Time for some truth on the Stolen Election CT.


Platinum Member
Nov 16, 2016
Ok, let’s begin with the obvious. Elections are pretty simple, in theory. A little more complicated in practice.

Let’s begin with collecting the votes. The votes are collected via Mail for absentee or disabled voters, people who would have difficulty making it to the polls. This includes Military People. People who’s state of Residence is not where they are expected to be on Election Day. As one example, I voted in California while I was in the Army, because I was a Resident of California when I joined, and maintained that residency via taxes and all that.

Or they are collected in advance via Early Voting. Finally they are collected on Election Day at various authorized polling places

Now, these votes are collected in a central location, I’ll use Georgia because it is where I am a Resident now, and have more than twenty years experience in.

The County collects the votes from the various polling places. But let’s begin there. In the more populous counties it is common to have Poll Watchers at the location. These are people who have either volunteered, or have been asked by the Political Parties to insure that the voting goes off according to the laws.

The collection locations are also home to the Watchers. These are usually sent by the Political Parties. The Democrats and Republicans, and perhaps the Green Party. For the Political Parties, these are usually lawyers in the most populous counties.

These are people briefed or well knowledgeable about how the votes are supposed to be handled. They are there to insure that the counting is done by the book. And let’s be honest, you’re not going to get away with much with a lawyer looking over your shoulder.

Now, the idea that some 30,000 ballots were manufactured, or run through the machines an extra time to give Biden the win in front of Lawyers paid for by the Republican Party is almost laughable.

Now, we get to the Recounts. The Poll Watchers in those counties are now replaced by more senior people. If it wasn’t a lawyer before, it damn sure is one now. So somehow they managed to fool the initial poll watcher, and then the senior poll watcher, who is almost certainly a Lawyer, as well as any independents and other party lawyers, is really laughable.

So now, the only way to make this steal the election idea work is if everyone involved is in on it. Because now we are auditing the recount. And for that they are checking documentation to show where the votes came from. And Lawyers are examining the documents carefully looking for any irregularities. Finding none, they report back that the vote was right.

So we have to have a conspiracy between political parties that can’t agree on the time of day, and who don’t trust each other to walk across the street to steal the election. This is probably why there hasn’t been a Hollywood blockbuster with Tom Cruise exposing it all story before now. Because it is too big, too big by half to ever keep secret.

So to believe that the Election was Stolen, you have to believe that either everyone was involved, or that there was some sort of Magician there to hypnotize the people involved into believing everything was totally up and up. I don’t know much about hypnosis. But I know that not everyone is susceptible. So the odds of everyone being hypnotized is pretty low. In fact, you’ll probably have better odds winning the next billion dollar Power Ball lottery.

It’s too big. It’s too complex. It just can’t possibly happen.

So what does this mean for Republicans going into the next elections? First, the way you win elections is appealing to the moderates. The Base is going to vote for you. Winning a majority of the Moderates is the key to victory. To appeal to them, you need to put forth populist ideals supported by a majority of the population. Say, the most important issues facing us polls if you don’t understand.

Newt Gingrich did this to fantastic effect in 1994, and called it the Contract with America. The Republicans took control of the house for the first time in decades. Populist ideals work that way.

And you have to dump the idea that the election was stolen. Because as I explained above, it isn’t possible. And that is why a majority of people reject the argument. If you think that people will support you no matter what as long as you continue the crazy, remember WMD’s in Iraq and the millstone around Bush’s neck it was for the rest of his term, and how Republicans suffered.

Find your core beliefs, and lose the insanity. Because if you don’t, the Democrats are going to win absolute control of Congress, and perhaps even get the Supermajority they need to put anything though the Senate they want.

Because right now Trump is the worst loser in history. I’m not talking about losing the election. I’m talking about his ability to accept. Previously it was Hillary in 2016 who refused to go out and talk to her campaign afterwards. That showed a serious lack of class. A humiliating event for Democrats. And just when you think nobody could beat it, sure enough along comes Trump. In the very next election he takes lack of Class, and turbocharge’s it before adding even more to it.

The election was not stolen. Trump lost because he was unpopular. Yes, a majority of Republicans loved him. And if only Republicans voted, that would have been enough. But in the real world, you have to win the Moderates.
Ok, let’s begin with the obvious. Elections are pretty simple, in theory. A little more complicated in practice.

Let’s begin with collecting the votes. The votes are collected via Mail for absentee or disabled voters, people who would have difficulty making it to the polls. This includes Military People. People who’s state of Residence is not where they are expected to be on Election Day. As one example, I voted in California while I was in the Army, because I was a Resident of California when I joined, and maintained that residency via taxes and all that.

Or they are collected in advance via Early Voting. Finally they are collected on Election Day at various authorized polling places

Now, these votes are collected in a central location, I’ll use Georgia because it is where I am a Resident now, and have more than twenty years experience in.

The County collects the votes from the various polling places. But let’s begin there. In the more populous counties it is common to have Poll Watchers at the location. These are people who have either volunteered, or have been asked by the Political Parties to insure that the voting goes off according to the laws.

The collection locations are also home to the Watchers. These are usually sent by the Political Parties. The Democrats and Republicans, and perhaps the Green Party. For the Political Parties, these are usually lawyers in the most populous counties.

These are people briefed or well knowledgeable about how the votes are supposed to be handled. They are there to insure that the counting is done by the book. And let’s be honest, you’re not going to get away with much with a lawyer looking over your shoulder.

Now, the idea that some 30,000 ballots were manufactured, or run through the machines an extra time to give Biden the win in front of Lawyers paid for by the Republican Party is almost laughable.

Now, we get to the Recounts. The Poll Watchers in those counties are now replaced by more senior people. If it wasn’t a lawyer before, it damn sure is one now. So somehow they managed to fool the initial poll watcher, and then the senior poll watcher, who is almost certainly a Lawyer, as well as any independents and other party lawyers, is really laughable.

So now, the only way to make this steal the election idea work is if everyone involved is in on it. Because now we are auditing the recount. And for that they are checking documentation to show where the votes came from. And Lawyers are examining the documents carefully looking for any irregularities. Finding none, they report back that the vote was right.

So we have to have a conspiracy between political parties that can’t agree on the time of day, and who don’t trust each other to walk across the street to steal the election. This is probably why there hasn’t been a Hollywood blockbuster with Tom Cruise exposing it all story before now. Because it is too big, too big by half to ever keep secret.

So to believe that the Election was Stolen, you have to believe that either everyone was involved, or that there was some sort of Magician there to hypnotize the people involved into believing everything was totally up and up. I don’t know much about hypnosis. But I know that not everyone is susceptible. So the odds of everyone being hypnotized is pretty low. In fact, you’ll probably have better odds winning the next billion dollar Power Ball lottery.

It’s too big. It’s too complex. It just can’t possibly happen.

So what does this mean for Republicans going into the next elections? First, the way you win elections is appealing to the moderates. The Base is going to vote for you. Winning a majority of the Moderates is the key to victory. To appeal to them, you need to put forth populist ideals supported by a majority of the population. Say, the most important issues facing us polls if you don’t understand.

Newt Gingrich did this to fantastic effect in 1994, and called it the Contract with America. The Republicans took control of the house for the first time in decades. Populist ideals work that way.

And you have to dump the idea that the election was stolen. Because as I explained above, it isn’t possible. And that is why a majority of people reject the argument. If you think that people will support you no matter what as long as you continue the crazy, remember WMD’s in Iraq and the millstone around Bush’s neck it was for the rest of his term, and how Republicans suffered.

Find your core beliefs, and lose the insanity. Because if you don’t, the Democrats are going to win absolute control of Congress, and perhaps even get the Supermajority they need to put anything though the Senate they want.

Because right now Trump is the worst loser in history. I’m not talking about losing the election. I’m talking about his ability to accept. Previously it was Hillary in 2016 who refused to go out and talk to her campaign afterwards. That showed a serious lack of class. A humiliating event for Democrats. And just when you think nobody could beat it, sure enough along comes Trump. In the very next election he takes lack of Class, and turbocharge’s it before adding even more to it.

The election was not stolen. Trump lost because he was unpopular. Yes, a majority of Republicans loved him. And if only Republicans voted, that would have been enough. But in the real world, you have to win the Moderates.

you just lost your credibilty using CNN the CIA controlled media as your source dumbass,:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:figures that one of USMBS resident trolls who always props up big government,loves this bible length propaganda of yours. :auiqs.jpg:
Ok, let’s begin with the obvious. Elections are pretty simple, in theory. A little more complicated in practice.

Let’s begin with collecting the votes. The votes are collected via Mail for absentee or disabled voters, people who would have difficulty making it to the polls. This includes Military People. People who’s state of Residence is not where they are expected to be on Election Day. As one example, I voted in California while I was in the Army, because I was a Resident of California when I joined, and maintained that residency via taxes and all that.

Or they are collected in advance via Early Voting. Finally they are collected on Election Day at various authorized polling places

Now, these votes are collected in a central location, I’ll use Georgia because it is where I am a Resident now, and have more than twenty years experience in.

The County collects the votes from the various polling places. But let’s begin there. In the more populous counties it is common to have Poll Watchers at the location. These are people who have either volunteered, or have been asked by the Political Parties to insure that the voting goes off according to the laws.

The collection locations are also home to the Watchers. These are usually sent by the Political Parties. The Democrats and Republicans, and perhaps the Green Party. For the Political Parties, these are usually lawyers in the most populous counties.

These are people briefed or well knowledgeable about how the votes are supposed to be handled. They are there to insure that the counting is done by the book. And let’s be honest, you’re not going to get away with much with a lawyer looking over your shoulder.

Now, the idea that some 30,000 ballots were manufactured, or run through the machines an extra time to give Biden the win in front of Lawyers paid for by the Republican Party is almost laughable.

Now, we get to the Recounts. The Poll Watchers in those counties are now replaced by more senior people. If it wasn’t a lawyer before, it damn sure is one now. So somehow they managed to fool the initial poll watcher, and then the senior poll watcher, who is almost certainly a Lawyer, as well as any independents and other party lawyers, is really laughable.

So now, the only way to make this steal the election idea work is if everyone involved is in on it. Because now we are auditing the recount. And for that they are checking documentation to show where the votes came from. And Lawyers are examining the documents carefully looking for any irregularities. Finding none, they report back that the vote was right.

So we have to have a conspiracy between political parties that can’t agree on the time of day, and who don’t trust each other to walk across the street to steal the election. This is probably why there hasn’t been a Hollywood blockbuster with Tom Cruise exposing it all story before now. Because it is too big, too big by half to ever keep secret.

So to believe that the Election was Stolen, you have to believe that either everyone was involved, or that there was some sort of Magician there to hypnotize the people involved into believing everything was totally up and up. I don’t know much about hypnosis. But I know that not everyone is susceptible. So the odds of everyone being hypnotized is pretty low. In fact, you’ll probably have better odds winning the next billion dollar Power Ball lottery.

It’s too big. It’s too complex. It just can’t possibly happen.

So what does this mean for Republicans going into the next elections? First, the way you win elections is appealing to the moderates. The Base is going to vote for you. Winning a majority of the Moderates is the key to victory. To appeal to them, you need to put forth populist ideals supported by a majority of the population. Say, the most important issues facing us polls if you don’t understand.

Newt Gingrich did this to fantastic effect in 1994, and called it the Contract with America. The Republicans took control of the house for the first time in decades. Populist ideals work that way.

And you have to dump the idea that the election was stolen. Because as I explained above, it isn’t possible. And that is why a majority of people reject the argument. If you think that people will support you no matter what as long as you continue the crazy, remember WMD’s in Iraq and the millstone around Bush’s neck it was for the rest of his term, and how Republicans suffered.

Find your core beliefs, and lose the insanity. Because if you don’t, the Democrats are going to win absolute control of Congress, and perhaps even get the Supermajority they need to put anything though the Senate they want.

Because right now Trump is the worst loser in history. I’m not talking about losing the election. I’m talking about his ability to accept. Previously it was Hillary in 2016 who refused to go out and talk to her campaign afterwards. That showed a serious lack of class. A humiliating event for Democrats. And just when you think nobody could beat it, sure enough along comes Trump. In the very next election he takes lack of Class, and turbocharge’s it before adding even more to it.

The election was not stolen. Trump lost because he was unpopular. Yes, a majority of Republicans loved him. And if only Republicans voted, that would have been enough. But in the real world, you have to win the Moderates.

you just lost your credibilty using CNN the CIA controlled media as your source dumbass,:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:figures that one of USMBS resident trolls who always props up big government,loves this bible length propaganda of yours. :auiqs.jpg:

You should have looked at the link. I went with that one with malice aforethought. You see, it was one of the links the Republicans used to show that they could not have stolen the election in 2016. That article was intended to make it absolutely positive that Hillary had won, being published two weeks before the election where Trump won.

Odd isn’t it? The last election the link I used was a cudgel waved by the Right to show they had won fair and square, and this election, the same article, from 2016, is propaganda put forth by the CIA to falsely discredit the Steal the Election Conspiracy Theories.

Knee jerk responses, are not always right. In fact, they are almost always wrong.
Ok, let’s begin with the obvious. Elections are pretty simple, in theory. A little more complicated in practice.

Let’s begin with collecting the votes. The votes are collected via Mail for absentee or disabled voters, people who would have difficulty making it to the polls. This includes Military People. People who’s state of Residence is not where they are expected to be on Election Day. As one example, I voted in California while I was in the Army, because I was a Resident of California when I joined, and maintained that residency via taxes and all that.

Or they are collected in advance via Early Voting. Finally they are collected on Election Day at various authorized polling places

Now, these votes are collected in a central location, I’ll use Georgia because it is where I am a Resident now, and have more than twenty years experience in.

The County collects the votes from the various polling places. But let’s begin there. In the more populous counties it is common to have Poll Watchers at the location. These are people who have either volunteered, or have been asked by the Political Parties to insure that the voting goes off according to the laws.

The collection locations are also home to the Watchers. These are usually sent by the Political Parties. The Democrats and Republicans, and perhaps the Green Party. For the Political Parties, these are usually lawyers in the most populous counties.

These are people briefed or well knowledgeable about how the votes are supposed to be handled. They are there to insure that the counting is done by the book. And let’s be honest, you’re not going to get away with much with a lawyer looking over your shoulder.

Now, the idea that some 30,000 ballots were manufactured, or run through the machines an extra time to give Biden the win in front of Lawyers paid for by the Republican Party is almost laughable.

Now, we get to the Recounts. The Poll Watchers in those counties are now replaced by more senior people. If it wasn’t a lawyer before, it damn sure is one now. So somehow they managed to fool the initial poll watcher, and then the senior poll watcher, who is almost certainly a Lawyer, as well as any independents and other party lawyers, is really laughable.

So now, the only way to make this steal the election idea work is if everyone involved is in on it. Because now we are auditing the recount. And for that they are checking documentation to show where the votes came from. And Lawyers are examining the documents carefully looking for any irregularities. Finding none, they report back that the vote was right.

So we have to have a conspiracy between political parties that can’t agree on the time of day, and who don’t trust each other to walk across the street to steal the election. This is probably why there hasn’t been a Hollywood blockbuster with Tom Cruise exposing it all story before now. Because it is too big, too big by half to ever keep secret.

So to believe that the Election was Stolen, you have to believe that either everyone was involved, or that there was some sort of Magician there to hypnotize the people involved into believing everything was totally up and up. I don’t know much about hypnosis. But I know that not everyone is susceptible. So the odds of everyone being hypnotized is pretty low. In fact, you’ll probably have better odds winning the next billion dollar Power Ball lottery.

It’s too big. It’s too complex. It just can’t possibly happen.

So what does this mean for Republicans going into the next elections? First, the way you win elections is appealing to the moderates. The Base is going to vote for you. Winning a majority of the Moderates is the key to victory. To appeal to them, you need to put forth populist ideals supported by a majority of the population. Say, the most important issues facing us polls if you don’t understand.

Newt Gingrich did this to fantastic effect in 1994, and called it the Contract with America. The Republicans took control of the house for the first time in decades. Populist ideals work that way.

And you have to dump the idea that the election was stolen. Because as I explained above, it isn’t possible. And that is why a majority of people reject the argument. If you think that people will support you no matter what as long as you continue the crazy, remember WMD’s in Iraq and the millstone around Bush’s neck it was for the rest of his term, and how Republicans suffered.

Find your core beliefs, and lose the insanity. Because if you don’t, the Democrats are going to win absolute control of Congress, and perhaps even get the Supermajority they need to put anything though the Senate they want.

Because right now Trump is the worst loser in history. I’m not talking about losing the election. I’m talking about his ability to accept. Previously it was Hillary in 2016 who refused to go out and talk to her campaign afterwards. That showed a serious lack of class. A humiliating event for Democrats. And just when you think nobody could beat it, sure enough along comes Trump. In the very next election he takes lack of Class, and turbocharge’s it before adding even more to it.

The election was not stolen. Trump lost because he was unpopular. Yes, a majority of Republicans loved him. And if only Republicans voted, that would have been enough. But in the real world, you have to win the Moderates.
:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:I am still trying to figure why what you say is not a conspiracy theory.
Ok, let’s begin with the obvious. Elections are pretty simple, in theory. A little more complicated in practice.

Let’s begin with collecting the votes. The votes are collected via Mail for absentee or disabled voters, people who would have difficulty making it to the polls. This includes Military People. People who’s state of Residence is not where they are expected to be on Election Day. As one example, I voted in California while I was in the Army, because I was a Resident of California when I joined, and maintained that residency via taxes and all that.

Or they are collected in advance via Early Voting. Finally they are collected on Election Day at various authorized polling places

Now, these votes are collected in a central location, I’ll use Georgia because it is where I am a Resident now, and have more than twenty years experience in.

The County collects the votes from the various polling places. But let’s begin there. In the more populous counties it is common to have Poll Watchers at the location. These are people who have either volunteered, or have been asked by the Political Parties to insure that the voting goes off according to the laws.

The collection locations are also home to the Watchers. These are usually sent by the Political Parties. The Democrats and Republicans, and perhaps the Green Party. For the Political Parties, these are usually lawyers in the most populous counties.

These are people briefed or well knowledgeable about how the votes are supposed to be handled. They are there to insure that the counting is done by the book. And let’s be honest, you’re not going to get away with much with a lawyer looking over your shoulder.

Now, the idea that some 30,000 ballots were manufactured, or run through the machines an extra time to give Biden the win in front of Lawyers paid for by the Republican Party is almost laughable.

Now, we get to the Recounts. The Poll Watchers in those counties are now replaced by more senior people. If it wasn’t a lawyer before, it damn sure is one now. So somehow they managed to fool the initial poll watcher, and then the senior poll watcher, who is almost certainly a Lawyer, as well as any independents and other party lawyers, is really laughable.

So now, the only way to make this steal the election idea work is if everyone involved is in on it. Because now we are auditing the recount. And for that they are checking documentation to show where the votes came from. And Lawyers are examining the documents carefully looking for any irregularities. Finding none, they report back that the vote was right.

So we have to have a conspiracy between political parties that can’t agree on the time of day, and who don’t trust each other to walk across the street to steal the election. This is probably why there hasn’t been a Hollywood blockbuster with Tom Cruise exposing it all story before now. Because it is too big, too big by half to ever keep secret.

So to believe that the Election was Stolen, you have to believe that either everyone was involved, or that there was some sort of Magician there to hypnotize the people involved into believing everything was totally up and up. I don’t know much about hypnosis. But I know that not everyone is susceptible. So the odds of everyone being hypnotized is pretty low. In fact, you’ll probably have better odds winning the next billion dollar Power Ball lottery.

It’s too big. It’s too complex. It just can’t possibly happen.

So what does this mean for Republicans going into the next elections? First, the way you win elections is appealing to the moderates. The Base is going to vote for you. Winning a majority of the Moderates is the key to victory. To appeal to them, you need to put forth populist ideals supported by a majority of the population. Say, the most important issues facing us polls if you don’t understand.

Newt Gingrich did this to fantastic effect in 1994, and called it the Contract with America. The Republicans took control of the house for the first time in decades. Populist ideals work that way.

And you have to dump the idea that the election was stolen. Because as I explained above, it isn’t possible. And that is why a majority of people reject the argument. If you think that people will support you no matter what as long as you continue the crazy, remember WMD’s in Iraq and the millstone around Bush’s neck it was for the rest of his term, and how Republicans suffered.

Find your core beliefs, and lose the insanity. Because if you don’t, the Democrats are going to win absolute control of Congress, and perhaps even get the Supermajority they need to put anything though the Senate they want.

Because right now Trump is the worst loser in history. I’m not talking about losing the election. I’m talking about his ability to accept. Previously it was Hillary in 2016 who refused to go out and talk to her campaign afterwards. That showed a serious lack of class. A humiliating event for Democrats. And just when you think nobody could beat it, sure enough along comes Trump. In the very next election he takes lack of Class, and turbocharge’s it before adding even more to it.

The election was not stolen. Trump lost because he was unpopular. Yes, a majority of Republicans loved him. And if only Republicans voted, that would have been enough. But in the real world, you have to win the Moderates.

you just lost your credibilty using CNN the CIA controlled media as your source dumbass,:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:figures that one of USMBS resident trolls who always props up big government,loves this bible length propaganda of yours. :auiqs.jpg:

You should have looked at the link. I went with that one with malice aforethought. You see, it was one of the links the Republicans used to show that they could not have stolen the election in 2016. That article was intended to make it absolutely positive that Hillary had won, being published two weeks before the election where Trump won.

Odd isn’t it? The last election the link I used was a cudgel waved by the Right to show they had won fair and square, and this election, the same article, from 2016, is propaganda put forth by the CIA to falsely discredit the Steal the Election Conspiracy Theories.

Knee jerk responses, are not always right. In fact, they are almost always wrong.
Hey Dick Sucker. We told you Fauci-Kevorkian was a quack over a fucking year ago. Why should we believe a word out of your pie hole???

I wouldn't believe a word out of your mouth, even if your tongue came notarized.
Ok, let’s begin with the obvious. Elections are pretty simple, in theory. A little more complicated in practice.

Let’s begin with collecting the votes. The votes are collected via Mail for absentee or disabled voters, people who would have difficulty making it to the polls. This includes Military People. People who’s state of Residence is not where they are expected to be on Election Day. As one example, I voted in California while I was in the Army, because I was a Resident of California when I joined, and maintained that residency via taxes and all that.

Or they are collected in advance via Early Voting. Finally they are collected on Election Day at various authorized polling places

Now, these votes are collected in a central location, I’ll use Georgia because it is where I am a Resident now, and have more than twenty years experience in.

The County collects the votes from the various polling places. But let’s begin there. In the more populous counties it is common to have Poll Watchers at the location. These are people who have either volunteered, or have been asked by the Political Parties to insure that the voting goes off according to the laws.

The collection locations are also home to the Watchers. These are usually sent by the Political Parties. The Democrats and Republicans, and perhaps the Green Party. For the Political Parties, these are usually lawyers in the most populous counties.

These are people briefed or well knowledgeable about how the votes are supposed to be handled. They are there to insure that the counting is done by the book. And let’s be honest, you’re not going to get away with much with a lawyer looking over your shoulder.

Now, the idea that some 30,000 ballots were manufactured, or run through the machines an extra time to give Biden the win in front of Lawyers paid for by the Republican Party is almost laughable.

Now, we get to the Recounts. The Poll Watchers in those counties are now replaced by more senior people. If it wasn’t a lawyer before, it damn sure is one now. So somehow they managed to fool the initial poll watcher, and then the senior poll watcher, who is almost certainly a Lawyer, as well as any independents and other party lawyers, is really laughable.

So now, the only way to make this steal the election idea work is if everyone involved is in on it. Because now we are auditing the recount. And for that they are checking documentation to show where the votes came from. And Lawyers are examining the documents carefully looking for any irregularities. Finding none, they report back that the vote was right.

So we have to have a conspiracy between political parties that can’t agree on the time of day, and who don’t trust each other to walk across the street to steal the election. This is probably why there hasn’t been a Hollywood blockbuster with Tom Cruise exposing it all story before now. Because it is too big, too big by half to ever keep secret.

So to believe that the Election was Stolen, you have to believe that either everyone was involved, or that there was some sort of Magician there to hypnotize the people involved into believing everything was totally up and up. I don’t know much about hypnosis. But I know that not everyone is susceptible. So the odds of everyone being hypnotized is pretty low. In fact, you’ll probably have better odds winning the next billion dollar Power Ball lottery.

It’s too big. It’s too complex. It just can’t possibly happen.

So what does this mean for Republicans going into the next elections? First, the way you win elections is appealing to the moderates. The Base is going to vote for you. Winning a majority of the Moderates is the key to victory. To appeal to them, you need to put forth populist ideals supported by a majority of the population. Say, the most important issues facing us polls if you don’t understand.

Newt Gingrich did this to fantastic effect in 1994, and called it the Contract with America. The Republicans took control of the house for the first time in decades. Populist ideals work that way.

And you have to dump the idea that the election was stolen. Because as I explained above, it isn’t possible. And that is why a majority of people reject the argument. If you think that people will support you no matter what as long as you continue the crazy, remember WMD’s in Iraq and the millstone around Bush’s neck it was for the rest of his term, and how Republicans suffered.

Find your core beliefs, and lose the insanity. Because if you don’t, the Democrats are going to win absolute control of Congress, and perhaps even get the Supermajority they need to put anything though the Senate they want.

Because right now Trump is the worst loser in history. I’m not talking about losing the election. I’m talking about his ability to accept. Previously it was Hillary in 2016 who refused to go out and talk to her campaign afterwards. That showed a serious lack of class. A humiliating event for Democrats. And just when you think nobody could beat it, sure enough along comes Trump. In the very next election he takes lack of Class, and turbocharge’s it before adding even more to it.

The election was not stolen. Trump lost because he was unpopular. Yes, a majority of Republicans loved him. And if only Republicans voted, that would have been enough. But in the real world, you have to win the Moderates.
It doesn’t appear that the GQP gives two shits about moderates. They’re just commies in disguise, anyway.

The plan is evidently (a) to keep the rubes enraged, tithing and voting, and (b) to suppress the Dem vote.

Could work.
Ok, let’s begin with the obvious. Elections are pretty simple, in theory. A little more complicated in practice.

Let’s begin with collecting the votes. The votes are collected via Mail for absentee or disabled voters, people who would have difficulty making it to the polls. This includes Military People. People who’s state of Residence is not where they are expected to be on Election Day. As one example, I voted in California while I was in the Army, because I was a Resident of California when I joined, and maintained that residency via taxes and all that.

Or they are collected in advance via Early Voting. Finally they are collected on Election Day at various authorized polling places

Now, these votes are collected in a central location, I’ll use Georgia because it is where I am a Resident now, and have more than twenty years experience in.

The County collects the votes from the various polling places. But let’s begin there. In the more populous counties it is common to have Poll Watchers at the location. These are people who have either volunteered, or have been asked by the Political Parties to insure that the voting goes off according to the laws.

The collection locations are also home to the Watchers. These are usually sent by the Political Parties. The Democrats and Republicans, and perhaps the Green Party. For the Political Parties, these are usually lawyers in the most populous counties.

These are people briefed or well knowledgeable about how the votes are supposed to be handled. They are there to insure that the counting is done by the book. And let’s be honest, you’re not going to get away with much with a lawyer looking over your shoulder.

Now, the idea that some 30,000 ballots were manufactured, or run through the machines an extra time to give Biden the win in front of Lawyers paid for by the Republican Party is almost laughable.

Now, we get to the Recounts. The Poll Watchers in those counties are now replaced by more senior people. If it wasn’t a lawyer before, it damn sure is one now. So somehow they managed to fool the initial poll watcher, and then the senior poll watcher, who is almost certainly a Lawyer, as well as any independents and other party lawyers, is really laughable.

So now, the only way to make this steal the election idea work is if everyone involved is in on it. Because now we are auditing the recount. And for that they are checking documentation to show where the votes came from. And Lawyers are examining the documents carefully looking for any irregularities. Finding none, they report back that the vote was right.

So we have to have a conspiracy between political parties that can’t agree on the time of day, and who don’t trust each other to walk across the street to steal the election. This is probably why there hasn’t been a Hollywood blockbuster with Tom Cruise exposing it all story before now. Because it is too big, too big by half to ever keep secret.

So to believe that the Election was Stolen, you have to believe that either everyone was involved, or that there was some sort of Magician there to hypnotize the people involved into believing everything was totally up and up. I don’t know much about hypnosis. But I know that not everyone is susceptible. So the odds of everyone being hypnotized is pretty low. In fact, you’ll probably have better odds winning the next billion dollar Power Ball lottery.

It’s too big. It’s too complex. It just can’t possibly happen.

So what does this mean for Republicans going into the next elections? First, the way you win elections is appealing to the moderates. The Base is going to vote for you. Winning a majority of the Moderates is the key to victory. To appeal to them, you need to put forth populist ideals supported by a majority of the population. Say, the most important issues facing us polls if you don’t understand.

Newt Gingrich did this to fantastic effect in 1994, and called it the Contract with America. The Republicans took control of the house for the first time in decades. Populist ideals work that way.

And you have to dump the idea that the election was stolen. Because as I explained above, it isn’t possible. And that is why a majority of people reject the argument. If you think that people will support you no matter what as long as you continue the crazy, remember WMD’s in Iraq and the millstone around Bush’s neck it was for the rest of his term, and how Republicans suffered.

Find your core beliefs, and lose the insanity. Because if you don’t, the Democrats are going to win absolute control of Congress, and perhaps even get the Supermajority they need to put anything though the Senate they want.

Because right now Trump is the worst loser in history. I’m not talking about losing the election. I’m talking about his ability to accept. Previously it was Hillary in 2016 who refused to go out and talk to her campaign afterwards. That showed a serious lack of class. A humiliating event for Democrats. And just when you think nobody could beat it, sure enough along comes Trump. In the very next election he takes lack of Class, and turbocharge’s it before adding even more to it.

The election was not stolen. Trump lost because he was unpopular. Yes, a majority of Republicans loved him. And if only Republicans voted, that would have been enough. But in the real world, you have to win the Moderates.

you just lost your credibilty using CNN the CIA controlled media as your source dumbass,:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:figures that one of USMBS resident trolls who always props up big government,loves this bible length propaganda of yours. :auiqs.jpg:

You should have looked at the link. I went with that one with malice aforethought. You see, it was one of the links the Republicans used to show that they could not have stolen the election in 2016. That article was intended to make it absolutely positive that Hillary had won, being published two weeks before the election where Trump won.

Odd isn’t it? The last election the link I used was a cudgel waved by the Right to show they had won fair and square, and this election, the same article, from 2016, is propaganda put forth by the CIA to falsely discredit the Steal the Election Conspiracy Theories.

Knee jerk responses, are not always right. In fact, they are almost always wrong.
Hey Dick Sucker. We told you Fauci-Kevorkian was a quack over a fucking year ago. Why should we believe a word out of your pie hole???

I wouldn't believe a word out of your mouth, even if your tongue came notarized.

Ok. With all the precautions in place as described above. How did they commit the fraud? How did they run the ballots through twice with everyone watching? How the hell did they do it?
Ok, let’s begin with the obvious. Elections are pretty simple, in theory. A little more complicated in practice.

Let’s begin with collecting the votes. The votes are collected via Mail for absentee or disabled voters, people who would have difficulty making it to the polls. This includes Military People. People who’s state of Residence is not where they are expected to be on Election Day. As one example, I voted in California while I was in the Army, because I was a Resident of California when I joined, and maintained that residency via taxes and all that.

Or they are collected in advance via Early Voting. Finally they are collected on Election Day at various authorized polling places

Now, these votes are collected in a central location, I’ll use Georgia because it is where I am a Resident now, and have more than twenty years experience in.

The County collects the votes from the various polling places. But let’s begin there. In the more populous counties it is common to have Poll Watchers at the location. These are people who have either volunteered, or have been asked by the Political Parties to insure that the voting goes off according to the laws.

The collection locations are also home to the Watchers. These are usually sent by the Political Parties. The Democrats and Republicans, and perhaps the Green Party. For the Political Parties, these are usually lawyers in the most populous counties.

These are people briefed or well knowledgeable about how the votes are supposed to be handled. They are there to insure that the counting is done by the book. And let’s be honest, you’re not going to get away with much with a lawyer looking over your shoulder.

Now, the idea that some 30,000 ballots were manufactured, or run through the machines an extra time to give Biden the win in front of Lawyers paid for by the Republican Party is almost laughable.

Now, we get to the Recounts. The Poll Watchers in those counties are now replaced by more senior people. If it wasn’t a lawyer before, it damn sure is one now. So somehow they managed to fool the initial poll watcher, and then the senior poll watcher, who is almost certainly a Lawyer, as well as any independents and other party lawyers, is really laughable.

So now, the only way to make this steal the election idea work is if everyone involved is in on it. Because now we are auditing the recount. And for that they are checking documentation to show where the votes came from. And Lawyers are examining the documents carefully looking for any irregularities. Finding none, they report back that the vote was right.

So we have to have a conspiracy between political parties that can’t agree on the time of day, and who don’t trust each other to walk across the street to steal the election. This is probably why there hasn’t been a Hollywood blockbuster with Tom Cruise exposing it all story before now. Because it is too big, too big by half to ever keep secret.

So to believe that the Election was Stolen, you have to believe that either everyone was involved, or that there was some sort of Magician there to hypnotize the people involved into believing everything was totally up and up. I don’t know much about hypnosis. But I know that not everyone is susceptible. So the odds of everyone being hypnotized is pretty low. In fact, you’ll probably have better odds winning the next billion dollar Power Ball lottery.

It’s too big. It’s too complex. It just can’t possibly happen.

So what does this mean for Republicans going into the next elections? First, the way you win elections is appealing to the moderates. The Base is going to vote for you. Winning a majority of the Moderates is the key to victory. To appeal to them, you need to put forth populist ideals supported by a majority of the population. Say, the most important issues facing us polls if you don’t understand.

Newt Gingrich did this to fantastic effect in 1994, and called it the Contract with America. The Republicans took control of the house for the first time in decades. Populist ideals work that way.

And you have to dump the idea that the election was stolen. Because as I explained above, it isn’t possible. And that is why a majority of people reject the argument. If you think that people will support you no matter what as long as you continue the crazy, remember WMD’s in Iraq and the millstone around Bush’s neck it was for the rest of his term, and how Republicans suffered.

Find your core beliefs, and lose the insanity. Because if you don’t, the Democrats are going to win absolute control of Congress, and perhaps even get the Supermajority they need to put anything though the Senate they want.

Because right now Trump is the worst loser in history. I’m not talking about losing the election. I’m talking about his ability to accept. Previously it was Hillary in 2016 who refused to go out and talk to her campaign afterwards. That showed a serious lack of class. A humiliating event for Democrats. And just when you think nobody could beat it, sure enough along comes Trump. In the very next election he takes lack of Class, and turbocharge’s it before adding even more to it.

The election was not stolen. Trump lost because he was unpopular. Yes, a majority of Republicans loved him. And if only Republicans voted, that would have been enough. But in the real world, you have to win the Moderates.

you just lost your credibilty using CNN the CIA controlled media as your source dumbass,:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:figures that one of USMBS resident trolls who always props up big government,loves this bible length propaganda of yours. :auiqs.jpg:

You should have looked at the link. I went with that one with malice aforethought. You see, it was one of the links the Republicans used to show that they could not have stolen the election in 2016. That article was intended to make it absolutely positive that Hillary had won, being published two weeks before the election where Trump won.

Odd isn’t it? The last election the link I used was a cudgel waved by the Right to show they had won fair and square, and this election, the same article, from 2016, is propaganda put forth by the CIA to falsely discredit the Steal the Election Conspiracy Theories.

Knee jerk responses, are not always right. In fact, they are almost always wrong.
Hey Dick Sucker. We told you Fauci-Kevorkian was a quack over a fucking year ago. Why should we believe a word out of your pie hole???

I wouldn't believe a word out of your mouth, even if your tongue came notarized.

Ok. With all the precautions in place as described above. How did they commit the fraud? How did they run the ballots through twice with everyone watching? How the hell did they do it?
One time they were the only people there . It is on video.
Time for some truth on the Stolen Election CT.
The truth is that the 2020 General Election wasn’t ‘stolen,’ a fact settled, accepted, and beyond dispute - that's nothing but the truth.
Then an audit may be a waste of time and money but it certainly can't be a threat, right? I mean, there can't possibly be evidence of fraud. I'll say it again. Scream all you like. The audit isn't intended to convince any of you. It's to establish proof not that cheating occurred but HOW it was done so that it CANNOT BE DONE AGAIN. If you people are so wound up over this that you try to create laws that make such cheating inevitable then we are headed either for secession OR CWII. Yeah, Cletus... it IS THAT SERIOUS.
The big problem with mail-in ballots is that you do not know who really recieved them or who really sent them back.
Well. There is a signature on the envelope when the ballot is mailed in.

I mention the signature because if it isn’t present the ballot is rejected. Also the signature is checked and if it doesn’t match. Again. Rejected.

So yes. The ballot sent in by Bertha Smallmind might not be hers. But if the signature isn’t there or doesn’t match it won’t be accepted anyway.

Ok, let’s begin with the obvious. Elections are pretty simple, in theory. A little more complicated in practice.

Let’s begin with collecting the votes. The votes are collected via Mail for absentee or disabled voters, people who would have difficulty making it to the polls. This includes Military People. People who’s state of Residence is not where they are expected to be on Election Day. As one example, I voted in California while I was in the Army, because I was a Resident of California when I joined, and maintained that residency via taxes and all that.

Or they are collected in advance via Early Voting. Finally they are collected on Election Day at various authorized polling places

Now, these votes are collected in a central location, I’ll use Georgia because it is where I am a Resident now, and have more than twenty years experience in.

The County collects the votes from the various polling places. But let’s begin there. In the more populous counties it is common to have Poll Watchers at the location. These are people who have either volunteered, or have been asked by the Political Parties to insure that the voting goes off according to the laws.

The collection locations are also home to the Watchers. These are usually sent by the Political Parties. The Democrats and Republicans, and perhaps the Green Party. For the Political Parties, these are usually lawyers in the most populous counties.

These are people briefed or well knowledgeable about how the votes are supposed to be handled. They are there to insure that the counting is done by the book. And let’s be honest, you’re not going to get away with much with a lawyer looking over your shoulder.

Now, the idea that some 30,000 ballots were manufactured, or run through the machines an extra time to give Biden the win in front of Lawyers paid for by the Republican Party is almost laughable.

Now, we get to the Recounts. The Poll Watchers in those counties are now replaced by more senior people. If it wasn’t a lawyer before, it damn sure is one now. So somehow they managed to fool the initial poll watcher, and then the senior poll watcher, who is almost certainly a Lawyer, as well as any independents and other party lawyers, is really laughable.

So now, the only way to make this steal the election idea work is if everyone involved is in on it. Because now we are auditing the recount. And for that they are checking documentation to show where the votes came from. And Lawyers are examining the documents carefully looking for any irregularities. Finding none, they report back that the vote was right.

So we have to have a conspiracy between political parties that can’t agree on the time of day, and who don’t trust each other to walk across the street to steal the election. This is probably why there hasn’t been a Hollywood blockbuster with Tom Cruise exposing it all story before now. Because it is too big, too big by half to ever keep secret.

So to believe that the Election was Stolen, you have to believe that either everyone was involved, or that there was some sort of Magician there to hypnotize the people involved into believing everything was totally up and up. I don’t know much about hypnosis. But I know that not everyone is susceptible. So the odds of everyone being hypnotized is pretty low. In fact, you’ll probably have better odds winning the next billion dollar Power Ball lottery.

It’s too big. It’s too complex. It just can’t possibly happen.

So what does this mean for Republicans going into the next elections? First, the way you win elections is appealing to the moderates. The Base is going to vote for you. Winning a majority of the Moderates is the key to victory. To appeal to them, you need to put forth populist ideals supported by a majority of the population. Say, the most important issues facing us polls if you don’t understand.

Newt Gingrich did this to fantastic effect in 1994, and called it the Contract with America. The Republicans took control of the house for the first time in decades. Populist ideals work that way.

And you have to dump the idea that the election was stolen. Because as I explained above, it isn’t possible. And that is why a majority of people reject the argument. If you think that people will support you no matter what as long as you continue the crazy, remember WMD’s in Iraq and the millstone around Bush’s neck it was for the rest of his term, and how Republicans suffered.

Find your core beliefs, and lose the insanity. Because if you don’t, the Democrats are going to win absolute control of Congress, and perhaps even get the Supermajority they need to put anything though the Senate they want.

Because right now Trump is the worst loser in history. I’m not talking about losing the election. I’m talking about his ability to accept. Previously it was Hillary in 2016 who refused to go out and talk to her campaign afterwards. That showed a serious lack of class. A humiliating event for Democrats. And just when you think nobody could beat it, sure enough along comes Trump. In the very next election he takes lack of Class, and turbocharge’s it before adding even more to it.

The election was not stolen. Trump lost because he was unpopular. Yes, a majority of Republicans loved him. And if only Republicans voted, that would have been enough. But in the real world, you have to win the Moderates.

Using CNN as a source isn't helping you.

Allow me to show you the technical director of cnn admitting on camera they lied to the American and that they had a plan and a goal to create propaganda against trump in order to get him out.

Ok, let’s begin with the obvious. Elections are pretty simple, in theory. A little more complicated in practice.

Let’s begin with collecting the votes. The votes are collected via Mail for absentee or disabled voters, people who would have difficulty making it to the polls. This includes Military People. People who’s state of Residence is not where they are expected to be on Election Day. As one example, I voted in California while I was in the Army, because I was a Resident of California when I joined, and maintained that residency via taxes and all that.

Or they are collected in advance via Early Voting. Finally they are collected on Election Day at various authorized polling places

Now, these votes are collected in a central location, I’ll use Georgia because it is where I am a Resident now, and have more than twenty years experience in.

The County collects the votes from the various polling places. But let’s begin there. In the more populous counties it is common to have Poll Watchers at the location. These are people who have either volunteered, or have been asked by the Political Parties to insure that the voting goes off according to the laws.

The collection locations are also home to the Watchers. These are usually sent by the Political Parties. The Democrats and Republicans, and perhaps the Green Party. For the Political Parties, these are usually lawyers in the most populous counties.

These are people briefed or well knowledgeable about how the votes are supposed to be handled. They are there to insure that the counting is done by the book. And let’s be honest, you’re not going to get away with much with a lawyer looking over your shoulder.

Now, the idea that some 30,000 ballots were manufactured, or run through the machines an extra time to give Biden the win in front of Lawyers paid for by the Republican Party is almost laughable.

Now, we get to the Recounts. The Poll Watchers in those counties are now replaced by more senior people. If it wasn’t a lawyer before, it damn sure is one now. So somehow they managed to fool the initial poll watcher, and then the senior poll watcher, who is almost certainly a Lawyer, as well as any independents and other party lawyers, is really laughable.

So now, the only way to make this steal the election idea work is if everyone involved is in on it. Because now we are auditing the recount. And for that they are checking documentation to show where the votes came from. And Lawyers are examining the documents carefully looking for any irregularities. Finding none, they report back that the vote was right.

So we have to have a conspiracy between political parties that can’t agree on the time of day, and who don’t trust each other to walk across the street to steal the election. This is probably why there hasn’t been a Hollywood blockbuster with Tom Cruise exposing it all story before now. Because it is too big, too big by half to ever keep secret.

So to believe that the Election was Stolen, you have to believe that either everyone was involved, or that there was some sort of Magician there to hypnotize the people involved into believing everything was totally up and up. I don’t know much about hypnosis. But I know that not everyone is susceptible. So the odds of everyone being hypnotized is pretty low. In fact, you’ll probably have better odds winning the next billion dollar Power Ball lottery.

It’s too big. It’s too complex. It just can’t possibly happen.

So what does this mean for Republicans going into the next elections? First, the way you win elections is appealing to the moderates. The Base is going to vote for you. Winning a majority of the Moderates is the key to victory. To appeal to them, you need to put forth populist ideals supported by a majority of the population. Say, the most important issues facing us polls if you don’t understand.

Newt Gingrich did this to fantastic effect in 1994, and called it the Contract with America. The Republicans took control of the house for the first time in decades. Populist ideals work that way.

And you have to dump the idea that the election was stolen. Because as I explained above, it isn’t possible. And that is why a majority of people reject the argument. If you think that people will support you no matter what as long as you continue the crazy, remember WMD’s in Iraq and the millstone around Bush’s neck it was for the rest of his term, and how Republicans suffered.

Find your core beliefs, and lose the insanity. Because if you don’t, the Democrats are going to win absolute control of Congress, and perhaps even get the Supermajority they need to put anything though the Senate they want.

Because right now Trump is the worst loser in history. I’m not talking about losing the election. I’m talking about his ability to accept. Previously it was Hillary in 2016 who refused to go out and talk to her campaign afterwards. That showed a serious lack of class. A humiliating event for Democrats. And just when you think nobody could beat it, sure enough along comes Trump. In the very next election he takes lack of Class, and turbocharge’s it before adding even more to it.

The election was not stolen. Trump lost because he was unpopular. Yes, a majority of Republicans loved him. And if only Republicans voted, that would have been enough. But in the real world, you have to win the Moderates.

you just lost your credibilty using CNN the CIA controlled media as your source dumbass,:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:figures that one of USMBS resident trolls who always props up big government,loves this bible length propaganda of yours. :auiqs.jpg:

You should have looked at the link. I went with that one with malice aforethought. You see, it was one of the links the Republicans used to show that they could not have stolen the election in 2016. That article was intended to make it absolutely positive that Hillary had won, being published two weeks before the election where Trump won.

Odd isn’t it? The last election the link I used was a cudgel waved by the Right to show they had won fair and square, and this election, the same article, from 2016, is propaganda put forth by the CIA to falsely discredit the Steal the Election Conspiracy Theories.

Knee jerk responses, are not always right. In fact, they are almost always wrong.

Funny libs were okay when Stine was calling for audits and recounts in 2016. The only reason the recounts stopped in 2016 was because they were adding more votes for TRUMP.
Time for some truth on the Stolen Election CT.
The truth is that the 2020 General Election wasn’t ‘stolen,’ a fact settled, accepted, and beyond dispute - that's nothing but the truth.
Then an audit may be a waste of time and money but it certainly can't be a threat, right? I mean, there can't possibly be evidence of fraud. I'll say it again. Scream all you like. The audit isn't intended to convince any of you. It's to establish proof not that cheating occurred but HOW it was done so that it CANNOT BE DONE AGAIN. If you people are so wound up over this that you try to create laws that make such cheating inevitable then we are headed either for secession OR CWII. Yeah, Cletus... it IS THAT SERIOUS.

Actually I want the Republicans to be competitive in the midterms. And this insanity is hurting them. Badly.

You see. Look at your reply. You speak as if the fraud, the crime is an established fact. Then you say the audit is to determine how the crime was committed. Not if. How.

At this rate Republicans are going to lose the Statewide offices in Georgia and it will become a full blown Blue State. Because those Moderates you need will not vote for crazy.
Ok, let’s begin with the obvious. Elections are pretty simple, in theory. A little more complicated in practice.

Let’s begin with collecting the votes. The votes are collected via Mail for absentee or disabled voters, people who would have difficulty making it to the polls. This includes Military People. People who’s state of Residence is not where they are expected to be on Election Day. As one example, I voted in California while I was in the Army, because I was a Resident of California when I joined, and maintained that residency via taxes and all that.

Or they are collected in advance via Early Voting. Finally they are collected on Election Day at various authorized polling places

Now, these votes are collected in a central location, I’ll use Georgia because it is where I am a Resident now, and have more than twenty years experience in.

The County collects the votes from the various polling places. But let’s begin there. In the more populous counties it is common to have Poll Watchers at the location. These are people who have either volunteered, or have been asked by the Political Parties to insure that the voting goes off according to the laws.

The collection locations are also home to the Watchers. These are usually sent by the Political Parties. The Democrats and Republicans, and perhaps the Green Party. For the Political Parties, these are usually lawyers in the most populous counties.

These are people briefed or well knowledgeable about how the votes are supposed to be handled. They are there to insure that the counting is done by the book. And let’s be honest, you’re not going to get away with much with a lawyer looking over your shoulder.

Now, the idea that some 30,000 ballots were manufactured, or run through the machines an extra time to give Biden the win in front of Lawyers paid for by the Republican Party is almost laughable.

Now, we get to the Recounts. The Poll Watchers in those counties are now replaced by more senior people. If it wasn’t a lawyer before, it damn sure is one now. So somehow they managed to fool the initial poll watcher, and then the senior poll watcher, who is almost certainly a Lawyer, as well as any independents and other party lawyers, is really laughable.

So now, the only way to make this steal the election idea work is if everyone involved is in on it. Because now we are auditing the recount. And for that they are checking documentation to show where the votes came from. And Lawyers are examining the documents carefully looking for any irregularities. Finding none, they report back that the vote was right.

So we have to have a conspiracy between political parties that can’t agree on the time of day, and who don’t trust each other to walk across the street to steal the election. This is probably why there hasn’t been a Hollywood blockbuster with Tom Cruise exposing it all story before now. Because it is too big, too big by half to ever keep secret.

So to believe that the Election was Stolen, you have to believe that either everyone was involved, or that there was some sort of Magician there to hypnotize the people involved into believing everything was totally up and up. I don’t know much about hypnosis. But I know that not everyone is susceptible. So the odds of everyone being hypnotized is pretty low. In fact, you’ll probably have better odds winning the next billion dollar Power Ball lottery.

It’s too big. It’s too complex. It just can’t possibly happen.

So what does this mean for Republicans going into the next elections? First, the way you win elections is appealing to the moderates. The Base is going to vote for you. Winning a majority of the Moderates is the key to victory. To appeal to them, you need to put forth populist ideals supported by a majority of the population. Say, the most important issues facing us polls if you don’t understand.

Newt Gingrich did this to fantastic effect in 1994, and called it the Contract with America. The Republicans took control of the house for the first time in decades. Populist ideals work that way.

And you have to dump the idea that the election was stolen. Because as I explained above, it isn’t possible. And that is why a majority of people reject the argument. If you think that people will support you no matter what as long as you continue the crazy, remember WMD’s in Iraq and the millstone around Bush’s neck it was for the rest of his term, and how Republicans suffered.

Find your core beliefs, and lose the insanity. Because if you don’t, the Democrats are going to win absolute control of Congress, and perhaps even get the Supermajority they need to put anything though the Senate they want.

Because right now Trump is the worst loser in history. I’m not talking about losing the election. I’m talking about his ability to accept. Previously it was Hillary in 2016 who refused to go out and talk to her campaign afterwards. That showed a serious lack of class. A humiliating event for Democrats. And just when you think nobody could beat it, sure enough along comes Trump. In the very next election he takes lack of Class, and turbocharge’s it before adding even more to it.

The election was not stolen. Trump lost because he was unpopular. Yes, a majority of Republicans loved him. And if only Republicans voted, that would have been enough. But in the real world, you have to win the Moderates.
:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:I am still trying to figure why what you say is not a conspiracy theory.
Don't hurt yourself, stupid.
Ok, let’s begin with the obvious. Elections are pretty simple, in theory. A little more complicated in practice.

Let’s begin with collecting the votes. The votes are collected via Mail for absentee or disabled voters, people who would have difficulty making it to the polls. This includes Military People. People who’s state of Residence is not where they are expected to be on Election Day. As one example, I voted in California while I was in the Army, because I was a Resident of California when I joined, and maintained that residency via taxes and all that.

Or they are collected in advance via Early Voting. Finally they are collected on Election Day at various authorized polling places

Now, these votes are collected in a central location, I’ll use Georgia because it is where I am a Resident now, and have more than twenty years experience in.

The County collects the votes from the various polling places. But let’s begin there. In the more populous counties it is common to have Poll Watchers at the location. These are people who have either volunteered, or have been asked by the Political Parties to insure that the voting goes off according to the laws.

The collection locations are also home to the Watchers. These are usually sent by the Political Parties. The Democrats and Republicans, and perhaps the Green Party. For the Political Parties, these are usually lawyers in the most populous counties.

These are people briefed or well knowledgeable about how the votes are supposed to be handled. They are there to insure that the counting is done by the book. And let’s be honest, you’re not going to get away with much with a lawyer looking over your shoulder.

Now, the idea that some 30,000 ballots were manufactured, or run through the machines an extra time to give Biden the win in front of Lawyers paid for by the Republican Party is almost laughable.

Now, we get to the Recounts. The Poll Watchers in those counties are now replaced by more senior people. If it wasn’t a lawyer before, it damn sure is one now. So somehow they managed to fool the initial poll watcher, and then the senior poll watcher, who is almost certainly a Lawyer, as well as any independents and other party lawyers, is really laughable.

So now, the only way to make this steal the election idea work is if everyone involved is in on it. Because now we are auditing the recount. And for that they are checking documentation to show where the votes came from. And Lawyers are examining the documents carefully looking for any irregularities. Finding none, they report back that the vote was right.

So we have to have a conspiracy between political parties that can’t agree on the time of day, and who don’t trust each other to walk across the street to steal the election. This is probably why there hasn’t been a Hollywood blockbuster with Tom Cruise exposing it all story before now. Because it is too big, too big by half to ever keep secret.

So to believe that the Election was Stolen, you have to believe that either everyone was involved, or that there was some sort of Magician there to hypnotize the people involved into believing everything was totally up and up. I don’t know much about hypnosis. But I know that not everyone is susceptible. So the odds of everyone being hypnotized is pretty low. In fact, you’ll probably have better odds winning the next billion dollar Power Ball lottery.

It’s too big. It’s too complex. It just can’t possibly happen.

So what does this mean for Republicans going into the next elections? First, the way you win elections is appealing to the moderates. The Base is going to vote for you. Winning a majority of the Moderates is the key to victory. To appeal to them, you need to put forth populist ideals supported by a majority of the population. Say, the most important issues facing us polls if you don’t understand.

Newt Gingrich did this to fantastic effect in 1994, and called it the Contract with America. The Republicans took control of the house for the first time in decades. Populist ideals work that way.

And you have to dump the idea that the election was stolen. Because as I explained above, it isn’t possible. And that is why a majority of people reject the argument. If you think that people will support you no matter what as long as you continue the crazy, remember WMD’s in Iraq and the millstone around Bush’s neck it was for the rest of his term, and how Republicans suffered.

Find your core beliefs, and lose the insanity. Because if you don’t, the Democrats are going to win absolute control of Congress, and perhaps even get the Supermajority they need to put anything though the Senate they want.

Because right now Trump is the worst loser in history. I’m not talking about losing the election. I’m talking about his ability to accept. Previously it was Hillary in 2016 who refused to go out and talk to her campaign afterwards. That showed a serious lack of class. A humiliating event for Democrats. And just when you think nobody could beat it, sure enough along comes Trump. In the very next election he takes lack of Class, and turbocharge’s it before adding even more to it.

The election was not stolen. Trump lost because he was unpopular. Yes, a majority of Republicans loved him. And if only Republicans voted, that would have been enough. But in the real world, you have to win the Moderates.

Using CNN as a source isn't helping you.

Allow me to show you the technical director of cnn admitting on camera they lied to the American and that they had a plan and a goal to create propaganda against trump in order to get him out.

You should have read a little more. The article was from October 2016 and was intended to be a proof that Hillary had won fair and square when the election was held two weeks later. After the election the Republicans including full throated Trump Supporters used it as proof they had won fair and square.

perhaps a knee jerk response isn’t best after all.

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