Thread to Talk Shit about Global Warming

So you do luv recessions at all costs.

If it saves the planet, it's the least we can do.

Being supportive of the environment has always led to a better economic economy .

Make up your mind. You just said booting 30 million illegal aliens who are boosting our CO2 output will cause a recession.
I’ve made up my mind. And I’m right and you are bogus and wrong as usual. No one ever polluted that helped our economy long term. . You’re a fool to think otherwise and say it’s a choice between the two. Real-estate, one of the long term bedrocks of economic growth is enhanced by proper environmental practices. Only an uniformed dolt would think neglecting climate change is somehow good for the economy., That’s why conservatives have so many fucking recessions.
It's not worth a recession to reduce our CO2 output?
What a stupid comment. Not investing in climate change mitigation is recessionary dufus. You must have the same delusions of promoting not changing the engine oil in your used car as a way of increasing it’s value come trade in time. What a simpleton idea.
I’ve made up my mind. And I’m right and you are bogus and wrong as usual. No one ever polluted that helped our economy long term. . You’re a fool to think otherwise and say it’s a choice between the two. Real-estate, one of the long term bedrocks of economic growth is enhanced by proper environmental practices. Only an uniformed dolt would think neglecting climate change is somehow good for the economy., That’s why conservatives have so many fucking recessions.

I don't want to "neglect climate change", I want to make a huge reduction in US CO2 emissions
by booting 30 million illegal aliens. Why do you disagree?
What a stupid comment. Not investing in climate change mitigation is recessionary dufus. You must have the same delusions of promoting not changing the engine oil in your used car as a way of increasing it’s value come trade in time. What a simpleton idea.

Not investing in climate change mitigation is recessionary dufus.

30 million bus tickets will reduce CO2 a lot more than investing in more unreliable "green" energy.
For a hell of a lot less money.
Not investing in climate change mitigation is recessionary dufus.

30 million bus tickets will reduce CO2 a lot more than investing in more unreliable "green" energy.
For a hell of a lot less money.
Your ignorance is astounding.
Mountains of empirical data gathered by professional, published climate scientists tells us that the world is getting warmer rapidly when it had been cooling off for the last 5,000 years. It tells us that the cause of that warming is the greenhouse effect acting on the CO2 and other greenhouse gases that humans have put into the atmosphere since the Industrial Revolution. That increased temperature has caused sea level to rise both from thermal expansion and melting land-borne ice The warming is going to fuck with us six ways from Sunday but there are still a small collection of idiots (roughly 10% of the US population) who reject all that science and think its some sort of hoax by people trying to get rich or to destroy our country or the world cause, you know, that motivates a lot of people these days. In fact, from the PoV of these particular individuals, an unquenchable desire to destroy everything is an identifying characteristic of democrats.

So, based on the conclusions of more than 10,000 PhD, published, actively researching climate scientists, I'm convinced that the conclusions of the IPCC are the best idea we have right now as to what's going to happen. Some of you disagree. Bring your evidence cause I'm gonna bring mine.
It is phony. Temp HERE is the same as 60 years ago.
Why are you in favor of more US CO2?
Have you always been an evil bastard?
You start off with a stupid assessment you pretend is true, then what, make up more shit ? The foolish statement that Kicking Out illegals reduces CO2 emissions ? How does that happen magically. Did you read it in a comic book somewhere ?
You start off with a stupid assessment you pretend is true, then what, make up more shit ? The foolish statement that Kicking Out illegals reduces CO2 emissions ? How does that happen magically. Did you read it in a comic book somewhere ?

Damn you're dim.

Illegal aliens emit much less CO2 in their shithole country than they do in the US.

They're literally killing the planet by moving here.

Give them the boot, for the chillren!!!
Damn you're dim.

Illegal aliens emit much less CO2 in their shithole country than they do in the US.

They're literally killing the planet by moving here.

Give them the boot, for the chillren!!!
The white nationalist speaks, stupidly but he speaks.
They emit CO 2 ? Wow, and somehow the CO2 they emit won’t go into the air if they live elsewhere…..Geesus, how long have you been this stupid.
They emit more here than they do there.

Are you retarded? Do I need to use smaller words to help you understand?
Huh ? Are you that stupid. Illegal immigrants make up to 16% of the service industry alone, and in coastal states more than half of the produce production,

There IS NO RESEARCH THAT DOESN'T SHOW a deep recession when these industries are affected. During any recession, R and D stops and CC mitigation ends dumbo.

you’re hilariously ignorant. It’s worth is to you white nationalist to have a recession so all your poor neighbors with repo homes are white. What a joke. CO2 emissions would increase bozo.
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Could you explain the connection you seem to see here?
That doesn't answer the question. What connection do you see between global warming and global communism? If you don't want to answer, I can take a stab at what you might be thinking, but it will probably be a little less than
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That doesn't answer the question. What connection do you see between global warming and global communism? If you don't want to answer, I can take a stab at what you might be thinking, but it will probably be a little less than
Do you believe that it is impossible to stop global warming without replacing capitalism with communism?

Do you believe that global warming is a hoax authored by one of the world's communist powers in an attempt to accomplish the above?

Do you believe that global warming itself is quite real but that it was artificially created by the communist powers on the assumption that the do-gooders of the western bloc would beggar themselves attempting to stop the process?

Are you prone to think that any significant change to American culture is a communist plot?

Do you simply hate communism so much that you blame them with anything going on that you don't like?

Do you bring up communism because the debate has become conservatives vs liberals and all liberals are communists?
Kind of a tough sell. There are only five counties that practice communism. The right just throws out “ isms” to scare the bejeesus out of old white folks and idiots.
Like demfks being all inclusive except if your Jew or Catholic. Liars

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