THIS should be the focus of BLM

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City

These are the BLACK LIVES THAT MATTER, the one year olds....the 7 year olds, not the damn thugs that they violently protest for when their life choices lead to their inevitable deaths.
We all have choices to make in life. Some choose wisely some don't. Stop exalting the ones who don't and start protecting the ones who have yet had the opportunity to make those choices. Show them that they don't have to run the streets. Show them that "BLM" via compassion and guidance. Otherwise the thugs will gobble them up as pawns in their criminal enterprises.
If blm was about the "concerns" for black people, and if they weren't marxist useful idiots there to ONLY DESTABILIZE this capitalist country, they would focus on such matters.

Defected kgb agent explaining who the useful idiots are.

Our civil rights leaders and college professors in this country.

Only fun time for us when they finally get their marxism and marxists truly take over is watching them lined up on a wall and shot. After their usefulness is finished.

These are the BLACK LIVES THAT MATTER, the one year olds....the 7 year olds, not the damn thugs that they violently protest for when their life choices lead to their inevitable deaths.
We all have choices to make in life. Some choose wisely some don't. Stop exalting the ones who don't and start protecting the ones who have yet had the opportunity to make those choices. Show them that they don't have to run the streets. Show them that "BLM" via compassion and guidance. Otherwise the thugs will gobble them up as pawns in their criminal enterprises.

It is an age old political trick to give false labels to things. Countries do it, hence North Koreas name Democratic People's Republic of Korea. Politicians do it, hence Biden calling reparations "infrastructure."

Organizations do it.
"NOW" is not really about women, and BLM is not really about black lives. These are all front groups for the extreme left pushing democrat policies. Thats all they are.
These are the BLACK LIVES THAT MATTER, the one year olds....the 7 year olds, not the damn thugs that they violently protest for when their life choices lead to their inevitable deaths.
We all have choices to make in life. Some choose wisely some don't. Stop exalting the ones who don't and start protecting the ones who have yet had the opportunity to make those choices. Show them that they don't have to run the streets. Show them that "BLM" via compassion and guidance. Otherwise the thugs will gobble them up as pawns in their criminal enterprises.
I have been saying for decades that if I were head of a family, regardless of ethnicity, I would do everything I could to move out of an ultra-violent neighborhood and into an apartment in a decent neighborhood. It might be a cheap, one room apartment, I'd just get out of the violent neighborhood.
These are the BLACK LIVES THAT MATTER, the one year olds....the 7 year olds, not the damn thugs that they violently protest for when their life choices lead to their inevitable deaths.
We all have choices to make in life. Some choose wisely some don't. Stop exalting the ones who don't and start protecting the ones who have yet had the opportunity to make those choices. Show them that they don't have to run the streets. Show them that "BLM" via compassion and guidance. Otherwise the thugs will gobble them up as pawns in their criminal enterprises.
I have been saying for decades that if I were head of a family, regardless of ethnicity, I would do everything I could to move out of an ultra-violent neighborhood and into an apartment in a decent neighborhood. It might be a cheap, one room apartment, I'd just get out of the violent neighborhood.
Every single black that becomes successful sure move out.

Yeah, especially the rappers who yell and rhyme how much they hate pale face..

Yet, when THOSE PEOPLE make their loot, screaming about "fighting the power" move to Malibu (where it 99% pale face) buy Bentleys, and move far far away from the black.


Sort of like how none of THEM ever flee this country that is persecuting them for 250 years. You know, like how when people flee countries where they are ACTUALLY PERSECUTED?
Blacks "don't give a fuck" about the kids being killed in their "Hood"
Well, what makes you think whites care about all the whites being killed?

Very insightful. Thanks for chiming in.
Well, that's their way of admitting that blm indeed doesn't care about the blacks by saying...."but but but, pale face doesn't care about pale face EITHER..."

He is admitting it and the main reason you don't see most of hypocritical fossil fuel consumers in this thread, is because they really don't have anything.

They never do, know what I am saying.
There's nothing like a bunch of white racists telling black folks how to think and act...

Been going on for a couple hundred years

These are the BLACK LIVES THAT MATTER, the one year olds....the 7 year olds, not the damn thugs that they violently protest for when their life choices lead to their inevitable deaths.
We all have choices to make in life. Some choose wisely some don't. Stop exalting the ones who don't and start protecting the ones who have yet had the opportunity to make those choices. Show them that they don't have to run the streets. Show them that "BLM" via compassion and guidance. Otherwise the thugs will gobble them up as pawns in their criminal enterprises.

here ya go, the answer is here:

Black lives don't matter though, atleast no more than anyone else's.

Can you imagine if I started a white lives matter mob?

What black lives matter needs to do is shut up and go away if they want to end racism. Constantly bringing it up and keeping it on everyone's mind won't make it go away. If they would just shut up and act like people they would be treated better. All they are doing it perpetuating the problem and in some ways making it worse.

I never used to be racist. But between BLM and antifa and all the other people constantly bring it up and making it such an in your face issue they are starting to make me be racist because I'm sick of it.
Black lives don't matter though, atleast no more than anyone else's.

Can you imagine if I started a white lives matter mob?

What black lives matter needs to do is shut up and go away if they want to end racism. Constantly bringing it up and keeping it on everyone's mind won't make it go away. If they would just shut up and act like people they would be treated better. All they are doing it perpetuating the problem and in some ways making it worse.

I never used to be racist. But between BLM and antifa and all the other people constantly bring it up and making it such an in your face issue they are starting to make me be racist because I'm sick of it.
They don't need to go away. They need to target democrat city slums, the politicians running them and the families in those areas.
Black lives don't matter though, atleast no more than anyone else's.

Can you imagine if I started a white lives matter mob?

What black lives matter needs to do is shut up and go away if they want to end racism. Constantly bringing it up and keeping it on everyone's mind won't make it go away. If they would just shut up and act like people they would be treated better. All they are doing it perpetuating the problem and in some ways making it worse.

I never used to be racist. But between BLM and antifa and all the other people constantly bring it up and making it such an in your face issue they are starting to make me be racist because I'm sick of it.
They don't need to go away. They need to target democrat city slums, the politicians running them and the families in those areas.
The contemporary racial problems in the U.S., and most other multi-racial countries, is an unwillingness to have full racial assimilation. Sixty or 70 years ago the goal was to achieve a "melting pot" social structure. Somewhere about 30 or 40 years ago that was rejected by a majority of blacks and also a high percentage of whites. Instead, the desire was to maintain race-based cultures. Different cultures invariably have different priorities, goals and values. That, in turn, leads to cultural differences in income, employment and even things like incarceration. That dynamic should be explained to people because most are unaware of it.

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