This Windows 10 trying to update to Win 11 is getting ridiculous.


Diamond Member
Aug 19, 2010
On a hill
I have spoke about this before, this is on a work PC where I have several software programs that are critical to the business. I am not about to let Windows update all the time and almost certainly at some point mess something up.
What started out as friendly little reminders popping out of the sys tray - then became full screen messages on login...then became full screen messages that you have to click No to get out of.... to NOW - full screen message, that one can easily think they are saying no but you would actually be saying install later... and the NO is small type at the bottom.
Jesus Christ. *&#^# Microsoft! Leave me the hell alone. What is next? It just frigging updates without my permission??
There's ways you can turn that stuff off and stop the update harassments.

I got on a techie forum and asked some experts, they told me where to go online to look for the instructions.

I don't remember the sites, but I haven't had an update harassment since I bought my new pc and followed the instructions.
Theres some guy at the Microsoft building personally making your work life hell, probably monitors your cellphone too. He might even stalk you around town and youd never know it.
There's ways you can turn that stuff off and stop the update harassments.

I got on a techie forum and asked some experts, they told me where to go online to look for the instructions.

I don't remember the sites, but I haven't had an update harassment since I bought my new pc and followed the instructions.
I have the auto updates turned off
I have spoke about this before, this is on a work PC where I have several software programs that are critical to the business. I am not about to let Windows update all the time and almost certainly at some point mess something up.
What started out as friendly little reminders popping out of the sys tray - then became full screen messages on login...then became full screen messages that you have to click No to get out of.... to NOW - full screen message, that one can easily think they are saying no but you would actually be saying install later... and the NO is small type at the bottom.
Jesus Christ. *&#^# Microsoft! Leave me the hell alone. What is next? It just frigging updates without my permission??
That's the main thing I hate about Microsucks, the constant pestering and unwanted ads for their products. Open Edge and there are small ads that are on the home screen that you can'y get rid of. Open mail and it's pushing you to buy into 360 or some other Microsucks product.
That's the main thing I hate about Microsucks, the constant pestering and unwanted ads for their products. Open Edge and there are small ads that are on the home screen that you can'y get rid of. Open mail and it's pushing you to buy into 360 or some other Microsucks product.
Indeed, you may have saw it... in another thread I was talking about I just bought a laptop and was setting it up. I downloaded openoffice but when I clicked the installer it did nothing. No errors... nothing. As if I never clicked on it. I deleted it, downloaded again - same thing. So I Google openoffice won't update and in an openoffice forum I read where the Norton that comes with Windows (I hadn't deleted it yet) it recognizes the openoffice installer as a virus. Oh!... like that isn't a coincidence!! How many people out there just gave up and bought 360?
Indeed, you may have saw it... in another thread I was talking about I just bought a laptop and was setting it up. I downloaded openoffice but when I clicked the installer it did nothing. No errors... nothing. As if I never clicked on it. I deleted it, downloaded again - same thing. So I Google openoffice won't update and in an openoffice forum I read where the Norton that comes with Windows (I hadn't deleted it yet) it recognizes the openoffice installer as a virus. Oh!... like that isn't a coincidence!! How many people out there just gave up and bought 360?
I use LibreOffice, never had a problem but I also delete anything Norton related during my initial configuration.
I use LibreOffice, never had a problem but I also delete anything Norton related during my initial configuration.
Actually it is Libre, don't know why I said OpenOffice, haven't used that in yeears.
Usually I do uninstall all the crap before I install anything. But just didn't this time.
Actually it is Libre, don't know why I said OpenOffice, haven't used that in years.
Usually I do uninstall all the crap before I install anything. But just didn't this time.
My laptop runs on Windows 11 and I've noticed a change in the way Printers and Devices are displayed and handled. I think it is bug ridden because trying to see a printer status, or a certain printer, or installing a printer to now being a nightmare

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