Time For Moderates In Both Parties To Save America in Speaker Race!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
What the American public is not focusing on enough is how hurtful to America this Speaker race in the House of Representatives is! It is not that there has already been eleven votes held with no winner but the almost incomprehensible harm is what the Republican leader Kevin McCarthy is giving away to try to secure votes so he can win the job. What is most alarming is that he is agreeing to change the House rules so that any single member of the 435 voting members of the House of Representatives has the power to call a vote removing the current Speaker which will make the Speaker a weak Speaker basically a puppet to each member of the House so this concession will largely paralyze the House, it will obstruct the House from carry out its role to help govern America. Kevin McCarthy and his enablers with these give aways have now set the House up to be dysfunctional and even if Kevin McCarthy now pulls out from the Speakership race the other Republican leaders in the hierarchy order if any of them runs and wins will be alarmingly restrained in fulfilling the duties of the Speakership because in order to secure the needed votes of the Republican caucus such a candidate will have to agree to what Kevin McCarthy was willing to agree to!

What American now needs is for the Democrat caucus or the bulk of the Democratic caucus to work with moderate Republicans to vote for a moderate Republican for Speakership a moderate Republican that won't be a disaster for America which the Republican caucus is trying to move heaven and earth to very very unfortunately accomplish. Democrat Congressman Ro Khanna from California in an interview tonight with Erin Burnett from CNN laid out the path for such a resolution with his three terms. The moderate Republican candidate would have to be one that would not cause an economic crisis over raising the debt ceiling which must be done this year, no linkage to budgets cuts which of course is a non-starter for Democrats. Secondly, the moderate Republican would have to agree to no government shutdown over the 2024 and 2025 Budgets which right wing Republicans in the House are salivating to do to achieve their desired cuts to Domestic discretionary spending. Thirdly, the moderate Republican candidate would have to agree that for investigating committees in the House in order to use their subpoena power there would have to be significant bipartisan support for issuing the subpoena. What I would do in looking for a good moderate Republican candidate if I was in the Democrat caucus is that I would look at the nine ( I think it was nine) House Republicans who voted for the recently passed Omnibus bill this shows that they at least have the character to govern, not a predominant character trait in the current Republican House caucus!

I would add some additional terms for the moderate Republican candidate to agree to. No Hunter Biden investigating committee, everyone knows Hunter has a drug and alcohol problem and is not a person of high ethical character for one he trades on his family name to get a job where he protects the owner of Ukrainian gas company that when he was the Ukrainian Energy Minister did double dealing in government auctions he conducted; President Jospeh Biden doesn't take bribes but he is from a bygone era where politicians allowed family and friends to trade on their office to make money ignoring the appearance of impropriety that this gave off; plus it is a bad system that leaders create in America where family members of politicians are fair game to rake through the coals - this deters good people from entering into politics or government service! No January 6th investigating committee, the American people know that it was a partisan committer, the American people know that Liz Cheney is obsessed with Donald Trump never again not only him being President but running for President, the American people know that the National Guard should have been in Washington D.C. even the head of the Capitol Police who did not receive the intelligence reports that right wing militant groups were planning to breach the Capitol had requested such but his request was denied, the American people know all the wrongs here we don't want Congress wasting more time and money telling us what we know. No Afghanistan committee, the American people know that egotistical and vindictive Joseph Biden made a colossal and epic bad decision in withdrawing from Afghanistan he made the sacrifice of 2500 Americans who gave their lives and 20000 Americans who were wounded in that war to a significant degree a "waste" (Afghanistan is now back in the state of the Middle Ages), to America's shame beyond words Afghanistan women largely have had their life taken away from them through denial of fundamental civil rights and America's many allies in that war rightfully believe America cannot be trusted there is no limit to how severely America will sell you out!
It's pretty fucked up that the actual number of those representing “We The People”, is only 20 out of 222 House Republicans. They are the only ones in Congress who are defending the Republic from the tyranny and mob rule of "Democracy."

The other 200 are the true "insurrectionists", and are ignoring the people who put them in office.
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It's pretty fucked up that the actual number of those representing “We The People”, is only 20 out of 222 House Republicans. They are the only ones in Congress who are defending the Republic from the tyranny and mob rule of "Democracy."

The other 200 are the true "insurrectionists", and are ignoring the people who put them in office.
Where is this Democracy you speak of?
Odd, I'm not "hurt" at all.....In fact they can fight it out on that line if it takes all Winter as far as I am concerned.....About all they will do is approve more billions for Ukraine anyway.

I mean look, tomorrow is Friday (usually a billions for Ukraine day) and no billions have been approved.....We are saving money already! :)
It was approved in the omnibus bill that just passed into law.
What American now needs is for the Democrat caucus or the bulk of the Democratic caucus to work with moderate Republicans to vote for a moderate Republican for Speakership a moderate Republican that won't be a disaster for America
So you think that the Chinacratic Caucus working with "moderate" Republicans, is going to produce a good result for America? :uhh:
The first rule of politics...if your opponent is digging their own grave...keep handing them shovels.

The GOP is digging...

Your "president" has no Congress and Ukraine didn't get another billion dollars this week.

:laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg::lmao::21:

#LOLBIDEN #TooFuckingFunny #LoserBiden #NoCongressForJoe
What the American public is not focusing on enough is how hurtful to America this Speaker race in the House of Representatives is! It is not that there has already been eleven votes held with no winner but the almost incomprehensible harm is what the Republican leader Kevin McCarthy is giving away to try to secure votes so he can win the job. What is most alarming is that he is agreeing to change the House rules so that any single member of the 435 voting members of the House of Representatives has the power to call a vote removing the current Speaker which will make the Speaker a weak Speaker basically a puppet to each member of the House so this concession will largely paralyze the House, it will obstruct the House from carry out its role to help govern America. Kevin McCarthy and his enablers with these give aways have now set the House up to be dysfunctional and even if Kevin McCarthy now pulls out from the Speakership race the other Republican leaders in the hierarchy order if any of them runs and wins will be alarmingly restrained in fulfilling the duties of the Speakership because in order to secure the needed votes of the Republican caucus such a candidate will have to agree to what Kevin McCarthy was willing to agree to!

What American now needs is for the Democrat caucus or the bulk of the Democratic caucus to work with moderate Republicans to vote for a moderate Republican for Speakership a moderate Republican that won't be a disaster for America which the Republican caucus is trying to move heaven and earth to very very unfortunately accomplish. Democrat Congressman Ro Khanna from California in an interview tonight with Erin Burnett from CNN laid out the path for such a resolution with his three terms. The moderate Republican candidate would have to be one that would not cause an economic crisis over raising the debt ceiling which must be done this year, no linkage to budgets cuts which of course is a non-starter for Democrats. Secondly, the moderate Republican would have to agree to no government shutdown over the 2024 and 2025 Budgets which right wing Republicans in the House are salivating to do to achieve their desired cuts to Domestic discretionary spending. Thirdly, the moderate Republican candidate would have to agree that for investigating committees in the House in order to use their subpoena power there would have to be significant bipartisan support for issuing the subpoena. What I would do in looking for a good moderate Republican candidate if I was in the Democrat caucus is that I would look at the nine ( I think it was nine) House Republicans who voted for the recently passed Omnibus bill this shows that they at least have the character to govern, not a predominant character trait in the current Republican House caucus!

I would add some additional terms for the moderate Republican candidate to agree to. No Hunter Biden investigating committee, everyone knows Hunter has a drug and alcohol problem and is not a person of high ethical character for one he trades on his family name to get a job where he protects the owner of Ukrainian gas company that when he was the Ukrainian Energy Minister did double dealing in government auctions he conducted; President Jospeh Biden doesn't take bribes but he is from a bygone era where politicians allowed family and friends to trade on their office to make money ignoring the appearance of impropriety that this gave off; plus it is a bad system that leaders create in America where family members of politicians are fair game to rake through the coals - this deters good people from entering into politics or government service! No January 6th investigating committee, the American people know that it was a partisan committer, the American people know that Liz Cheney is obsessed with Donald Trump never again not only him being President but running for President, the American people know that the National Guard should have been in Washington D.C. even the head of the Capitol Police who did not receive the intelligence reports that right wing militant groups were planning to breach the Capitol had requested such but his request was denied, the American people know all the wrongs here we don't want Congress wasting more time and money telling us what we know. No Afghanistan committee, the American people know that egotistical and vindictive Joseph Biden made a colossal and epic bad decision in withdrawing from Afghanistan he made the sacrifice of 2500 Americans who gave their lives and 20000 Americans who were wounded in that war to a significant degree a "waste" (Afghanistan is now back in the state of the Middle Ages), to America's shame beyond words Afghanistan women largely have had their life taken away from them through denial of fundamental civil rights and America's many allies in that war rightfully believe America cannot be trusted there is no limit to how severely America will sell you out!
McCarthy IS the moderate.

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