Thrashing A Terminated Equus


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Since the Liberal Democrat man-hating nut-job Senator from Hawaii has admitted that warmism is a religion and not a seems almost excessive to point out the evidence against the scam....but it is fun.

1. Anyone can listen and will hear her say it is a religion, not science.

Here is Hirono saying it herself:

"'s a religion, it's not a science."

Right at 0:37 seconds.

2. "All Roads to Big Bear Closed After Storm Drops 4 Feet of Snow Ahead of Resort’s Opening Day Friday"
All Roads to Big Bear Closed After Storm Drops 4 Feet of Snow Ahead of Resort’s Opening Day Friday

3. "Snow falls in the Las Vegas Valley one day after Thanksgiving"


I say we need an intervention for the greeniacs!!!
Since the Liberal Democrat man-hating nut-job Senator from Hawaii has admitted that warmism is a religion and not a seems almost excessive to point out the evidence against the scam....but it is fun.

1. Anyone can listen and will hear her say it is a religion, not science.

Here is Hirono saying it herself:

"'s a religion, it's not a science."

Right at 0:37 seconds.

2. "All Roads to Big Bear Closed After Storm Drops 4 Feet of Snow Ahead of Resort’s Opening Day Friday"
All Roads to Big Bear Closed After Storm Drops 4 Feet of Snow Ahead of Resort’s Opening Day Friday

3. "Snow falls in the Las Vegas Valley one day after Thanksgiving"


I say we need an intervention for the greeniacs!!!

I see

one lunatic says something nuts and immediately deranged conservative wackos use it to attack ALL liberals! "see? that one leftwing lunatic said something crazy so THAT PROVES that ALL LIBERALS HATE GOD!"

In that case....Roy Moore wanting to criminalize gays PROVES that ALL conservative christians want to criminalize gays.

using your logic.
Since the Liberal Democrat man-hating nut-job Senator from Hawaii has admitted that warmism is a religion and not a seems almost excessive to point out the evidence against the scam....but it is fun.

1. Anyone can listen and will hear her say it is a religion, not science.

Here is Hirono saying it herself:

"'s a religion, it's not a science."

Right at 0:37 seconds.

2. "All Roads to Big Bear Closed After Storm Drops 4 Feet of Snow Ahead of Resort’s Opening Day Friday"
All Roads to Big Bear Closed After Storm Drops 4 Feet of Snow Ahead of Resort’s Opening Day Friday

3. "Snow falls in the Las Vegas Valley one day after Thanksgiving"


I say we need an intervention for the greeniacs!!!

I see

one lunatic says something nuts and immediately deranged conservative wackos use it to attack ALL liberals! "see? that one leftwing lunatic said something crazy so THAT PROVES that ALL LIBERALS HATE GOD!"

In that case....Roy Moore wanting to criminalize gays PROVES that ALL conservative christians want to criminalize gays.

using your logic.

Heart-'warming' (see what I did there...) to see the ease with which I continue to get under Liberals' skin....or, in your case, scales.
4. As is so often the case, mental instability is closely aligned with violence.Guess which political group both the Southern Poverty Law Center and the FBI consider the most dangerous in America? Environmentalists. Yep. Some $43 million in damage by the Animal Liberation Front and the Earth Liberation Front in the past two decades.
  1. “Extremists within the environmental and animal rights movements have committed literally thousands of violent criminal acts in recent decades — arguably more than those from any other radical sector, left or right.” Eco-Violence: The Record
  2. “A leader of the Earth Liberation Front, a radical environmentalist organization the FBI described as America's most dangerous domestic terrorist group, refused to answer questions Tuesday before a congressional hearing on ecoterrorism.” About Questia | Questia, Your Online Research Library

5. "Recently, the European Institute for Climate and Energy held its annual conference in Germany, with more than 200 attendees. This year, however, the organization met in hiding from the Open Anti-Capitalist Climate Protest, affiliated with the communist domestic terror group Antifa.

The protestors’ goal has been to shut down climate debate through harassment, intimidation, disruption, and violence. Americans are familiar with the violent tendencies of Antifa, but its German counterpart is even more radical and echoes the brownshirt terror of the 1920s-30s. This year, therefore, the climate scientists had to hold their conference at a secret location.

What were the offending words the ecofascists wanted to prevent the audience from hearing? Speeches with titles like “The Real Condition of the Great Barrier Reef,” “The Influence of Greenhouse Gases on Climate Research,” and “What Role Did the Sun Play in Climate Change” presented by top scientists from all over the world."
Ecofascism: The Climate Debate Turns Violent
Since the Liberal Democrat man-hating nut-job Senator from Hawaii has admitted that warmism is a religion and not a seems almost excessive to point out the evidence against the scam....but it is fun.

1. Anyone can listen and will hear her say it is a religion, not science.

Here is Hirono saying it herself:

"'s a religion, it's not a science."

Right at 0:37 seconds.

2. "All Roads to Big Bear Closed After Storm Drops 4 Feet of Snow Ahead of Resort’s Opening Day Friday"
All Roads to Big Bear Closed After Storm Drops 4 Feet of Snow Ahead of Resort’s Opening Day Friday

3. "Snow falls in the Las Vegas Valley one day after Thanksgiving"


I say we need an intervention for the greeniacs!!!

The belief in "caring for the planet", and in taxations and other policies of no demonstrable effectiveness, is a religion, I'd agree - it may be based on science, but the rest is philosophy or faith-based axioms which has been around since the 1800s and before, as part of the secular Humanist manifesto, as well as other political philosophies, such as utilitarianism and so forth.

Most climate activists are not scientists, and are hostile toward scientists and scientific information which disagrees with their worldview, not to mention dishonestly conflating proposals on how to manage global warming concerns with the science or data which it is based on.
Since the Liberal Democrat man-hating nut-job Senator from Hawaii has admitted that warmism is a religion and not a seems almost excessive to point out the evidence against the scam....but it is fun.

1. Anyone can listen and will hear her say it is a religion, not science.

Here is Hirono saying it herself:

"'s a religion, it's not a science."

Right at 0:37 seconds.

2. "All Roads to Big Bear Closed After Storm Drops 4 Feet of Snow Ahead of Resort’s Opening Day Friday"
All Roads to Big Bear Closed After Storm Drops 4 Feet of Snow Ahead of Resort’s Opening Day Friday

3. "Snow falls in the Las Vegas Valley one day after Thanksgiving"


I say we need an intervention for the greeniacs!!!

The belief in "caring for the planet", and in taxations and other policies of no demonstrable effectiveness, is a religion, I'd agree - it may be based on science, but the rest is philosophy or faith-based axioms which has been around since the 1800s and before, as part of the secular Humanist manifesto, as well as other political philosophies, such as utilitarianism and so forth.

Most climate activists are not scientists, and are hostile toward scientists and scientific information which disagrees with their worldview, not to mention dishonestly conflating proposals on how to manage global warming concerns with the science or data which it is based on.

Actually, it is far worse.

It is not based on science, it is based on the desire for global dominance by Marxist views.

Integral with Marxism is atheism, and it is no coincidence that 'Earth Day' is on Lenin's birthday.

The Marxist 'religion' is pantheism, leading to the worship of government.

Here is the NYTimes advancing the pre-biblical paganism of earth-worship.

"The Earth Is Just as Alive as You Are
Scientists once ridiculed the idea of a living planet. Not anymore.

Life in the Amazon does not simply receive rain — it summons it.

Faced with this preponderance of evidence, it is time to revive an idea that was once roundly mocked: the Gaia hypothesis. Conceived by the British chemist James Lovelock in the early 1970s and later developed with the American biologist Lynn Margulis, the Gaia hypothesis proposes that all the living and nonliving elements of Earth are “parts and partners of a vast being who in her entirety has the power to maintain our planet as a fit and comfortable habitat for life.”

Over time, however, scientific opposition to Gaia waned. In his early writing, Dr. Lovelock occasionally granted Gaia too much agency, which encouraged the misperception that the living Earth was yearning for some optimal state. But the essence of his hypothesis — the idea that life transforms and in many cases regulates the planet — proved prescient and profoundly true. We and all living creatures are not just inhabitants of Earth, we are Earth — an outgrowth of its physical structure and an engine of its global cycles. Although some scientists still recoil at the mention of Gaia, these truths have become part of mainstream science.

“It’s definitely time to revisit Gaia,” said Adam Frank, an astrophysicist at the University of Rochester."
Opinion | The Earth Is Just as Alive as You Are
Since the Liberal Democrat man-hating nut-job Senator from Hawaii has admitted that warmism is a religion and not a seems almost excessive to point out the evidence against the scam....but it is fun.

1. Anyone can listen and will hear her say it is a religion, not science.

Here is Hirono saying it herself:

"'s a religion, it's not a science."

Right at 0:37 seconds.

2. "All Roads to Big Bear Closed After Storm Drops 4 Feet of Snow Ahead of Resort’s Opening Day Friday"
All Roads to Big Bear Closed After Storm Drops 4 Feet of Snow Ahead of Resort’s Opening Day Friday

3. "Snow falls in the Las Vegas Valley one day after Thanksgiving"


I say we need an intervention for the greeniacs!!!

I see

one lunatic says something nuts and immediately deranged conservative wackos use it to attack ALL liberals! "see? that one leftwing lunatic said something crazy so THAT PROVES that ALL LIBERALS HATE GOD!"

In that case....Roy Moore wanting to criminalize gays PROVES that ALL conservative christians want to criminalize gays.

using your logic.

Heart-'warming' (see what I did there...) to see the ease with which I continue to get under Liberals' skin....or, in your case, scales.

Hummmmm, now we know why AOC is your congress woman. The EPA should test Brooklyn water for hallucinogenics.
Since the Liberal Democrat man-hating nut-job Senator from Hawaii has admitted that warmism is a religion and not a seems almost excessive to point out the evidence against the scam....but it is fun.

1. Anyone can listen and will hear her say it is a religion, not science.

Here is Hirono saying it herself:

"'s a religion, it's not a science."

Right at 0:37 seconds.

2. "All Roads to Big Bear Closed After Storm Drops 4 Feet of Snow Ahead of Resort’s Opening Day Friday"
All Roads to Big Bear Closed After Storm Drops 4 Feet of Snow Ahead of Resort’s Opening Day Friday

3. "Snow falls in the Las Vegas Valley one day after Thanksgiving"


I say we need an intervention for the greeniacs!!!

I see

one lunatic says something nuts and immediately deranged conservative wackos use it to attack ALL liberals! "see? that one leftwing lunatic said something crazy so THAT PROVES that ALL LIBERALS HATE GOD!"

In that case....Roy Moore wanting to criminalize gays PROVES that ALL conservative christians want to criminalize gays.

using your logic.

Heart-'warming' (see what I did there...) to see the ease with which I continue to get under Liberals' skin....or, in your case, scales.

Hummmmm, now we know why AOC is your congress woman. The EPA should test Brooklyn water for hallucinogenics.

You are as correct about my Congressperson as you are about everything else.

She isn't.

"New York's 14th congressional district is a congressional district for the United States House of Representatives located in New York City, represented by Democrat Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

The district includes the eastern part of The Bronx and part of north-central Queens."
New York's 14th congressional district - Wikipedia

That being no great news that you are as dumb as asphalt......the post is clearly 100% correct, accurate, and you have inadvertently proven.

Now....get back under your rock.
"Forty million Americans have been driven from their lands and rural culture is being systematically crushed, even as wildlife, forests, and rangelands are dying. Journalist Elizabeth Nickson’s investigations into these events have revealed a shocking truth: rather than safeguarding our environment, radical conservationists are actually destroying our natural heritage.

In Eco-Fascists, Nickson documents the destructive impact of the environmental movement in North America and beyond, detailing the extreme damage environmental radicals in local and national government agencies are doing to the land, the ecosystems, and the people. Readers of Alston Chase’s Playing God in Yellowstone and In a Dark Wood, and anyone who is deeply concerned about global warming and the environment must read Elizabeth Nickson’s Eco-Fascists."


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