Throwed Roll Leads to Lawsuit Against Lambert's Cafe


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
Missouri may soon have its own version of the infamous Liebeck v. McDonald's Restaurants hot-coffee lawsuit.

Lambert's Cafe, the Sikeston-based restaurant chain proudly known as the "Home of Throwed Rolls," featuring servers who lob dinner rolls across the dining hall to guests, is being sued for a roll-related injury.

The suit was filed yesterday against the Sikeston restaurant by University City-based attorney William Meehan on behalf of a guy gal named Troy Tucker. Tucker claims she "sustained a lacerated cornea with a vitreous detachment and all head, neck, eyes and vision were severely damaged" after being hit by a roll during a September 2014 visit. [See editor's note at the bottom of this post.]

The practice of throwing rolls is deemed a "defective condition" of Lambert's, and the suit claims that the restaurant knew (or should have known) about the danger of this practice.
Throwed Roll Leads to Lawsuit Against Lambert s Cafe Riverfront Times

So, the signs aren't enough. Perhaps a waiver is necessary?
Missouri may soon have its own version of the infamous Liebeck v. McDonald's Restaurants hot-coffee lawsuit.

Lambert's Cafe, the Sikeston-based restaurant chain proudly known as the "Home of Throwed Rolls," featuring servers who lob dinner rolls across the dining hall to guests, is being sued for a roll-related injury.

The suit was filed yesterday against the Sikeston restaurant by University City-based attorney William Meehan on behalf of a guy gal named Troy Tucker. Tucker claims she "sustained a lacerated cornea with a vitreous detachment and all head, neck, eyes and vision were severely damaged" after being hit by a roll during a September 2014 visit. [See editor's note at the bottom of this post.]

The practice of throwing rolls is deemed a "defective condition" of Lambert's, and the suit claims that the restaurant knew (or should have known) about the danger of this practice.
Throwed Roll Leads to Lawsuit Against Lambert s Cafe Riverfront Times

So, the signs aren't enough. Perhaps a waiver is necessary?
Maybe you shouldn't go there if you can't catch.

The practice of throwing rolls is deemed a "defective condition" of Lambert's, and the suit claims that the restaurant knew (or should have known) about the danger of this practice.-

Shouldn't the customer also know that?
I don't think that there's much that'll surprise me anymore, when it comes to people wanting to get rich quick.
Used to be, it was "neck injuries" in auto accidents and "slip & falls", Guess those got passé, and now they think that they have to get creative. They only succeed in making themselves look dumb and incompetent.

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