Time to attack iran

Hey idiot ... if you have nothing to add to the conversation besides your fetish with rhodesscholar's ass, shut up and spare us, huh?

I'm not in the mood for your trolling ass, so fuck with me, huh?

Gunny my child. I'm shocked and indeed dismayed to read the vile and disgusting words you have posted. I thought that perhaps you were above this sort of venemous activity. How wrong I have been and oh how sad is the truth.

Nah, he just recognizes a bunch of fairies like shogun sissy when he sees one. shogun pussy likes men, and has been chasing me since I joined...he dreams of dating me... :lol:
1st post
Americans have the military equipment but the men lack the intetinal fortitude. Your military is populated with negros, latinos, half-wit white men and is commanded by Lesbian women.

What I would not have gave in the First Gulf War to have been commanded by a lesbian woman! I would have followed her into the gates of her gates.
GHook is an Israli Firster who defends our MILITARY men and women being MURDERED by the Isralies.

OK troll! And how good of an America are YOU, when you subscribe to 9/11 truther claims? :confused: I think 9/11 truthers are about as bad as an American as you can be! So don't question my loyalty asshole!

Also if you haven't noticed. I think I stated I am against an attack by Israel in Iran, even though I am fully convinced that Iran is developing the bomb. So go fuck yourself!

Once again you lying douchebag show me WHERE I EVER said I was a 9/11'er. You can't because I think 9/11'ers are full of shit just like I think YOU are full of shit for defending Israel for MURDERING US servicemen.
So you would sign up to fight a war and put your life on the line in a war that's unwinnable that would result in hundreds of thousands of your people being killed?

What is it that I'm missing?

whether or not you're Muslim (which I'm not), being Iranian is all about martyrdom:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_qmCwn3zOFM]YouTube - Ahangaran, Iran & The Concept of Martyrdom [Eng Subtitles][/ame]
Hey idiot ... if you have nothing to add to the conversation besides your fetish with rhodesscholar's ass, shut up and spare us, huh?

I'm not in the mood for your trolling ass, so fuck with me, huh?

Gunny my child. I'm shocked and indeed dismayed to read the vile and disgusting words you have posted. I thought that perhaps you were above this sort of venemous activity. How wrong I have been and oh how sad is the truth.

Nah, he just recognizes a bunch of fairies like shogun sissy when he sees one. shogun pussy likes men, and has been chasing me since I joined...he dreams of dating me... :lol:

You bring up my name more than i bring up yours, little girl. Perhaps you can provide more ironic fodder you walking punchline factory.


hey jewhoook. Eat shit, ****. America is not the tourniquet of your lil heeb paradise.


Choke to death you fucking **** animal asshole piece of shit coward.

Let us know when you served dogshit, real brave pussy probably ran off to nursing school with the other "girlymen" to get out of service, you weak fucking cocksucking dogshit.


Sorry, i'm just not into your particular type of pillow talk, ass master.

And my point stands: America is not a tampon to be used to keep your favorite Grand Dragon of the JJJ ethnicity propped above everyone else. Put that in your circumcised dick and smoke it.

Iran's government is trash, but there's 100 governments in the world that are worse.

I'm just going to ignore the attempted similarity connection the other poster tried to make between Nazi Germany and the current Irani government. People will say anything, no matter how crazy, to try and strike emotions in political debates.

If you think the Vietnam War was cool, then you'll like an American led war in Iran. This won't be Iraq where it takes years to reach 1,000 dead American soldiers that will happen every single year we fight it. You think this recession sucks? Wait until you see what happens to our economy if we fight a much larger war than the current sized wars that we can't even afford.

And, just like in Afghanistan/Iraq/Vietnam, this will be another war that we lose. The only way to win a war against Iran is to drop enough nukes to cover every square inch of the ground. The Iranian people are big on independence and they'll fight until the last person takes in their last gasp of air. Plus their military is way better than Iraq's was, hence why they crushed Iraq in the war in the 80's you mentioned. The war where we were giving Saddam chemical weapons, gas, money, other weapons to wage war and kill his own women, children and babies with.

There's nothing stupider (no offense) than wanting war with Iran. We'll gain nothing and lose everything. We can't even win a war against the 3rd poorest 3rd world country (Afghanistan) in 8 years, the Taliban controls more of the country than we do.

I've said as much in other posts, don't get me wrong. I feel the US SHOULD go to war with Iran because, in reality, Iran has been waging war on the US indirectly for decades.

And btw, I also feel the US has done some horrendous things to Iranians since and after 1953. I remember a quote from a senior US official to the UN regarding Saddam's chemical weapons, where he said something along the lines of 'It's a difficult situation. You want Iraq to stop using chemical weapons, but on the other hand... you don't want Iran to win the war!" I mean that is a borderline evil thing to say, and it was the US policy towards Iran.

HOWEVER, I agree that the costs are way too high for this war. I would not support a US or Israeli attack on Iran. My main argument is against people that assume that the attack on Iran would be morally as low as the attack on Iraq. To say so is to seriously diminish the threat posed by Iran.

I agree with what you say about the costs of war, and actually would go further by saying what I've already probably said 10X (and I'm paraphrasing an scholar whose name I can't remember unfortunately): If you were to hold referendums today in the Middle East, every single country with one exception would have a theocratic government like Iran's. The exception is of course Iran itself. If the US were to attack, this reality would change.

But I don't agree with the statement that there are other countries more dangerous than Iran. One, it is in the single most important region of the world, surrounded by allies of the US, controlling or influencing the vast majority of the flow of energy around the world.

Two, it has imperial ambitions. The revolution was from the start meant to be a starting point for the spread of the new Shia empire. On top of that, the rather extreme ethnocentrism and nationalism of Iranians who consider themselves superior to Arabs is just a powderkeg waiting to explode as soon as Iran becomes the single dominant nation in the region. For years Iranians and Russians have been building towards a middle east controlled by Iran and influenced by Russia. It is a very rational consequence of the departure of US influence in the region (and the original reason for US interferance in Iran since thd 1920s).

If North Korea nukes Japan, it would be unbelievably horrendous. But it couldn't damage the entire world economy. If Iran got into a war with its very natural enemy, Saudi Arabia... can you imagine the consequences? The entire world economy would be brought to its knees.

Again, I don't say the US MUST attack. But if we're talking about a country that has to look at its best interests and the interest of its allies in the region (not just Israel), you do have to make the case that the US would not be in the same moral position as it was with Iraq (a country that was not a genuine threat after the first gulf war, and had been tortured through air attacks and sanctions for over a decade).

But Iran has a very advanced ballistic missles industry that, as a military spokesman of the IRI said "manufactures bombs the same way it can manufacture books." It could cause inmense, borderline fatal damage to Israel as well as tens of thousands of bystanding US troops in Southern Iraq. So I understand and generally agree with what you're saying. I'm just not willing to say that it's just another country like Cuba or Lybia, and that the US has no reason to attack.

No offense sir, you sound smart, but this is nothing but drivel. If Iran or North Korea even reached towards the button to launch a nuclear weapon (if they ever have them) the entire country would be blown away before it ever reached the high airspace. Iran has a hundred US and Israeli nukes aimed at it right now. Iran getting nuclear weapons (legally I might add) would do absolutely nothing to affect any US or close US ally's safety. Don't believe the fearmongering, that's what got us into Iraq.

I hope if we ever sign up to fight for war with Iran you're the first to sign up for it. Don't take after all the pro Iraq war chickenhawks like the voting neoconservatives, Dick Cheney, Bill O'Reilly, George Bush, Sean Hannity, etc who do nothing but cower under beds and cheer on others to die in their place when they want war to happen.

We did not lose the Iraq War.

We won that war in almost any way you want to look at it.

You say this:

If Iran or North Korea even reached towards the button to launch a nuclear weapon (if they ever have them) the entire country would be blown away before it ever reached the high airspace.

Neither of those countries can develop nuclear weapons legally. They have to violate the NPT to do this and both have violated it.

You can say that they should violate the NPT, but don't say they can do it legally.

At least lets know what we are saying...

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