To Replace Ginsberg Before the Election, Or Hold Off Until After the Election?


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jan 15, 2009
Conservative part of the Northwest
I'm torn over the replacing of Ms Ginsberg before the end of the year. On one hand, it would insure a conservative justice replacing her.
On the other hand, it would give the left a lot of negative ammunition to go after Trump for trying to replace her after what McConnell did in 2016.
Trump doesn't need the extra distraction during the campaigning, along with the msm going after him relentlessly for trying.
If he was upfront and saying that he's going to hold off, it could give him some positive momentum in the eyes of the voters in the swing states.
What say you?
Replace her...

The left is totally unhinged and this will energize the conservative base to the hilt. Continued rioting is pushing people away from the democrat plantation and with the lawyers that Biden has hired a 4/4 split will not protect the US from a coup d'etat.

We have no choice but to fill the seat.
I'm torn over the replacing of Ms Ginsberg before the end of the year. On one hand, it would insure a conservative justice replacing her.
On the other hand, it would give the left a lot of negative ammunition to go after Trump for trying to replace her after what McConnell did in 2016.
Trump doesn't need the extra distraction during the campaigning, along with the msm going after him relentlessly for trying.
If he was upfront and saying that he's going to hold off, it could give him some positive momentum in the eyes of the voters in the swing states.
What say you?

I don't think the decision to nominate a replacement justice is going to hurt Trump any, and whether the Senate confirms that person really isn't his responsibility. Where I think it falls more heavily is on the GOP senators who are running for re-election and are in tight races. They would be put into the difficult position of saying one way or the other how they would vote to confirm, and either way that position could hurt their candidacy. It's going to be a purely political decision, weighing the what happens if I do this vs what happens if I do that. I suspect everybody is ging to be doing a lot of polling and surveys over the next couple of weeks to see which way the wind is blowing.

" And people wonder how old uncle Oddball became such a hardened cynic. "

I thought you were born that way. :eek:
I'm torn over the replacing of Ms Ginsberg before the end of the year. On one hand, it would insure a conservative justice replacing her.
On the other hand, it would give the left a lot of negative ammunition to go after Trump for trying to replace her after what McConnell did in 2016.
Trump doesn't need the extra distraction during the campaigning, along with the msm going after him relentlessly for trying.
If he was upfront and saying that he's going to hold off, it could give him some positive momentum in the eyes of the voters in the swing states.
What say you?

I don't think the decision to nominate a replacement justice is going to hurt Trump any, and whether the Senate confirms that person really isn't his responsibility. Where I think it falls more heavily is on the GOP senators who are running for re-election and are in tight races. They would be put into the difficult position of saying one way or the other how they would vote to confirm, and either way that position could hurt their candidacy. It's going to be a purely political decision, weighing the what happens if I do this vs what happens if I do that. I suspect everybody is ging to be doing a lot of polling and surveys over the next couple of weeks to see which way the wind is blowing.

" And people wonder how old uncle Oddball became such a hardened cynic. "

I thought you were born that way. :eek:
I agree...

IF they vote with Trump they win re-election if they do not they dont... Three of the four fall into this category. Romney is already on his way out if recall is completed. I see it being a 50/50 split with Pence making the call.
I'm torn over the replacing of Ms Ginsberg before the end of the year. On one hand, it would insure a conservative justice replacing her.
On the other hand, it would give the left a lot of negative ammunition to go after Trump for trying to replace her after what McConnell did in 2016.
Trump doesn't need the extra distraction during the campaigning, along with the msm going after him relentlessly for trying.
If he was upfront and saying that he's going to hold off, it could give him some positive momentum in the eyes of the voters in the swing states.
What say you?

Dems hate to "live in the past"...right?
They hate everything that's all about "change" and "progression"...right?
Well, McConnell has followed their advice...he's changed his position and progressed.
I'm torn over the replacing of Ms Ginsberg before the end of the year. On one hand, it would insure a conservative justice replacing her.
On the other hand, it would give the left a lot of negative ammunition to go after Trump for trying to replace her after what McConnell did in 2016.
Trump doesn't need the extra distraction during the campaigning, along with the msm going after him relentlessly for trying.
If he was upfront and saying that he's going to hold off, it could give him some positive momentum in the eyes of the voters in the swing states.
What say you?

I do not believe it would hurt Trump but McConnell and Senate GOP is a different story if they confirm his choice before this November Election...

McConnell kind of screwed the Senate GOP on this issue...
I'm torn over the replacing of Ms Ginsberg before the end of the year. On one hand, it would insure a conservative justice replacing her.
On the other hand, it would give the left a lot of negative ammunition to go after Trump for trying to replace her after what McConnell did in 2016.
Trump doesn't need the extra distraction during the campaigning, along with the msm going after him relentlessly for trying.
If he was upfront and saying that he's going to hold off, it could give him some positive momentum in the eyes of the voters in the swing states.
What say you?

I don't think the decision to nominate a replacement justice is going to hurt Trump any, and whether the Senate confirms that person really isn't his responsibility. Where I think it falls more heavily is on the GOP senators who are running for re-election and are in tight races. They would be put into the difficult position of saying one way or the other how they would vote to confirm, and either way that position could hurt their candidacy. It's going to be a purely political decision, weighing the what happens if I do this vs what happens if I do that. I suspect everybody is ging to be doing a lot of polling and surveys over the next couple of weeks to see which way the wind is blowing.

" And people wonder how old uncle Oddball became such a hardened cynic. "

I thought you were born that way. :eek:
Excellent thoughts.

I heard that Murkoski has already stated she would not vote for it, RINO Romney hates Trump.
On the other hand, it would give the left a lot of negative ammunition to go after Trump for trying to replace her after what McConnell did in 2016.
The deranged Democrat's already go after Trump 24/7/365 over everything and anything. One more item on their TDS hate list isn't going to make a difference. ... :cool:
On the other hand, it would give the left a lot of negative ammunition to go after Trump for trying to replace her after what McConnell did in 2016.
The Dem's already go after Trump 24/7/365 over everything and anything. One more item on their TDS hate list really isn't going to make a difference. ... :cool:
Oh, I agree, fully, Sunni, but it's the drip, drip, drip this close to the election with fresh meat on the table.
I'm torn over the replacing of Ms Ginsberg before the end of the year. On one hand, it would insure a conservative justice replacing her.
On the other hand, it would give the left a lot of negative ammunition to go after Trump for trying to replace her after what McConnell did in 2016.
Trump doesn't need the extra distraction during the campaigning, along with the msm going after him relentlessly for trying.
If he was upfront and saying that he's going to hold off, it could give him some positive momentum in the eyes of the voters in the swing states.
What say you?

Don't forget what Leningrad Lindsey said.

Zoom to :20 seconds, if you have the balls to watch this at all.

Republican hypocrisy at it's best.

Lindsey now supports going forward with nomination.

it would give the left a lot of negative ammunition to go after Trump

All I can say, Meis, is that when do Democrats ever worry about being fair, not putting party ahead of all else or ever worry about any of their dirty deeds biting them in the ass?

If Trump is going to win, he will win. He's not going to LOSE because he put a constitutionalist on the bench insuring years and years of rightful decisions.
I'm torn over the replacing of Ms Ginsberg before the end of the year. On one hand, it would insure a conservative justice replacing her.
On the other hand, it would give the left a lot of negative ammunition to go after Trump for trying to replace her after what McConnell did in 2016.
Trump doesn't need the extra distraction during the campaigning, along with the msm going after him relentlessly for trying.
If he was upfront and saying that he's going to hold off, it could give him some positive momentum in the eyes of the voters in the swing states.
What say you?

Don't forget what Leningrad Lindsey said.

Zoom to :20 seconds, if you have the balls to watch this at all.

Republican hypocrisy at it's best.

Lindsey now supports going forward with nomination.

"Elections have consequences"-Barry Hussein Obama
Said it before, saying it again.

I have no problem with Trump announcing his choice in the near future.

I HOPE the Senate will not start the confirmation process until at least mid November, after the results of the election are in.

Full Senate vote to take place in mid December.

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