This Sums Up What The Democrat Party Is Today......Nothing But Liars And Troublemakers


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
The Democrat Party wants people to be rude to each other to tear down America. That's why the media, congress, and Joe Biden, are constantly trying to pit us against each other.

The Democrats lie to us about everything. Every bill they're shoving thru congress is designed to divide us, not solve real problems that matter.
They've screwed this country up so badly that they're resorting to inventing nonsensical bills designed to distract the misinformed.
The whole thing is just a scam to maintain congress.

Here's perfect example of the deception of the Democrat party: They're cheering the fact that Kansas decided not to go along with a pro-life bill, even though I told everyone that because Roe vs Wade was being enforced the Democrat Party was refusing to let the voters decide. And when they get the chance to decide they voted exactly the way I knew they would. So Democrats, who can't be honest about anything, are doing cartwheels because overturning Roe vs Wade allowed a little Democracy to take place :

Democrats want us at each other's throats and fighting about everything. Twitter keeps showing blacks screaming at people in public. Black teens beating white kids to death. It's a constant thing. And all it does is cause people to hate each other. The failure to respect authority...or enforce laws equally is really starting to bear fruit.

This is the end product of all of their deceptions:
  • "Mean....psychotic Karens."
  • "Unruly flyer"
  • "Be a jerk to people with complaints"
  • "Karen that doesn't like screaming kids"
  • "I'm not sure what this is....."
  • "Karen being a racist against a black who's just trying to go for a walk in front of his own house"........and on and on it goes......
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I saw nothing but a good bi-partisan decision in KS.....The way is should be.....The last I checked it was a 18-point spread.

The voters put aside the crazies on both sides and rendered a just verdict.....The dems only think it's a win given the 2-1 gop participation yesterday. GOP voters were as instrumental in the final totals as the dems were.

I suspect that the dems will be singing a different tune when abortion "guardrails" come up for a vote there. ;)
I saw nothing but a good bi-partisan decision in KS.....The way is should be.....The last I checked it was a 18-point spread.

The voters put aside the crazies on both sides and rendered a just verdict.....The dems only think it's a win given the 2-1 gop participation yesterday. GOP voters were as instrumental in the final totals as the dems were.

I suspect that the dems will be singing a different tune when abortion "guardrails" come up for a vote there. ;)
The timing of this SCOTUS decision is highly suspect.
I would have waited till next year......but the left secretly wanted Roe vs Wade overturned so they could claim it was a threat to do so. Turns out they were totally wrong.....and because they can never be honest.....they act like this decision in Kansas was a total surprise.

It's an outright fraud.....abortion was never going to be banned.
They figure women are stupid enough to care more about ABORTION than feeding their family.

And in the case of a couple of my nieces....they're right.

What's hilarious is how many gay women and men support abortion even though they'll never have to worry about it.
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Thread summary:

Someone's really upset about losing so big on the abortion issue in Kansas, and he feels a need to cry and deflect.
Totally wrong. I never supported banning abortions.
I always felt it was just an issue the Dems use to divide us.
They want us to pay for abortions so they can rub it in our faces.
I've always been against it....but I believe it's up to each person to decide whether they're going to commit murder or not just to maintain a loose sexual lifestyle.
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So you troll the thread and prove my point for me?
Thank You Very Much. :muahaha:
Their fear is so deliciously palpable, like the chocolate coating on a dipped cone at DQ -- you can't wait to bite into it and feel it crack and flood your mouth with ice creamy goodness.

This Sums Up What The Democrat Party Is Today......Nothing But Liars And Troublemakers​

And WE Conservatives are how this all happened.
And this sums up what the Conservative Republican party has always been................which is worse?

Easy now...I side with Conservatives, I vote with Conservatives BUT they are the most nutless, spinless, big mouth pieces of shit that ever were. Come on man...they didn’t have the balls to keep heterosexual white Christians cool in a nation founded, built, run and funded by heterosexual white Christians. The Left has owned their sackless asses for decades....Sad but true.
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