Time to get religion out of politics


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Time to get religion out of politics. Like turkey did a century ago, we must also ban all religion when it comes to our political institutions. We shouldn't be making decisions based on a 2,000 year old book and faith within something that isn't proven...We need logic, rational thought and facts in order to make the best decisions moving forward.

A law needs to be made that forbids religion when it comes to law making.
Time to get religion out of politics. Like turkey did a century ago, we must also ban all religion when it comes to our political institutions. We shouldn't be making decisions based on a 2,000 year old book and faith within something that isn't proven...We need logic, rational thought and facts in order to make the best decisions moving forward.

A law needs to be made that forbids religion when it comes to law making.
Wouldn't it make sense that if you wanted laws like this passed, you would elect a president, congress and senate that could do it?
So why didn't you?
Turkey just voted to make itself an islamic state.

The secular cult, especially the cult of LBGTWIBQGFGQ is as bad or worse than any religion except islam and the cult is the same as islam.
Time to get religion out of politics. Like turkey did a century ago, we must also ban all religion when it comes to our political institutions. We shouldn't be making decisions based on a 2,000 year old book and faith within something that isn't proven...We need logic, rational thought and facts in order to make the best decisions moving forward.

A law needs to be made that forbids religion when it comes to law making.


Best start by taking any of these laws off the secular law books... After all we don't want religion influencing secular law.



...Besides Hillary's been consistent in making sure she doesn't observe number 9 for years.
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Time to get religion out of politics. Like turkey did a century ago, we must also ban all religion when it comes to our political institutions. We shouldn't be making decisions based on a 2,000 year old book and faith within something that isn't proven...We need logic, rational thought and facts in order to make the best decisions moving forward.

A law needs to be made that forbids religion when it comes to law making.

Time to get religion out of politics.

I agree. Remove all mention of AGW from politics.
Time to get religion out of politics. Like turkey did a century ago, we must also ban all religion when it comes to our political institutions. We shouldn't be making decisions based on a 2,000 year old book and faith within something that isn't proven...We need logic, rational thought and facts in order to make the best decisions moving forward.

A law needs to be made that forbids religion when it comes to law making.
My goodness... that's not going to be possible as the Left's political beliefs are their religion
I am so fucking sick of hearing about how someones religion is a reason to ban gay marriage, stop people from being who they're or using birth control. Time to stop the bull shit.
That's funny because I am sick of thinly veiled social laws which are your religion.

Their religion is socialism which worships big government and social policy. It is based on atheism and deification of man. It proceeds in almost all its manifestations from the assumption that the basic principles guiding the life of an individual and of mankind in general do not go beyond the satisfaction of material needs or primitive instincts. They have no distinction between good and evil, no morality or any other kind of value, save pleasure. Their doctrine is abolition of private property, abolition of family, abolition of religion and communality or equality. The religious nature of socialism explains the extraordinary attraction to socialist doctrines and its capacity to inflame individuals and inspire popular movements and condemn respect for any who believe in Christianity. They practice moral relativity, indiscriminate indiscriminateness, multiculturalism, cultural marxism and normalization of deviance. Their hostility towards traditional religions is that of an animosity between a rival religion. They can be identified by an external locus of control. They worship science but are the first to argue against it. They are modern American liberals.
Time to get religion out of politics. Like turkey did a century ago, we must also ban all religion when it comes to our political institutions. We shouldn't be making decisions based on a 2,000 year old book and faith within something that isn't proven...We need logic, rational thought and facts in order to make the best decisions moving forward.

A law needs to be made that forbids religion when it comes to law making.
I agree. Starting with the religion of Modern Liberalism.
Time to get religion out of politics. Like turkey did a century ago, we must also ban all religion when it comes to our political institutions. We shouldn't be making decisions based on a 2,000 year old book and faith within something that isn't proven...We need logic, rational thought and facts in order to make the best decisions moving forward.

A law needs to be made that forbids religion when it comes to law making.
I agree. Starting with the religion of Modern Liberalism.

It's something based entirely on people's wishing it could be true, while having no evidence it actually works, and plenty that it doesn't. It's practitioners cannot tolerate any disagreement over its fundamental ideas from nonbelievers, and try to silence them rather than answer their objections.

Liberalism is a classic example of a religion, and must be thrown out on its face, from American government.
The health and welfare of a society falls upon a government because there isn't enough donations to keep things going. Stop funding Planned Parenthood and see how quickly the health of society declines and how many babies start turning up in dumpsters to start.
The health and welfare of a society falls upon a government because there isn't enough donations to keep things going. Stop funding Planned Parenthood and see how quickly the health of society declines and how many babies start turning up in dumpsters to start.
That would be their choice, right? Why should we be paying for their abortions?
Time to get religion out of politics. Like turkey did a century ago, we must also ban all religion when it comes to our political institutions. We shouldn't be making decisions based on a 2,000 year old book and faith within something that isn't proven...We need logic, rational thought and facts in order to make the best decisions moving forward.

A law needs to be made that forbids religion when it comes to law making.

Which laws exist because of a specific religion? Our country was founded on Judeo-Christian values. Which value system should we work from?
The health and welfare of a society falls upon a government because there isn't enough donations to keep things going. Stop funding Planned Parenthood and see how quickly the health of society declines and how many babies start turning up in dumpsters to start.
That would be their choice, right? Why should we be paying for their abortions?
So there's less mothers on welfare and no government run orphanages.
Time to get religion out of politics. Like turkey did a century ago, we must also ban all religion when it comes to our political institutions. We shouldn't be making decisions based on a 2,000 year old book and faith within something that isn't proven...We need logic, rational thought and facts in order to make the best decisions moving forward.

A law needs to be made that forbids religion when it comes to law making.

Kind of like "Time to get the mental illness of atheism out of politics."
The health and welfare of a society falls upon a government because there isn't enough donations to keep things going. Stop funding Planned Parenthood and see how quickly the health of society declines and how many babies start turning up in dumpsters to start.
That would be their choice, right? Why should we be paying for their abortions?
So there's less mothers on welfare and no government run orphanages.
why should we pay for those? why cant he woman that plops out the baby be responsible for her actions?
See, this is the problem with liberals, they create issues then refuse to take responsibility for what they do, they expect everyone else to pay for their mistakes.
If we just made responsibility a law, there would be less unwanted pregnancies to start with.
Time to get religion out of politics. Like turkey did a century ago, we must also ban all religion when it comes to our political institutions. We shouldn't be making decisions based on a 2,000 year old book and faith within something that isn't proven...We need logic, rational thought and facts in order to make the best decisions moving forward.

A law needs to be made that forbids religion when it comes to law making.
I agree. For the moment Trump needs Pence to keep him alive but next President should get right on taking religion out of politics. It would work.
well the right really can't play the religion card anymore considering who they've elected as president. i mean i guess that's one good thing to come out of all this, the religious nonsense has been left at the door this election.
The ruling class does not care about religion. It is just a tool used to manipulate support.

If you want religion out of politics, then you need to wage a war on religion. Or simply weed out the stupid people that count themselves among a religion.

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