Those who want to ban all guns do not live in the real world

Those who want to ban all guns do not live in the real world.
Those who fight all gun regulations do not live in the real world.

We need intelligent people, who understand the real world, to develop common sense gun regulations to stop the insanity of the gun culture in the USA
So you're just executing a naked gun grab by making a mental health motion in a court of law, or invoking a red flag law to seize a suspect's guns? Are you saying we have guns registered in our names and people are telling the truth all of sudden in court? I didn't think so either. Lying thieving murdering scumbag gun-grabbing democrats all of them. Doctors with a needle and syringe full of heroin on a black bag job in the middle of the night.
So you're just executing a naked gun grab by making a mental health motion in a court of law, or invoking a red flag law to seize a suspect's guns? Are you saying we have guns registered in our names and people are telling the truth all of sudden in court? I didn't think so either. Lying thieving murdering scumbag gun-grabbing democrats all of them. Doctors with a needle and syringe full of heroin on a black bag job in the middle of the night.
Justacolon, I hate to tell you but the government has already restricted the arms you can buy. The Constitution promises all arms not just all guns. Can you buy a machine gun, no, can you buy a tank, no, can you buy long range artillery,no, how about an airplane that can drop bombs. Try buying a bomb. It will not happen.
Come on, man. Do not put up with it . Constitution promises all arms. You cannot hold off the government with a fricking gun of any kind.
The Constitution promises all arms not just all guns.
Skip to it, buddy. Jackass Democrats in the government need to be SERVED and informed that they are in armed rebellion and insurrection against the Constitution.
Can you buy a machine gun, no, can you buy a tank, no, can you buy long range artillery,no, how about an airplane that can drop bombs. Try buying a bomb.
Private aviation is in fact legal, cows shit in the horse field and farmers have ready access to fertilizer.
Skip to it, buddy. Jackass Democrats in the government need to be SERVED and informed that they are in armed rebellion and insurrection against the Constitution.

Private aviation is in fact legal, cows shit in the horse field and farmers have ready access to fertilizer.
justacolon is scared to fight for all arms available to the federal government as promised in the 2nd amendment. I do not think he could handle much more than a gun.
The government is coming to get you and your guns will not save you. As Democrats control the government, they will have the complete US arsenal at their disposal. There coming for you with all of it. Good luck, but you will have a lot of guns.
I feel it was an excellent response. It is tough to have a intelligent exchange with a person consumed by fear. Don't worry, you are going to be OK even without your guns. The boogeyman is not out to get you.
You're the one terrified of an inanimate object, kid.
justacolon is scared to fight for all arms available to the federal government as promised in the 2nd amendment. I do not think he could handle much more than a gun.
The government is coming to get you and your guns will not save you. As Democrats control the government, they will have the complete US arsenal at their disposal. There coming for you with all of it. Good luck, but you will have a lot of guns.
Are you on some sort of drugs?
All that bullshit spanning 100 pages only to say that "the words of the 2nd Amendment don't mean what they say."
The Supreme Court has long rejected insurrectionist dogma; that there is no right of the people to form a ‘militia’ absent government authorization, that there is no right of the people to possess weapons identical to that of the Federal government, and there is no right of the people to take up arms against a lawfully elected government reflecting the will of the majority of the people subjectively and incorrectly perceived to have become ‘tyrannical.’

The Framers did not amend the Constitution to authorize the destruction of the Republic they had just created.
The conservative base, and more specifically Trumpism, is driven by fear. Trump plays on their fears. Their lives are driven by fear. Fear makes people irrational. Fear makes people miserable. They are a cowardly, miserable group and they do not have to be.

Of course, the lie about ‘bans’ and ‘confiscations’ long predate Trump.

For decades with every Democratic administration came the right’s lie about ‘bans’ and ‘confiscations’ – neither of which ever happened.
The only way this can be true is if conservatives know the Democrats are lying when they promise gun bans and confiscations on the campaign trail.
The irony, of course, is that conservatives are victims of their own success.

That right’s lies about ‘bans’ and ‘confiscations’ are even more idiotic and ridiculous with a Supreme Court dominated by hyper-partisan conservative ideologues who will invalidate any Federal laws ‘banning’ firearms.

Indeed, in the coming years this Court will likely strike down state AWBs – so much for “states’ rights.”
So that's what the 2A means to a Dim?
That is what 2A was intended for all Americans. It has been altered, radically, over the years, as arms became more deadly. If you are going to fight for the intention of 2A, fight for the original intention, all arms. If you are fighting for just guns, you are not fighting for the true meaning of the 2nd amendment. Democrats say 2A has continually been re-interpreted as arms become more deadly. What is being proposed, currently, is consistent of what has been done throughout history.
Are you on some sort of drugs?
I am interpreting the Constitution as written and listened to the far right that says they must have their guns without registration because the government will come and get them.
Jarlaxative, watch out, the government is coming for you first, They consider you a seditionist.
You're the one terrified of an inanimate object, kid.
I fear nothing. I need no fricking gun to be safe. I use my intelligence to stay safe. Intelligence is the best weapon to keep you safe. Those without adequate intelligence, beg for bigger and more deadly guns.
You are so full of shit that it is bubbling out your ears.
Do you agree that the 2nd amendment was intended to protect the ability of militias and the citizenry to possess all arms. They put no restrictions on some arms or guns only.
Those who want to ban all guns do not live in the real world.
Those who fight all gun regulations do not live in the real world.

We need intelligent people, who understand the real world, to develop common sense gun regulations to stop the insanity of the gun culture in the USA
I don't know anyone who wants to ban all guns. Do you have some names?
That is a very real aspect to our judicial system, unfortunately. A bigger problem is those who should go to jail do not. Our judicial system favors people with money over those who do not have money. Another imperfect system within government but still one of the best judicial systems in the world. We are much better with an imperfect judicial system than no judicial system at all. Just like we are better off with arms regulations than no arms regulations.
Fact remains- you have no problem with a few innocent people going to jail so long as all the guilty ones do.

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