This letter will not be printed.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
Older people like me still read newspapers though the local publication in the city I grew up in long ago ceased to print any letters I send to it. That paper is on its last legs and it prints very few letters anyway to save on ink. My guess is that the paper will go bankrupt sometime in the next decade. I keep putting my thoughts out there because you can never give up on free speech and I will put this on Substack eventually with the actual name of the city prominently displayed. I do this for historical reasons because future readers need to know that everyone was not under the spell that is destroying America.

Here is the letter that will not be printed:

Some people have no idea what really happened in America’s 2020 presidential election. They have heard of John Durham, but they have been told by media that he is just another lackey of the former president, and they are instructed to ignore any findings from his report. Unfortunately, many will obey, and Washington will succeed in covering up for Hillary Clinton, the actual source of the bizarre, false allegations that Donald Trump was a Russian spy. Incredibly, these people will not suddenly begin using reason to figure out that if Washington was lying about Russian collusion, it was probably lying about everything else. Like egg-sucking dogs on a farm, this pathetic faction of the population will go to their graves salivating and ranting about Orange Man Bad. The damage to the thinking mind by a national election using the US Postal Service to overthrow the will of the people with mail-in fraudulent votes is incurable and a testament to the power of propaganda.

Lucky for the rest of us, there are fewer of these people left as the entire picture is illuminated and history is written. That history is not going to look kindly on cities like the one where I grew up. Someday students of history are going to look at small cities like this as ask, what made these people so stupid? Were they not aware that they were living in the freest country in world? Did they not pay attention in school when they were taught about the dangers of central planning that enslaved the people of the former Soviet Union for seven decades?

Do the people of this city not understand the importance of a national border? One wonders what is blinding them to the growing tsunami of invited interlopers into our society to replace unruly voters that refuse to play ball with Washington. What do they think when Washington is offering guaranteed winning lottery tickets of $450,000 to foreigners invading our territory with child benefits that expand the windfall to over a million? The American people were not cooperative when Donald Trump was elected so Washington is paying new replacements to poison the well. It is right there in front of them, and they can’t see it.

The city has a college, a newspaper, and a radio station that has been damaging brains for too long. I am deeply ashamed of that city. But at least I know what is happening.

Older people like me still read newspapers though the local publication in the city I grew up in long ago ceased to print any letters I send to it.

lol the jokes will write themselves here.
Older people like me still read newspapers though the local publication in the city I grew up in long ago ceased to print any letters I send to it.

lol the jokes will write themselves here.
The important question is, who is the joke on?
Only the people on the right know who John Durham is.

Independents and Democrats don't.
You have to stay true to yourself even if you find yourself alone. It is the only thing that is really worth anything. If you see no new clothes on the emperor, you have to say it. Eventually they will listen.
Your Letter to the Editor will be filed with all the other letters from crackpots
Biden’s proposed $450,000 payouts to families of illegal immigrants raises an interesting question: Shouldn’t the families fractured by the policies of the Great Society be compensated for the lack of fatherhood that resulted from punishing single mothers who did not evict the father from the household? Shouldn’t the millions of children, many of them black, each receive a $450,000 payout for being separated from fathers and growing up in in broken homes? How about first in time, first in line? If government is now responsible to compensate citizens for enforcing bad policy, shouldn’t it start with its own domestic population?

Instead, by incentivizing government funding of single mothers who did not marry the fathers of their children, and by expanding the panoply of welfare state programs to Americans who were already experiencing serious stress and hardship, a series of significant problems became an unstoppable conflagration often referred to as a tangle of pathologies.
Millions of Americans were soon engulfed in permanent chaos and dysfunction. Major metropolitan areas were comprised of block upon block of victimized children, broken families, and shattered lives.
A plague of fatherlessness ensued, leading to nearly 72 percent of all American black children being born without married parents by 2015. Marriage had become a rare and distant thing.
Older people like me still read newspapers though the local publication in the city I grew up in long ago ceased to print any letters I send to it. That paper is on its last legs and it prints very few letters anyway to save on ink. My guess is that the paper will go bankrupt sometime in the next decade. I keep putting my thoughts out there because you can never give up on free speech and I will put this on Substack eventually with the actual name of the city prominently displayed. I do this for historical reasons because future readers need to know that everyone was not under the spell that is destroying America.

Here is the letter that will not be printed:

Some people have no idea what really happened in America’s 2020 presidential election. They have heard of John Durham, but they have been told by media that he is just another lackey of the former president, and they are instructed to ignore any findings from his report. Unfortunately, many will obey, and Washington will succeed in covering up for Hillary Clinton, the actual source of the bizarre, false allegations that Donald Trump was a Russian spy. Incredibly, these people will not suddenly begin using reason to figure out that if Washington was lying about Russian collusion, it was probably lying about everything else. Like egg-sucking dogs on a farm, this pathetic faction of the population will go to their graves salivating and ranting about Orange Man Bad. The damage to the thinking mind by a national election using the US Postal Service to overthrow the will of the people with mail-in fraudulent votes is incurable and a testament to the power of propaganda.

Lucky for the rest of us, there are fewer of these people left as the entire picture is illuminated and history is written. That history is not going to look kindly on cities like the one where I grew up. Someday students of history are going to look at small cities like this as ask, what made these people so stupid? Were they not aware that they were living in the freest country in world? Did they not pay attention in school when they were taught about the dangers of central planning that enslaved the people of the former Soviet Union for seven decades?

Do the people of this city not understand the importance of a national border? One wonders what is blinding them to the growing tsunami of invited interlopers into our society to replace unruly voters that refuse to play ball with Washington. What do they think when Washington is offering guaranteed winning lottery tickets of $450,000 to foreigners invading our territory with child benefits that expand the windfall to over a million? The American people were not cooperative when Donald Trump was elected so Washington is paying new replacements to poison the well. It is right there in front of them, and they can’t see it.

The city has a college, a newspaper, and a radio station that has been damaging brains for too long. I am deeply ashamed of that city. But at least I know what is happening.

Conservatives are conservative by Nature but in the political arena there is a limit

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