Time for a Coup? Faith in the military soars as trust in media, politicians plunges


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Time For A Coup? Faith In The Military Soars As Trust In Media, Politicians Plunges

So with no trust in government or the media, who do the American people still have faith in?

One-third of the public (33%) has a great deal of confidence in the military and an additional 46% say they have a fair amount of confidence. The high ranking of the military is consistent with a 2013 Pew Research Center survey, which found 78% of the public said the military contributes “a lot” to society.

Time For A Coup? Faith In The Military Soars As Trust In Media, Politicians Plunges | Zero Hedge
Those of us who aren't in a zombie zone already know this, those who can't get of their MSM being their truth bible are only getting dumber and dumber as the days go by. The sad part is they haven't got a clue what the hell is even going on.
The msm is lead by the Elites who have more money than you can ever dream of. They want you to live life as they lived in the movie HUnger games. You think it's a joke your some logic.

Countries all over the world are living in poor , poor conditions while thier leader eat high off the hog here's a news flash for zombies that is coming to America. Keep laughing morons and thinking it's all a joke you won't once it all slaps you right in the faces. you won't know how to survive when you can't stare down at that cell phone. There won't be any power to use it .. omg the irony of socities techie addicts who can't function in society without it.
So the fruitloops are losing and begging for a military coup. What a bunch of anti-American jerkoffs. Such an action would be treason of the highest sort.
The military is evenly divided between the NWO and the nationalists.

Currently, the military has leaders that are loyal to the NWO, not America.

They are supporting the Muslim Brotherhood and ISIS as policy tools to manipulate the middle east, and if need be, start WWIII to get the Anglo-American Empire's goals achieved. They have no use for negotiation.

The East has drawn a line in the sand in Syria. If Hillary gets elected? It will mean the end for us all.

Time For A Coup? Faith In The Military Soars As Trust In Media, Politicians Plunges

So with no trust in government or the media, who do the American people still have faith in?

One-third of the public (33%) has a great deal of confidence in the military and an additional 46% say they have a fair amount of confidence. The high ranking of the military is consistent with a 2013 Pew Research Center survey, which found 78% of the public said the military contributes “a lot” to society.

Time For A Coup? Faith In The Military Soars As Trust In Media, Politicians Plunges | Zero Hedge
Those of us who aren't in a zombie zone already know this, those who can't get of their MSM being their truth bible are only getting dumber and dumber as the days go by. The sad part is they haven't got a clue what the hell is even going on.
The msm is lead by the Elites who have more money than you can ever dream of. They want you to live life as they lived in the movie HUnger games. You think it's a joke your some logic.

Countries all over the world are living in poor , poor conditions while thier leader eat high off the hog here's a news flash for zombies that is coming to America. Keep laughing morons and thinking it's all a joke you won't once it all slaps you right in the faces. you won't know how to survive when you can't stare down at that cell phone. There won't be any power to use it .. omg the irony of socities techie addicts who can't function in society without it.

The problem here is, if the public doesn't trust the elected officials, then how can they trust the military, which does what it's ordered to do by those same elected officials? And if the military doesn't do what it's told to do, then that's like a rebellion.
Time For A Coup? Faith In The Military Soars As Trust In Media, Politicians Plunges

So with no trust in government or the media, who do the American people still have faith in?

One-third of the public (33%) has a great deal of confidence in the military and an additional 46% say they have a fair amount of confidence. The high ranking of the military is consistent with a 2013 Pew Research Center survey, which found 78% of the public said the military contributes “a lot” to society.

Time For A Coup? Faith In The Military Soars As Trust In Media, Politicians Plunges | Zero Hedge
Those of us who aren't in a zombie zone already know this, those who can't get of their MSM being their truth bible are only getting dumber and dumber as the days go by. The sad part is they haven't got a clue what the hell is even going on.
The msm is lead by the Elites who have more money than you can ever dream of. They want you to live life as they lived in the movie HUnger games. You think it's a joke your some logic.

Countries all over the world are living in poor , poor conditions while thier leader eat high off the hog here's a news flash for zombies that is coming to America. Keep laughing morons and thinking it's all a joke you won't once it all slaps you right in the faces. you won't know how to survive when you can't stare down at that cell phone. There won't be any power to use it .. omg the irony of socities techie addicts who can't function in society without it.

The problem here is, if the public doesn't trust the elected officials, then how can they trust the military, which does what it's ordered to do by those same elected officials? And if the military doesn't do what it's told to do, then that's like a rebellion. I certainly don't want that. The rebellion should be at the voting booth.
Time For A Coup? Faith In The Military Soars As Trust In Media, Politicians Plunges

So with no trust in government or the media, who do the American people still have faith in?

One-third of the public (33%) has a great deal of confidence in the military and an additional 46% say they have a fair amount of confidence. The high ranking of the military is consistent with a 2013 Pew Research Center survey, which found 78% of the public said the military contributes “a lot” to society.

Time For A Coup? Faith In The Military Soars As Trust In Media, Politicians Plunges | Zero Hedge
Those of us who aren't in a zombie zone already know this, those who can't get of their MSM being their truth bible are only getting dumber and dumber as the days go by. The sad part is they haven't got a clue what the hell is even going on.
The msm is lead by the Elites who have more money than you can ever dream of. They want you to live life as they lived in the movie HUnger games. You think it's a joke your some logic.

Countries all over the world are living in poor , poor conditions while thier leader eat high off the hog here's a news flash for zombies that is coming to America. Keep laughing morons and thinking it's all a joke you won't once it all slaps you right in the faces. you won't know how to survive when you can't stare down at that cell phone. There won't be any power to use it .. omg the irony of socities techie addicts who can't function in society without it.

The problem here is, if the public doesn't trust the elected officials, then how can they trust the military, which does what it's ordered to do by those same elected officials? And if the military doesn't do what it's told to do, then that's like a rebellion.

Well, Obama was desperate to replace as many competent Generals and field grade officers as he could with psycho gimps, degenerates, and incompetents loyal only to the Democratic Party for a reason.

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