Gold Member
We have strange things happening in this election.
1) We have Bernie Sanders, a candidate who openly describes himself as "Socialist" running for President. In the past, in the USA, a Socialist candidate would have been shouted down due to the history of horrors and massacres the Socialists cause when they come to power. What we have seen is the passage of a very unpopular fascist law, Obamacare, and a very large part of the population actually working hard toward empowering Sanders.
2) We have seen Donald Trump emerge as the Republican candidate. A person who knows the Clintons and was told by Bill Clinton himself, to run for President. Trump is on record as opposing many Republican principles, but is now the first Republican candidate in modern history to fully embrace the will of the Republican voters. (Let's remember that Jeb Bush said he would be the Republican candidate, and ignore the Republican voters)
Let's analyze the symbolism of this for a second.
If the candidates are Sanders vs. Trump, we have Socialism vs. Capitalism.
Trump being the wealthy outsider, and Sanders being the behind-the-scenes government insider. They say Sanders "Can't win" , but Bernie Sanders said "Stranger things have happened in elections", which may be an indication he knows he will win no matter how people vote.
A couple years ago Nevada changed their electoral map, which they said will favor Democrats. Nevada's Clark county is where Las Vegas is, and is where the rich reside, and is the only county that votes Democrat. Nevada is a swing state. There might have been changes in one or two other swing states. In-other-words it might be impossible for the Republicans to win this election, due to Democrat gerrymandering. The Democrats may have been preparing for this election due to the fact they said they want to "Preserve Obama's legacy". Being the first black President, they don't want Obama disgraced in any way, or have his policies overturned. They are more concerned with what the history book will say about Obama than they are with what the public wants.
If Sanders wins the presidency (through gerrymandering) , and up to 5 Supreme Court justices are chosen, they may as well just declare Socialism the winner and sht-can Democracy.
This first indication the country has flipped Socialist. You'll see other Socialist supporters being "purged" , jailed or even executed.
1) We have Bernie Sanders, a candidate who openly describes himself as "Socialist" running for President. In the past, in the USA, a Socialist candidate would have been shouted down due to the history of horrors and massacres the Socialists cause when they come to power. What we have seen is the passage of a very unpopular fascist law, Obamacare, and a very large part of the population actually working hard toward empowering Sanders.
2) We have seen Donald Trump emerge as the Republican candidate. A person who knows the Clintons and was told by Bill Clinton himself, to run for President. Trump is on record as opposing many Republican principles, but is now the first Republican candidate in modern history to fully embrace the will of the Republican voters. (Let's remember that Jeb Bush said he would be the Republican candidate, and ignore the Republican voters)
Let's analyze the symbolism of this for a second.
If the candidates are Sanders vs. Trump, we have Socialism vs. Capitalism.
Trump being the wealthy outsider, and Sanders being the behind-the-scenes government insider. They say Sanders "Can't win" , but Bernie Sanders said "Stranger things have happened in elections", which may be an indication he knows he will win no matter how people vote.
A couple years ago Nevada changed their electoral map, which they said will favor Democrats. Nevada's Clark county is where Las Vegas is, and is where the rich reside, and is the only county that votes Democrat. Nevada is a swing state. There might have been changes in one or two other swing states. In-other-words it might be impossible for the Republicans to win this election, due to Democrat gerrymandering. The Democrats may have been preparing for this election due to the fact they said they want to "Preserve Obama's legacy". Being the first black President, they don't want Obama disgraced in any way, or have his policies overturned. They are more concerned with what the history book will say about Obama than they are with what the public wants.
If Sanders wins the presidency (through gerrymandering) , and up to 5 Supreme Court justices are chosen, they may as well just declare Socialism the winner and sht-can Democracy.
This first indication the country has flipped Socialist. You'll see other Socialist supporters being "purged" , jailed or even executed.