Thoughts about the Parents cancelling Christmas due to un grateful brats


Registered Independent
Aug 18, 2013

Why My Husband and I Canceled Christmas Over The Big Moon

IMO that's a good parent. Perhaps if there were more parents like that during the 1990s thru the the first decade of the 2000s, all these Millenial Brats wouldn't be as bad as they are today. I know NOT ALL Millenials are ageist, entitled snobby brats .... I have lots of friends and families that are exceptions to my overall view of Millenials..... but most are and I fear for our future.
If this is the kind of discipline that it takes to get kids to be the way that they should be, I am with the parents. If the kids want what they think that they deserve again, they will then know what it is that they much do: obey their parents.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. To me, kids like that should consider themselves blessed that getting presents at all ever is even an option when so many kids in this world don't have anything to look forward to. :( :( :(
I think that it's an excellent idea and the author said it is teaching them what they wanted them to learn. Sounds like a win situation all around.

If the parents are happy, the kids are learning then who the hell is anyone to judge?
Sounds like a case of all around terrible parenting. If you have to cancel Christmas either you're doing something terribly wrong or you need to seek outside help. Best of luck to those kids.

I take it that you haven't read the article in it's entirety.
I never had problems with my kids over Christmas. My guess is these parents are asking a bit too much from little boys. Of course, they want Christmas presents. That's normal for little boys. Little boys are not old enough to appreciate that other people are also important. That is why they fight over toys. Little boys are selfish, but eventually they grow out of it.
Little boys are not old enough to appreciate that other people are also important. That is why they fight over toys. Little boys are selfish, but eventually they grow out of it.

Perhaps our generation has grown up but the Millenials hasn't. They still act like spoiled brats well into their late 20s.

Why My Husband and I Canceled Christmas Over The Big Moon

IMO that's a good parent. Perhaps if there were more parents like that during the 1990s thru the the first decade of the 2000s, all these Millenial Brats wouldn't be as bad as they are today. I know NOT ALL Millenials are ageist, entitled snobby brats .... I have lots of friends and families that are exceptions to my overall view of Millenials..... but most are and I fear for our future.

What right do they have cancelling Christmas?! I want my loot! ...Oh just for them? :) Oh that's fine. :)
Sounds like a case of all around terrible parenting. If you have to cancel Christmas either you're doing something terribly wrong or you need to seek outside help. Best of luck to those kids.
I can't get the link to load, but this was my first thought as well
I never believed in Santa, so we went to the store and bought things and wrapped them. When I was growing up the limit on spending was $100 for my presents.

Nice idea though to give rather than focus on getting over Christmas, and it makes a change from rabid consumerism and impulse buying.
I wish more would realize the reason for the season, and teaching children it is better giving than receiving would probably help with the moralistic problems many kids have today.
Are memories made by presents or by time well spent together, and with sharing of traditions, and the joy of giving to others?
Sounds like a case of all around terrible parenting. If you have to cancel Christmas either you're doing something terribly wrong or you need to seek outside help. Best of luck to those kids.
I can't get the link to load, but this was my first thought as well

Here, I copied and paste:

"Now before you all go crazy on me in the comments, let me explain. We have not cancelled putting up decorations, celebrating the birth of our Savior, or any of our other heartwarming traditions. But, we have cancelled presents, Santa, and stockings. Their letters to Santa this year will be asking Santa to find someone who needs their presents more.

Here is why – John and I feel like we are fighting a very hard uphill battle with our kids when it comes to entitlement. Our kids have been acting so ungrateful lately. They expect so much even when their behavior is extremely disrespectful. We gave them good warning, either it was time for their behavior to change or there would be consequences. We patiently worked with them for several months and guess what, very little changed. One day after a particularly bad display of entitlement John said, “we should just cancel Christmas.” And, so that’s what we did.

Instead we will be taking the money we would have spent on presents and put it towards service projects and giving gifts to others this season. We are trying to teach them the pleasure of giving rather than continuing to feed their childhood desire for more.

The first project we did this season was to hold a clothing driving in our neighborhood. We gathered gently used clothing, sorted them, and packaged them up to send to a village in Northern Cebu of the Philippines. The village was hit hard by Typhoon Haiyan last year. Then the kids wrote letters and found hard candy from their Halloween stash that we could ship to the kids in the village. It was awesome! Instead of being sad over giving up their Halloween candy they were excited and kept wanting to give more and more. After we had the boxes all packaged up we mailed them. The kids loved it! It was a lot of money to ship and they understand that they gave up having something, so they could give these clothes to others.

We will be choosing two families for the 12 days of Christmas. Each day we will deliver a different piece of the nativity. On Christmas day we will give them the last piece of the nativity, baby Jesus. That will be 12 nights of fun memories we will be making trying to deliver the pieces without getting caught. We are also looking into an Adopt a Grandparent program. For Christmas dinner we have invited several older widows and couples in our area that don’t have family around to eat with us.

See what I mean? How cool will this Christmas be! Instead of focusing on what they will be getting, we will be keeping the focus on what they can give!

The few presents they get from Grandparents and other families members will be more cherished because the quantity will be less. They can enjoy what they get rather than feel overstimulated with so much. Christmas morning won’t be less special without Santa coming. Instead we can enjoy our Cinnamon rolls, play games as a family, and truly enjoy the few presents they did get. There is a good possibility that Santa will be writing them a letter of how proud of them he is and perhaps put a few pieces of hard candy and an orange in their stockings. We have Santa Stationary that is free for download.

I really think that we as parents need to take a step back and look at our motivation for giving gifts to our kids. Obviously we enjoy giving to our kids. That is not bad! But, have we gone too far? I have had so many people say to me, “This is such a good idea, but I don’t think I could do it.” Which was so true with my husband and I! I think we were more disappointed than our kids when we cancelled Christmas. How often are kids threaten that Santa won’t come if kids are naughty…. yet have you ever heard of anyone that really followed through on that threat? That is where the entitlement comes from. We continue to give our children things even when their behavior doesn’t warrant it, simply because we as parents don’t want to live with the consequences.

That is why we have taken a stand this year. While this may not be the best choice for everyone, it feels right for our family right now. We really want Christmas to be remembered for the right reasons and to keep the focus on the Savior and the feeling of giving. That is the true essence of Christmas. The feeling of kindness and giving are what give Christmas its magic. I am excited that our kids get to focus on that feeling. I am almost certain this will be the best Christmas they ever have!

I just wanted to clarify a couple of things. First, my kids are in no way hurting for things. It’s not like I took Christmas away from Tiny Tim here folks. They have good clothes, shoes, and so many toys they can’t keep their playroom clean. They are not sad about what we have done! They have reacted by making gifts for each other and sneaking them into each others stockings. They are learning exactly what we wanted them to learn, because they are not moping around feeling sorry for themselves. They are thinking of others.

The second thing I wanted to clarify is why I wrote this post. Some people seem to think I wrote this for attention. Ummm, the attention you get from posts like this is not good and actually extremely difficult to handle. Right now there is a whole thread, not only ripping me apart as a mother, but also ripping my kids to shreds. The reason I wrote this post is I want to empower parents to feel like it’s okay to take a stand. I think half of the reason we as parents are afraid to take a stand, is because we don’t want our kids to feel like they have the mean parents. I wanted to share what we are doing, so any parents that feel they are struggling with the same issues in their home can see what others are doing and get ideas for their family. My intention is to help support other parents and to raise amazing kids. I don’t need everyone to agree with me, but I do ask that if you disagree please do it in a respectful way."
These children are not Millennials, of whom the youngest are now 16.

Rein them in parents, hard.
These children are not Millennials, of whom the youngest are now 16.

Rein them in parents, hard.
No one ever said they were Millenial brats but they certainly were heading down the same bad path that the Millenials did.
I never had christmas and never missed nothing, Neither did my kids. Christmas is not about Christ at all but comericial gains. I gave my kids gift as they desrved and needed them. And they knew it was from me and my hard work and not a fake with in a red suit. Srop cutting down our trees that mother nature needs. For god's sake get over it. God never celebrated christmas and neither did Christ. why should I/??/
I never had christmas and never missed nothing, Neither did my kids. Christmas is not about Christ at all but comericial gains. I gave my kids gift as they desrved and needed them. And they knew it was from me and my hard work and not a fake with in a red suit. Srop cutting down our trees that mother nature needs. For god's sake get over it. God never celebrated christmas and neither did Christ. why should I/??/

I feel the same about xmas as well as all these other holidays. It's not cheapskate on my part. Just why do people deserve gifts according to the calendar.
I think that it's an excellent idea and the author said it is teaching them what they wanted them to learn. Sounds like a win situation all around.

If the parents are happy, the kids are learning then who the hell is anyone to judge?

Just seems to me that if the kids got bad enough to warrant that sort of behavior in the first place, that says something about the level of parenting. If you're doing it competently all along, grandiose gestures like cancelling Christmas shouldn't be necessary.
This family is trying to teach their children something. It looks like it's working. Inviting older people to dinner isn't such a hot idea but the rest is okay.
Little boys are not old enough to appreciate that other people are also important. That is why they fight over toys. Little boys are selfish, but eventually they grow out of it.

Perhaps our generation has grown up but the Millenials hasn't. They still act like spoiled brats well into their late 20s.
More like their 30s. There are 36 year olds still living at home.

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