This Weekend “Common Sense Gun Laws” will be put to the test - in Chicago

Seymour Flops

Diamond Member
Nov 25, 2021
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Illinois has exactly the kind of gun laws that liberals claim to be their only aim (no pun intended). Violent crime often spikes during long weekends, but I’m sure the left is confident that the largest numbers of shootings will take place in states like Texas in which gun ownership is practically encouraged.

I’ll come back on Tuesday with a report on how Chicago and its gun laws prevented shootings.
Three day weekend in Chicago?

I predict 65 shot and 14 killed. That is typical.
we're supposed to go to the table to create "common sense" gun laws with a side that wishes death on republicans?

people are far too concerned with being right and attacking the other side than we are with resolving problems. if we were into resolving problems, we'd attack those, not people.
Illinois has exactly the kind of gun laws that liberals claim to be their only aim (no pun intended). Violent crime often spikes during long weekends, but I’m sure the left is confident that the largest numbers of shootings will take place in states like Texas in which gun ownership is practically encouraged.

I’ll come back on Tuesday with a report on how Chicago and its gun laws prevented shootings.
I do that every week in Black Deaths Matter. Like clockwork there is the equivalent of a "mass shooting" every single weekend in Chicago. But those are "OK" because the murders and injuries involve multiple drug/gang shooters often killing innocent kids. That is deemed acceptable by our political leaders and our worthless Media.
Illinois has exactly the kind of gun laws that liberals claim to be their only aim (no pun intended). Violent crime often spikes during long weekends, but I’m sure the left is confident that the largest numbers of shootings will take place in states like Texas in which gun ownership is practically encouraged.

I’ll come back on Tuesday with a report on how Chicago and its gun laws prevented shootings.

Actually, they won't be you lying piece of shit. They will be tested in Indiana, where the guns in Chicago are coming from. And they will work just fine, as Indiana intended them to.
Gun laws have nothing to do with school shootings. The real problems are with extremist SCOTUS decisions like Engel vs Vitale which expelled Almighty God from the nation's schools.

Bringing back school prayer would resolve this, we didn't have these kinds of shootings when the kids prayed.
Actually, they won't be you lying piece of shit. They will be tested in Indiana, where the guns in Chicago are coming from. And they will work just fine, as Indiana intended them to.

Either way, you LOVE the daily slaughter of black people in your shithole cities. It's your Hunger Games.
Illinois has exactly the kind of gun laws that liberals claim to be their only aim (no pun intended). Violent crime often spikes during long weekends, but I’m sure the left is confident that the largest numbers of shootings will take place in states like Texas in which gun ownership is practically encouraged.

I’ll come back on Tuesday with a report on how Chicago and its gun laws prevented shootings.
That's an example of how dangerous it is to misidentify the causes of serious problems for political purposes. Solving for the wrong problem is the lifeblood of the Democrat party.
Illinois has exactly the kind of gun laws that liberals claim to be their only aim (no pun intended). Violent crime often spikes during long weekends, but I’m sure the left is confident that the largest numbers of shootings will take place in states like Texas in which gun ownership is practically encouraged.

I’ll come back on Tuesday with a report on how Chicago and its gun laws prevented shootings.
This fails as a confirmation bias fallacy.
I do that every week in Black Deaths Matter. Like clockwork there is the equivalent of a "mass shooting" every single weekend in Chicago. But those are "OK" because the murders and injuries involve multiple drug/gang shooters often killing innocent kids. That is deemed acceptable by our political leaders and our worthless Media.
"Black Lives Matter," is a phrase that we should have paid more attention to before it was co-opted by a group that turned out to be a combination of ANTIFA-style terrorists, Jesse Jackson-Style race extortionists and Clinton-style swindlers.

The fact that a phrase expressing an obvious truism resonated so much should have made us realize that it is not an obvious truism when you look at how the media ignores the kinds of murders you speak of.
What are the common sense laws? Nobody seems to know?
Lol, all bullshit talk.
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