Time for the US to abolish the Death Penalty

Costs more to execute than to imprison for life

Really?? Maybe I'm missing something, or perhaps you're just a whole lot smarter than I am. It's just that I'm having a great deal of difficulty wrapping my head around your claim that a single lethal injections costs more than providing housing, food, clothing, medical care, etc., etc., for 25, 30 or more years.
So if you can, show me.

Once you issue a death penalty all kinds of automatic legal appeals kick in. Lawyers cost money.

Now I know conservatives just want to say "Fuck-em if we kill an innocent man nobody cares" but we were once a nation concerned with our Constitution. Now the only part of the Constitution conservatives care about is the second amendment

Seems to me the tax payer shouldn't have to foot the bill for some slimy, murderng scumbags dozens of appeals. As for you bs about us "once a nation concerned with our Constitution", then expalin to me how in the past, BEFORE the leftists had a voice in this nation, we used the death penalty much, much, much, much more often than today? Here's the fact boy, The supreme Court considered the death penatly to be Constitutional for over 200yrs, excluding the four years from 1972 to 1976. It ruyled this way due to the two amendments that actually address the issue of capital punishment, the 5th and the 14th death penalty as follows: The 5th Amendment to the Constitution: "No person shall be ... deprived of life ... without due process of law." The 14th Amendment: "No state shall ... deprive any person of life ... without due process of law." When the left first started the BS about it being cruel and unusual punishment, as regarded by the 8th amendment, they don't like to admit that almost EVERY state had and used capital punishment when the amendment was written

Don't give us your half asssed opinion on the Cosntitution son, the Constitution supports the death penalty 100%, it's the left that hates the Constitution and ignores it at their pleasure
Really? Because when you use a lethal injection to carry out the death penalty it IS a medical procedure. A medical procedure much less invasive and painful than an abortion. By the way, you may want to look up the defintions to murder and exectution, they are not the same.

Yes, they are both medical procedures, but execution takes the life of a human being. Many people believe that execution and murder are the same. Some would use a dictionary to clear their conscience, others cannot fool themselves this easily.

Yes, they are both medical procedures, but abortion takes the life of an INNOCENT human being. Many people believe abortion and murder are the same. Many people also believe exectution is not murder, but rather justice administered. How the left can fight to protect violent child raping and murdering scum, cop killers, men and woman who wantonly slaughter their fellow citizens and then turn around and say abortion is ok, proves they have no consciences and have reprobate/debased minds.

Abortion terminates an embryo. By your way of thinking, masterbation is killing a human being, and I can be pretty sure that this moral dilemma never stopped you from masterbation.
Sambo......did I offend you?

Of course its the Klan or whatever else you call the congregation of racists that you associate with. I'm sure they eat up your racist, fag hating, tough guy persona but the rest of the world just ridicules you

There was actually a time when you could openly spout your hate. Now, like the pussy you are.......you are relegated to posting your hate on an anonymous message board

And then he tries to argue that he is not a racist. At least he could be a man and stand up for what he is and what be believes in.

Are you insane dumbass? Or do you just pull "facts" from your rear end? I havfe never tried to argue that I'm not a racist. Quite the contrary I have stated many, many, many times that as the word racist is defined; The belief that race accounts for differences in human character or ability and that a particular race is superior to others, that I am not only a racist, but believe anyone who honestly looks at the sociological, archeological and antrhopologcal evidence, combined with a study of modern history and current events regarding the differences between the evolution of the races, must be either a racist also or a self deluding fool and a liar. I have repeatedly stated that as the owner of my own business I would never hire a black, or a blatant homosexual for that matter, to represent my company. At least you could be an honest man, or at least not one who forms and speak opinions based on zero knowlege. I challenge you to find ONE post where I EVER tried to argue I'm not a racist.

It is good to see that you finally admit to being a racist. You are growing, but in the wrong direction.
You almost gotta laugh. The hypocritical left is promoting the execution of Americans without due process if some government agency pronounces them "a threat" and at the same time they want to abolish the death penalty after due process and about ten years of appeals. The president's adviser should have been fired when he said "he should have picked a different father" after an innocent kid born in Colorado was blown to bits by a drone strike ordered by the president.
Yes, they are both medical procedures, but execution takes the life of a human being. Many people believe that execution and murder are the same. Some would use a dictionary to clear their conscience, others cannot fool themselves this easily.

Yes, they are both medical procedures, but abortion takes the life of an INNOCENT human being. Many people believe abortion and murder are the same. Many people also believe exectution is not murder, but rather justice administered. How the left can fight to protect violent child raping and murdering scum, cop killers, men and woman who wantonly slaughter their fellow citizens and then turn around and say abortion is ok, proves they have no consciences and have reprobate/debased minds.

Abortion terminates an embryo. By your way of thinking, masterbation is killing a human being, and I can be pretty sure that this moral dilemma never stopped you from masterbation.

You're pretty stupid aren't you? You see, it takes sperm AND AN egg to have conception occur, to create a life, so masturbation doesn't kill a human being dumbass.
And then he tries to argue that he is not a racist. At least he could be a man and stand up for what he is and what be believes in.

Are you insane dumbass? Or do you just pull "facts" from your rear end? I havfe never tried to argue that I'm not a racist. Quite the contrary I have stated many, many, many times that as the word racist is defined; The belief that race accounts for differences in human character or ability and that a particular race is superior to others, that I am not only a racist, but believe anyone who honestly looks at the sociological, archeological and antrhopologcal evidence, combined with a study of modern history and current events regarding the differences between the evolution of the races, must be either a racist also or a self deluding fool and a liar. I have repeatedly stated that as the owner of my own business I would never hire a black, or a blatant homosexual for that matter, to represent my company. At least you could be an honest man, or at least not one who forms and speak opinions based on zero knowlege. I challenge you to find ONE post where I EVER tried to argue I'm not a racist.

It is good to see that you finally admit to being a racist. You are growing, but in the wrong direction.

Finally? Sorry dude, ask around, I've not only admited it from my very first posting on this board maybe a year ago, I have REPEATED it in EVERY post that involves the subject of race. I'm not ashamed of it son, I'm of the opinio that only an idiot or a self deluded moron can look at the evidence of the differences between the races, their histories, their accomplishments, etc and NOT be a racist. You need to cease and desist from talking out of your ass boy.

only because of all the roadblocks liberals throw up to fight against the swift exection of convicted killers.

Without these roadblocks, innocent people would be executed. Especially if they are done right away, like you want them done. You do not care if an innocent person is executed.

I care, it sucks, but with two or more witnesses, overwhelimg physical evidence such as video or DNA you should tried, convicted and executed within the week. In other cases where the evidence is not so overwheliming, you should get ONE appeal, THAT YOU PAY FOR YOURSELF, then you should be executed within the month. Do innocent people get convicted sometimes? Yup. Does it suck? Yup. Do I think we should let 10,000 murdering scumbags live long happy lives because an innocent might get executed? Nope.
Yes, they are both medical procedures, but abortion takes the life of an INNOCENT human being. Many people believe abortion and murder are the same. Many people also believe exectution is not murder, but rather justice administered. How the left can fight to protect violent child raping and murdering scum, cop killers, men and woman who wantonly slaughter their fellow citizens and then turn around and say abortion is ok, proves they have no consciences and have reprobate/debased minds.

Abortion terminates an embryo. By your way of thinking, masterbation is killing a human being, and I can be pretty sure that this moral dilemma never stopped you from masterbation.

You're pretty stupid aren't you? You see, it takes sperm AND AN egg to have conception occur, to create a life, so masturbation doesn't kill a human being dumbass.

Sperm is alive and fetus is alive. Neither are human beings.
only because of all the roadblocks liberals throw up to fight against the swift exection of convicted killers.

Without these roadblocks, innocent people would be executed. Especially if they are done right away, like you want them done. You do not care if an innocent person is executed.

I care, it sucks, but with two or more witnesses, overwhelimg physical evidence such as video or DNA you should tried, convicted and executed within the week. In other cases where the evidence is not so overwheliming, you should get ONE appeal, THAT YOU PAY FOR YOURSELF, then you should be executed within the month. Do innocent people get convicted sometimes? Yup. Does it suck? Yup. Do I think we should let 10,000 murdering scumbags live long happy lives because an innocent might get executed? Nope.

How any innocent people have been exonerated? Your way, they all would have been dead. You do not care.
Without these roadblocks, innocent people would be executed. Especially if they are done right away, like you want them done. You do not care if an innocent person is executed.

I care, it sucks, but with two or more witnesses, overwhelimg physical evidence such as video or DNA you should tried, convicted and executed within the week. In other cases where the evidence is not so overwheliming, you should get ONE appeal, THAT YOU PAY FOR YOURSELF, then you should be executed within the month. Do innocent people get convicted sometimes? Yup. Does it suck? Yup. Do I think we should let 10,000 murdering scumbags live long happy lives because an innocent might get executed? Nope.

How any innocent people have been exonerated? Your way, they all would have been dead. You do not care.

Kill them all and let god sort them out

It what makes jtpr tick
I care, it sucks, but with two or more witnesses, overwhelimg physical evidence such as video or DNA you should tried, convicted and executed within the week. In other cases where the evidence is not so overwheliming, you should get ONE appeal, THAT YOU PAY FOR YOURSELF, then you should be executed within the month. Do innocent people get convicted sometimes? Yup. Does it suck? Yup. Do I think we should let 10,000 murdering scumbags live long happy lives because an innocent might get executed? Nope.

How any innocent people have been exonerated? Your way, they all would have been dead. You do not care.

Kill them all and let god sort them out

It what makes jtpr tick

If it were someone close to him, and he is such a thug that it could be, he would be crying out for justice.
only because of all the roadblocks liberals throw up to fight against the swift exection of convicted killers.

Without these roadblocks, innocent people would be executed. Especially if they are done right away, like you want them done. You do not care if an innocent person is executed.

I care, it sucks, but with two or more witnesses, overwhelimg physical evidence such as video or DNA you should tried, convicted and executed within the week. In other cases where the evidence is not so overwheliming, you should get ONE appeal, THAT YOU PAY FOR YOURSELF, then you should be executed within the month. Do innocent people get convicted sometimes? Yup. Does it suck? Yup. Do I think we should let 10,000 murdering scumbags live long happy lives because an innocent might get executed? Nope.

Would you be prepared to execute a person you knew was innocent?
Abortion terminates an embryo. By your way of thinking, masterbation is killing a human being, and I can be pretty sure that this moral dilemma never stopped you from masterbation.

You're pretty stupid aren't you? You see, it takes sperm AND AN egg to have conception occur, to create a life, so masturbation doesn't kill a human being dumbass.

Sperm is alive and fetus is alive. Neither are human beings.

You're an idiot of course. I have neither the time nor the inclination to give you a basic biology lesson. My advice, try suing your local school district for it's failure to give you a proper education.
You're pretty stupid aren't you? You see, it takes sperm AND AN egg to have conception occur, to create a life, so masturbation doesn't kill a human being dumbass.

Sperm is alive and fetus is alive. Neither are human beings.

You're an idiot of course. I have neither the time nor the inclination to give you a basic biology lesson. My advice, try suing your local school district for it's failure to give you a proper education.

In other words, you have no answer.
Without these roadblocks, innocent people would be executed. Especially if they are done right away, like you want them done. You do not care if an innocent person is executed.

I care, it sucks, but with two or more witnesses, overwhelimg physical evidence such as video or DNA you should tried, convicted and executed within the week. In other cases where the evidence is not so overwheliming, you should get ONE appeal, THAT YOU PAY FOR YOURSELF, then you should be executed within the month. Do innocent people get convicted sometimes? Yup. Does it suck? Yup. Do I think we should let 10,000 murdering scumbags live long happy lives because an innocent might get executed? Nope.

How any innocent people have been exonerated? Your way, they all would have been dead. You do not care.

Maybe you failed to actaully read my post, or more likely you read it and failed to comprehend what I wrote. Let me reiterate, "with two or more witnesses, overwhelimg physical evidence such as video or DNA they should be executed". The innocents that have been exonerated where done so using DNA evidence in almost 100% of the times, therefore with DNA evidence, or with the crime caught on video, there is zero chance that we will execute the wrong person and with two or more relaible witnesses there is very little chance of that happening so to remove the violent, predatory scumbags from our society, and maybe deter even one from doing violence upon the innocents, I am willing to take that very little chance of killing an innocent person.
I care, it sucks, but with two or more witnesses, overwhelimg physical evidence such as video or DNA you should tried, convicted and executed within the week. In other cases where the evidence is not so overwheliming, you should get ONE appeal, THAT YOU PAY FOR YOURSELF, then you should be executed within the month. Do innocent people get convicted sometimes? Yup. Does it suck? Yup. Do I think we should let 10,000 murdering scumbags live long happy lives because an innocent might get executed? Nope.

How any innocent people have been exonerated? Your way, they all would have been dead. You do not care.

Maybe you failed to actaully read my post, or more likely you read it and failed to comprehend what I wrote. Let me reiterate, "with two or more witnesses, overwhelimg physical evidence such as video or DNA they should be executed". The innocents that have been exonerated where done so using DNA evidence in almost 100% of the times, therefore with DNA evidence, or with the crime caught on video, there is zero chance that we will execute the wrong person and with two or more relaible witnesses there is very little chance of that happening so to remove the violent, predatory scumbags from our society, and maybe deter even one from doing violence upon the innocents, I am willing to take that very little chance of killing an innocent person.

Why are you in such a hurry to execute people before their appeals run out?
How any innocent people have been exonerated? Your way, they all would have been dead. You do not care.

Kill them all and let god sort them out

It what makes jtpr tick

If it were someone close to him, and he is such a thug that it could be, he would be crying out for justice.

Lol, a thug? You don't know anything about me scrote. Nor do you know anything about anyone I know, so I find it hilarious that you would make such an asinine assertion and state it like it's a fact. By the way, if someone close to me was caught and convicted by DNA evidence, video evidence, or with some other type of overwhelming evidence to be guilty of raping and murdering some helpless victim, I'd gladly put the bullet in their head myself.

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