Time to relegate the FDR Monument in Washington to the flames

In 2022?

In Post Pearl Harbor hysteria?
When it came to US citizens of Japanese heritage, it was wrong. Japanese, Italian and German nationals living in the US should have been interned and repatriated. That was normal and legal under international law. Few Germans and Italians were interned and I believe they were repatriated, the Japanese refused to do repatriations of any Allied civilians and kept them under horrendous conditions for the entire war.
He won World War 2, implemented sweeping reforms like social security and FDIC, and won a record 4 elections. He was a great man.
He didn’t win WWII, US industry won WWII. FDR gave the victory to Stalin who would have lost without US support. He violated the principal that presidents would never run more than twice. He singlehandledly led the drive to overturn the Constitution enhancing Federal power at the cost of state power. He fought a illegal naval war against a Germany and Italian naval forces in 1940 and 1941 and not only risked, but lost the lives of American sailors escorting a British convoys halfway across the Atlantic when the RN lacked the escorts to escort the convoys. He also stacked SCOTUS with judges who supported the New Deal and his expansion of Federal power.
Another Laissez-Faire Myth Exploded

The economy created by the New Deal financed England's survival and funded the well-equipped military that crushed Germany and Japan.
No it didn’t. US industry fueled by British, French and Dutch military purchases in 1939,40 and 1941, mostly with their gold reserves financed England’s survival and the US war machine. Until those purchases happened the US economy was mIred in the depths of the recession. FDR’s policies and decisions extended the depression and made it worse.
I think it's perfect for the times.

It shows a homeless guy and his dog:


And what happens when you elect dems.

Looks like Aqualung with his dog
He didn’t win WWII, US industry won WWII. FDR gave the victory to Stalin who would have lost without US support. He violated the principal that presidents would never run more than twice. He singlehandledly led the drive to overturn the Constitution enhancing Federal power at the cost of state power. He fought a illegal naval war against a Germany and Italian naval forces in 1940 and 1941 and not only risked, but lost the lives of American sailors escorting a British convoys halfway across the Atlantic when the RN lacked the escorts to escort the convoys. He also stacked SCOTUS with judges who supported the New Deal and his expansion of Federal power.
He put a Klansman on the Court and his Administration reported to Stalin
Stalin's favorite President!

Exactly. In fact Stalin posed in very famous picture with Roosevelt, and FDR just sat there as if the Soviet Dictator was a decent human being.

Why didn't FDR take the opportunity at Yalta to stand up to Stalin and tell him that we weren't going to tolerate his continued dictating any more than we did with Hitler.

Exactly. In fact Stalin posed in very famous picture with Roosevelt, and FDR just sat there as if the Soviet Dictator was a decent human being.

Why didn't FDR take the opportunity at Yalta to stand up to Stalin and tell him that we weren't going to tolerate his continued dictating any more than we did with Hitler.

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Rumor has it that FDR sucked Stalin's dick shortly after this picture was taken. Apparently, he was a swallower.
Exactly. In fact Stalin posed in very famous picture with Roosevelt, and FDR just sat there as if the Soviet Dictator was a decent human being.

Why didn't FDR take the opportunity at Yalta to stand up to Stalin and tell him that we weren't going to tolerate his continued dictating any more than we did with Hitler.

Did you really say "why didn't fdr stand up"?
Exactly. In fact Stalin posed in very famous picture with Roosevelt, and FDR just sat there as if the Soviet Dictator was a decent human being.

Why didn't FDR take the opportunity at Yalta to stand up to Stalin and tell him that we weren't going to tolerate his continued dictating any more than we did with Hitler.

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"Uncle Joe" had starved 6 million Kulaks, including 3 million children before FDR started being his servant
Exactly. In fact Stalin posed in very famous picture with Roosevelt, and FDR just sat there as if the Soviet Dictator was a decent human being.

Why didn't FDR take the opportunity at Yalta to stand up to Stalin and tell him that we weren't going to tolerate his continued dictating any more than we did with Hitler.

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Churchill supplied Stalin the Germany plans which helped them win Stalingrad and Kursk. Stalin used his sock puppet FDR to control Eastern Europe. The US and Brits could have been in Berlin at least 6 months ahead of the Soviets.
Exactly. In fact Stalin posed in very famous picture with Roosevelt, and FDR just sat there as if the Soviet Dictator was a decent human being.

Why didn't FDR take the opportunity at Yalta to stand up to Stalin and tell him that we weren't going to tolerate his continued dictating any more than we did with Hitler.

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Busybodies Produce Bodybags

The internal affairs of other nations are none of our business. We didn't fight Hitler because of his internal policies, but because of his foreign policy. The responsibility to stand up to Hitler's and Stalin's dictatorship solely lay with the German and Russian citizens.

If the control-freaks can't harass enough Americans 24/7, they will fulfill their sick sadistic desires by going after foreign leaders.
Jim Crow existed long before FDR

Internment of potential enemies was happening all over the world and was supported by both parties and the US Supreme Court. Wasn’t unique to FDR
The difference is that FDR imprisoned US citizens without trials in violation of the Constitution. A reasonable case can be made for interning Japanese, German and Italian nationals residing in the US, it was customary and in accordance with international law. But there was no legal basis for incarcerating US citizens.

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