue collar,‭ ‬males became the GOP’s incredibly successful,‭ ‬Southern Strategy.‭

But,‭ ‬as time wore on and the anti-liberal,‭ ‬race-baiting song-and-dance lost its effectiveness,‭ ‬stronger and increasingly ominous rhetoric was found to be necessary.‭ ‬Since the Reagan era,‭ ‬conservatism‭ ‬been portrayed as being in‭ ‬increasing‭ ‬danger,‭ ‬according to the Republican Party.‭ ‬The Party’s right-wing voter base learned they could never be sure when their sky would fall.‭ ‬But,‭ ‬they were assured that,‭ ‬with the constant vigilance by a Republican controlled government,‭ ‬liberals,‭ ‬progressives,‭ ‬non-white people,‭ ‬and the rest of the scapegoats regularly cited by the GOP and their rank-and-file,‭ ‬would never be given the opportunity to bring that sky crashing down.

So,‭ ‬the Republican Party,‭ ‬believing they had a foolproof method to hold onto power permanently,‭ ‬continued creating the perfect mindset in‭ ‬each successive generation of‭ ‬their white,‭ ‬poorly educated,‭ ‬semi-skilled,‭ ‬easily manipulated,‭ ‬lower and middle class,‭ ‬blue collar,‭ ‬male AND female voter base.‭

However,‭ ‬by‭ ‬2015,‭ ‬all of the Party’s hard work also enabled the con man trump to quickly amplify the well established‭ “‬ethnic resentments‭”‬,‭ ‬anxiety,‭ ‬and paranoia in a large percentage of their rank-and-file,‭ ‬and turn it to his advantage.

So,‭ ‬Republican leaders at all levels,‭ ‬your right-wing voter base,‭ ‬that you systematically fostered for decades,‭ ‬after only five years under the con man trump’s powerful guiding influence,‭ ‬has become the face of fascism in a country whose people have always fought against such right-wing extremism.‭ ‬From the nation’s Congress,‭ ‬in the fifty state legislatures,‭ ‬and in countless local county,‭ ‬city,‭ ‬and town governing bodies,‭ ‬few elected Republicans dare condemn their Party’s takeover by fascism.‭

This revolting development would not be a problem if your Party could deal with it internally.‭ ‬Unfortunately,‭ ‬the dangerous people you created are as great a threat to our democracy as to the survival of your political party.‭ ‬Orders have undoubtedly come down from the powers-that-be,‭ ‬demanding this fascist problem solved immediately.‭

The question now is,‭ ‬have any solutions discussed seemed viable‭? ‬How much time have the powers-that-be given you‭? ‬Whose heads are on the chopping block the longer this fascist problem exists‭? ‬Have the powers-that-be spoken to any of you about retaining professional assassins‭? ‬Has the number necessary to silence the‭ “‬bad influences‭” ‬been decided‭?

Nationwide,‭ ‬trump’s Nazis tasted blood on January‭ ‬6th.‭ ‬And while some of the insurrectionists now facing prison regret following their führer’s carefully crafted,‭ ‬and powerful‭ “‬suggestions‭” ‬to commit treason that morning,‭ ‬74million+‭ ‬remain convinced trump must be installed as dictator.‭ ‬It’s a certainty the powers-that-be have explained to you that this is NOT in their best interests for the long-term.

So,‭ ‬Republican leaders,‭ ‬what are your plans to protect the American democratic system your‭ ‬loss of control of your right-wing base‭ ‬is‭ ‬now seriously endangering‭?‭

The Democrat Party is a Dangerous Political Cult and they are destroying our democracy* with their corruption, their path is always untenable.
I thought this thread was going to be on the looming $30 trillion debt soon to go to $200 trillion. with the term unsustainable in the title.

But no, just another Orange man bad thread.
To:‭ ‬Republican Party Leaders,‭ ‬This Current Path Is Untenable

Conservative commentator‭ ‬Tara Setmayer,‭ ‬quit the Republican party in November,‭ ‬she describes the forty-five senators‭’ ‬support for dismissing the twice impeached,‭ ‬former president trump's trial as‭ “‘‬the most craven example‭’” ‬of Republican lawmakers‭’ ‬unwillingness to stand up to him.

‭“‘‬It really is mind-boggling when you look at how many opportunities the party has had to take the exit ramp and get away from Trumpism,‭’ ‬Setmayer said.‭ ‘‬The result has become that the Republican party now is an anti-democratic,‭ ‬illiberal,‭ ‬pro-seditionist party.‭’”

The leaders of the GOP know they have some real problems,‭ ‬but,‭ ‬do they understand these problems‭ ‬have been a long time in coming and are‭ ‬of are their own making‭?

Since the late1960s,‭ ‬the Republican Party has had a system for courting the white,‭ ‬lower and middle class,‭ ‬blue collar,‭ ‬male voters.‭ ‬The creator of this...‭ ‬system,‭ ‬a young,‭ ‬self‐taught ethnologist named Kevin Phillips was,‭ ‬at the time,‭ ‬administrative assistant to Congressman Paul Fino,‭ ‬the Bronx Republican leader.‭ ‬Phillips had grown up in the Bronx,‭ ‬and from an early age had observed‭ ‬and‭ ‬begun studying the hostility of Irishmen,‭ ‬Italians and Poles,‭ ‬whose ethnic traits were conservative,‭ ‬toward Jews,‭ ‬Negroes‭ ‬(as per the language of the era‭)‬ and affluent Yankees,‭ ‬whose history had made liberal.

Phillips spent twelve years developing his theory,‭ ‬and using charts and graphs,‭ ‬convinced Fino to break with his routinely liberal past to oppose President Johnson’s Great Society programs for ghetto minorities.‭ ‬Fino’s rhetoric targeted rent subsidies,‭ ‬school busing,‭ ‬welfare liberalization,‭ ‬model demonstration projects,‭ ‬and the Office of Economic Opportunity community action programs.‭ ‬Additionally,‭ ‬Fino began assaults on the‭ “‬liberal establishment‭”‬,‭ ‬whose ideology was the basis of both major political parties in New York during that period.‭

Fino made clear the distinction between himself and Republicans like John Lindsay,‭ ‬Ogden Reid and Jacob Javits,‭ ‬or Democrats like Benjamin Rosenthal,‭ ‬Richard Ottinger and Theodore Sorensen.

Election night,‭ ‬1966,‭ ‬came to the Bronx,‭ ‬and under Phillips's guidance,‭ ‬Fino had turned his,‭ ‬traditionally Democratic‭ ‬24th Congressional District,‭ ‬which had the largest‭ ‬combined‭ ‬block‭ ‬of‭ ‬Italian and‭ ‬Irish votes in the nation,‭ ‬into a GOP stronghold.‭

Party leaders,‭ ‬seeing the local success of Phillips's‭ ‬theory‭ ‬were quick to adopt the technique nationwide,‭ ‬the mining of‭ “‬ethnic resentments‭” ‬of white,‭ ‬poorly educated,‭ ‬semi-skilled,‭ ‬easily manipulated,‭ ‬lower and middle class,‭ ‬blue collar,‭ ‬males became the GOP’s incredibly successful,‭ ‬Southern Strategy.‭

But,‭ ‬as time wore on and the anti-liberal,‭ ‬race-baiting song-and-dance lost its effectiveness,‭ ‬stronger and increasingly ominous rhetoric was found to be necessary.‭ ‬Since the Reagan era,‭ ‬conservatism‭ ‬been portrayed as being in‭ ‬increasing‭ ‬danger,‭ ‬according to the Republican Party.‭ ‬The Party’s right-wing voter base learned they could never be sure when their sky would fall.‭ ‬But,‭ ‬they were assured that,‭ ‬with the constant vigilance by a Republican controlled government,‭ ‬liberals,‭ ‬progressives,‭ ‬non-white people,‭ ‬and the rest of the scapegoats regularly cited by the GOP and their rank-and-file,‭ ‬would never be given the opportunity to bring that sky crashing down.

So,‭ ‬the Republican Party,‭ ‬believing they had a foolproof method to hold onto power permanently,‭ ‬continued creating the perfect mindset in‭ ‬each successive generation of‭ ‬their white,‭ ‬poorly educated,‭ ‬semi-skilled,‭ ‬easily manipulated,‭ ‬lower and middle class,‭ ‬blue collar,‭ ‬male AND female voter base.‭

However,‭ ‬by‭ ‬2015,‭ ‬all of the Party’s hard work also enabled the con man trump to quickly amplify the well established‭ “‬ethnic resentments‭”‬,‭ ‬anxiety,‭ ‬and paranoia in a large percentage of their rank-and-file,‭ ‬and turn it to his advantage.

So,‭ ‬Republican leaders at all levels,‭ ‬your right-wing voter base,‭ ‬that you systematically fostered for decades,‭ ‬after only five years under the con man trump’s powerful guiding influence,‭ ‬has become the face of fascism in a country whose people have always fought against such right-wing extremism.‭ ‬From the nation’s Congress,‭ ‬in the fifty state legislatures,‭ ‬and in countless local county,‭ ‬city,‭ ‬and town governing bodies,‭ ‬few elected Republicans dare condemn their Party’s takeover by fascism.‭

This revolting development would not be a problem if your Party could deal with it internally.‭ ‬Unfortunately,‭ ‬the dangerous people you created are as great a threat to our democracy as to the survival of your political party.‭ ‬Orders have undoubtedly come down from the powers-that-be,‭ ‬demanding this fascist problem solved immediately.‭

The question now is,‭ ‬have any solutions discussed seemed viable‭? ‬How much time have the powers-that-be given you‭? ‬Whose heads are on the chopping block the longer this fascist problem exists‭? ‬Have the powers-that-be spoken to any of you about retaining professional assassins‭? ‬Has the number necessary to silence the‭ “‬bad influences‭” ‬been decided‭?

Nationwide,‭ ‬trump’s Nazis tasted blood on January‭ ‬6th.‭ ‬And while some of the insurrectionists now facing prison regret following their führer’s carefully crafted,‭ ‬and powerful‭ “‬suggestions‭” ‬to commit treason that morning,‭ ‬74million+‭ ‬remain convinced trump must be installed as dictator.‭ ‬It’s a certainty the powers-that-be have explained to you that this is NOT in their best interests for the long-term.

So,‭ ‬Republican leaders,‭ ‬what are your plans to protect the American democratic system your‭ ‬loss of control of your right-wing base‭ ‬is‭ ‬now seriously endangering‭?‭

WTF is Tara whatever?
To:‭ ‬Republican Party Leaders,‭ ‬This Current Path Is Untenable

Conservative commentator‭ ‬Tara Setmayer,‭ ‬quit the Republican party in November,‭ ‬she describes the forty-five senators‭’ ‬support for dismissing the twice impeached,‭ ‬former president trump's trial as‭ “‘‬the most craven example‭’” ‬of Republican lawmakers‭’ ‬unwillingness to stand up to him.

‭“‘‬It really is mind-boggling when you look at how many opportunities the party has had to take the exit ramp and get away from Trumpism,‭’ ‬Setmayer said.‭ ‘‬The result has become that the Republican party now is an anti-democratic,‭ ‬illiberal,‭ ‬pro-seditionist party.‭’”

The leaders of the GOP know they have some real problems,‭ ‬but,‭ ‬do they understand these problems‭ ‬have been a long time in coming and are‭ ‬of are their own making‭?

Since the late1960s,‭ ‬the Republican Party has had a system for courting the white,‭ ‬lower and middle class,‭ ‬blue collar,‭ ‬male voters.‭ ‬The creator of this...‭ ‬system,‭ ‬a young,‭ ‬self‐taught ethnologist named Kevin Phillips was,‭ ‬at the time,‭ ‬administrative assistant to Congressman Paul Fino,‭ ‬the Bronx Republican leader.‭ ‬Phillips had grown up in the Bronx,‭ ‬and from an early age had observed‭ ‬and‭ ‬begun studying the hostility of Irishmen,‭ ‬Italians and Poles,‭ ‬whose ethnic traits were conservative,‭ ‬toward Jews,‭ ‬Negroes‭ ‬(as per the language of the era‭)‬ and affluent Yankees,‭ ‬whose history had made liberal.

Phillips spent twelve years developing his theory,‭ ‬and using charts and graphs,‭ ‬convinced Fino to break with his routinely liberal past to oppose President Johnson’s Great Society programs for ghetto minorities.‭ ‬Fino’s rhetoric targeted rent subsidies,‭ ‬school busing,‭ ‬welfare liberalization,‭ ‬model demonstration projects,‭ ‬and the Office of Economic Opportunity community action programs.‭ ‬Additionally,‭ ‬Fino began assaults on the‭ “‬liberal establishment‭”‬,‭ ‬whose ideology was the basis of both major political parties in New York during that period.‭

Fino made clear the distinction between himself and Republicans like John Lindsay,‭ ‬Ogden Reid and Jacob Javits,‭ ‬or Democrats like Benjamin Rosenthal,‭ ‬Richard Ottinger and Theodore Sorensen.

Election night,‭ ‬1966,‭ ‬came to the Bronx,‭ ‬and under Phillips's guidance,‭ ‬Fino had turned his,‭ ‬traditionally Democratic‭ ‬24th Congressional District,‭ ‬which had the largest‭ ‬combined‭ ‬block‭ ‬of‭ ‬Italian and‭ ‬Irish votes in the nation,‭ ‬into a GOP stronghold.‭

Party leaders,‭ ‬seeing the local success of Phillips's‭ ‬theory‭ ‬were quick to adopt the technique nationwide,‭ ‬the mining of‭ “‬ethnic resentments‭” ‬of white,‭ ‬poorly educated,‭ ‬semi-skilled,‭ ‬easily manipulated,‭ ‬lower and middle class,‭ ‬blue collar,‭ ‬males became the GOP’s incredibly successful,‭ ‬Southern Strategy.‭

But,‭ ‬as time wore on and the anti-liberal,‭ ‬race-baiting song-and-dance lost its effectiveness,‭ ‬stronger and increasingly ominous rhetoric was found to be necessary.‭ ‬Since the Reagan era,‭ ‬conservatism‭ ‬been portrayed as being in‭ ‬increasing‭ ‬danger,‭ ‬according to the Republican Party.‭ ‬The Party’s right-wing voter base learned they could never be sure when their sky would fall.‭ ‬But,‭ ‬they were assured that,‭ ‬with the constant vigilance by a Republican controlled government,‭ ‬liberals,‭ ‬progressives,‭ ‬non-white people,‭ ‬and the rest of the scapegoats regularly cited by the GOP and their rank-and-file,‭ ‬would never be given the opportunity to bring that sky crashing down.

So,‭ ‬the Republican Party,‭ ‬believing they had a foolproof method to hold onto power permanently,‭ ‬continued creating the perfect mindset in‭ ‬each successive generation of‭ ‬their white,‭ ‬poorly educated,‭ ‬semi-skilled,‭ ‬easily manipulated,‭ ‬lower and middle class,‭ ‬blue collar,‭ ‬male AND female voter base.‭

However,‭ ‬by‭ ‬2015,‭ ‬all of the Party’s hard work also enabled the con man trump to quickly amplify the well established‭ “‬ethnic resentments‭”‬,‭ ‬anxiety,‭ ‬and paranoia in a large percentage of their rank-and-file,‭ ‬and turn it to his advantage.

So,‭ ‬Republican leaders at all levels,‭ ‬your right-wing voter base,‭ ‬that you systematically fostered for decades,‭ ‬after only five years under the con man trump’s powerful guiding influence,‭ ‬has become the face of fascism in a country whose people have always fought against such right-wing extremism.‭ ‬From the nation’s Congress,‭ ‬in the fifty state legislatures,‭ ‬and in countless local county,‭ ‬city,‭ ‬and town governing bodies,‭ ‬few elected Republicans dare condemn their Party’s takeover by fascism.‭

This revolting development would not be a problem if your Party could deal with it internally.‭ ‬Unfortunately,‭ ‬the dangerous people you created are as great a threat to our democracy as to the survival of your political party.‭ ‬Orders have undoubtedly come down from the powers-that-be,‭ ‬demanding this fascist problem solved immediately.‭

The question now is,‭ ‬have any solutions discussed seemed viable‭? ‬How much time have the powers-that-be given you‭? ‬Whose heads are on the chopping block the longer this fascist problem exists‭? ‬Have the powers-that-be spoken to any of you about retaining professional assassins‭? ‬Has the number necessary to silence the‭ “‬bad influences‭” ‬been decided‭?

Nationwide,‭ ‬trump’s Nazis tasted blood on January‭ ‬6th.‭ ‬And while some of the insurrectionists now facing prison regret following their führer’s carefully crafted,‭ ‬and powerful‭ “‬suggestions‭” ‬to commit treason that morning,‭ ‬74million+‭ ‬remain convinced trump must be installed as dictator.‭ ‬It’s a certainty the powers-that-be have explained to you that this is NOT in their best interests for the long-term.

So,‭ ‬Republican leaders,‭ ‬what are your plans to protect the American democratic system your‭ ‬loss of control of your right-wing base‭ ‬is‭ ‬now seriously endangering‭?‭

WTF is Tara whatever?
She's just another who gives a fuck Never-Trumper. The point is, why is what she says newsworthy? Its not.
The Democrat Party is a Dangerous Political Cult and they are destroying our democracy* with their corruption, their path is always untenable.
You and votto, like all the other trump Nazis, were first disciples of the GOP's Southern Strategy. Its power over you, like trump's fascist spell, blinds adherents to the control the exploiter of their own ethnic resentments has on them.

There are over 74 million trump Nazis like yourselves, blinded by the cult leader they have chosen as their führer.

To:‭ ‬Republican Party Leaders,‭ ‬This Current Path Is Untenable

Conservative commentator‭ ‬Tara Setmayer,‭ ‬quit the Republican party in November,‭ ‬she describes the forty-five senators‭’ ‬support for dismissing the twice impeached,‭ ‬former president trump's trial as‭ “‘‬the most craven example‭’” ‬of Republican lawmakers‭’ ‬unwillingness to stand up to him.

‭“‘‬It really is mind-boggling when you look at how many opportunities the party has had to take the exit ramp and get away from Trumpism,‭’ ‬Setmayer said.‭ ‘‬The result has become that the Republican party now is an anti-democratic,‭ ‬illiberal,‭ ‬pro-seditionist party.‭’”

The leaders of the GOP know they have some real problems,‭ ‬but,‭ ‬do they understand these problems‭ ‬have been a long time in coming and are‭ ‬of are their own making‭?

Since the late1960s,‭ ‬the Republican Party has had a system for courting the white,‭ ‬lower and middle class,‭ ‬blue collar,‭ ‬male voters.‭ ‬The creator of this...‭ ‬system,‭ ‬a young,‭ ‬self‐taught ethnologist named Kevin Phillips was,‭ ‬at the time,‭ ‬administrative assistant to Congressman Paul Fino,‭ ‬the Bronx Republican leader.‭ ‬Phillips had grown up in the Bronx,‭ ‬and from an early age had observed‭ ‬and‭ ‬begun studying the hostility of Irishmen,‭ ‬Italians and Poles,‭ ‬whose ethnic traits were conservative,‭ ‬toward Jews,‭ ‬Negroes‭ ‬(as per the language of the era‭)‬ and affluent Yankees,‭ ‬whose history had made liberal.

Phillips spent twelve years developing his theory,‭ ‬and using charts and graphs,‭ ‬convinced Fino to break with his routinely liberal past to oppose President Johnson’s Great Society programs for ghetto minorities.‭ ‬Fino’s rhetoric targeted rent subsidies,‭ ‬school busing,‭ ‬welfare liberalization,‭ ‬model demonstration projects,‭ ‬and the Office of Economic Opportunity community action programs.‭ ‬Additionally,‭ ‬Fino began assaults on the‭ “‬liberal establishment‭”‬,‭ ‬whose ideology was the basis of both major political parties in New York during that period.‭

Fino made clear the distinction between himself and Republicans like John Lindsay,‭ ‬Ogden Reid and Jacob Javits,‭ ‬or Democrats like Benjamin Rosenthal,‭ ‬Richard Ottinger and Theodore Sorensen.

Election night,‭ ‬1966,‭ ‬came to the Bronx,‭ ‬and under Phillips's guidance,‭ ‬Fino had turned his,‭ ‬traditionally Democratic‭ ‬24th Congressional District,‭ ‬which had the largest‭ ‬combined‭ ‬block‭ ‬of‭ ‬Italian and‭ ‬Irish votes in the nation,‭ ‬into a GOP stronghold.‭

Party leaders,‭ ‬seeing the local success of Phillips's‭ ‬theory‭ ‬were quick to adopt the technique nationwide,‭ ‬the mining of‭ “‬ethnic resentments‭” ‬of white,‭ ‬poorly educated,‭ ‬semi-skilled,‭ ‬easily manipulated,‭ ‬lower and middle class,‭ ‬blue collar,‭ ‬males became the GOP’s incredibly successful,‭ ‬Southern Strategy.‭

But,‭ ‬as time wore on and the anti-liberal,‭ ‬race-baiting song-and-dance lost its effectiveness,‭ ‬stronger and increasingly ominous rhetoric was found to be necessary.‭ ‬Since the Reagan era,‭ ‬conservatism‭ ‬been portrayed as being in‭ ‬increasing‭ ‬danger,‭ ‬according to the Republican Party.‭ ‬The Party’s right-wing voter base learned they could never be sure when their sky would fall.‭ ‬But,‭ ‬they were assured that,‭ ‬with the constant vigilance by a Republican controlled government,‭ ‬liberals,‭ ‬progressives,‭ ‬non-white people,‭ ‬and the rest of the scapegoats regularly cited by the GOP and their rank-and-file,‭ ‬would never be given the opportunity to bring that sky crashing down.

So,‭ ‬the Republican Party,‭ ‬believing they had a foolproof method to hold onto power permanently,‭ ‬continued creating the perfect mindset in‭ ‬each successive generation of‭ ‬their white,‭ ‬poorly educated,‭ ‬semi-skilled,‭ ‬easily manipulated,‭ ‬lower and middle class,‭ ‬blue collar,‭ ‬male AND female voter base.‭

However,‭ ‬by‭ ‬2015,‭ ‬all of the Party’s hard work also enabled the con man trump to quickly amplify the well established‭ “‬ethnic resentments‭”‬,‭ ‬anxiety,‭ ‬and paranoia in a large percentage of their rank-and-file,‭ ‬and turn it to his advantage.

So,‭ ‬Republican leaders at all levels,‭ ‬your right-wing voter base,‭ ‬that you systematically fostered for decades,‭ ‬after only five years under the con man trump’s powerful guiding influence,‭ ‬has become the face of fascism in a country whose people have always fought against such right-wing extremism.‭ ‬From the nation’s Congress,‭ ‬in the fifty state legislatures,‭ ‬and in countless local county,‭ ‬city,‭ ‬and town governing bodies,‭ ‬few elected Republicans dare condemn their Party’s takeover by fascism.‭

This revolting development would not be a problem if your Party could deal with it internally.‭ ‬Unfortunately,‭ ‬the dangerous people you created are as great a threat to our democracy as to the survival of your political party.‭ ‬Orders have undoubtedly come down from the powers-that-be,‭ ‬demanding this fascist problem solved immediately.‭

The question now is,‭ ‬have any solutions discussed seemed viable‭? ‬How much time have the powers-that-be given you‭? ‬Whose heads are on the chopping block the longer this fascist problem exists‭? ‬Have the powers-that-be spoken to any of you about retaining professional assassins‭? ‬Has the number necessary to silence the‭ “‬bad influences‭” ‬been decided‭?

Nationwide,‭ ‬trump’s Nazis tasted blood on January‭ ‬6th.‭ ‬And while some of the insurrectionists now facing prison regret following their führer’s carefully crafted,‭ ‬and powerful‭ “‬suggestions‭” ‬to commit treason that morning,‭ ‬74million+‭ ‬remain convinced trump must be installed as dictator.‭ ‬It’s a certainty the powers-that-be have explained to you that this is NOT in their best interests for the long-term.

So,‭ ‬Republican leaders,‭ ‬what are your plans to protect the American democratic system your‭ ‬loss of control of your right-wing base‭ ‬is‭ ‬now seriously endangering‭?‭

WTF is Tara whatever?
Read the article at the included link. But, be warned, what you read is not approved by FOX Noise, so the truth could scare you to death.

The Democrat Party is a Dangerous Political Cult and they are destroying our democracy* with their corruption, their path is always untenable.
You and votto, like all the other trump Nazis, were first disciples of the GOP's Southern Strategy. Its power over you, like trump's fascist spell, blinds adherents to the control the exploiter of their own ethnic resentments has on them.

There are over 74 million trump Nazis like yourselves, blinded by the cult leader they have chosen as their führer.

1. I'm calling Godwins Law, you lose the debate for referencing Hitler or Nazis.
2. The only "power" anyone has over us is America First nationalism, instead of the Xiden's China First policies, or the democrat's socialist policies.
3. Keep playing the Nazi card, and we'll keep playing the America First card
4. The OP link doesn't work.
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To:‭ ‬Republican Party Leaders,‭ ‬This Current Path Is Untenable

Conservative commentator‭ ‬Tara Setmayer,‭ ‬quit the Republican party in November,‭ ‬she describes the forty-five senators‭’ ‬support for dismissing the twice impeached,‭ ‬former president trump's trial as‭ “‘‬the most craven example‭’” ‬of Republican lawmakers‭’ ‬unwillingness to stand up to him.

‭“‘‬It really is mind-boggling when you look at how many opportunities the party has had to take the exit ramp and get away from Trumpism,‭’ ‬Setmayer said.‭ ‘‬The result has become that the Republican party now is an anti-democratic,‭ ‬illiberal,‭ ‬pro-seditionist party.‭’”

The leaders of the GOP know they have some real problems,‭ ‬but,‭ ‬do they understand these problems‭ ‬have been a long time in coming and are‭ ‬of are their own making‭?

Since the late1960s,‭ ‬the Republican Party has had a system for courting the white,‭ ‬lower and middle class,‭ ‬blue collar,‭ ‬male voters.‭ ‬The creator of this...‭ ‬system,‭ ‬a young,‭ ‬self‐taught ethnologist named Kevin Phillips was,‭ ‬at the time,‭ ‬administrative assistant to Congressman Paul Fino,‭ ‬the Bronx Republican leader.‭ ‬Phillips had grown up in the Bronx,‭ ‬and from an early age had observed‭ ‬and‭ ‬begun studying the hostility of Irishmen,‭ ‬Italians and Poles,‭ ‬whose ethnic traits were conservative,‭ ‬toward Jews,‭ ‬Negroes‭ ‬(as per the language of the era‭)‬ and affluent Yankees,‭ ‬whose history had made liberal.

Phillips spent twelve years developing his theory,‭ ‬and using charts and graphs,‭ ‬convinced Fino to break with his routinely liberal past to oppose President Johnson’s Great Society programs for ghetto minorities.‭ ‬Fino’s rhetoric targeted rent subsidies,‭ ‬school busing,‭ ‬welfare liberalization,‭ ‬model demonstration projects,‭ ‬and the Office of Economic Opportunity community action programs.‭ ‬Additionally,‭ ‬Fino began assaults on the‭ “‬liberal establishment‭”‬,‭ ‬whose ideology was the basis of both major political parties in New York during that period.‭

Fino made clear the distinction between himself and Republicans like John Lindsay,‭ ‬Ogden Reid and Jacob Javits,‭ ‬or Democrats like Benjamin Rosenthal,‭ ‬Richard Ottinger and Theodore Sorensen.

Election night,‭ ‬1966,‭ ‬came to the Bronx,‭ ‬and under Phillips's guidance,‭ ‬Fino had turned his,‭ ‬traditionally Democratic‭ ‬24th Congressional District,‭ ‬which had the largest‭ ‬combined‭ ‬block‭ ‬of‭ ‬Italian and‭ ‬Irish votes in the nation,‭ ‬into a GOP stronghold.‭

Party leaders,‭ ‬seeing the local success of Phillips's‭ ‬theory‭ ‬were quick to adopt the technique nationwide,‭ ‬the mining of‭ “‬ethnic resentments‭” ‬of white,‭ ‬poorly educated,‭ ‬semi-skilled,‭ ‬easily manipulated,‭ ‬lower and middle class,‭ ‬blue collar,‭ ‬males became the GOP’s incredibly successful,‭ ‬Southern Strategy.‭

But,‭ ‬as time wore on and the anti-liberal,‭ ‬race-baiting song-and-dance lost its effectiveness,‭ ‬stronger and increasingly ominous rhetoric was found to be necessary.‭ ‬Since the Reagan era,‭ ‬conservatism‭ ‬been portrayed as being in‭ ‬increasing‭ ‬danger,‭ ‬according to the Republican Party.‭ ‬The Party’s right-wing voter base learned they could never be sure when their sky would fall.‭ ‬But,‭ ‬they were assured that,‭ ‬with the constant vigilance by a Republican controlled government,‭ ‬liberals,‭ ‬progressives,‭ ‬non-white people,‭ ‬and the rest of the scapegoats regularly cited by the GOP and their rank-and-file,‭ ‬would never be given the opportunity to bring that sky crashing down.

So,‭ ‬the Republican Party,‭ ‬believing they had a foolproof method to hold onto power permanently,‭ ‬continued creating the perfect mindset in‭ ‬each successive generation of‭ ‬their white,‭ ‬poorly educated,‭ ‬semi-skilled,‭ ‬easily manipulated,‭ ‬lower and middle class,‭ ‬blue collar,‭ ‬male AND female voter base.‭

However,‭ ‬by‭ ‬2015,‭ ‬all of the Party’s hard work also enabled the con man trump to quickly amplify the well established‭ “‬ethnic resentments‭”‬,‭ ‬anxiety,‭ ‬and paranoia in a large percentage of their rank-and-file,‭ ‬and turn it to his advantage.

So,‭ ‬Republican leaders at all levels,‭ ‬your right-wing voter base,‭ ‬that you systematically fostered for decades,‭ ‬after only five years under the con man trump’s powerful guiding influence,‭ ‬has become the face of fascism in a country whose people have always fought against such right-wing extremism.‭ ‬From the nation’s Congress,‭ ‬in the fifty state legislatures,‭ ‬and in countless local county,‭ ‬city,‭ ‬and town governing bodies,‭ ‬few elected Republicans dare condemn their Party’s takeover by fascism.‭

This revolting development would not be a problem if your Party could deal with it internally.‭ ‬Unfortunately,‭ ‬the dangerous people you created are as great a threat to our democracy as to the survival of your political party.‭ ‬Orders have undoubtedly come down from the powers-that-be,‭ ‬demanding this fascist problem solved immediately.‭

The question now is,‭ ‬have any solutions discussed seemed viable‭? ‬How much time have the powers-that-be given you‭? ‬Whose heads are on the chopping block the longer this fascist problem exists‭? ‬Have the powers-that-be spoken to any of you about retaining professional assassins‭? ‬Has the number necessary to silence the‭ “‬bad influences‭” ‬been decided‭?

Nationwide,‭ ‬trump’s Nazis tasted blood on January‭ ‬6th.‭ ‬And while some of the insurrectionists now facing prison regret following their führer’s carefully crafted,‭ ‬and powerful‭ “‬suggestions‭” ‬to commit treason that morning,‭ ‬74million+‭ ‬remain convinced trump must be installed as dictator.‭ ‬It’s a certainty the powers-that-be have explained to you that this is NOT in their best interests for the long-term.

So,‭ ‬Republican leaders,‭ ‬what are your plans to protect the American democratic system your‭ ‬loss of control of your right-wing base‭ ‬is‭ ‬now seriously endangering‭?‭

WTF is Tara whatever?
Read the article at the included link. But, be warned, what you read is not approved by FOX Noise, so the truth could scare you to death.

WTF is this woman and why would I care what she thinks, or what you think for that matter?
To:‭ ‬Republican Party Leaders,‭ ‬This Current Path Is Untenable

Conservative commentator‭ ‬Tara Setmayer,‭ ‬quit the Republican party in November,‭ ‬she describes the forty-five senators‭’ ‬support for dismissing the twice impeached,‭ ‬former president trump's trial as‭ “‘‬the most craven example‭’” ‬of Republican lawmakers‭’ ‬unwillingness to stand up to him.

‭“‘‬It really is mind-boggling when you look at how many opportunities the party has had to take the exit ramp and get away from Trumpism,‭’ ‬Setmayer said.‭ ‘‬The result has become that the Republican party now is an anti-democratic,‭ ‬illiberal,‭ ‬pro-seditionist party.‭’”

The leaders of the GOP know they have some real problems,‭ ‬but,‭ ‬do they understand these problems‭ ‬have been a long time in coming and are‭ ‬of are their own making‭?

Since the late1960s,‭ ‬the Republican Party has had a system for courting the white,‭ ‬lower and middle class,‭ ‬blue collar,‭ ‬male voters.‭ ‬The creator of this...‭ ‬system,‭ ‬a young,‭ ‬self‐taught ethnologist named Kevin Phillips was,‭ ‬at the time,‭ ‬administrative assistant to Congressman Paul Fino,‭ ‬the Bronx Republican leader.‭ ‬Phillips had grown up in the Bronx,‭ ‬and from an early age had observed‭ ‬and‭ ‬begun studying the hostility of Irishmen,‭ ‬Italians and Poles,‭ ‬whose ethnic traits were conservative,‭ ‬toward Jews,‭ ‬Negroes‭ ‬(as per the language of the era‭)‬ and affluent Yankees,‭ ‬whose history had made liberal.

Phillips spent twelve years developing his theory,‭ ‬and using charts and graphs,‭ ‬convinced Fino to break with his routinely liberal past to oppose President Johnson’s Great Society programs for ghetto minorities.‭ ‬Fino’s rhetoric targeted rent subsidies,‭ ‬school busing,‭ ‬welfare liberalization,‭ ‬model demonstration projects,‭ ‬and the Office of Economic Opportunity community action programs.‭ ‬Additionally,‭ ‬Fino began assaults on the‭ “‬liberal establishment‭”‬,‭ ‬whose ideology was the basis of both major political parties in New York during that period.‭

Fino made clear the distinction between himself and Republicans like John Lindsay,‭ ‬Ogden Reid and Jacob Javits,‭ ‬or Democrats like Benjamin Rosenthal,‭ ‬Richard Ottinger and Theodore Sorensen.

Election night,‭ ‬1966,‭ ‬came to the Bronx,‭ ‬and under Phillips's guidance,‭ ‬Fino had turned his,‭ ‬traditionally Democratic‭ ‬24th Congressional District,‭ ‬which had the largest‭ ‬combined‭ ‬block‭ ‬of‭ ‬Italian and‭ ‬Irish votes in the nation,‭ ‬into a GOP stronghold.‭

Party leaders,‭ ‬seeing the local success of Phillips's‭ ‬theory‭ ‬were quick to adopt the technique nationwide,‭ ‬the mining of‭ “‬ethnic resentments‭” ‬of white,‭ ‬poorly educated,‭ ‬semi-skilled,‭ ‬easily manipulated,‭ ‬lower and middle class,‭ ‬blue collar,‭ ‬males became the GOP’s incredibly successful,‭ ‬Southern Strategy.‭

But,‭ ‬as time wore on and the anti-liberal,‭ ‬race-baiting song-and-dance lost its effectiveness,‭ ‬stronger and increasingly ominous rhetoric was found to be necessary.‭ ‬Since the Reagan era,‭ ‬conservatism‭ ‬been portrayed as being in‭ ‬increasing‭ ‬danger,‭ ‬according to the Republican Party.‭ ‬The Party’s right-wing voter base learned they could never be sure when their sky would fall.‭ ‬But,‭ ‬they were assured that,‭ ‬with the constant vigilance by a Republican controlled government,‭ ‬liberals,‭ ‬progressives,‭ ‬non-white people,‭ ‬and the rest of the scapegoats regularly cited by the GOP and their rank-and-file,‭ ‬would never be given the opportunity to bring that sky crashing down.

So,‭ ‬the Republican Party,‭ ‬believing they had a foolproof method to hold onto power permanently,‭ ‬continued creating the perfect mindset in‭ ‬each successive generation of‭ ‬their white,‭ ‬poorly educated,‭ ‬semi-skilled,‭ ‬easily manipulated,‭ ‬lower and middle class,‭ ‬blue collar,‭ ‬male AND female voter base.‭

However,‭ ‬by‭ ‬2015,‭ ‬all of the Party’s hard work also enabled the con man trump to quickly amplify the well established‭ “‬ethnic resentments‭”‬,‭ ‬anxiety,‭ ‬and paranoia in a large percentage of their rank-and-file,‭ ‬and turn it to his advantage.

So,‭ ‬Republican leaders at all levels,‭ ‬your right-wing voter base,‭ ‬that you systematically fostered for decades,‭ ‬after only five years under the con man trump’s powerful guiding influence,‭ ‬has become the face of fascism in a country whose people have always fought against such right-wing extremism.‭ ‬From the nation’s Congress,‭ ‬in the fifty state legislatures,‭ ‬and in countless local county,‭ ‬city,‭ ‬and town governing bodies,‭ ‬few elected Republicans dare condemn their Party’s takeover by fascism.‭

This revolting development would not be a problem if your Party could deal with it internally.‭ ‬Unfortunately,‭ ‬the dangerous people you created are as great a threat to our democracy as to the survival of your political party.‭ ‬Orders have undoubtedly come down from the powers-that-be,‭ ‬demanding this fascist problem solved immediately.‭

The question now is,‭ ‬have any solutions discussed seemed viable‭? ‬How much time have the powers-that-be given you‭? ‬Whose heads are on the chopping block the longer this fascist problem exists‭? ‬Have the powers-that-be spoken to any of you about retaining professional assassins‭? ‬Has the number necessary to silence the‭ “‬bad influences‭” ‬been decided‭?

Nationwide,‭ ‬trump’s Nazis tasted blood on January‭ ‬6th.‭ ‬And while some of the insurrectionists now facing prison regret following their führer’s carefully crafted,‭ ‬and powerful‭ “‬suggestions‭” ‬to commit treason that morning,‭ ‬74million+‭ ‬remain convinced trump must be installed as dictator.‭ ‬It’s a certainty the powers-that-be have explained to you that this is NOT in their best interests for the long-term.

So,‭ ‬Republican leaders,‭ ‬what are your plans to protect the American democratic system your‭ ‬loss of control of your right-wing base‭ ‬is‭ ‬now seriously endangering‭?‭

The question I have is, are you talking about the Republican party, which has disappeared, or the Trump cult, which is still going strong? Correct terminology is important in this day and age.
To:‭ ‬Republican Party Leaders,‭ ‬This Current Path Is Untenable

Conservative commentator‭ ‬Tara Setmayer,‭ ‬quit the Republican party in November,‭ ‬she describes the forty-five senators‭’ ‬support for dismissing the twice impeached,‭ ‬former president trump's trial as‭ “‘‬the most craven example‭’” ‬of Republican lawmakers‭’ ‬unwillingness to stand up to him.

‭“‘‬It really is mind-boggling when you look at how many opportunities the party has had to take the exit ramp and get away from Trumpism,‭’ ‬Setmayer said.‭ ‘‬The result has become that the Republican party now is an anti-democratic,‭ ‬illiberal,‭ ‬pro-seditionist party.‭’”

The leaders of the GOP know they have some real problems,‭ ‬but,‭ ‬do they understand these problems‭ ‬have been a long time in coming and are‭ ‬of are their own making‭?

Since the late1960s,‭ ‬the Republican Party has had a system for courting the white,‭ ‬lower and middle class,‭ ‬blue collar,‭ ‬male voters.‭ ‬The creator of this...‭ ‬system,‭ ‬a young,‭ ‬self‐taught ethnologist named Kevin Phillips was,‭ ‬at the time,‭ ‬administrative assistant to Congressman Paul Fino,‭ ‬the Bronx Republican leader.‭ ‬Phillips had grown up in the Bronx,‭ ‬and from an early age had observed‭ ‬and‭ ‬begun studying the hostility of Irishmen,‭ ‬Italians and Poles,‭ ‬whose ethnic traits were conservative,‭ ‬toward Jews,‭ ‬Negroes‭ ‬(as per the language of the era‭)‬ and affluent Yankees,‭ ‬whose history had made liberal.

Phillips spent twelve years developing his theory,‭ ‬and using charts and graphs,‭ ‬convinced Fino to break with his routinely liberal past to oppose President Johnson’s Great Society programs for ghetto minorities.‭ ‬Fino’s rhetoric targeted rent subsidies,‭ ‬school busing,‭ ‬welfare liberalization,‭ ‬model demonstration projects,‭ ‬and the Office of Economic Opportunity community action programs.‭ ‬Additionally,‭ ‬Fino began assaults on the‭ “‬liberal establishment‭”‬,‭ ‬whose ideology was the basis of both major political parties in New York during that period.‭

Fino made clear the distinction between himself and Republicans like John Lindsay,‭ ‬Ogden Reid and Jacob Javits,‭ ‬or Democrats like Benjamin Rosenthal,‭ ‬Richard Ottinger and Theodore Sorensen.

Election night,‭ ‬1966,‭ ‬came to the Bronx,‭ ‬and under Phillips's guidance,‭ ‬Fino had turned his,‭ ‬traditionally Democratic‭ ‬24th Congressional District,‭ ‬which had the largest‭ ‬combined‭ ‬block‭ ‬of‭ ‬Italian and‭ ‬Irish votes in the nation,‭ ‬into a GOP stronghold.‭

Party leaders,‭ ‬seeing the local success of Phillips's‭ ‬theory‭ ‬were quick to adopt the technique nationwide,‭ ‬the mining of‭ “‬ethnic resentments‭” ‬of white,‭ ‬poorly educated,‭ ‬semi-skilled,‭ ‬easily manipulated,‭ ‬lower and middle class,‭ ‬blue collar,‭ ‬males became the GOP’s incredibly successful,‭ ‬Southern Strategy.‭

But,‭ ‬as time wore on and the anti-liberal,‭ ‬race-baiting song-and-dance lost its effectiveness,‭ ‬stronger and increasingly ominous rhetoric was found to be necessary.‭ ‬Since the Reagan era,‭ ‬conservatism‭ ‬been portrayed as being in‭ ‬increasing‭ ‬danger,‭ ‬according to the Republican Party.‭ ‬The Party’s right-wing voter base learned they could never be sure when their sky would fall.‭ ‬But,‭ ‬they were assured that,‭ ‬with the constant vigilance by a Republican controlled government,‭ ‬liberals,‭ ‬progressives,‭ ‬non-white people,‭ ‬and the rest of the scapegoats regularly cited by the GOP and their rank-and-file,‭ ‬would never be given the opportunity to bring that sky crashing down.

So,‭ ‬the Republican Party,‭ ‬believing they had a foolproof method to hold onto power permanently,‭ ‬continued creating the perfect mindset in‭ ‬each successive generation of‭ ‬their white,‭ ‬poorly educated,‭ ‬semi-skilled,‭ ‬easily manipulated,‭ ‬lower and middle class,‭ ‬blue collar,‭ ‬male AND female voter base.‭

However,‭ ‬by‭ ‬2015,‭ ‬all of the Party’s hard work also enabled the con man trump to quickly amplify the well established‭ “‬ethnic resentments‭”‬,‭ ‬anxiety,‭ ‬and paranoia in a large percentage of their rank-and-file,‭ ‬and turn it to his advantage.

So,‭ ‬Republican leaders at all levels,‭ ‬your right-wing voter base,‭ ‬that you systematically fostered for decades,‭ ‬after only five years under the con man trump’s powerful guiding influence,‭ ‬has become the face of fascism in a country whose people have always fought against such right-wing extremism.‭ ‬From the nation’s Congress,‭ ‬in the fifty state legislatures,‭ ‬and in countless local county,‭ ‬city,‭ ‬and town governing bodies,‭ ‬few elected Republicans dare condemn their Party’s takeover by fascism.‭

This revolting development would not be a problem if your Party could deal with it internally.‭ ‬Unfortunately,‭ ‬the dangerous people you created are as great a threat to our democracy as to the survival of your political party.‭ ‬Orders have undoubtedly come down from the powers-that-be,‭ ‬demanding this fascist problem solved immediately.‭

The question now is,‭ ‬have any solutions discussed seemed viable‭? ‬How much time have the powers-that-be given you‭? ‬Whose heads are on the chopping block the longer this fascist problem exists‭? ‬Have the powers-that-be spoken to any of you about retaining professional assassins‭? ‬Has the number necessary to silence the‭ “‬bad influences‭” ‬been decided‭?

Nationwide,‭ ‬trump’s Nazis tasted blood on January‭ ‬6th.‭ ‬And while some of the insurrectionists now facing prison regret following their führer’s carefully crafted,‭ ‬and powerful‭ “‬suggestions‭” ‬to commit treason that morning,‭ ‬74million+‭ ‬remain convinced trump must be installed as dictator.‭ ‬It’s a certainty the powers-that-be have explained to you that this is NOT in their best interests for the long-term.

So,‭ ‬Republican leaders,‭ ‬what are your plans to protect the American democratic system your‭ ‬loss of control of your right-wing base‭ ‬is‭ ‬now seriously endangering‭?‭
The question I have is, are you talking about the Republican party, which has disappeared, or the Trump cult, which is still going strong? Correct terminology is important in this day and age.
You'll find out in 2022 and 2024, stay tuned.
p.s. good luck running Kamala in 2024.
To:‭ ‬Republican Party Leaders,‭ ‬This Current Path Is Untenable

Conservative commentator‭ ‬Tara Setmayer,‭ ‬quit the Republican party in November,‭ ‬she describes the forty-five senators‭’ ‬support for dismissing the twice impeached,‭ ‬former president trump's trial as‭ “‘‬the most craven example‭’” ‬of Republican lawmakers‭’ ‬unwillingness to stand up to him.

‭“‘‬It really is mind-boggling when you look at how many opportunities the party has had to take the exit ramp and get away from Trumpism,‭’ ‬Setmayer said.‭ ‘‬The result has become that the Republican party now is an anti-democratic,‭ ‬illiberal,‭ ‬pro-seditionist party.‭’”

The leaders of the GOP know they have some real problems,‭ ‬but,‭ ‬do they understand these problems‭ ‬have been a long time in coming and are‭ ‬of are their own making‭?

Since the late1960s,‭ ‬the Republican Party has had a system for courting the white,‭ ‬lower and middle class,‭ ‬blue collar,‭ ‬male voters.‭ ‬The creator of this...‭ ‬system,‭ ‬a young,‭ ‬self‐taught ethnologist named Kevin Phillips was,‭ ‬at the time,‭ ‬administrative assistant to Congressman Paul Fino,‭ ‬the Bronx Republican leader.‭ ‬Phillips had grown up in the Bronx,‭ ‬and from an early age had observed‭ ‬and‭ ‬begun studying the hostility of Irishmen,‭ ‬Italians and Poles,‭ ‬whose ethnic traits were conservative,‭ ‬toward Jews,‭ ‬Negroes‭ ‬(as per the language of the era‭)‬ and affluent Yankees,‭ ‬whose history had made liberal.

Phillips spent twelve years developing his theory,‭ ‬and using charts and graphs,‭ ‬convinced Fino to break with his routinely liberal past to oppose President Johnson’s Great Society programs for ghetto minorities.‭ ‬Fino’s rhetoric targeted rent subsidies,‭ ‬school busing,‭ ‬welfare liberalization,‭ ‬model demonstration projects,‭ ‬and the Office of Economic Opportunity community action programs.‭ ‬Additionally,‭ ‬Fino began assaults on the‭ “‬liberal establishment‭”‬,‭ ‬whose ideology was the basis of both major political parties in New York during that period.‭

Fino made clear the distinction between himself and Republicans like John Lindsay,‭ ‬Ogden Reid and Jacob Javits,‭ ‬or Democrats like Benjamin Rosenthal,‭ ‬Richard Ottinger and Theodore Sorensen.

Election night,‭ ‬1966,‭ ‬came to the Bronx,‭ ‬and under Phillips's guidance,‭ ‬Fino had turned his,‭ ‬traditionally Democratic‭ ‬24th Congressional District,‭ ‬which had the largest‭ ‬combined‭ ‬block‭ ‬of‭ ‬Italian and‭ ‬Irish votes in the nation,‭ ‬into a GOP stronghold.‭

Party leaders,‭ ‬seeing the local success of Phillips's‭ ‬theory‭ ‬were quick to adopt the technique nationwide,‭ ‬the mining of‭ “‬ethnic resentments‭” ‬of white,‭ ‬poorly educated,‭ ‬semi-skilled,‭ ‬easily manipulated,‭ ‬lower and middle class,‭ ‬blue collar,‭ ‬males became the GOP’s incredibly successful,‭ ‬Southern Strategy.‭

But,‭ ‬as time wore on and the anti-liberal,‭ ‬race-baiting song-and-dance lost its effectiveness,‭ ‬stronger and increasingly ominous rhetoric was found to be necessary.‭ ‬Since the Reagan era,‭ ‬conservatism‭ ‬been portrayed as being in‭ ‬increasing‭ ‬danger,‭ ‬according to the Republican Party.‭ ‬The Party’s right-wing voter base learned they could never be sure when their sky would fall.‭ ‬But,‭ ‬they were assured that,‭ ‬with the constant vigilance by a Republican controlled government,‭ ‬liberals,‭ ‬progressives,‭ ‬non-white people,‭ ‬and the rest of the scapegoats regularly cited by the GOP and their rank-and-file,‭ ‬would never be given the opportunity to bring that sky crashing down.

So,‭ ‬the Republican Party,‭ ‬believing they had a foolproof method to hold onto power permanently,‭ ‬continued creating the perfect mindset in‭ ‬each successive generation of‭ ‬their white,‭ ‬poorly educated,‭ ‬semi-skilled,‭ ‬easily manipulated,‭ ‬lower and middle class,‭ ‬blue collar,‭ ‬male AND female voter base.‭

However,‭ ‬by‭ ‬2015,‭ ‬all of the Party’s hard work also enabled the con man trump to quickly amplify the well established‭ “‬ethnic resentments‭”‬,‭ ‬anxiety,‭ ‬and paranoia in a large percentage of their rank-and-file,‭ ‬and turn it to his advantage.

So,‭ ‬Republican leaders at all levels,‭ ‬your right-wing voter base,‭ ‬that you systematically fostered for decades,‭ ‬after only five years under the con man trump’s powerful guiding influence,‭ ‬has become the face of fascism in a country whose people have always fought against such right-wing extremism.‭ ‬From the nation’s Congress,‭ ‬in the fifty state legislatures,‭ ‬and in countless local county,‭ ‬city,‭ ‬and town governing bodies,‭ ‬few elected Republicans dare condemn their Party’s takeover by fascism.‭

This revolting development would not be a problem if your Party could deal with it internally.‭ ‬Unfortunately,‭ ‬the dangerous people you created are as great a threat to our democracy as to the survival of your political party.‭ ‬Orders have undoubtedly come down from the powers-that-be,‭ ‬demanding this fascist problem solved immediately.‭

The question now is,‭ ‬have any solutions discussed seemed viable‭? ‬How much time have the powers-that-be given you‭? ‬Whose heads are on the chopping block the longer this fascist problem exists‭? ‬Have the powers-that-be spoken to any of you about retaining professional assassins‭? ‬Has the number necessary to silence the‭ “‬bad influences‭” ‬been decided‭?

Nationwide,‭ ‬trump’s Nazis tasted blood on January‭ ‬6th.‭ ‬And while some of the insurrectionists now facing prison regret following their führer’s carefully crafted,‭ ‬and powerful‭ “‬suggestions‭” ‬to commit treason that morning,‭ ‬74million+‭ ‬remain convinced trump must be installed as dictator.‭ ‬It’s a certainty the powers-that-be have explained to you that this is NOT in their best interests for the long-term.

So,‭ ‬Republican leaders,‭ ‬what are your plans to protect the American democratic system your‭ ‬loss of control of your right-wing base‭ ‬is‭ ‬now seriously endangering‭?‭
The question I have is, are you talking about the Republican party, which has disappeared, or the Trump cult, which is still going strong? Correct terminology is important in this day and age.
You'll find out in 2022 and 2024, stay tuned.
p.s. good luck running Kamala in 2024.
And we thought Hillary was a bitch.
The Democrat Party is a Dangerous Political Cult and they are destroying our democracy* with their corruption, their path is always untenable.
You and votto, like all the other trump Nazis, were first disciples of the GOP's Southern Strategy. Its power over you, like trump's fascist spell, blinds adherents to the control the exploiter of their own ethnic resentments has on them.

There are over 74 million trump Nazis like yourselves, blinded by the cult leader they have chosen as their führer.

1. I'm calling Godwins Law, you lose the debate for referencing Hitler or Nazis.
2. The only "power" anyone has over us is America First nationalism, instead of the Xiden's China First policies, or the democrat's socialist policies.
3. Keep playing the Nazi card, and we'll keep playing the America First card
4. The OP link doesn't work.
You fail Godwin's law, kyzr, because you misapplied it above.
Yeah, it's a mistake to call Trump and his circle Nazis. They're not Nazis. All that does is inflame people, and shut down conversations.

I also don't agree that the GOP stance is untenable. It's tenable, it's just heading down the wrong path. Somehow (and I suspect a lot of it is Trump's incredible skill on the mic) they have managed to convince a huge population of otherwise good, clear-minded conservatives to abandon their conservative values and embrace authoritarianism. Who knows if they'll stay as excited for, say, Tom Cotton, but there sure are a lot of sensible conservatives left out in the wind right now.

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