Time To Open One's Eyes.


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. First, some facts for context.
a. There is not a single degree of difference between socialism, communism, Marxism.....and Nazism.
"Hitler often stated that he learned much from reading Marx, and the whole of National Socialism is doctrinally based on Marxism." George Watson, Historian, Cambridge.
"Socialists in Germany were national socialists, communists were international socialists." Vladimir Bukovsky.

b. When the Nazis atrocities of WWII were revealed, the Liars of the Left advanced the fallacy that Nazis were Rightwing, as a face-saving mechanism.

If you vote Democrat you are supporting world communism, socialism, and just as well....Nazism.

2. This week the Democrat Administration has made clear it supports, the Communist Masters of Cuba, and not the citizens demanding freedom.

"What the Protests in Cuba Tell Us About the Left’s Agenda for America

As the American left argues openly for socialism, it’s helpful to keep in mind just how dreadfully those policies have failed—and just how viciously socialists have responded to those who got in the way—in countries throughout the world. Watch the recent protests in Cuba and you will see how regular people feel about the direction the American left wants to take. They aren’t happy.

3. Since the communist revolution in 1959, leftists in America have celebrated purported Cuban progress in areas such as health care and education. Little mention was made in those quarters about the Cuban government’s human rights abuses, which include political executions, arbitrary imprisonments, an unfair legal system, and severe limits on freedom of expression, free association, free assembly, free movement, and, of course, a free press.

4. The problem with the left’s embrace of Cuba’s communism is it belies its ultimate lack of regard for those freedoms we, as Americans, hold most dear. The Cuban state is truly repressive. Those standing in the way of the revolution are not tolerated."

5. Any with any integrity and intellect will see much of this in America today: human rights abuses, which include political executions, arbitrary imprisonments, an unfair legal system, and severe limits on freedom of expression, free association, free assembly, free movement, and, of course, a free press.
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I have yet to hear one politician on either side proclaim or create any bill that is socialism..

Socialism-a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.

Again you lie and for what gain do you seek?
What immigrants don't like is the violence, burning and looting which is hurting the Dems, but the Dems seem happy with self destruction, just like the Republicans who carry the weight of a fat orange fascist that seeks to implement his dictatorship like China's and thinking mob violence is ok at government houses while they are performing their Constitutional duty.
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1. First, some facts for context.
a. There is not a single degree of difference between socialism, communism, Marxism.
"Hitler often stated that he learned much from reading Marx, and the whole of National Socialism is doctrinally based on Marxism." George Watson, Historian, Cambridge.
"Socialists in Germany were national socialists, communists were international socialists." Vladimir Bukovsky.

b. When the Nazis atrocities of WWII were revealed, the Liars of the Left advanced the fallacy that Nazis were Rightwing, as a face-saving mechanism.

If you vote Democrat you are supporting world communism, socialism, and just as well....Nazism.

2. This week the Democrat Administration has made clear it supports, the Communist Masters of Cuba, and not the citizens demanding freedom.

"What the Protests in Cuba Tell Us About the Left’s Agenda for America

As the American left argues openly for socialism, it’s helpful to keep in mind just how dreadfully those policies have failed—and just how viciously socialists have responded to those who got in the way—in countries throughout the world. Watch the recent protests in Cuba and you will see how regular people feel about the direction the American left wants to take. They aren’t happy.

3. Since the communist revolution in 1959, leftists in America have celebrated purported Cuban progress in areas such as health care and education. Little mention was made in those quarters about the Cuban government’s human rights abuses, which include political executions, arbitrary imprisonments, an unfair legal system, and severe limits on freedom of expression, free association, free assembly, free movement, and, of course, a free press.

4. The problem with the left’s embrace of Cuba’s communism is it belies its ultimate lack of regard for those freedoms we, as Americans, hold most dear. The Cuban state is truly repressive. Those standing in the way of the revolution are not tolerated."

5. Any with any integrity and intellect will see much of this in America today: human rights abuses, which include political executions, arbitrary imprisonments, an unfair legal system, and severe limits on freedom of expression, free association, free assembly, free movement, and, of course, a free press.

The funny thing is that Hitler's Nazis were imperialists, "international" by definition.

Once Stalin adopted the economic policies of Hitler's Reich, there was no difference at all between the Communists and Nazis.
2. This week the Democrat Administration has made clear it supports, the Communist Masters of Cuba, and not the citizens demanding freedom.

Statement by President Joseph R. Biden, Jr. on Protests in Cuba​

We stand with the Cuban people and their clarion call for freedom and relief from the tragic grip of the pandemic and from the decades of repression and economic suffering to which they have been subjected by Cuba’s authoritarian regime. The Cuban people are bravely asserting fundamental and universal rights. Those rights, including the right of peaceful protest and the right to freely determine their own future, must be respected. The United States calls on the Cuban regime to hear their people and serve their needs at this vital moment rather than enriching themselves.

Biden did the same for the Cubans as Trump did for those in Hong Kong-nothing....
3. Since the communist revolution in 1959, leftists in America have celebrated purported Cuban progress in areas such as health care and education. Little mention was made in those quarters about the Cuban government’s human rights abuses, which include political executions, arbitrary imprisonments, an unfair legal system, and severe limits on freedom of expression, free association, free assembly, free movement, and, of course, a free press.

In the US you couldn't smoke a joint without the fascist cops coming down on you.
1. First, some facts for context.
a. There is not a single degree of difference between socialism, communism, Marxism.....and Nazism.
"Hitler often stated that he learned much from reading Marx, and the whole of National Socialism is doctrinally based on Marxism." George Watson, Historian, Cambridge.
"Socialists in Germany were national socialists, communists were international socialists." Vladimir Bukovsky.

b. When the Nazis atrocities of WWII were revealed, the Liars of the Left advanced the fallacy that Nazis were Rightwing, as a face-saving mechanism.

If you vote Democrat you are supporting world communism, socialism, and just as well....Nazism.

2. This week the Democrat Administration has made clear it supports, the Communist Masters of Cuba, and not the citizens demanding freedom.

"What the Protests in Cuba Tell Us About the Left’s Agenda for America

As the American left argues openly for socialism, it’s helpful to keep in mind just how dreadfully those policies have failed—and just how viciously socialists have responded to those who got in the way—in countries throughout the world. Watch the recent protests in Cuba and you will see how regular people feel about the direction the American left wants to take. They aren’t happy.

3. Since the communist revolution in 1959, leftists in America have celebrated purported Cuban progress in areas such as health care and education. Little mention was made in those quarters about the Cuban government’s human rights abuses, which include political executions, arbitrary imprisonments, an unfair legal system, and severe limits on freedom of expression, free association, free assembly, free movement, and, of course, a free press.

4. The problem with the left’s embrace of Cuba’s communism is it belies its ultimate lack of regard for those freedoms we, as Americans, hold most dear. The Cuban state is truly repressive. Those standing in the way of the revolution are not tolerated."

5. Any with any integrity and intellect will see much of this in America today: human rights abuses, which include political executions, arbitrary imprisonments, an unfair legal system, and severe limits on freedom of expression, free association, free assembly, free movement, and, of course, a free press.
Above, the author, Patel, does not bring up the Jeffersonian separation of church and state, and interlligence is exactly why Putin has said religion is absolutely necessary. Patel projects malediction on ‘state-based atheism’ of the communists while conveniently leaving out christian nationalist expansionism and the militance of its evangelism. It’s not a coincidence that Puppet POSPOTUS and his sleep-up are now trafficking untested genuflectors across the Mexican border and depositing them in Florida: 1 in 5 cases of C-19.
3. Since the communist revolution in 1959, leftists in America have celebrated purported Cuban progress in areas such as health care and education. Little mention was made in those quarters about the Cuban government’s human rights abuses, which include political executions, arbitrary imprisonments, an unfair legal system, and severe limits on freedom of expression, free association, free assembly, free movement, and, of course, a free press.

In the US you couldn't smoke a joint without the fascist cops coming down on you.
The fascists got one right that time, because we now know that cannabis effeminizes male gonads.
I have yet to hear one politician on either side proclaim or create any bill that is socialism..

Socialism-a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.

Again you lie and for what gain do you seek?

Socialism like CRT or other dog whistles is just a divisive word. America never was and never will be socialism, too many billionaires out there with a vested interest in keeping what is theirs.
Socialism like CRT or other dog whistles is just a divisive word. America never was and never will be socialism, too many billionaires out there with a vested interest in keeping what is theirs.
Indeed, the entire system is set up to benefit the capitalist, nothing more...

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