Tim Tebow gets engaged, and he is marrying an African American!


Good guys wear white hats
Aug 23, 2011
Bham, AL
well, that assumes that she will move here to live with him...

https://abcnews.go.com/beta-story-conta ... d=60292850

Tim Tebow just announced some exciting news.

The former NFL quarterback just got engaged to Demi-Leigh Nel-Peters, a South African model and Miss Universe 2017.

well, that assumes that she will move here to live with him...

https://abcnews.go.com/beta-story-conta ... d=60292850

Tim Tebow just announced some exciting news.

The former NFL quarterback just got engaged to Demi-Leigh Nel-Peters, a South African model and Miss Universe 2017.



I wonder if this will undermine the Left's hate of him?

Nah, no Christians can ever be forgiven.
These White guilt celebrities tend to marry the most White looking Blacks, to somehow show they're not Racist.

I'm pretty sure she is white. She is from South Africa, thus, technically African, and American, thus, African-American.
How is she American? If she was born in Africa she is African, period.

Blacks born here are not Africans Americans, they are American.

The hyphenated nonsense is fucking stupid.
She is a "mixed race" South African. Obviously, Tebow doesn't care about her racial makeup, and most likely cares about her as a person, and an individual. More people should think that way.

Her ancestry is "Cape Couloered". Not a big Wiki fan, but I think they get this one right.

The Cape Coloureds are a heterogeneous South African ethnic group, with diverse ancestral links. Ancestry may include European colonizers, indigenous Khoisan and Xhosa people, and slaves imported from the Dutch East Indies (or a combination of all).[5] People from India and the islands within the Indian Ocean region were also taken to the Cape and sold into slavery by the Dutch settlers. The Indian slaves were almost invariably given Christian names but their places of origin were indicated in the records of sales and other documents so that it is possible to get an idea of the ratio of slaves from different regions. These slaves were, however, dispersed and lost their Indian cultural identity over the course of time. Slaves of Malay and other ancestry were brought from India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Madagascar, and Mozambique. This diverse assortment of people was subsequently classified as a single group under the Apartheid regime.[6][7] /quote]

Cape Coloureds - Wikipedia
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These White guilt celebrities tend to marry the most White looking Blacks, to somehow show they're not Racist.

I'm pretty sure she is white. She is from South Africa, thus, technically African, and American, thus, African-American.

She looks like Markle, like a person with a little Black in her.
These White guilt celebrities tend to marry the most White looking Blacks, to somehow show they're not Racist.
What an idiotic thing to say. He's marrying her to show he's not racist? what an idiot.

I wouldn't really doubt that people with White guilt, would go so far as to Marry a Non-White, just to look like they're not a Racist.

A lot of Western Europeans are f*cking Nuts, I don't know what goes on in your Chimpy heads of yours.
These White guilt celebrities tend to marry the most White looking Blacks, to somehow show they're not Racist.

I'm pretty sure she is white. She is from South Africa, thus, technically African, and American, thus, African-American.
How is she American? If she was born in Africa she is African, period.

Blacks born here are not Africans Americans, they are American.

The hyphenated nonsense is fucking stupid.

Good question. I don't know if she really is. Though if she marries an American, she will be eligible.
Good for them. I've always liked Tebow. His numerous charitable endeavors makes me like him even more.
These White guilt celebrities tend to marry the most White looking Blacks, to somehow show they're not Racist.
What an idiotic thing to say. He's marrying her to show he's not racist? what an idiot.

I wouldn't really doubt that people with White guilt, would go so far as to Marry a Non-White, just to look like they're not a Racist.

A lot of Western Europeans are f*cking Nuts, I don't know what goes on in your Chimpy heads of yours.

People rarely do anything for a single reason.

A White Guilt filled lefty might limit their dating to non-whites, or even just lean that way, and end up with a non-white spouse, because of that.

So, yes, it could certainly happen.

But I don't think Tebow, if he is marrying a white South African, is suffering from that.

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