Throwing anti-Semitism around like a rag doll

"misuse of word antisemitism"

Judaism is a religion. "Semite" is a racial category of Middle Eastern ancestry. Not all Semites are Jews. Probably most of them are Muslim and a few are Christian, Bahai, etc.

Not all Jews are Semitic, either. The Ashkenazi Jews are famous for not getting along with the Sephardic or other Semitic Jews.

Much of the time I don't know what people mean by "antisemitism" either. They are just not getting along with other people.
Look up "Marr" because in doing so you'll better understand the term anti-semitism and its historically derived meaning.
Sounds like another loser that blamed his / her own shortcomings on the Jews, his life story is a list of one failure after another:

Wilhelm Marr - Wikipedia

Friedrich Wilhelm Adolph Marr (November 16, 1819 – July 17, 1904) was a Germanagitator and publicist, who popularized the term "antisemitism" (1881).

Marr was born in Magdeburg as the only son of an actor and stage director.[2] He went to a primary school in Hanover, then to a high school in Braunschweig.[3] In Hamburg and Bremen, he was an apprentice in commerce, then he joined his father in Vienna, who had been engaged by the Burgtheater.[4] There he worked as an employee in two Jewish firms. Later, Marr claimed that he had unjustly lost his job.[4]

In 1841, he went to Zürich, where he became acquainted with political émigrés (like Georg Herwegh, Julius Fröbel, and August Follen), most of whom were members of the democratic or liberal leftist movements of the early 19th century.[5]

In 1843, Marr was expelled from Zürich under the accusation that he had furthered communist activities.[5] He turned to Lausanne, where he joined Hermann Döleke and Julius Standau, the founders of the secret Léman-Bund, which belonged to the "Junges Deutschland" (Young German Movement). Marr eventually became the head of the secret society and began to lean towards anarchism and atheism, founded another secret society, the "Schweizerischer Arbeiterbund" (Swiss Worker's Union) and edited the "Blätter der Gegenwart für soziales Leben" (Present-Day Papers for Social Life, 1844/45). In 1845 he was expelled from Lausanne, too, and went to Hamburg. There he became a political journalist and published the satirical magazine Mephistopheles (1847/48–1852).[6] He belonged to the leftists of the radical-democratic "party" and was a delegate to the National Assembly in Frankfurt after the March-Revolution of 1848.[7] After the ultimate failure of the revolution he became, like so many other former revolutionaries, a proponent of the idea of German unification under Prussian leadership.[7]

In 1852, Marr went abroad, to Costa Rica, where he tried to make a living as a businessman.[8] Lacking success, he returned to Hamburg, worked again as a journalist, and in 1854 he married Georgine Johanna Bertha Callenbach, daughter of a Jewish businessman who had renounced his faith.[9]

In 1859, Marr was elected member of the Hamburg Parliament. In an article, in the Courier an der Weser on 13 June 1862, he attacked the elected liberal speaker of the house, the Jewish lawyer Isaac Wolffson (de), accusing him and other Jews of betraying the democratic movement and abusing their emancipation in order to enter the city's merchant class. After extensive public protests, Marr was not reelected in 1862.[10]


Marr took these philosophies one step further by rejecting the premise of assimilation as a means for Jews to become Germans. In his pamphlet Der Weg zum Siege des Germanenthums über das Judenthum (The Way to Victory of Germanism over Judaism, 1879) he introduced the idea that Germans and Jews were locked in a longstanding conflict, the origins of which he attributed to race—and that the Jews were winning. He argued that Jewish emancipation resulting from German liberalism had allowed the Jews to control German finance and industry. Furthermore, since this conflict was based on the different qualities of the Jewish and German races, it could not be resolved even by the total assimilation of the Jewish population. According to him, the struggle between Jews and Germans would only be resolved by the victory of one and the ultimate death of the other. A Jewish victory, he concluded, would result in finis Germaniae (the end of the German people). To prevent this from happening, in 1879 Marr founded the League of Antisemites (Antisemiten-Liga), the first German organization committed specifically to combating the alleged threat to Germany posed by the Jews and advocating their forced removal from the country.

Although he had introduced the pseudo-scientific racial component into the debate over Jews in Germany, it is unlikely that he was influenced by the earlier theories of Arthur de Gobineau (author of An Essay on the Inequality of Human Races, 1853), who was only translated into German in 1898, a quarter of a century after Marr's pamphlet appeared. It is, however, highly probable that Marr was able to read Gobineau in French. Furthermore, Marr himself was very vague about what constituted race and, in turn, the racial differences between Jews and Germans, though this became a feature of Nazi racial "science". It remained for later racial thinkers to postulate specific differences: these included Eugen Dühring, who suggested that it was blood, and Houston Stewart Chamberlain, an influential race theorist and husband of Eva Wagner, Richard Wagner's daughter, who suggested phrenology as a means of distinguishing races.

On the other hand, it does seem likely that Marr was influenced by Ernst Haeckel, a professor who popularized the notion of Social Darwinism among Germany's educated classes.

Despite his influence, Marr's ideas were not immediately adopted by German nationalists. The Pan-German League, founded in 1891, originally allowed for the membership of Jews, provided they were fully assimilated into German culture. It was only in 1912, eight years after Marr's death, that the League declared racism as an underlying principle. Nevertheless, Marr was a major link in the evolving chain of German racism that erupted into genocide during the Nazi era.

Sounds like Hitler's mentor.
He laid the foundation for the arrival of Hitler, just like the Nazi Mufti laid the foundation for the Muskim Brotherhood and Palestinian IslamoNazi movement that spread through the Middle East east and now the world like cancer.
Majority of Knesset backs bill accusing Poland of Holocaust denial


So, the Knesset backs a bill which says Poland is denying the Holocaust. They're basically calling the Poles anti-Semites without daring to say it.

“The historic truth of the Jewish People is not for sale,” MK Shmuly says"

This quote is hilarious. The truth of the Jewish people..... what is the truth here? What are they talking about?


So, here's the truth. Not the "truth" that Israel claims, but the truth of the actual matter. The Polish are pissed off because these Nazi Concentration Camps are often called "Polish Concentration Camps".

"Polish lawmakers approved a bill on Friday that makes it a crime, punishable by up to three years in prison, to use statements suggesting Poland bears responsibility for crimes against humanity committed by Nazi Germany."

It's like saying that because Russian dolls are made in America, they're American.

The reality is these Concentration Camps were GERMAN. This is fact, it's history. But according to some Israelis:

""The law passed by the Polish Parliament lacks morality. The law in and of itself is a form of Holocaust denial and should not exist.""

Lacks morality? It's immoral to call a German camp in occupied Poland a "German Concentration Camp" rather than a "Polish Concentration Camp"?

"Knesset member Dr. Nachman Shai (Zionist Union) claimed, "The Polish people shared in the experience of the Holocaust and that can't be erased by any bill passed in [Polish] parliament.""

Here's the "The poles are anti-Semites" dressed up in other language. Yes, Poland had a problem with anti-Semitism. This bill doesn't do away with this. But it wasn't the Poles running the Concentration Camps.

Nazi concentration camp commandant - Wikipedia

Let's have a look.

Auschwitz 1 - Not only is Auschwitz a German name, Oświęcim is the Polish name. No one would be able to tell you what Oświęcim is, if you asked them. I had to look it up.

Rudolf Höss, Arthur Liebehenschel and Richard Baer were the three commandants of Auschwitz 1. The first was born in Baden-Baden, the second in Posen which is in Poland today, but was part of Germany in 1901, and the third was born in Floß in Germany.

So, three Germans. The other two camps were also run by people born in Germany.

Germans. Not Poles.

Of those who died in Auschwitz, 85% were Jews. 10% were Poles. So not only did Poles not run the camps, they died in the camps too. 140,000 of them.

So to suggest this is a Polish Concentration Camp is to actively mislead.

Why is Israel doing this? To control the narrative about the Holocaust.

Both sides are utterly wrong. The concentration camps were run by the NAZIs in Poland, so Poland has a point. However the Pollacks, as a whole, are about as antisemitic as the NAZIs, so the show does fit.

However to the Israelis who motioned this, why? Don’t you have more important matters? What will the sideshow achieve

Sent from my iPhone using
Suffice to say, the phrase is wrongly used to exclusively describe Jews.

Sure. Technically true. BUT words have accepted and easily understood meanings. Peanuts not being nuts, as an example. "anti-semitism" has an accepted and easily understood meaning. There is no reason to "correct" it any more than there is a need to "correct" the use of the word "peanut".

Given that many here argue that it should be "corrected", even those who are otherwise apparently reasonable, it leads me to believe there is a subtle motivation for doing so. Mostly I think its because people want to wish it away and claim that it doesn't exist. Its uncomfortable to look at such a global, enduring hatred. You hinted at this when you said, "Jews need an official insult". This makes me wonder if you want to erase a descriptive word for the particular type of hatred towards Jews. Why would you want to pretend that such a thing does not exist? Why would you want to minimize or hide or disguise such a thing? Why would you want to pool Jew hatred with "semitic" hatred?

The way I read it, and yes, it is very subtle, when you say, "Jews need an official insult" has elements of backlash against the canard of perceived choseness -- as in "why should Jews get to have a special word just for hatred against them -- what they think they are so special?".

Rejection of the easily understood word "anti-semitism" is a form of anti-semitism. It is used to minimize and make disappear hatred against Jews.

I don't think that there is any need for a "special" word for the hatred of Jews, though I am glad that the word 'racist' is not used!

I don't reject the word "anti-semitism" in the least. I simply point out that the word is used incorrectly and, technically, incorporates more than JUST Jews.
I have always had an issue with the hijacking of "Semitic" by Israel.

Semitic should be related to those who speak a Semitic language. The breakdown of which is...

The most widely spoken Semitic languages today are (numbers given are for native speakers only) Arabic (300 million), Amharic(22 million), Tigrinya (7 million), Hebrew (~5 million native/L1 speakers), Tigre (~1.05 million), Aramaic (575,000 to 1 million largely Assyrian fluent speakers) and Maltese (520,000 speakers).

Coming from Semite...

noun: Semite; plural noun: Semites
  1. a member of any of the peoples who speak or spoke a Semitic language, including in particular the Jews and Arabs.
To be antisemitic then, you have to be anti all of the above.

I am sure that there are a great many here who will argue that well, 'Jews need an official 'insult' for their own protections' or some other reason.

However, based upon fact, which some Team Israel seem to have a disliking to, antisemitic, however much you wish to bleat, will always relate to non Jews.
Another dazed and confused undereducated PaliNazi supporters it's an allergy to the truth. The word "anti-semitism" originates in the 1800's (hundreds of years before modern state of Israel) and its synonym anti-Judaism has been around for thousands.

The roodboy never ceases to amaze and amuse...

It's like teaching a child to walk, frustrating at first but eventually they work it out. Let's hope you work it out soon roodboy.

Was there anything specific in my factual post that you want to challenge or did you just want to babble your mindless BS as usual?

Refute a single point in my post and the floor is yours.

Can't refute a single point then, well, you lose once again dickhead!
What's there to refute, you illiterate dumbass? While the word Semite refers to Jews, Arabs and others in the region, the word anti-Semite (or antisemite) refers to hatred of Jews ONLY.

It's truly funny and entertaining observing you PaliNazi supporters explain this alternate reality you live in, where even words like anti-Semite have a different meaning. Ha ha ha.

oh dear...

it's like trying to teach 5 year olds...

Anti -
a person opposed to a particular policy, activity, or idea.

Semite -
a member of any of the peoples who speak or spoke a Semitic language, including in particular the Jews and Arabs.

Now, what you have to do is put the two together...

In your feeble mind you can only come up with half a story, proving that your half a brain is incapable of comprehension of the English language dumbass!
Suffice to say, the phrase is wrongly used to exclusively describe Jews.

Sure. Technically true. BUT words have accepted and easily understood meanings. Peanuts not being nuts, as an example. "anti-semitism" has an accepted and easily understood meaning. There is no reason to "correct" it any more than there is a need to "correct" the use of the word "peanut".

Given that many here argue that it should be "corrected", even those who are otherwise apparently reasonable, it leads me to believe there is a subtle motivation for doing so. Mostly I think its because people want to wish it away and claim that it doesn't exist. Its uncomfortable to look at such a global, enduring hatred. You hinted at this when you said, "Jews need an official insult". This makes me wonder if you want to erase a descriptive word for the particular type of hatred towards Jews. Why would you want to pretend that such a thing does not exist? Why would you want to minimize or hide or disguise such a thing? Why would you want to pool Jew hatred with "semitic" hatred?

The way I read it, and yes, it is very subtle, when you say, "Jews need an official insult" has elements of backlash against the canard of perceived choseness -- as in "why should Jews get to have a special word just for hatred against them -- what they think they are so special?".

Rejection of the easily understood word "anti-semitism" is a form of anti-semitism. It is used to minimize and make disappear hatred against Jews.

I don't think that there is any need for a "special" word for the hatred of Jews, though I am glad that the word 'racist' is not used!

I don't reject the word "anti-semitism" in the least. I simply point out that the word is used incorrectly and, technically, incorporates more than JUST Jews.

We can "read between the lines" of your statements. We've caught onto you, and you are more dangerous than an open anti-Semite like fanger is.
Suffice to say, the phrase is wrongly used to exclusively describe Jews.

Sure. Technically true. BUT words have accepted and easily understood meanings. Peanuts not being nuts, as an example. "anti-semitism" has an accepted and easily understood meaning. There is no reason to "correct" it any more than there is a need to "correct" the use of the word "peanut".

Given that many here argue that it should be "corrected", even those who are otherwise apparently reasonable, it leads me to believe there is a subtle motivation for doing so. Mostly I think its because people want to wish it away and claim that it doesn't exist. Its uncomfortable to look at such a global, enduring hatred. You hinted at this when you said, "Jews need an official insult". This makes me wonder if you want to erase a descriptive word for the particular type of hatred towards Jews. Why would you want to pretend that such a thing does not exist? Why would you want to minimize or hide or disguise such a thing? Why would you want to pool Jew hatred with "semitic" hatred?

The way I read it, and yes, it is very subtle, when you say, "Jews need an official insult" has elements of backlash against the canard of perceived choseness -- as in "why should Jews get to have a special word just for hatred against them -- what they think they are so special?".

Rejection of the easily understood word "anti-semitism" is a form of anti-semitism. It is used to minimize and make disappear hatred against Jews.

I don't think that there is any need for a "special" word for the hatred of Jews, though I am glad that the word 'racist' is not used!

I don't reject the word "anti-semitism" in the least. I simply point out that the word is used incorrectly and, technically, incorporates more than JUST Jews.

We can "read between the lines" of your statements. We've caught onto you, and you are more dangerous than an open anti-Semite like fanger is.

Oh? What can you "read between the lines"?

Can't wait to hear that one!
Thousands of years of antisemtism and these idiots want to convince us that it all began with the creation of the modern state of Israel in 1948.

antisemtism, did you mean antisemitism?

oh no.... a typo!!!!!!!!!!!!

however you spell it, you are one.

so you can go back to polishing your swastikas now
The swastika (as a character 卐 or 卍) is an ancient religious icon used in the Indian subcontinent, East Asia and Southeast Asia, where it has been and remains a sacred symbol of spiritual principles in Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism.[1][2][3][4] In the Western world, it was historically a symbol of auspiciousness and good luck
The reverence for the swastika symbol in some cultures, in contrast to the stigma in others, has led to misinterpretations, misunderstandings, and mutual accusations
Swastika - Wikipedia
Suffice to say, the phrase is wrongly used to exclusively describe Jews.

Sure. Technically true. BUT words have accepted and easily understood meanings. Peanuts not being nuts, as an example. "anti-semitism" has an accepted and easily understood meaning. There is no reason to "correct" it any more than there is a need to "correct" the use of the word "peanut".

Given that many here argue that it should be "corrected", even those who are otherwise apparently reasonable, it leads me to believe there is a subtle motivation for doing so. Mostly I think its because people want to wish it away and claim that it doesn't exist. Its uncomfortable to look at such a global, enduring hatred. You hinted at this when you said, "Jews need an official insult". This makes me wonder if you want to erase a descriptive word for the particular type of hatred towards Jews. Why would you want to pretend that such a thing does not exist? Why would you want to minimize or hide or disguise such a thing? Why would you want to pool Jew hatred with "semitic" hatred?

The way I read it, and yes, it is very subtle, when you say, "Jews need an official insult" has elements of backlash against the canard of perceived choseness -- as in "why should Jews get to have a special word just for hatred against them -- what they think they are so special?".

Rejection of the easily understood word "anti-semitism" is a form of anti-semitism. It is used to minimize and make disappear hatred against Jews.

I don't think that there is any need for a "special" word for the hatred of Jews, though I am glad that the word 'racist' is not used!

I don't reject the word "anti-semitism" in the least. I simply point out that the word is used incorrectly and, technically, incorporates more than JUST Jews.

If you have a problem with the phrase anti-Semitism being used to describe hatred of Jews then I suggest you hop into the Way-Back Machine (tm) and speak to Herr Marr, the anti-Semite who first coined the phrase to describe himself and his followers.

Majority of Knesset backs bill accusing Poland of Holocaust denial


So, the Knesset backs a bill which says Poland is denying the Holocaust. They're basically calling the Poles anti-Semites without daring to say it.

“The historic truth of the Jewish People is not for sale,” MK Shmuly says"

This quote is hilarious. The truth of the Jewish people..... what is the truth here? What are they talking about?

Poland moves to make use of phrase 'Polish death camps' criminal offense


So, here's the truth. Not the "truth" that Israel claims, but the truth of the actual matter. The Polish are pissed off because these Nazi Concentration Camps are often called "Polish Concentration Camps".

"Polish lawmakers approved a bill on Friday that makes it a crime, punishable by up to three years in prison, to use statements suggesting Poland bears responsibility for crimes against humanity committed by Nazi Germany."

It's like saying that because Russian dolls are made in America, they're American.

The reality is these Concentration Camps were GERMAN. This is fact, it's history. But according to some Israelis:

""The law passed by the Polish Parliament lacks morality. The law in and of itself is a form of Holocaust denial and should not exist.""

Lacks morality? It's immoral to call a German camp in occupied Poland a "German Concentration Camp" rather than a "Polish Concentration Camp"?

"Knesset member Dr. Nachman Shai (Zionist Union) claimed, "The Polish people shared in the experience of the Holocaust and that can't be erased by any bill passed in [Polish] parliament.""

Here's the "The poles are anti-Semites" dressed up in other language. Yes, Poland had a problem with anti-Semitism. This bill doesn't do away with this. But it wasn't the Poles running the Concentration Camps.

Nazi concentration camp commandant - Wikipedia

Let's have a look.

Auschwitz 1 - Not only is Auschwitz a German name, Oświęcim is the Polish name. No one would be able to tell you what Oświęcim is, if you asked them. I had to look it up.

Rudolf Höss, Arthur Liebehenschel and Richard Baer were the three commandants of Auschwitz 1. The first was born in Baden-Baden, the second in Posen which is in Poland today, but was part of Germany in 1901, and the third was born in Floß in Germany.

So, three Germans. The other two camps were also run by people born in Germany.

Germans. Not Poles.

Of those who died in Auschwitz, 85% were Jews. 10% were Poles. So not only did Poles not run the camps, they died in the camps too. 140,000 of them.

So to suggest this is a Polish Concentration Camp is to actively mislead.

Why is Israel doing this? To control the narrative about the Holocaust.

Both sides are utterly wrong. The concentration camps were run by the NAZIs in Poland, so Poland has a point. However the Pollacks, as a whole, are about as antisemitic as the NAZIs, so the show does fit.

However to the Israelis who motioned this, why? Don’t you have more important matters? What will the sideshow achieve

Sent from my iPhone using

Yes, there was anti-Semitism all over. But one thing is anti-Semitism with pogroms and racist policies against the Jews, another thing is trying to exterminate Jews in Concentration Camps.

We could go on all day about who did what.

The British refused to allow Jews into Palestine. Many, many Jewish people died because of this policy. Also the refused to vote for Israel as a nation.

The French deported lots of Jews. There were concentration camps in France too. There just weren't extermination camps because the Germans wanted to put them in the east.

The Swiss refused to take in Jews.

Lots and lots and lots of countries did things bad against the Jews during this period. However only the Germans organized these Camps (potentially with Austrian workers and commanders) and only the Germans set about to exterminate the Jews.

Well, the sideshow for the Israelis is to make sure that they retain control of the message of the Holocaust. The Holocaust was against the Jews, no one else, the Holocaust allows them to hide what they're doing that is unethical and wrong.
Majority of Knesset backs bill accusing Poland of Holocaust denial


So, the Knesset backs a bill which says Poland is denying the Holocaust. They're basically calling the Poles anti-Semites without daring to say it.

“The historic truth of the Jewish People is not for sale,” MK Shmuly says"

This quote is hilarious. The truth of the Jewish people..... what is the truth here? What are they talking about?

Poland moves to make use of phrase 'Polish death camps' criminal offense


So, here's the truth. Not the "truth" that Israel claims, but the truth of the actual matter. The Polish are pissed off because these Nazi Concentration Camps are often called "Polish Concentration Camps".

"Polish lawmakers approved a bill on Friday that makes it a crime, punishable by up to three years in prison, to use statements suggesting Poland bears responsibility for crimes against humanity committed by Nazi Germany."

It's like saying that because Russian dolls are made in America, they're American.

The reality is these Concentration Camps were GERMAN. This is fact, it's history. But according to some Israelis:

""The law passed by the Polish Parliament lacks morality. The law in and of itself is a form of Holocaust denial and should not exist.""

Lacks morality? It's immoral to call a German camp in occupied Poland a "German Concentration Camp" rather than a "Polish Concentration Camp"?

"Knesset member Dr. Nachman Shai (Zionist Union) claimed, "The Polish people shared in the experience of the Holocaust and that can't be erased by any bill passed in [Polish] parliament.""

Here's the "The poles are anti-Semites" dressed up in other language. Yes, Poland had a problem with anti-Semitism. This bill doesn't do away with this. But it wasn't the Poles running the Concentration Camps.

Nazi concentration camp commandant - Wikipedia

Let's have a look.

Auschwitz 1 - Not only is Auschwitz a German name, Oświęcim is the Polish name. No one would be able to tell you what Oświęcim is, if you asked them. I had to look it up.

Rudolf Höss, Arthur Liebehenschel and Richard Baer were the three commandants of Auschwitz 1. The first was born in Baden-Baden, the second in Posen which is in Poland today, but was part of Germany in 1901, and the third was born in Floß in Germany.

So, three Germans. The other two camps were also run by people born in Germany.

Germans. Not Poles.

Of those who died in Auschwitz, 85% were Jews. 10% were Poles. So not only did Poles not run the camps, they died in the camps too. 140,000 of them.

So to suggest this is a Polish Concentration Camp is to actively mislead.

Why is Israel doing this? To control the narrative about the Holocaust.

Both sides are utterly wrong. The concentration camps were run by the NAZIs in Poland, so Poland has a point. However the Pollacks, as a whole, are about as antisemitic as the NAZIs, so the show does fit.

However to the Israelis who motioned this, why? Don’t you have more important matters? What will the sideshow achieve

Sent from my iPhone using

Yes, there was anti-Semitism all over. But one thing is anti-Semitism with pogroms and racist policies against the Jews, another thing is trying to exterminate Jews in Concentration Camps.

We could go on all day about who did what.

The British refused to allow Jews into Palestine. Many, many Jewish people died because of this policy. Also the refused to vote for Israel as a nation.

The French deported lots of Jews. There were concentration camps in France too. There just weren't extermination camps because the Germans wanted to put them in the east.

The Swiss refused to take in Jews.

Lots and lots and lots of countries did things bad against the Jews during this period. However only the Germans organized these Camps (potentially with Austrian workers and commanders) and only the Germans set about to exterminate the Jews.

Well, the sideshow for the Israelis is to make sure that they retain control of the message of the Holocaust. The Holocaust was against the Jews, no one else, the Holocaust allows them to hide what they're doing that is unethical and wrong.

When will the Democrats officially adopt Mein Kampf as the party platform and stop tiptoeing around it?
Thousands of years of antisemtism and these idiots want to convince us that it all began with the creation of the modern state of Israel in 1948.

antisemtism, did you mean antisemitism?

Typo. Petty nitpicking on your part.

Once is a typo, multiple times is the sign of ignorance!
Multiple times! ha ha ha. No, it's a typo, and YOU, of all people shouldn't be accusing ANYONE of being ignorant.
Thousands of years of antisemtism and these idiots want to convince us that it all began with the creation of the modern state of Israel in 1948.

antisemtism, did you mean antisemitism?

oh no.... a typo!!!!!!!!!!!!

however you spell it, you are one.

so you can go back to polishing your swastikas now
The swastika (as a character 卐 or 卍) is an ancient religious icon used in the Indian subcontinent, East Asia and Southeast Asia, where it has been and remains a sacred symbol of spiritual principles in Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism.[1][2][3][4] In the Western world, it was historically a symbol of auspiciousness and good luck
The reverence for the swastika symbol in some cultures, in contrast to the stigma in others, has led to misinterpretations, misunderstandings, and mutual accusations
Swastika - Wikipedia
Yawn...Like we already didn't know that tidbit factoid. But, with you PaliNazis, the case is quite different.



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Suffice to say, the phrase is wrongly used to exclusively describe Jews.

Sure. Technically true. BUT words have accepted and easily understood meanings. Peanuts not being nuts, as an example. "anti-semitism" has an accepted and easily understood meaning. There is no reason to "correct" it any more than there is a need to "correct" the use of the word "peanut".

Given that many here argue that it should be "corrected", even those who are otherwise apparently reasonable, it leads me to believe there is a subtle motivation for doing so. Mostly I think its because people want to wish it away and claim that it doesn't exist. Its uncomfortable to look at such a global, enduring hatred. You hinted at this when you said, "Jews need an official insult". This makes me wonder if you want to erase a descriptive word for the particular type of hatred towards Jews. Why would you want to pretend that such a thing does not exist? Why would you want to minimize or hide or disguise such a thing? Why would you want to pool Jew hatred with "semitic" hatred?

The way I read it, and yes, it is very subtle, when you say, "Jews need an official insult" has elements of backlash against the canard of perceived choseness -- as in "why should Jews get to have a special word just for hatred against them -- what they think they are so special?".

Rejection of the easily understood word "anti-semitism" is a form of anti-semitism. It is used to minimize and make disappear hatred against Jews.

I don't think that there is any need for a "special" word for the hatred of Jews, though I am glad that the word 'racist' is not used!

I don't reject the word "anti-semitism" in the least. I simply point out that the word is used incorrectly and, technically, incorporates more than JUST Jews.
No it "technically" has a history and its usage only applies to Jews. So there's that. Perhaps you should read up on that.
In addition it has nothing to do with Israel contrary to your claims.
Majority of Knesset backs bill accusing Poland of Holocaust denial


So, the Knesset backs a bill which says Poland is denying the Holocaust. They're basically calling the Poles anti-Semites without daring to say it.

“The historic truth of the Jewish People is not for sale,” MK Shmuly says"

This quote is hilarious. The truth of the Jewish people..... what is the truth here? What are they talking about?

Poland moves to make use of phrase 'Polish death camps' criminal offense


So, here's the truth. Not the "truth" that Israel claims, but the truth of the actual matter. The Polish are pissed off because these Nazi Concentration Camps are often called "Polish Concentration Camps".

"Polish lawmakers approved a bill on Friday that makes it a crime, punishable by up to three years in prison, to use statements suggesting Poland bears responsibility for crimes against humanity committed by Nazi Germany."

It's like saying that because Russian dolls are made in America, they're American.

The reality is these Concentration Camps were GERMAN. This is fact, it's history. But according to some Israelis:

""The law passed by the Polish Parliament lacks morality. The law in and of itself is a form of Holocaust denial and should not exist.""

Lacks morality? It's immoral to call a German camp in occupied Poland a "German Concentration Camp" rather than a "Polish Concentration Camp"?

"Knesset member Dr. Nachman Shai (Zionist Union) claimed, "The Polish people shared in the experience of the Holocaust and that can't be erased by any bill passed in [Polish] parliament.""

Here's the "The poles are anti-Semites" dressed up in other language. Yes, Poland had a problem with anti-Semitism. This bill doesn't do away with this. But it wasn't the Poles running the Concentration Camps.

Nazi concentration camp commandant - Wikipedia

Let's have a look.

Auschwitz 1 - Not only is Auschwitz a German name, Oświęcim is the Polish name. No one would be able to tell you what Oświęcim is, if you asked them. I had to look it up.

Rudolf Höss, Arthur Liebehenschel and Richard Baer were the three commandants of Auschwitz 1. The first was born in Baden-Baden, the second in Posen which is in Poland today, but was part of Germany in 1901, and the third was born in Floß in Germany.

So, three Germans. The other two camps were also run by people born in Germany.

Germans. Not Poles.

Of those who died in Auschwitz, 85% were Jews. 10% were Poles. So not only did Poles not run the camps, they died in the camps too. 140,000 of them.

So to suggest this is a Polish Concentration Camp is to actively mislead.

Why is Israel doing this? To control the narrative about the Holocaust.

Both sides are utterly wrong. The concentration camps were run by the NAZIs in Poland, so Poland has a point. However the Pollacks, as a whole, are about as antisemitic as the NAZIs, so the show does fit.

However to the Israelis who motioned this, why? Don’t you have more important matters? What will the sideshow achieve

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Yes, there was anti-Semitism all over. But one thing is anti-Semitism with pogroms and racist policies against the Jews, another thing is trying to exterminate Jews in Concentration Camps.

We could go on all day about who did what.

The British refused to allow Jews into Palestine. Many, many Jewish people died because of this policy. Also the refused to vote for Israel as a nation.

The French deported lots of Jews. There were concentration camps in France too. There just weren't extermination camps because the Germans wanted to put them in the east.

The Swiss refused to take in Jews.

Lots and lots and lots of countries did things bad against the Jews during this period. However only the Germans organized these Camps (potentially with Austrian workers and commanders) and only the Germans set about to exterminate the Jews.

Well, the sideshow for the Israelis is to make sure that they retain control of the message of the Holocaust. The Holocaust was against the Jews, no one else, the Holocaust allows them to hide what they're doing that is unethical and wrong.
That last part highlighted is a variation of an anti-semitic canard that you may not even be aware of.
Claiming that Jews are trying to control the narrative/world/press is an old prejudice.
The fact that israel has a view is no different to the fact that Poland has a view but you seek to judge it differently. You don#t realise that anti-semitism is on the rise from the left and you are victim to it.

Read more on Wikipedia:
Accusations of plotting to control the world[edit]
Further information: Judeo-Masonic conspiracy theory, The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, Zionist Occupation Government, Anti-globalization and antisemitism, Serpent (Bible), Rabbi Emmanuel Rabinovich

A Nazi German cartoon circa 1938 depicts Churchill as a Jewish-controlled octopus encircling the globe.
The publication of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion in 1903 is widely considered to mark the beginning of contemporary conspiracy theory literature.[27]

Included in this canard are not only writings that seek to accuse Jews of trying to control the world, but also graphic imagery depicting Jews, or their supporters, as trying to control the world. Examples of this imagery include Nazi cartoons that depict Jews as octopuses, encircling the globe.[28] A more recent example is the 2001 re-printing of Henry Ford's antisemitic text, The International Jew in Egypt, with the same octopus imagery on the front cover.[29]

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