Threats Force Justice Alito to Cancel Public Appearance

The Left Wing Insurrectionists are threatening Supreme Court Justices.

Why isn't the Biden's Justice Department using all the resources of the FBI to find those assholes and put them in jail like they did going after the 1/9 protesters that took selfies in Peloski office?
The left sure knows their violent base. Better be careful! This usually comes back to bite the leftist leaders in the butt.
And someone's surprised? People are going to see Justices as just more corrupt pols forcing their personal agendas. And state sup courts are striking down laws that let citizens directly enact laws and amend constitutions with super maj votes, when legislators fail. It's endemic of court's being politicized.
Ultraliberal violence was the only significant disturber of the peace in the 20th Century, between the March of Communism and WW2 started by national Socialist operatives.

Seems to me that the plague of leftist hooliganism isn't over yet.
The Left Wing Insurrectionists are threatening Supreme Court Justices.

Why isn't the Biden's Justice Department using all the resources of the FBI to find those assholes and put them in jail like they did going after the 1/9 protesters that took selfies in Peloski office?
They can only jail those that cross the physical line into trespass or other crime. Or where there are threats followed by physical acts to advance that threat.

Unless it turns violent, the 1st amendment is in play. Just like when the KKK or neo-Nazi's rally.
So far taking away individual liberties is all about democrats. Wear your slave mask like a good little serf.
You are such a dumbass. Did you read the draft? Alito uses 17th century hogwash about witches. I suppose you didn't hear about that one. Dumbass.

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