to read or not to read?


Diamond Member
Sep 19, 2008
chicken farm
i was cleaning up the room my son deserted...literally taking just what he had to have...when i notice a book that looks like a journal type book plain sight damn it....plain sight....and he said that he had taken all he i open it to the first pages....all filled in...i think o he began one as a to last few pages all filled have placed it on a book his room....i am calling him...and asking what he wants done with it..thats the ticket...i will not read it...i will not read it...

let me show some respect for my son.....o break my fingers now
Do not do not do NOT read them.

You already know that, of course.
Ed, what do think of Keith Olbermann reading Mark Sanford's email letters to an audience of millions?

Bones, has he recently move out? Quote: "literally taking just what he had to have..." suggests a sudden and unexplained departure. Do people want their written words be read? Does someone leave a journal lying out expecting that it won't? Isn' it likely that it is subconsciously a tacit explanation of the why of past behaviour?
Do not do not do NOT read them.

You already know that, of course.
Ed, what do think of Keith Olbermann reading Mark Sanford's email letters to an audience of millions?

Bones, has he recently move out? Quote: "literally taking just what he had to have..." suggests a sudden and unexplained departure. Do people want their written words be read? Does someone leave a journal lying out expecting that it won't? Isn' it likely that it is subconsciously a tacit explanation of the why of past behaviour?

o he moved out last october....and broke my heart....he is was was funny....he was in bed with a young lady...against house rules...i said....move out or go by house rules....never underestimate the power of sex...he was gone in two weeks...he only lives 20 minutes away and comes cover once a week....i called him....its his climbing journal...i you dont mind if i read it...he replied, he did not write it for anyone to read...he can pick it up tomorrow....i can be strong for 24 hours....welll more that may be pushing it....sunni you give terrible advice....
Do not do not do NOT read them.

You already know that, of course.
Ed, what do think of Keith Olbermann reading Mark Sanford's email letters to an audience of millions?

I think it's disgusting.

I think the invasion of even public figures private lives is entirely disgusting.

And what's more, I think people who love this stuff are disgusting people who are not to be trusted.

Bones, has he recently move out? Quote: "literally taking just what he had to have..." suggests a sudden and unexplained departure. Do people want their written words be read? Does someone leave a journal lying out expecting that it won't? Isn' it likely that it is subconsciously a tacit explanation of the why of past behaviour?

Could be his motive, AH.

Still wrong to read it without his permission, in my opinion.

If he left it to be read, then Stroll will be manipulated if she does read it.

Nothing good can come from this for Stroll, either way.

She ought to mail those journals to he son unread and tell him that she didn't read them, too.

They're an emotional IED in her hands
he is picking it up tomorrow....

o now yall have we wondering...what if he is trying to tell me something? o right he would just flat out tell me...
When I had teenages living at home.

Every 2 or 3 months, while they were out of the house for the day.

I would carefully snoop through all of their stuff.

It is a parent's "Right" to know what their kids are up to.

It is NOT a betrayal, but an act of Care and Love
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oo this is the child that when i found dip in his room....i loaded it full of tasbasco.....and he will pick it up tomorrow lol
oo this is the child that when i found dip in his room....i loaded it full of tasbasco.....and he will pick it up tomorrow lol
I figger if you don't think he's done something wrong in your house AND wrote about it in the journal then it's best left alone.
i have no allusions.....i assure you....i am not one of these people who thinks their kid can do no wrong.....but we all value privacy and he has been taught that ....

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