This weeks tory scandal

And the latest story starts o spread its tentacles.

The chap who cleared him on this business earlier this year is now wanting to know why the Electoral Commission had different material than he was provided with.

Well he was lied to. There is no other explanation. I think that Lord Geidt is likely to resign because of this. He has no alternative. Johnson has destroyed any credibility that he has.

Johnson will then be looking for his 3rd Ethics Advisor in a year. The first one resigned after Johnson refused to act against the Home Secretary after she was found guilty of bullying. The government is still paying out compensation to injured parties on this.

So Partygate and Cash for Curtains are joined by the silver thread that is Johnsons lack of integrity.

The resignation of Lord Geidt and a thumping in the North Shropshire by election next thursday will see him off.

The tories cannot stand day afyer day of lies coming from their leader.

I have every sympathy with this character. The Met are refusing to investigate the party season in Downing ST. Primarily because the Commissioners contract is up and the PM has to decide whether to extend it.

I cant see how they can punish other law breakers whilst being exempt themselves. Its not cricket is it ?

I have every sympathy with this character. The Met are refusing to investigate the party season in Downing ST. Primarily because the Commissioners contract is up and the PM has to decide whether to extend it.

I cant see how they can punish other law breakers whilst being exempt themselves. Its not cricket is it ?
Your stupid government screwing up is no excuse for a another to get away with breaking the law. You are using more dumb logic.

Now, if he claimed the law was a government overreach, I could support that but the defense being, “they did it to”, is just plain childish and moronic.
Another day and another scandal. This time its their candidate for London Mayor who is brought low by another xmas party. The ones that never happened.

Shaun Bailey was chair of the policing committee on London Council and made many speeches warning Londoners to keep to the rules. At least he has had the good grace to resign. Something that our Prime Minister has yet to do.

Fuck off Shaun you crazy fuck. You wont be missed.

Its now pretty clear that this drip drip of revelations is being orchestrated to damage Johnson. However, it is almost impossible to work out which of his friends is doing it. There is a long list of suspects.

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Another day and another scandal. This time its their candidate for London Mayor who is brought low by another xmas party. The ones that never happened.

Shaun Bailey was chair of the policing committee on London Council and made many speeches warning Londoners to keep to the rules. At least he has had the good grace to resign. Something that our Prime Minister has yet to do.

Fuck off Shaun you crazy fuck. You wont be missed.

Its now pretty clear that this drip drip of revelations is being orchestrated to damage Johnson. However, it is almost impossible to work out which of his friends is doing it. There is a long list of suspects.

Too bad, so sad. I’m sure this has your big panties in a bunch.
I live in a country with a corrupt government. They are currently in the death throes and that is to be celebrated.
Its a moment for celebration and reflection of the people they have killed
You remind me of the silly conspiracy theorists, Enjoy your your fantasy world. I'll stay in the real world.
And so it goes on. Today the fractious tory MPs haave been busy attacking the Chief Medical Officer because he advised against going to xmas parties.

This is how it all falls part. The hospitality sector is pressing for some support o help them through the crisis but the treasury is mute on the subject. Johnson wants a full lockdown but doesnt want to pay for it.

Whitty has virtually told sensible folk to stay at home and that has more or less killed the social side of xmas but the govt are still mute on support. Johnson is fucked. The treasury is ranged against him on one side and the libertarian loons on the other. Science is in another corner as the only honest player in the room.

Johnson needs to bring in further measures but darent do so as his party is in thrall to anti vax crazies.
On and on it goes. The tories brexit man resigns on a bogus excuse of objecting to covid measures.

The truth is he was fucking useless and had no way of delivering johnsons bullshit brexit. It is an illusion built on lies and wont succeed. Another nail in the coffin of the worst government in history.

Johnson kept it quiet to avoid affecting the North Shrops redult but it blew up anyway

Fuck off frosty you will not be missed ya lying fuck.

In the world of a "perfect judicial system":

"After a three-day hearing to decide the fate of Venezuelan gold stored in the Bank of England, the Supreme Court of Great Britain ruled that the British government legally recognizes Juan Guaido as the president of Venezuela"

Lords in all their glory - to steal and rob in the name of democracy.
I'd just like to add my opinion on all of this.
It's manufactured outrage and concern trolling from the Authoritarian Left in the UK media. The Xmas party pics we saw, the ones that the left-wing rag newspaper the Daily Mirror showed us, had a Zoom quiz. There was no booze in sight, just some hand spray. What kind of party was that, eh? Fuck me, I'd rather have an enema than go to a party like that. Nothing but a left-wing lie.
The 'Downing Street party' is a pic from last May, after the PM came out of hospital where he almost died after the Kremlin-backed socialist leader of the opposition gave him Covid too, there with his wife & newborn, where people are outside and socially distanced. Again, where is the party? Not a party at all but the left keep on lying.
The lies have become the truth now as the left have repeated it again and again, all so they can force us into another lockdown where they can worship at the altar of Work From Home. Fuck the rest of us, the little people in real jobs, who have to deal with the consequences of lockdown.
That is what this set of stories has all been about: the Authoritarian Left and their quest for another glorious lockdown.
The UK is going to knight a man responsible for war crimes while jailing and torturing the journalist who exposed them. Are you proud to be British today?

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