Diamond Member
Time for EU/NATO to act against Barbarism of Moscow´s despots "Kremlin critic A. Navalny says, despite facing death threats, he’s returning to Moscow´s empire on Sunday
we all know that Navalny will be killed by putin´s thugs, its clear for all of us that its time to act like we did many times against Moscow´s oriental despots, we have all tools to stop Genghiside barbarism here and new . so what have to do in retaliation once Navalny will be publicly executed ( in our face barbaric act ) ?
"WHO rules EAST EUROPE commands the Heartland Who rules the heartland commands the World Island Who rule the world island commands the WORLD" - John Halford Mackinder
we all know that Navalny will be killed by putin´s thugs, its clear for all of us that its time to act like we did many times against Moscow´s oriental despots, we have all tools to stop Genghiside barbarism here and new . so what have to do in retaliation once Navalny will be publicly executed ( in our face barbaric act ) ?
"WHO rules EAST EUROPE commands the Heartland Who rules the heartland commands the World Island Who rule the world island commands the WORLD" - John Halford Mackinder