Time to go.

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After almost 9 years of fairly regular posting on these forums, I am taking my leave.

Some of the posters of here I will miss. Some I hold in high esteem. Some, however, well......

The vitriol and hostility here has increased to a level that I know longer find pleasurable to participate in.

I am sure, as is always the case in these "Farewell" threads, someone will say "Why don't you just go?". I assure you, it is not about the drama of leaving. But about thanking people for being a part of my online life for 9 years. I hope I have made a positive contribution to things here. I'll be here for the rest of the day (I think).

Thanks for good times and thoughtful debate. My addiction to these forums was mostly good.
I hear you but myself I'm on a mission. Take a break. See you on the rebound.
Why am I always the last to know? The hostility always gets intense in an election year...Then subsides to gloating and crying..
After almost 9 years of fairly regular posting on these forums, I am taking my leave.

Some of the posters of here I will miss. Some I hold in high esteem. Some, however, well......

The vitriol and hostility here has increased to a level that I know longer find pleasurable to participate in.

I am sure, as is always the case in these "Farewell" threads, someone will say "Why don't you just go?". I assure you, it is not about the drama of leaving. But about thanking people for being a part of my online life for 9 years. I hope I have made a positive contribution to things here. I'll be here for the rest of the day (I think).

Thanks for good times and thoughtful debate. My addiction to these forums was mostly good.
Do I detect the beginnings of a clandestine rendezvous with oldlady? ;)
Just kidding winterborn, good luck.
He's an Obama loving liberal who never accepted Trump as president.

As I said before, good riddance. Don't let the door hit ya where the Lord split ya.
I never thought I would meet a communist disguising as a conservative in America, but I have.. your views are so anti American sometimes I couldn’t breath like George Floyd!

your anti-Second Amendment views! You wanting to kneel on the flag for a black man was absolutely disgusting!

I ask you if all men have a right to protect your family with a gun and you said NO! I have no doubt that when I told you the truth you probably broke things in your home! Yelled at loved ones. Maybe a little domestic tiddy ..

Well I hope I served you straight! And you realize all men are created equal!
so long fly on my ass. View attachment 360721

Fitting that your goodbye is full of lies. Hopefully someone will step up and call you on your bullshit after I am gone.
I never thought I would meet a communist disguising as a conservative in America, but I have.. your views are so anti American sometimes I couldn’t breath like George Floyd!

your anti-Second Amendment views! You wanting to kneel on the flag for a black man was absolutely disgusting!

I ask you if all men have a right to protect your family with a gun and you said NO! I have no doubt that when I told you the truth you probably broke things in your home! Yelled at loved ones. Maybe a little domestic tiddy ..

Well I hope I served you straight! And you realize all men are created equal!
so long fly on my ass. View attachment 360721
oh but hell no the poll would have been shoved up his ass and the one holding it.
I never thought I would meet a communist disguising as a conservative in America, but I have.. your views are so anti American sometimes I couldn’t breath like George Floyd!

your anti-Second Amendment views! You wanting to kneel on the flag for a black man was absolutely disgusting!

I ask you if all men have a right to protect your family with a gun and you said NO! I have no doubt that when I told you the truth you probably broke things in your home! Yelled at loved ones. Maybe a little domestic tiddy ..

Well I hope I served you straight! And you realize all men are created equal!
so long fly on my ass. View attachment 360721

Fitting that your goodbye is full of lies. Hopefully someone will step up and call you on your bullshit after I am gone.
is that you in the picture?
After almost 9 years of fairly regular posting on these forums, I am taking my leave.

Some of the posters of here I will miss. Some I hold in high esteem. Some, however, well......

The vitriol and hostility here has increased to a level that I know longer find pleasurable to participate in.

I am sure, as is always the case in these "Farewell" threads, someone will say "Why don't you just go?". I assure you, it is not about the drama of leaving. But about thanking people for being a part of my online life for 9 years. I hope I have made a positive contribution to things here. I'll be here for the rest of the day (I think).

Thanks for good times and thoughtful debate. My addiction to these forums was mostly good.
Do I detect the beginnings of a clandestine rendezvous with oldlady? ;)

They're starting a new board....Oldery and Ivory.

After almost 9 years of fairly regular posting on these forums, I am taking my leave.

Some of the posters of here I will miss. Some I hold in high esteem. Some, however, well......

The vitriol and hostility here has increased to a level that I know longer find pleasurable to participate in.

I am sure, as is always the case in these "Farewell" threads, someone will say "Why don't you just go?". I assure you, it is not about the drama of leaving. But about thanking people for being a part of my online life for 9 years. I hope I have made a positive contribution to things here. I'll be here for the rest of the day (I think).

Thanks for good times and thoughtful debate. My addiction to these forums was mostly good.
Those kind of posts are pathetic. If you're going to leave, just leave. No need to give an explanation.

Or were you hoping for people to beg you not to go :th_dontgosmiley-1:
After almost 9 years of fairly regular posting on these forums, I am taking my leave.

Some of the posters of here I will miss. Some I hold in high esteem. Some, however, well......

The vitriol and hostility here has increased to a level that I know longer find pleasurable to participate in.

I am sure, as is always the case in these "Farewell" threads, someone will say "Why don't you just go?". I assure you, it is not about the drama of leaving. But about thanking people for being a part of my online life for 9 years. I hope I have made a positive contribution to things here. I'll be here for the rest of the day (I think).

Thanks for good times and thoughtful debate. My addiction to these forums was mostly good.
Best wishes on your free time to spend with loved ones and more run pursuits, WinterBorn.

I stay because I do not care to see one party trying to doom the Constitution, American History, Free Speech of everybody else except themselves, and building hatred against a guy who defeated their candidate fair and square. The wiser founders mentioned frequently that future generations would have iffy times about keeping the Constitution in tact. That is borne out today in our rather stern debating about whether to stay free or live under the auspices of a communist system that devolves into a strong leader choking all his enemies out as evidenced by Hillary Rodham Clinton trying to get rid of her competition illegally.
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