Thousands Of Americans Living In Russia???


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. According to the news, all sorts of Wehrmacht, Democrat elected officials,.....are sharpening their knives (teeth?) waiting to put Trump in prison for some sort of trumped up (see what I did there? ) charges.......

"Manhattan D.A. Intensifies Investigation of Trump..."

"New York AG Letitia James Says Investigations Into Trump ..."

2. Wherein we see proof of the following....
New York State chief judge Sol Wachtler was famously quoted by Tom Wolfe in The Bonfire of the Vanities that "a grand jury would 'indict a ham sandwich,' if that's what you wanted."

3. But any who have perused the political landscape recognize what Nazis the Democrats are, and are none too surprised at their criminalizing political differences.

4. What is disheartening is the sangfroid with which Americans seem to be taking the theft of the presidency, especially when compared to the way Russia's citizenry has responded to the political oppression there:

"3,000 arrested at protests demanding Navalny’s release
MOSCOW (AP) — Russian police arrested more than 3,000 people Saturday in nationwide protests demanding the release of opposition leader Alexei Navalny, the Kremlin’s most prominent foe, according to a group that counts political detentions.

The protests in scores of cities in temperatures as low as minus-50 C (minus-58 F) highlighted how Navalny has built influence far beyond the political and cultural centers of Moscow and St. Petersburg.

In Moscow, an estimated 15,000 demonstrators gathered in and around Pushkin Square in the city center, where clashes with police broke out and demonstrators were roughly dragged off by helmeted riot officers to police buses and detention trucks. Some were beaten with batons."


Russians are the real Americans??????????
The signs read “Не боитесь, Не Молчите” Don’t Be Afraid, Don’t Be Silent.

The signs read “Не боитесь, Не Молчите” Don’t Be Afraid, Don’t Be Silent.

How did Russia get to be the home of the free and the land of the brave?????
Don’t know how America came to Moscow. She’s going really fast in the video, difficult to translate.
1. According to the news, all sorts of Wehrmacht, Democrat elected officials,.....are sharpening their knives (teeth?) waiting to put Trump in prison for some sort of trumped up (see what I did there? ) charges.......

"Manhattan D.A. Intensifies Investigation of Trump..."

"New York AG Letitia James Says Investigations Into Trump ..."

2. Wherein we see proof of the following....
New York State chief judge Sol Wachtler was famously quoted by Tom Wolfe in The Bonfire of the Vanities that "a grand jury would 'indict a ham sandwich,' if that's what you wanted."

3. But any who have perused the political landscape recognize what Nazis the Democrats are, and are none too surprised at their criminalizing political differences.

4. What is disheartening is the sangfroid with which Americans seem to be taking the theft of the presidency, especially when compared to the way Russia's citizenry has responded to the political oppression there:

"3,000 arrested at protests demanding Navalny’s release
MOSCOW (AP) — Russian police arrested more than 3,000 people Saturday in nationwide protests demanding the release of opposition leader Alexei Navalny, the Kremlin’s most prominent foe, according to a group that counts political detentions.

The protests in scores of cities in temperatures as low as minus-50 C (minus-58 F) highlighted how Navalny has built influence far beyond the political and cultural centers of Moscow and St. Petersburg.

In Moscow, an estimated 15,000 demonstrators gathered in and around Pushkin Square in the city center, where clashes with police broke out and demonstrators were roughly dragged off by helmeted riot officers to police buses and detention trucks. Some were beaten with batons."

View attachment 447907

Russians are the real Americans??????????

Those Russian protesters really deserve our deepest respect.

They are truly risking their lives and careers in protesting against their current czar.

In this country, if you are protesting against the police, then you will be treated with respect. The Speaker of the House will even kneel to you on her elderly knees.

If you are protesting against possible election fraud, then you will be treated like a traitor and many Dems would love to send you to a mental hospital (which is also a favorite tactic in Russia). Big Tech will throw you off the Internet, even if you are the President of the country. The powers-that-be have decided that Americans are too stupid to decide whether our elections are honest or not. The official version that they are as pure as the driven snow must be accepted -- or else!

As the Dems tighten their dictatorship here in the coming decades, I think that it is accurate to say that there will be protests.
‘....I was helped by two cameramen, who pulled me out by the arms, “Are You Alive?” the neck of the jacket drags the teenager, resting his feet on the ground, and he is suddenly snatched by two women and hidden in the crowd.’
‘....I was helped by two cameramen, who pulled me out by the arms, “Are You Alive?” the neck of the jacket drags the teenager, resting his feet on the ground, and he is suddenly snatched by two women and hidden in the crowd.’

Why aren't Americans in the streets in response to the stolen election??????
There may have been a journalist’s equipment damaged by the police, as happened in Seattle. The title of the article is, ‘Is It Easy For Young People? Security Forces Smashed Peaceful Rallies All Over Central Moscow, And Spared No Journalists.’
No, it was a woman, who after the police kicked her in the stomach, fell to the asphalt.
Supposedly, Putin is angry that Navalny reported on his new palace, which apparently sports a secret strip club inside:

RFERL Pole Dancing and Fancy Toilet Brushes

Biden: Four Homes

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